From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology) (3 page)

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Authors: M.B Feeney,et al L.J. Harris

BOOK: From the Heart (A Valentine's Day Anthology)
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Chapter Four:



I’m such a dickless wonder.

In everything other aspect of my life, I’d always been able to set a goal, and achieve it. The exception to that rule was when it came to me having sex with Maisie. I knew why. I was terrified I’d be no good in the sack. I loved her and wanted the experience to be perfect for her as well as me. That was a lot of pressure, and it was making me tense.


"You know, dude, you're beginning to freak me out, anyone would think you were headed for the gallows instead of getting ready to make sweet, sweet love to your woman." Taking a sip of his beer, Connor watched me pace the floor of our new dorm room; His attempt at humor did little to help calm me down.


“Shut up.” I clenched my fists in frustration as I paced the room faster.


My friend and roommate was an easygoing shit. Ready with a laugh and a joke whenever the going got tough, he was one of those
really annoying
guys who, no matter the situation, never showed a hint of anger or frustration. Right now, his all-too-casual attitude was beginning to piss me off.


I had to admit if the roles were reversed, I’d probably have been giving Connor hell, since tormenting him happened to be one of my favorite pastimes. Didn’t mean I had to like him doing it to me, though, because if there was one person in the world who had no idea what I was going through, it was Connor. From what he’d said, not once had he been a failure in bed, and considering he got laid more often than I changed my underwear, I tended to believe him. Sometimes I envied the guy. I mean, he had no performance anxiety whatsoever.


"You sure you don't want a drink, bro?" Connor raised his beer and glanced toward the small fridge that sat between our unmade beds. 


"Positive." My pacing was on the verge of a sprint. I was so wired it was as if I’d drunk a hundred cups of coffee. Even though a beer or five would probably have helped calm my nerves, I feared I wouldn’t stop at one. I wasn’t about to get so shitfaced that I wouldn’t be able to get it up when I was called for action.


"You know, it's not a bad thing, what you're doing with Maisie tonight. In fact, you might even find it quite pleasurable." Connor winked and took another swig of his beer.


“It’s not me I’m worried about, dickwad.” I wrung my hands together, palms sweaty, and continued to pace.


Connor carried on speaking as if I hadn’t said anything. "And like I told you, make her come, and you can’t go wrong. Like when I first lost my v-card with Rebecca at my graduation party. We were both so hot for each other, it was off the charts. And God, when I ate her out that first time, she tasted like . . ."


Stopping in my tracks, I turned and glared at him. “I know, man. You already told me this story, like a hundred times.”


"Damn, okay. Hold on, I didn’t tell you what happened when I hooked up with that girl I met last week, did I?”


“Fortunately, no.”


Of course my sarcastic comment went right over his head and he grinned, triumphant. “Now, what was her name again?” Still smiling, he clicked his fingers a couple of times before the light bulb went off. “Linda, that’s it. Anyways, when Linda answered the door dressed in this all in one teddy that was like a second skin, I damn near came on the spot. Christ, she looked good. And when she got down on her knees and sucked me off, and shoved her fingers up my . . ."


I raised a hand. “TMI, man!” I was damned if I was going to listen to another kinky sex story about Connor and some random chick.


“Fine, but it’s your loss.” With a disappointed shake of his head, he huffed.


Ignoring him, I set about the task of making my bed, then collected the empty beer bottles and old take-out containers scattered around the room before tossing them in the trash. It wasn’t long before I was pacing again.


Connor watched me in silence for a few beats. Before I knew what was happening, I caught movement from the corner of my eye and he’d grabbed me from behind. We wrestled for a brief moment he had me pinned to the floor face-first, arms bent and pushed hard against the small of my back.


“You’re not allowed to move again until you chill the fuck out.” Connor announced in a tense whisper to my ear. I let out a pained grunt. It was going to be one hell of a long afternoon . . .


:: ::


Later in the day, after I managed to talk Connor out of ordering a garlic laden pizza, I took a long, hot shower. As I stood under the scalding water, my mind wandered back to what Connor had said. Maisie and I had done everything aside from full-blown sex. Oral . . . well it was one of those things we
attempted, but as she didn’t . . . well, maybe I wasn’t doing it quite right. Of course I knew the mechanics—why wouldn’t I, with internet porn and a friend like Connor Bradley around? Maybe it was a matter of practice. I shivered as the water ran cold. It was time for me to get dressed and take the long drive to the summer house.


My parents were on their second honeymoon in the Bahamas, and Cate was going to a party with Eli on the other side of the lake, so we’d have the place to ourselves.


I was relieved when Connor left me alone to get ready for a blind date, and made the most of the quiet, with only some soft background music to keep me from going crazy with nerves. I gave myself the usual check in the mirror and patted my pocket. Earlier in the week, I’d been out to buy a small gift for Maisie that I'd had my eye on for a while, and I couldn’t wait to give it to her. The only thing left to do was make a quick stop on the way to buy a box of condoms.


Grabbing my keys, I locked the door behind me. As I got in the car and turned on the engine, I took a deep breath and smiled. I was going to give my girl the night of her life.




Chapter Five:



Since I couldn’t cook to save my life, Cate and I arrived at the lake house a few hours early so she’d have time to prepare our dinner before getting ready for her date with Eli. Heading to one of the guest rooms to change, I gave myself a quick once over when I was done, and smiled when I saw how good I looked. But when I walked into the lounge and discovered someone had been more than a little busy in my absence, my already pounding heart began to race. Cate had lit a ridiculous amount of candles and had started the fire before she’d left.


