From Russia With Claws (11 page)

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Authors: Jacey Conrad,Molly Harper

BOOK: From Russia With Claws
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Galina throbbed with want. She didn’t know what she wanted more, his mouth on her or his cock inside her. All she knew was that she thought she might die if he didn’t hurry it up and fuck her properly. Every touch of his lips, his hands, his tongue was making the tension at the base of her spine ratchet up another notch. She was fairly certain her head might pop off if he didn’t make her come soon.

His fingertips skimmed up to her hip, tugging at the string of her panties. His mouth followed the same path on the opposite leg, stopping when he reached the string on that side. Slowly he began to drag the lacey cloth down her body, using his teeth and fingers. Galina inhaled sharply, wondering if it were possible to spontaneously combust from lust.

When he reached her feet, Andrey looked up at her, grinning around the waistband of the black lace panties caught in his teeth. Galina’s breath caught in her throat. The look he was giving her was so…wicked. She felt her pussy throb in response and moaned low in the back of her throat.

“Andrey.” Her words strangled in her throat.

He surged up, pressing his mouth to her mound, his clever tongue spearing her. She cried out, clutching at his shoulders, back arching as he licked and teased her overheated flesh. “Oh God,” she whispered, digging her fingers into his back, not caring if she drew blood.

Stopping what he was doing, Andrey stood until he was nose to nose with her. “God has nothing to with it,” he murmured, his voice like dark thunder. Then he picked her up and threw her on the bed.

Galina licked her lips as she watched him undress. He was beautiful, all sleek flesh and lean muscle, dark hair and smoky blue eyes that pierced her to the core. Andrey stood before her, his naked body glowing in the filtered golden light from the window. Galina’s eyes devoured him, wanting to commit every part of him to memory. Her eyes lingered on his cock, wanting to feel it inside of her. He pulled a condom from his pants, unwrapped the foil pack and rolled it over his erection. Galina watched in fascination, tongue swiping over her bottom lip.

He climbed on the bed, crawling up her body slowly, kissing as he went. He lapped at her stomach, tongue swirling around her belly button. She dug her hands in his hair, trying to yank his head up to hers, but he would have none of it. He continued to take his time, his hand spanning her ribs as he worked his way up to her bra.

He nosed first one breast and then the other, nuzzling her through the lace cups. Galina felt the heat and wetness between her thighs and didn’t know whether to weep or scream in triumph when one of his fingers finally entered her. She writhed on his hand, urging him to get on with it. Andrey chuckled, biting at her nipple through the fabric and she cried out with longing. She clenched around his finger, arching into his mouth.

“Does this feel good?” he whispered, laughter in his voice.

“You know damn well it does,” she answered, alive with sensation and want.

He slid another finger inside her and moved them over her g-spot. Instantly she was arching off the bed, vision whiting out as waves of pleasure crashed over her.

“How about this?”

“Son of a…” She trailed off into a moan as the pleasure spiked deep within her, twisting up through her core and rising through her spine. She gasped as the pressure built. Her legs tightened around his hand.

“That’s not very nice,” he admonished, biting down a bit harder on her other nipple. She cried out, bucking up into his mouth again.

He pulled his fingers out of her, licking the taste of her from them. Galina tried to push herself up on her elbows, but Andrey pushed her back down. He moved against her, the head of his cock teasing against her entrance. She dropped her head back, trying to move onto him, but he held her still. He ghosted inside her, the very tip of him entering her before he pulled out again.

She hit his shoulder and growled at him. “Fuck me properly already.”

He grinned at her, hips thrusting so that he sheathed himself deep in one stroke. Galina shouted in pleasure at the stretch, the feeling of fullness deep inside of her. Andrey lifted one of her legs to the top of his shoulder, sliding in even deeper.

