From Mangia to Murder (A Sophia Mancini ~ Little Italy Mystery) (28 page)

BOOK: From Mangia to Murder (A Sophia Mancini ~ Little Italy Mystery)
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“When you are running a private detective agency, I call it business as usual.” Judge Hellerman pointed to Burkwaite’s empty chair. “Return to your chair and silence yourself.”

Sophia glanced over to see how Charles Burkwaite liked being the lamb instead of the wolf. By the looks of it, not much at all.

Once the courtroom was silent, the judge turned back to Angelo.

“I have one simple question for you, Mr. Mancini.”

Angelo stood. His hands shook. So did hers. She kept them clenched in her lap.

“My understanding is that you successfully solved your first case--a murder case at that--and two suspects are in custody. That certainly is an impressive start. Yet now you propose to change your business plan to provide security. Why the change?”

“I decided the potential risks to my family’s welfare were greater than I initially realized. Absolutely nothing is worth putting my son, my sister, or any of my loved ones in danger.”

“Thank you, Mr. Mancini. That is all I needed to hear. I commend your priorities and wish you and your family much success with your new business plan.”

“Thank you, Your Honor.”

“Splendid.” Judge Hellerman closed the file and turned to the Burkwaites. “I see no reason for your grandson to be removed from his father’s care. He is well cared for and well loved, which is all that we can ask from any parent. I am a grandparent myself, and I sympathize with your position. However, removing this boy from his father when he’s already lost his mother is not an action I’m prepared to take.” He stood. “We will reconvene in thirty days to create a plan whereby you and your wife are able to remain a part of your grandson’s life. Barring any unforeseen or dramatic changes in the Mancini’s circumstances, that will be our final hearing on the matter.”

Moments later Sophia stood with her family in the hallway outside the courtroom. Happiness didn’t begin to describe her relief and delight at the news that Luciano would remain with them, right where he belonged. With his family.

“Grandpa, I’ll meet you back at the house.” She glanced at her new constant companion, who stood a few feet away. “And Mooch, you come to the house too. We’ve got celebrating to do and you can help.” Her invitation earned her a rare smile.

“Where are you going?” Angelo asked. “Don’t tell me you’re even thinking about--”

“I’m going to church to light a candle, so don’t start fussing at me.” She smiled at him. “If I don’t start thanking God for my many blessings, I’ll never get caught up. I won’t be long.”

Halfway down the courthouse steps, she ran into the police captain.

“Miss Mancini.” He removed his police hat and nodded.

“Captain McIntyre.”

An awkward silence hung between them while Sophia desperately tried to think of something to say. She had the feeling that he was doing the same.

He spoke first. “You’re here for your nephew’s custody hearing?”

She smiled broadly. “Yes. Thankfully it’s over and Luciano will be staying home with us.”

“Congratulations.” He smiled.

“Thank you. We couldn’t be happier.” She owed him an apology, but didn’t know where to start.

“And I heard down at the department that your brother will be opening a security firm.”

Sophia didn’t want to think about the mountain of paperwork that was stacking up to be her future. She nodded, but changed the subject.

“Eugene’s confession means he’ll be gone for a long time, is that correct?” she asked.

“It is. Three counts of attempted murder, plus the blackmail business ensures he’ll be incarcerated for many, many years.”

“And your promotion?” Sophia asked. “You’ll officially be made captain now?”

He hesitated before replying, which was just the answer she didn’t want to hear.

“As you can imagine, my higher ups were delighted the case was solved. They were less than impressed, however, that I was chasing a false lead at Vidoni’s warehouse at the time of Mrs. Acino’s apprehension.”

“I’m so sorry.” Truly she was. It had never been her intention to set him up to look bad.

“Fortunately I wasn’t fired. Apparently I’m being given another chance to prove my mettle.”

“That’s wonderful. If I can do anything to help you in any way--”

“No, thank you,” he interrupted her, looking as if she’d suggested he swim across a crocodile infested river. “I think I can make do without your help.”

“Of course you can,” Sophia agreed. “I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.”

“Well, I guess this is goodbye, Miss Mancini. Take care of yourself.” With a shy, but ever so charming, smile he ran up the steps and into the courthouse.

She watched him go, a curious disappointment edging aside her earlier joy.

She headed toward St. Catherine’s Church, walking slowly and enjoying the quiet moment alone to think. She consoled herself with the thought that even if they’d kept the detective agency open, there was no guarantee there’d have been another murder case.

After all, this was Little Italy--a happy, perfectly peaceful place to call home. It wasn’t as if a dead body would just show up out of nowhere, complete with a built-in mystery for her to solve. Really, what were the odds?







I am so very grateful to the following people who helped me achieve my goal of publishing a book I’m proud of ~ a heartfelt thank you to:

~ Laura J. Miller of
for a book cover I love.

~ Stacy Chitwood of for her amazingly detailed copy edit.

~ Alison Dasho of
for her insightful and encouraging developmental edit.

~ Chiara Zanone of
for the Italian translations – Grazie mille.

~ Kat Wells, author, friend and amazing critique partner –

~ My Mother and three sisters for being so loving and supportive every day of my life.

~ My husband, Senad, and our four precious children who make my life joyous.





About the Author


Caroline Mickelson loves her family and loves to write. She also loves a good adventure, her favorites thus far include attending graduate school in a Scottish castle, riding a camel around the Pyramids in Giza, and taking a carefree road trip to Graceland. Caroline lives in the American southwest with her husband and their four children, affectionately known as The Miracles.


For more information please visit Caroline’s website:


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25


About The Author

BOOK: From Mangia to Murder (A Sophia Mancini ~ Little Italy Mystery)
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