Read From This Moment Online

Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

From This Moment (21 page)

BOOK: From This Moment
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>“Tha size="+0">“I’ll be in touch.
  Take care Rona.  Catch you later Cade,” he says, on his way out the door.


“Nice meeting you Rona, take care of yourself.”
  Josh offers me his hand to shake and passes me a business card. “If you should have any more problems or hear from Nick please call me.... anytime.”


“Thank you, I will.”


“I’ll make sure we get in touch if anything else occurs,” Cade says, maybe a little bit ruffled.


After Josh leaves, I look at Cade, “What was that?”
  I ask him.


“He’s a good looking guy, around the same age as you.”


Laughing, “You can’t be serious, I love you and you alone, you idiot.  Now just come and hold me.”  He stands looking at me.


After going through it all again, I just want to curl up and sleep with Cade.
  Looking at him, he looks ill.  “Honey, come here.”   He moves to sit on the sofa, where I’m lying, “Cade.”  I pull him in close for a kiss.  “I love you, I’m going to have a bit of a sleep.  I want you to go and have something to eat.”  I tell him, smelling something delectable coming out of the kitchen.


“What about you?”


“I’ll try something after I’ve slept.  I promise.”  Lying back on the sofa, I close my eyes and hope Cade will eat.


~~ Cade ~~


Hell, watching Rona sleep I can’t bring myself to leave her just yet.  It’s eight at night, but I feel drained.


 Anna whispers.


She’s standing next to me, “Anna, heck of a day, huh?” I run my fingers through my hair.


“Dad, she’s okay now.  You need to eat.”


“That’s what Rona said.”
  Looking at her, she looks worn out too.


Holding my arms out to her, “Come here honey.”
  She walks straight into my arms and hugs me as hard as I’m hugging her.  “I needed that Anna.”


“Please come and eat dad.
 I need to get home, but I can’t leave until I know you’re okay.”


“Alright, it sure smells good.
  Thanks for doing this.  Rona w.&n>


Moving to the dining table which Anna has organized, I sit down and eat chicken casserole and dumplings.
  Anna keeps an eye on me from the kitchen.  After dinner, I talk to Jake to see how they’re doing and try telling him that Rona will be okay, trying to believe it myself.


Going back to the lounge, I sit down on the end of the sofa where Rona sleeps softly.
  I need to wake her.  I don’t want to take her to bed without a small amount of food inside her.  I worry, she hasn’t eaten since breakfast.  I gently wake her up and manage to persuade her to eat some casserole, before carrying her up to bed.


“Cade, I need the bathroom.”
  Changing direction, I carry her to the bathroom, not quite knowing what to do when we get there.  “Just put me down in front of the sink, and stay while I take a few steps.”


ake it easy.”  Letting her go isn’t easy, neither is watching her struggle, but she manages just fine.


“I’ll be fine now.
  Just leave the door slightly open.”


“Okay love.”
 I kiss her tenderly and leave her alone in the bathroom.


She’s been in there for about five minutes when I hear the shower.
  I shoot off the bed to see what she’s up to, and there she is, naked as the day she was born, in the shower.


“Cade, I know you’re there.
  You going to soap me up?”


Shit, how the hell am I supposed to survive this?


“Cade, I’m serious.  I’m getting too tired and my hip hurts.”  She’s using the seat for support.


I strip down and enter the shower and thought I was doing well, until she gives me a very thorough once over which provokes my enormous erection.
  “Ignore him; he gets like that every time he sees you naked.”


“If I wasn’t in pain I’d do something about it.”
  She strokes me as I walk to help her up.


“Don’t touch, I’m helping only.
  I actually do mean it this time.  You’re in too much pain to take me tonight.”


Keeping a grip onto her isn’t too easy, because she’s all slippery with soap.
  Her breasts with hardened nipples keep r
ubbing against my chest which is playing hell with my libido.


“Cade, I think this I st wis a bad idea, you’re going to be frustrated as hell.”


“I’ll survive.  Come on let’s get the soap washed off, we both need a good night’s sleep.”


After barely surviving the shower, I finally get us both out and in to bed without too much pain – on both our parts.


Rona slips into my arms as soon as we’re in bed.  Shutting her eyes, she’s out for the count.  I’m not too far behind.

Chapter 15

~~ Rona ~~


The following morning, I can hardly move.
  My hip and thigh are throbbing and the rest of my body feels stiff and sore.  Trying to move, I moan in pain, waking Cade.


We hadn’t had a good night’s sleep.
  I kept waking up, as did Cade.  The last time he was up for me was about four in the morning, when he brought me some more painkillers.  It’s now ten thirty and my stomach is growling for food.