His hands found hers, lifting them up to the pillows at her head. Twining his fingers through hers, he set the rhythm, his hips pumping against hers as they moved together. “Andrey,” she gasped, unsure what it was she wanted to say, only knowing that this was possibly the best sex she’d had in her life. There was something in him that called to her, that attuned her to his body.

He buried his head into her neck, forcing her leg even higher, driving deeper into her. “Galya. Beautiful, Galya.”

She squeezed his hands, moving her hips to meet his thrusts, wanting everything he could give her. She felt like she’d never get enough of him: his lips, the feel of his skin against hers, the smooth hardness of his cock inside of her. As she shifted her hips, she made sure that her clit made contact with his roughness. She felt the heat inside her move like lava, filling her limbs with fire as she rushed toward her peak.

His hips moved faster, slamming into her, drawing cries from her with every stroke. Galina twisted on the bed, close now, so close that she wanted to scream. Andrey made her feel amazing, like she was going to erupt into flame like a phoenix until she was consumed and burned to ash.

Andrey lifted his head with a groan, thrusting even faster as his climax approached. His eyes were an amazing blue, and Galina leaned up to claim his mouth. Her tongue fought with his and then she had to wrench her mouth from his as her climax hit her with the force of a cruise missile. His hands clenched around hers as she thrashed, her body shuddering as everything turned to heat and light inside her. It rolled through her in waves as the muscles in her body tightened and released and tightened again with the force of it.

Crying out with her, Andrey increased his pace, pounding into her as he sought his own release. He gave one final thrust that sent her senses reeling, then he came with a hoarse shout. He fell forward on top of her, panting out as his hips slowed, then stopped.

Galina smiled, removing one of her hands from Andrey’s grasp so she could comb fingers through his dark hair. He was so beautiful, a study in contrasts: dark, crisp hair, smooth skin, pale blue eyes like cut gems. She heard him rumble sleepily against her chest, then his head lifted so he could look at her.

“Did that meet with your qualifications for a proper fucking, then?” His lips quirked into a satisfied grin.

She stretched, feeling him slip from her. “It was…adequate,” she replied, mouthing at his chin.

He rolled off of her enough to remove the condom and deposit in the wastebasket by the bed, then moved back so he lay next to her. Galina turned so they were facing each other. “Only adequate?” He pulled her over to him so they were flush against each other. “I’ll have to try harder next time.” His hands slid down the small of her back, fingers digging in to the muscles there.

Galina sighed, relaxing into his body. Already looking forward to next time, she rubbed her palms across his chest, lightly scoring it with her fingernails. She plucked at his necklace.

“What do all these mean?” she asked, touching each charm one by one.

Picking one up, he held it so she could get a better look at it. “They are Romani charms. This one wards off the evil eye.” He dropped that one and took up another. “This one brings good luck.” Another. “This one diminishes bad luck.” Another. “Protection.”

She touched the protection charm. “Do they work?”

“I’m still alive.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face. Andrey breathed in, then ducked his head to her neck. “I love the smell of me all over you.”

She laughed, relaxed and sated for what felt like the first time in ages. She would get up and leave in a few minutes, but for right now she was content to lie beside Andrey and enjoy the feel of his body against hers.

He trailed kisses up her neck, stopping to nip at the sensitive place just behind her ear. Galina felt her toes curl and heat flared once more inside her. “Mmmmmm,” she hummed, bone deep pleasure making her lazy and slow.

“Do you plan to tell me what you hoped to find out here?” His voice was low, almost a purr that sank deep into her spine.

“Aside from your bribery of a waitress so you could hand Sergei his ass—which thank you, by the way—I got a great picture of him after you were done. I didn’t find much.” She pulled away so she could watch his expression. “So you didn’t order the hit on Sergei. I believe you.” Galina rested her hands on his shoulders, brushing at the stiff hair at the nape of his neck. “What shipment did he take from you?”

Andrey went still beneath her hands. His dark brows drew down and his generous mouth turned down in a frown. “It’s not your concern, Galina.”

