From Seduction to Submission (32 page)

BOOK: From Seduction to Submission
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Her head had flung back and a long “Mmmmmmmm,” escaped her taped lips.

“Put your shoes back on. We have a date… in my dungeon.” He eased her back upright before releasing her wrists and helping her locate her shoes, assisting her to maintain her balance as she put them back on. Then, spinning her around, he embraced her from behind, grasping her arms and forcing them up into a prayer like pose against her chest. He then started to slowly frog march her towards the dungeon. Natalie’s head was spinning. Just when she thought she was in a position to deal with anything he might throw her way, he comes up with something right out of left field, she thought to herself.

He kept walking her until she came hard up against what felt like a padded bench. Immediately
, she was bent over it and forced face down onto her arms. With one hand in the middle of her back to hold her there, his other hand took the waist band of her panties and eased them down over her butt and down her slender thighs.

“Step out of them.”

She did so and he used his foot to spread her legs wide before moving around to the other side of the table. She felt a rope tighten on her first wrist and it was secured, outstretched to one end of the bench. The procedure was quickly repeated with her remaining wrist before ropes were criss-crossed over her torso, holding her whole upper body firmly against the bench top. Finally, a leather cuff was attached to each ankle and secured to the corner posts of the bench. She tried to move her feet and realized she had no latitude whatsoever. She was totally helpless… open and exposed… as wet as she had ever been in her life with no idea of what was going to happen next. Again he could hear her heavy breathing through her nose as she struggled with the fact that she was unable to open her mouth… barely able to make a sound.

Standing back to admire her taut legs balanced on her high heels, he was very tempted to simply take her right there and then
. He resisted the urge as he had other plans and he was determined to play them out. When she submitted, he wanted to be sure she meant it as there would be no turning back. He delivered a single firm slap to each butt cheek. She squealed and shook her head, snorting as she did so. He watched as her butt clenched tightly and he could see her labia twitch. He smiled as a single drop of her pussy juices dripped down onto the rubber floor of the dungeon.

He grasped a handful of her hair, brought his head up beside her ear and whispered, “So where to from here, Natalie?”

Natalie could only make a few helpless grunts followed by a long groan before the fight went out of her body. She was already on a knife edge and she had no idea how much she could take. She was way past the point of being able to think logically or cohesively. Everything Sir James did to her only makes her worship him more. She needed to get control. Deep inside she knew it was all but a lost cause. If it was just a physical issue, she thought she would be able to address it, but he had an amazing hold over her brain and her brain was the center of her sexual being. She felt helpless to resist. When she thought deeply about it, she knew she did not want to resist. She was on a wild ride and she wanted to hold on tight and take it all the way to the end.

Sir James moved back around the table and stood near Natalie’s head. Reaching in and under her chest, he found her nipples, grasping them gently. His head was down near hers as he spoke.

“I am going to enjoy watching the needles go through these, Natalie, and then it will be such a pleasure to insert the barbells. I wonder how it will feel for you.”

She shook her head and there was a muffled “mmmmmffff’ emanating from her gagged mouth as he reached over and ran a finger up her labia. Bringing i
t back, he ran it under her nose, the glistening juices reflecting off the tape that was holding her mute.

“You shake your head
, Natalie, but your body is telling me a different story.”

She let out a long sigh of resignation. Despite that, she felt the need to continue to struggle against her bonds. She could not give up the fight yet.

She struggled, her butt was virtually the only part of her that could move and it swished back and forth a few times before she became still once more. She then felt the ropes on her wrists being loosened and removed before her ankles were freed. The cuffs remained attached. Then the ropes across her back were removed and Sir James helped her to her feet. Putting his finger through her collar ring he led her over to a timber and steel framed apparatus with a padded seat and back.

Gently easing her down onto the seat, she felt a strap come around her torso, just below her breasts and it was buckled up snugly, pulling her back into the padded back rest. Lifting one arm up to shoulder height, he pulled it to one side
. She felt a strap being fitted to hold her upper arm, then another closed around her wrist. This process was quickly repeated on her other arm, resulting in her being secured upright with her arms straight out to the sides. It was not a strenuous position and she could effectively relax into it as she awaited his next move.

Her blindfold was loosening and being lifted from her head
and she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times as she tried to focus. Sir James was standing directly in front of her in his latex shorts and latex top gazing at her, his face expressionless. She watched as he then spread her legs before kneeling down between them and clipping her ankle cuffs to eye bolts on the leg of the structure. He then brought another leather cuff around her legs, just above her knees. The frames to which he had fixed her legs were obviously adjustable as she watched him fiddling with them, only to find her legs being opened much wider before the frames were secured once again.

As he stood there, she noticed a little control box in his hand, like a TV remote control. He pushed down on a button
, and she heard a hiss of air and she began to slowly rise. When she was at eye level with him, the hissing stopped. Her heart was still beating wildly as she wondered what was going to happen. She thought that being able to see would make it all easier for her but she found it was the opposite.

He stepped up to her, his bulging latex crotch coming in contact with her dripping pussy
, and he gyrated his hips as he gazed into her eyes. He rubbed his finger slowly back and forth across her mouth, the sensations being transmitted through the tape to her lips. Her eyes were open wide, pleading with him as a moan escaped her. What was she pleading for? Was it escape? Was it sexual release? She had no idea. She was just pleading for him to do something… anything. His gyrations were in danger of putting her over the top yet again and just as she thought it was too late, he stopped and took a step backwards, smiling at her as she made her best attempt at a high pitched squeal followed by a moan as she shook her head.

“Soon my dear…
soon,” he said to her soothingly.