“Morning love, how are you feeling?” Cade turns on his side to look at me.


“Stiff.”  I reply rolling over onto my good side.  I put my hand on his chest.


“You’re not the only one.”
  I smooth my hand down and stroke his very stiff erection.


  “Love, you really need to stop.  I’m not sure how long I can go before ravishing you.  I want you so god damn much; it’s been killing me all night.”


“I want you too, but all I can move is my right arm.”
 I grin.  “So there is no point us both suffering.”  I return my hand to his penis.  Moving my fingers over the weeping head, all the way down to his balls.  I lightly squeeze them.  I tighten my hold around him and start moving my hand up and down.  He kicks the bed covers off.  “Christ, this won’t last long.”  He chokes out.


“Kiss me,” I whisper.
  Our lips meet in a soft light kiss.  I get impatient and press harder against his lips, opening my mouth.  I want a very hot, wet tongue tango, which is what I get while continuing to stroke his shaft.  Moving my hand, I swipe the tip with my thumb, before going back down to the root of him.  I let my other hand drift down to his balls.  He shivers.  I stroke down between his legs, as Cade breaks the kiss and comes over both our stomachs.  He groans – loudly.  Finishing, he brings my face back to his for another soul shattering kiss.


“You take my breath away love.
  G I stmy otherod, you make me feel like a teenager.  I can’t hold back, the minute you put your hands or mouth on me has me ready to explode.... please tell me I didn’t hurt you?” he asks, while caressing my face and my swollen cheek bone.


“You really didn’t hurt me.
  I love what I do to you.”


“Let me go and get a cloth to clean us both up.”


As he climbs out of bed and heads towards the bathroom, I have a wonderful view of his naked body.  All muscle.  I love looking at his rear and when he turns around and heads back, I have an amazing view of his six pack and fully erect penis.  I move my eyes upwards, meeting his sparkling green eyes.


“How can you be ready to go again?”


He laughs.  “The slightest glance from you has me in this condition.  Plus, I really need to make love to you, which is not happening anytime soon.”


Climbing back on the bed, with a wash cloth and a towel, Cade cleans me up then tosses them back into the bathroom.
  Lying back down with me he places a kiss on my forehead, “Do you want to stay in bed and I’ll bring you breakfast?”


I kiss him.
 “No, I want to come downstairs and be with you.”


“Love, I was planning on staying here with you.”


“Thank you, but I’ll be better if I don’t lounge around too much, I think.  Plus, I can hear activity downstairs.”


o you want some comfortable clothes?”


Smiling, I kiss him again, “I love you and yes please.”


~~ Cade ~~


Rona, I discover, is one stubborn woman.
  After taking some more painkillers, I help her dress.  She refuses to have me carry her around.  I certainly don’t mind; I love having her close in my arms.


At the top of the stairs she does give in and lets me carry her down, but insists on walking again once at the bottom.


We make slow progress, but finally manage to arrive at the dining table where she sits.


Before I can say anything, Jake is at her side taking her hands, “Are you okay?
  We were really worried about you.” 


“Come here.
 I could really do with a hug.”  Jake kneels down as he hugs Rona.


“Elise and Beth made breakfast, so I brought it over for you and Dad.”
 Jake sounds a bit choked.


“Thank you for caring about me and for breakfast.”
  Then she looks at me, “Your dad could do with a rest, he went through it as well.”


“I hear you.
  Dad sit with Rona.  I’ll bring everything over.”


“How’s Elise?”
  Rona asks trying to get comfortable.


“She blames herself for what happened to you. I was trying to get her to come with me, but she thought you wouldn’t want to see her.”
  He shrugs.


“God Jake, the ones I blame
are Tom and Nick.  I’m really glad no one else was here, because they had a gun and could have used it on anyone.”  Pausing, “I think if Elise had been here, he would have used the gun on anyone in his way, except maybe me.  Nick wanted money, after that, who knows what they would have done to me.” I shudder.  Cade takes hold of my hand.  “Please tell Elise I don’t blame her and I would love to see my friend.”


“You’re a good friend Rona and I’m glad my dad has found you.
  Dad, don’t let her go.”  He kisses my cheek.


“She isn’t going anywhere, unless it’s with me.”


“Guys, here’s breakfast.”  Jake puts the tray of food down on the table.


“This looks good.” 
Just as the words leave my mouth, Rona’s stomach growls.


Laughing at her, “Guess your appetite is back.”
  I pass her a blueberry muffin along with a cup of coffee.


“Yum, this looks delicious.
  I’m rather hungry now.”

BOOK: From This Moment
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