At his words, she rolled out of his arms, climbing out of bed. Andrey made a grab for her. “Where are you going?”

“It’s pretty obvious I’m leaving. Has the blood flow to your brain not resumed?” She rummaged on the floor, finding her still wet panties and pulling them on.

Andrey got out of bed and snatched her pants. Galina tried not to admire his body, but she wasn’t made of stone. “I would like my pants back, please.” She held her hand out for them.

“Not until we finish talking.”

“You just said it wasn’t my concern. I don’t see what else there is for us to talk about.” She kept her hand out, this time making the gimme motion.

“Why are you always so difficult?” He stood there, radiating affront, holding her pants.

“It’s my default setting. Pants. Now.”


“Fine.” She scooped up her camisole and shrugged into it, then snagged his blazer and threw that on. It wasn’t great, but it was better than walking out in just her Agent Provocateur underwear.

“You are
leaving like that.” Andrey’s voice had dropped to an angry rumble.

“You bet your fine ass I am,” she said, pulling on her heels. “And I’m sure no one will notice that I look like a sex bomb went off in my vicinity as I walk to my car
pants wearing only a
jacket. I’m sure that won’t make it back to my father
at all
.” She strode to the door, snatching her purse as she went.

Galina thought she heard Andrey say
under his breath, but she didn’t stop. She could probably make it to her car without attracting too much attention. The blazer at least covered up all the important parts.

“It was Bullet.” Galina froze where she was at Andrey’s words. “The shipment was Bullet.”

She turned on her heel slowly, letting his words sink in. “Sergei ripped off a shipment of Bullet?” At Andrey’s slight nod, she shook her head. “That man was the dumbest man in all of Dumbonia.”

Andrey cracked a smile at her turn of phrase, despite looking like he’d just swallowed a porcupine. Bullet was the street name of a powerful stimulant for werewolves, its effects akin to what cocaine did to humans. Galina had heard of it, though she never had any desire to try it herself. Bullet was a designer drug specifically created for werewolves after ordinary street drugs caused a number of unfortunate public “incidents.” The heightened were-metabolism had interacted strangely with human stimulants, processing the drugs too quickly and causing violent and unpredictable behavior. Some enterprising souls decided to capitalize on this turn of events and developed a special drug—Silver Bullet. It had been steadily released into the streets for the past six months or so.

With Andrey controlling the distribution of the drug into Seattle it was no wonder why Alexei and Sergei would want to break off a piece of that action for themselves. It explained a great deal of Andrey’s seemingly meteoric rise within the Rom’s organization, as well as his high standing with her father.

And Sergei had decided to shit on it. Thank God the man was dead or she would have killed him herself.

She thought quickly. If she could find where Sergei stashed the drugs and return them to Andrey, it would be a huge help in securing a place at the ruling table. She’d be in good with the Rom and she would have saved face for Papa before he was even aware that there was a problem. Galina was sure she could accomplish it, so long as she was careful and Alexei didn’t get wind of what she was after.

Galina met Andrey’s eyes, serious now. “What if I can find out what Sergei did with the Bullet?
involving my father. Would you support my request for a permanent place as my father’s right hand?”

Andrey’s face grew thoughtful. She could see him assessing her and the possibility of her succeeding. She would have felt better if she’d been fully dressed. She might not be projecting the proper image of professionalism, but since he was the one who’d contributed to her current state, he’d have to give her a pass.

His gaze raked her up and down, as if he were having similar thoughts. He shook his head, as if he were arguing with himself. Finally he seemed to come to a decision. “If you can do it, then yes. I’ll back you.”

Galina tried not to wilt in relief. She held out her hand so they could shake on it. Andrey took it. “Excellent,” she said. “But if you want your drugs back, I’m going to need my pants.”