Talk about romantic.


I checked the time on my phone, which sat charging on the small antique coffee table right next to one of the crimson, leather recliners, and sank my body into the cool plushness before staring out the window. He was late. Thomas knew I hated it when anyone was late, but tonight of all nights? I glanced at the phone once more and bit my lip, wondering if I should call him, the worry that something was wrong taking over for a moment.


“Get a grip, Maisie. He’s probably stuck in traffic, that’s all.” With a firm shake of my head, I glanced around the room once more. That was when I spotted a paper bag sitting on the mantle, with my name written on the side. Oh hell, what had Catherine done now? I scrambled to my feet and ran across the room to grab the bag, digging through the mound of tissue paper within before I found what I was searching for.


"What the hell, Cate . . .
sex dice
?" I muttered, snorting out a laugh. At least it wasn't a joke-sized dildo, something I’d seen her give to other friends on special occasions. My phone rang, startling me, and without thinking, I shoved the dice down the side of the chair cushion before picking up the phone and checking the caller ID.


"Thomas, thank God." Bottom lip quivering, tears began to sting my eyes and all of a sudden, I was shaking.


"Jesus Maisie, are you okay?"


I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Yes. No. I don’t know. Where are you?" I braced myself for the worst.


"Well . . . um . . .  I had to stop by the drug store and pick up some rubbers, and it’s taking me a little longer than I thought. I had no idea there were so many to choose from."


As my heart rejoiced, I felt a broad smile break out across my face. "Oh, okay. For a second there I thought you might’ve changed your mind.”


"Changed my mind? Are you kidding? Babe, wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”
God I loved how his already husky voice always deepened further when he was turned on, and it gave me an idea.


"I’m glad to hear that, because it would be such a waste since I shaved and everything. And I’m not just talking about my legs.”


Tom groaned.
"Oh, babe. Do you know what hearing that makes me want to do to you?"


Breaths quickening with anticipation I held my hand over my heart and swallowed a large gulp of air. I'd never heard him talk like this before.


"No, but I’d sure like to find out," I spoke in what I hoped was a low, sultry voice. Throwing my head back, I closed my eyes and began to massage my breasts before reaching under my bra and pinching one, then the other, rock-hard nipple.


"Well let me give you a hint. I'm gonna kiss you till you’re out of breath, then lay you on the floor next to that huge fireplace and suck your clit until you can't stand it anymore.”
His tone was filled with lust.


"Hmmm . . . Tom . . ." I clenched my legs together, the ache I felt for him acute.


Suddenly I heard a commotion.
"Hey, you pervert!"
yelled a woman's voice in the background.
"Quit jacking off in my store before I call the cops."


"Shit. I’ve been busted, babe. I’ll see you soon.”
He sounded more than frustrated as he ended the call in a hurry.


"I can’t wait,” I muttered to myself, grinning from ear to ear.


:: ::


I couldn't stop laughing as I imagined the look of horror on Tom’s face once he’d been caught touching himself in the condom aisle. For the most part, he acted like nothing much ruffled him, but I knew the truth.


Checking on the delicious smelling lasagna Cate had left on a low heat in the oven as I uncorked a bottle of wine she’d left on the counter. Neither Tom nor I drank all that much, but a little alcohol might help put us at ease.


Just as I pulled two glasses out of the cupboard, the doorbell rang. It was something Thomas had insisted on to make sure I felt relaxed and in control. When he’d suggested it, I’d been unable to speak through my happy tears which had scared him until I managed to find my voice and explain how much it meant to me—the way he always put my feelings and intentions before his own.


My breath caught and my heart rate rose as I let him in. Whenever I saw him, I was always taken in by how handsome he was, but tonight, he looked extra gorgeous. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a white button down, his cerulean blue eyes that made me feel as if I were drowning in the best way possible gazed at me. His dusty blonde hair could be deemed too long, but that always worked for me, completed the perfect picture.


"Hey babe." His smooth voice washed over me like molasses.


"Thomas." I stood to one side so he could pass me. Once I shut the door, he captured my hand and raised it to his sinfully full lips, never letting go as we walked to the kitchen hand in hand. It was only when he stopped walking and turned to face me that I realized he was holding a small grocery bag under his arm. Without a word, he set the bag on the counter and slid out a pie. I guessed it was apple considering the first time I’d ever attempted to cook for Thomas, I nearly burned down the dorms as I tried to brown the top of a an apple pie under the grill and the sugar caught fire. Ever since, he’d teased me by buying a surprise apple pie now and then; always freshly baked and delicious.


"Cate cooked, did she?" I exhaled a nervous laugh and nodded. We both knew my talents did not lie with the oven. "Smells delicious."


"It's almost ready; why don’t you go check on the fire while I start serving?" He flashed me his bone-melting, hundred-watt smile as I went to dish up Cate's glorious food. Once I'd made our meals look pretty on the warmed plates with a side order of fresh bread, I carried them into the lounge, finding that Tom had rearranged the seating so it almost looked like a den right in the middle of the room. I handed Thomas our food and sat next to him. After boldly telling him to eat up as he’d need his strength, he laughed and I felt myself beginning to relax. Every now and then, Thomas would nudge me with his elbow to catch my attention. When I would look up at him, he would make me laugh by crossing his eyes.


I knew it was all to put me at ease, and I loved him all the more because of it.


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