Reaching over to his left, he pulled a stainless steel surgical trolley close to him and she watched as he took some latex gloves from a container and put them on, making sure he made quite a show of working each finger into its sheath and then pulling up on the wrist band, letting it snap back into place. He then picked up a large needle and inspected it closely, holding it up to the light and bringing it closer to Natalie so she could see it clearly. Replacing it in the tray, he opened a box and withdrew a couple of small metal barbells. Before replacing them, he held them up to Natalie’s nipples to check their length and look
ed back at Natalie.

Reaching out, he teased her nipples again. She was trying desperately to stop them from responding but she knew her quest was fruitless. Her body betrayed her as it always did when she was under his control. He brought them to full hardness before he looked at them closely, determining where the needle would be inserted. Satisfied with his positioning, he moved his attention to her exposed pussy. Taking the hood of her clitoris between his fingers he stretched it and studied it. He could see Natalie’s leg muscles twitching as she tried vainly to protect herself.

Then standing up again, he reached for the tape covering her mouth. She was staring at him, wide eyed as he began to slowly peel it back at one corner, looking up and gazing into her eyes as he slowly parted the tape from her skin. When he had removed enough to be able to grip it strongly and while still gazing into her eyes, he ripped it from her face. Before she even had time to respond, he grasped her head firmly with both hands and kissed her passionately, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth.

Natalie had expected the removal to be painful and had psyched herself up for that, getting ready for the inevitable squeal as the pain hit. The feeling eventually registered after he was already kissing her
. She had little choice but to ignore it and respond to his kiss, his mouth totally covering hers and preventing her from making any noise. She realized the sensation was nowhere near as strong as she had feared and again she was simply the grateful victim of him fucking with her mind.

Just before he broke the kiss, he inserted a finger inside her and pressed the rest of his hand over her vulva, slowly moving it up and down as his finger fucked her gently. As he withdrew his face, he took great pleasure in admiring her contorted face as she dealt with his manipulations. It was not pain that was registering but exquisite ecstasy as she remained at that delicious but nearly painful edge of orgasmic bliss. He was determined she would not fall over that edge until a time of his choosing and she knew she could do nothing to change that.

“Oh God…Thank you, Sir… Thank you, Master… oh please... Master, please,” she begged.

“Say it
, Natalie. Say what you want to say. When you do finally say it, I am going to seal the deal by piercing your nipples.”

She burst into tears. “Oh fuck. Pleeease
, Master. Ohhhhhh for fuck sake, make me your slave. Pleeaase.”

“What a delightfully loving and erotic way to ask
, Natalie. And your nipples. Do you want them pierced, Natalie?” He stood with a smile on his face, gazing at her.

“Oh God, yes. If it pleases you, do it. Just do it.”

“Good girl, Natalie. That is what I wanted to hear. Now I will gag you again until they are completed. It will be better for you,” he whispered.

“Thank you
, Master,” she replied in that far away voice that demonstrated to him that she was a long way away in sub space.

This time he slipped a ball gag between her teeth, tightening it behind her head. She was looking at him through dreamy eyes as her mind drifted. He withdrew an alcohol wipe from the tray and ripped it open. She hardly registered as the cool alcohol touched her nipple and the surrounding areola. He then took the piercing needle and, holding both it and her nipple very carefully, he began pushing it through her tough flesh. It took a second or so for the pain to register but when it did, her body stiffened and she squealed loudly around her gag
. At the same time her expression changed as her face contorted with pain. Without wasting time, he took a barbell and as he withdrew the needle, he followed it back with the barbell as she squealed once again. As he screwed the ball on the end of the barbell, she looked down dreamily, noting the few spots of blood on her milky white breast and she smiled.

As he prepared to repeat the process, her head lolled backwards and made a gurgling sound that slowly morphed into a moan of pleasure. This was only broken by the squeal, not
quite as powerful this time as he forced the needle through the second nipple, again followed by the second squeal from inserting the barbell. As he was wiping away the small trail of blood from each nipple, she again looked down at them dreamily before looking up into his eyes, doing her best impression of a smile around the gag. He reached behind her head and removed it, pulling it gently from her mouth.

“Thank you
, Master,” was all she was capable of uttering as he undid the front of his latex shorts and slipped them down. The inside of his shorts were soaked as his constant excitement was obvious to see. He brought his cock back up to full strength and brought it to rest along her labia. He moved it around a little until he was ready to position its angry head against the entrance to her glistening vagina.

He entered her slowly, ensuring his hard cock was liberally lubricated with her juices. When he was inside her fully, he withdrew until only the head of his cock remained. He then slammed his cock back into her, eliciting a squeal and a grunt from Natalie. Her eyes opened wide with surprise and he began withdrawing once again. This time she was ready for him and as he filled her once again she let out and triumphant, “Oh yesssss.”

There was going to be no stopping her now and as he thrust into her for the third time and commenced a rhythmic fucking, she gasped. “Aaarrrrggghhh yes! Yes. Yes. Yes oh Master.” He could feel her pussy clench his cock as her orgasm rolled over her. Her eyes were closed and her head was tilted back. As he fucked her she was twitching and moaning and shortly he noticed a spray of liquid each time he rammed himself back into her.

His own orgasm was quickly approaching and as it hit, she could feel him releasing inside her and it only fed her own ecstasy. She nearly passed out before his thrusting slowed and eventually he stopped, his cock still buried deep inside her as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

He wasted no time in releasing her arms and she immediately wrapped them around him. As she hugged him tightly, she could feel the sensitivity in her nipples but she did not care. She never wanted to let him go. Eventually, he gently broke the embrace and released her leg and waist restraints. He then moved to one side and lifted her like a small child, carrying her to his bedroom, laying her gently on his bed and covering her with blankets. She was already beginning to shiver as he lay down beside her and drew her into him, holding her tightly.

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