Woman Who Runs with the Wolves

van following her for the past two days. She’d been able to pick out a tail since she was eight years old. The van was too new, too obvious. It wasn’t Seattle PD, which meant it was probably FBI. A redheaded woman in her late thirties usually manned the driver’s seat, while a blond man sat in the passenger side, usually hiding a long-lens camera where he thought she couldn’t see. She’d gotten close enough to them to get a scent-read just so she would know if they were nearby.

It made getting in touch with her growing list of clients a bit more difficult, but avoiding the law and covering tracks was second nature to a Sudenko. She used burner phones and messenger services to communicate to her buyers. She kept to her schedule so that nothing would seem out of the ordinary. She went to work, to Irina’s house since her sister wasn’t allowed out because of the traditional seclusion required by widows, and back to her condo. She’d gotten approval from her father to hold her buys at his compound for the security of her clients.

It did make searching for Andrey’s stolen shipment more difficult. Galina had searched the docks, and all of Sergei’s known warehouses. And after Irina had found an old message about a shipment in Sergei’s office, Galina had gone through their house and garage. She’d found nothing in his hiding places but cash.

She still needed to speak to Sergei’s old crew, check the boat slips, and go over his car, but she was afraid those would come up empty too. Which meant he’d probably already handed off the product to his boss. And searching Alexei’s place was going to be impossible.

Galina tried not to think about any of that as she walked Mr. Pleshenko to the door of Papa’s house, warmly shaking his hand. She’d secured a bust from the Estruscan period to fill the gap in his collection. She’d made delivery arrangements through her gallery—she was a silent partner—and Pleshenko had just paid her for the piece. Half a million dollars in cash sat in a case on her father’s desk. Papa had been very pleased with her work.

“Thank you again, Mr. Pleshenko,” she said as she held the door open for him. “And if I happen across anything else you might be interested in seeing, I will be sure to let you know.” Galina put a hand on his arm. “I hope I’ll see you at the museum’s donors’ ball. I’ve arranged a private showing of several visiting pieces for those interested.”

“Wouldn’t miss it, my dear,” he replied, patting her arm. He was pleased with the bust and the price he’d paid. The piece would be installed in his private gallery next week. Galina was going to oversee it herself. Just one more service she offered to her clients. “You have an exquisite eye.”

“Thank you.” She gestured to one of her father’s guards on the porch to see Pleshenko to his car. When he was safely on his way down the drive, Galina shut the door, allowing herself a brief victory shimmy. Her first real deal was done!

Wandering into the front parlor, she poured herself a club soda. She heard voices from the hallway. Her father poked his head into the room, smiling broadly when he saw her standing in front of the windows.

“Galya!” he said, as if he was surprised to see her.

Her eyes narrowed. Papa had known of her meeting with Mr. Pleshenko, so why wouldn’t he expect to see her here? Galina got her answer when Maksim Federov stepped into the room.

“I was just telling Maksim,” her father continued, as if he hadn’t planned to ambush her all along, “that we have excellent trails on the property if he was interested in going for a run. It can be hard for a wolf in the city, no?” Papa laughed, clapping Maksim on the shoulder with a heavy paw.

“I was hoping that Miss Sudenko would show me these trails,” Maksim said, his gaze settling on her chest. “It has been a long time since I was able to run as I was meant to.”

Setting her glass down, Galina crossed her arms over the objects of Maksim’s attention. Usually she didn’t mind being admired, but there was just something a touch creepy about his regard. He made her feel like she was nothing more than a body, only there to serve and entertain him.

Andrey never made her feel that way.

“Of course she will!” Papa answered for her. He took each of their elbows and led them to the front door. “Go, while it isn’t raining.”

Galina sighed. No way around it then, although she was glad to be able to shift in relative safety. She hadn’t gotten much chance to run in wolf form; it was one of the drawbacks of living downtown. And now that she had the FBI watching her, Papa’s house was the only really safe place to do it. Unfortunately there was a downside to Papa’s house.

“If you see Alexei, tell him that I need to speak with him,” her father called as they made their way across the lawn.

Galina waved to acknowledge she’d heard him, then led Maksim to the woods that bordered the house. Her father had carved out running trails for Irina years ago, but they all enjoyed using them in either form. “How often do you get to transform when you are at home?” she asked, just to have something to say.

Maksim looked at the trees, his generous mouth pulling down in distaste. “Whenever we want. We are not bound by the city or the government.”

Galina gritted her teeth. She got it, she really did. Nothing compared to Mother Russia. Did he have to be such a twit about everything? Surely there was something to his liking in Seattle. “That must be nice,” she answered.

As they approached the woods, she saw Alexei, Timur, and Vasily walking from the back side of the property. She cocked her head. There was nothing back there except the potting shed and the old guest house. What would they be doing out there? “Alexei!”

He ignored her. Opening her mouth to shout again, Maksim interrupted. “Alexei, your father wishes to speak with you!”

Turning to look at her escort, she saw that Maksim seemed eager to join her brother. When Alexei raised his hand in greeting, a huge smile split Maksim’s face. He’d never looked that happy to see her before.

“We are going for a run,” he yelled to her brother. “Come join us!”

Galina stared, at a loss for words. He liked Alexei? Maksim’s head was thrown back and there was more of a swagger to his step. She wanted to smack him. Of course, he liked Alexei; her brother was every hotheaded young idiot’s spirit animal. He was reckless, violent, and powerful. Maksim watched him with something close to adoration in his eyes.

“After I speak with my father,” Alexei said, continuing on his way to the house.

Maksim’s face fell, but he soldiered on gamely. Galina felt sorry for him for a moment, until he said, “You are lucky to have a brother like him.”

She made a noncommittal noise. This would be a short run. She didn’t want to be out here with Alexei and his two cronies. The less time she spent near him, the better it was for all concerned. And Maksim would appreciate her absence so he could further his bromance.

How on earth did Papa think this was the right man for her? Had he suffered a traumatic brain injury when she wasn’t looking?

They entered the copse of trees that Papa had planted when he and Mama had first bought the property. It was a small space of calm beauty, all dappled light and pine scent. Her father had wanted a place where his pack could undress and shift in relatively privacy.

Galina quickly stripped, placing her clothes on one of the teak benches placed in a loose semicircle around the glade. When she turned back, Maksim was staring at her naked body, a flush rising in his cheeks. That wasn’t the only thing that was rising, if the tent in his pants gave her something to go by. She triggered her change into a large white wolf, and then sat waiting for Maksim to pull himself together.

He undressed and transformed. He was umber colored in wolf form, with dark yellow eyes that glowed like amber. Maksim was smaller than she was, with less mass in his chest and haunches. He eyed her critically, as if the fact that she was larger offended him.

With a yip, she took off, pounding down the path that led deeper into the woods. Galina loved running. Wolves were built for it, able to cover many miles without needing to stop for rest. She heard Maksim scrambling to catch up to her. Slowing her pace to a lope, she turned her head to watch him run beside her.

He pulled ahead as soon as she slowed to wait for him. Galina caught up quickly, earning a snap and snarl from Maksim. She growled, hackles rising. Did he really expect her to run behind him? That was ridiculous! Putting on a burst of speed, Galina passed Maksim, swishing her tail as she passed him. She heard him snarl again, but then she was sprinting, enjoying the feel of wind rippling through her fur. Maksim could be mad at her later.

She left the trail proper, crashing through the underbrush to go deeper into the trees. The smell of wet earth and green growth filled her nose. Her paws thudded into the ground as she ran, knowing where she was even as she left the beaten path. She knew every inch of these woods. This was her second home.

A chorus of howls made her stop in her tracks. She’d recognized Alexei’s wolf voice raised in a hunting call, along with those of his men. An answering howl rose from somewhere close by. Maksim.

Fear gripped Galina with icy hands. There was only one thing they could be hunting out here since Papa didn’t have other animals roaming his property: her.

She heard bodies crashing through the trees as the other wolves caught her scent. Galina ran, planning on heading directly back to the house, but she realized that one of the other wolves was running parallel to her, blocking her flight.

Galina altered her course to go deeper into the woods where the trees were denser. It meant she couldn’t move as quickly, but the same held true for her brother and his enforcers. She hoped to double back once they’d followed her trail.

Another howl, this one very close and to her left. From behind her came another. They were trying to box her in. Galina slammed a mental door shut on the fear that flooded her mind. Her brother might want to scare her, but he’d never do anything to cause her lasting harm. Papa would never allow that.

But what if she was wrong? Could he make her death out in the woods look like some kind of accident? Would Maksim back him up in his story? Remembering the adoring look in Federov’s eyes, she was afraid the answer would be yes.

The howling grew louder, closing in on her from all sides. The attack in her garage popped into her head, and she remembered Timur’s injuries from the next day. Could Alexei have already tried to get rid of her once?

Galina ignored the fear twisting inside of her. She stopped, sitting on her haunches, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. If she didn’t act like prey, didn’t run like expected, maybe she could throw them off their game. Galina sat, waiting for them to appear.

Timur shouldered his way through the low lying brush first. Vasily circled behind her, nipping at her tail. She tossed a snarl at him over her shoulder. Alexei stalked over to her, Maksim behind him, tongue lolling out of his mouth happily. He thought this was all a joke.

Alexei growled, crowding into her space. Timur and Vasily began to circle. Galina watched them calmly, feeling the light wind ruffle her fur. The sharp musk of Alexei’s scent assaulted her nose, drowning out the more pleasant scents of pine and water heavy in the air.

His teeth snapped close to her muzzle. Galina didn’t flinch. Staring into his yellow eyes, she thought she saw a glimmer of enjoyment there. He wanted her afraid. He wanted her submissive. He hoped to show her where she belonged.

Timur went for her haunches, jaws open and slavering. Galina spun, an Alpha bark snarling up from her throat. He scrambled back, unable to resist the sound. She heard Alexei growl in warning, angry that she dared use her status in his presence. Maksim watched everything in confusion.

Galina snapped at Alexei’s front legs, forcing him to back up a step. He bared his teeth, shoulders bunching beneath the heavy grey fur. He leapt at her, hoping to bowl her over, but Galina was ready for him. They rolled, jaws still snapping. Galina broke away from her brother, circling him, her teeth bared in warning. She didn’t want to fight him, not here. Not without the proper witnesses.

She saw Timur and Vasily closing ranks behind her. Maksim stood to the side, pacing as if he wasn’t sure what to do. He was the weak link. He would be easy to get past.

Galina didn’t think. Her wolf instincts took over and her muscles bunched into a spring. Smashing into Maksim, she shoved him out of her way, and raced through the woods toward the safety of Papa’s house.

She heard Alexei and his small pack give chase. They fell into step behind her, Timur and Vasily fanning out to the side in an effort to flank her. Galina ran, pushing her body for more speed, to run as fast as she could. She sprang away, a flash of white against the brown bark of the trees. Her claws dug into the earth, propelling her forward.

Galina didn’t bother looking back. She could hear them, smashing through the undergrowth, losing all grace as they tried to catch her. But she was too fast, streaking around trees, her loping stride carrying her farther from her brother. The light changed as she approached the edge of the woods. She caught glimpses of green lawn through the breaks in the trees. She pounded over the running trails, bypassing them for a more direct route to the house.

She broke free of the tree line, skewing around to watch as Alexei, Maksim, and the rest emerged more slowly. Lungs heaving, Galina waited for them to pass before looking over to the windows of the house. She thought she saw her father staring down at her from the window, but then he pulled back, leaving nothing but a blank glass eye in the face of the house.

Shivering, Galina went to retrieve her clothes.

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