From Darkness Won (71 page)

Read From Darkness Won Online

Authors: Jill Williamson

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Religious, #Christian

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“Esper did not mention any such meeting.”

“We did not invite Esper.”

“Your Highness, I realize you and Lady Averella took many liberties whilst we all believed her to be a boy. But she is not one. And you cannot sneak off together without a chaperone. Knowing what I do about your experiences together, I am tempted to speak with Duchess Amal.”

Achan frowned. “About what?”

“To either expedite this marriage or break the betrothal entirely.”

Achan did not understand this man. Never would. “In case you’ve forgotten, we are no longer officially betrothed. Duchess Amal released me from my obligation when Lady Averella asked to be freed from it.”

“But she had lost her memory.” Sir Caleb tugged on the sleeve Achan now wore proudly on his left arm. “It’s clear to
my e
yes that you both have moved past that.”

“Then why would you ask to expedite the marriage?”

The look on Sir Caleb’s face could smelt iron. “The last thing you need is a distraction. We are at war. I need you alert and focused on the task at hand, which is not sneaking off to steal kisses with Lady Averella.”

Achan checked the shields around his mind, wondering how Sir Caleb could have known his plans so entirely without having read his thoughts.

Sir Caleb chuckled. “I was a young man once, Your Highness. I don’t need to read your thoughts to know them. Now, if you promise to pay attention, you may invite Lady Averella to join us in the solar for a meeting. Sir Gavin would like to talk with all of us.”

Not an hour later, a dozen or more men—and Sparrow and Esper—sat around the table in the solar. Sparrow had changed
nto a red gown that made her look like a flower in a garden.
You look lovely, Sparrow

Thank you. How unfortunate that all these people invited themselves to our meeting

He matched her smile with one of his own.
Sir Caleb insisted. Esper and Shung are not chaperone enough to please him.

Then he is a smart man, for I could disarm your Sir Shung with a leg sweep and Esper with

Might she be suspicious if you take down Shung then offer her tea?

Truly you are wise, Your Highness. I shall give them both tea and save my energy for you.

Achan laughed aloud, earning a glare from Sir Caleb.
You’re a bold woman, Sparrow.

If my thoughts offend you I shall keep them to myself.

By all means, I long to hear how you will spend your energy on me.

Why, by dancing, of course.

Dancing? Couldn’t Shung and Esper be present for dancing?

Why, no, Your Highness, because you are so poor at it. I would hate to see you embarrassed in public.

We would do nothing more than dance?

Certainly not. You do not think I intended something sordid by my words? Really, Your Highness. I am a lady, well-bred and disciplined in such matters.

Well, I planned to kiss you as I did in Mitspah, until you grabbed hold of my hair for fear of the joy sending you straight to Shamayim.

How she kept a straight face after that comment, Achan would never know.
Now that would be entirely improper, Your Highness. Sir Caleb would definitely not approve.

Which is why we are here and not on the balcony.

Yes. And you no longer have enough hair to grab hold of.

He ran a hand over his short hair and grinned.

Straight to Shamayim

Sparrow smirked.
You think very highly of your kisses. You believe they hold such power?

At least that much. I am a cham bear, after all.

Cham, so Sir Shung calls you. But how would he know the power of your kisses?

, my lady jester.

Sir Gavin Lukos.

Achan jumped so fast his chair scraped against the floor. He opened his mind to Sir Gavin.
Lo, Sir Gavin. How do you fare with the Mârad?

Well, thank you, Your Highness. Sir Caleb tells me that Vrell Sparrow has made her way back to you.

She has.
Achan met her eyes, and his stomach waged war within him.
But as you well know she is really Lady Averella Amal. No need to deceive me any longer. She has confessed.

I am glad of that. Now that you know all, have you two reconciled?

Somewhat. Though Sir Caleb is careful not to leave us alone for even a moment.

I daresay he has his reasons.

Achan frowned.
The men appear restless, Sir Gavin. Might we start this meeting?

I’m ready, if you will call it to order and be my voice.

One moment.
Achan stood. “Could I have silence, please, as I offer this meeting to Arman for His guidance and glory?”

The men quieted, and Achan closed his eyes. “Arman, we come together to fulfill Your plans for Er’Rets. Thank You for bringing us this far. Guide us the rest of the way. Provide a plan
o take Armonguard as peaceably as possible. So may it be as You decree.”

“So be it,” everyone said.

“Sir Gavin is watching through my eyes,” Achan said. “I will speak for him.” Achan raised a hand to command silence.
Speak, Sir Gavin. What have you to say?

Captain Chantry’s ships are currently anchored off the coast of Arman Duchy. They will wait for my order to time their attack with ours. We will march south toward Armonguard. Depending on Esek’s army and how long it takes to defeat them, we will need to breach the fortress itself to open the gates so our men and Captain Chantry’s men can get inside. This is no easy task.

Achan repeated Sir Gavin’s words to the men.

“If we could get New Kingsguard cloaks, we could send a squadron down the Gadowl Wall,” Sir Jax said. “They could join the enemy army and find a way inside.”

“It leaves too much to chance,” Captain Demry said. “First and foremost, the uniforms. Do you have the resources to create uniforms quickly, Bodwin?”

Bodwin shook his head. “I’m having seamstresses in the village, but not the cloth. We are having plenty of red…”

“Could we dye the red fabric black?” Sir Rigil asked.

“Possibly. I would have to be asking my weavers.”

“Any other ideas?” Achan asked.

“What if we managed a dozen New Kingsguard uniforms, then took another dozen of our men down as if they were prisoners?” Sir Rigil said. “We get inside and—”

“Too risky,” Captain Demry said. “They may not allow us to escort the prisoners inside. We might end up surrendering our men.”

“May I speak?” Sparrow said.

Achan nodded to her. “Of course. For those of you who have not met her, this is Lady Averella Amal of Carmine.”

She addressed the men in a confident voice. “Our group made it to Noiz due to the direction of a man named Peripaso. He knows the tunnels underground better than anyone. Years ago he took a tunnel out of Armonguard. With his help we might enter the castle from underground.”

Bodwin laughed. “I’ve been serving Noiz as warden for thirteen years. Never have I been hearing of any tunnels.”

“Nor had I until I met Peripaso,” Jax said. “We would be wise to ask him, at least.”

I’ve heard of tunnels under the fortress,
Sir Gavin said.

Achan repeated Sir Gavin’s claim, then said, “Send a man to fetch Peripaso, then.”

Bodwin groaned and folded his arms, but Manu darted out the door.

“Thank you for your suggestion, Lady Averella,” Achan said.

She bowed her head.
Bodwin son of Inko seems to have inherited his father’s paranoia.

I’ve noticed that as well. Have you thought any more about my offer?

Which offer do you mean, Your Highness? Your offer of a secret meeting no longer applies. And the offer of a dance was actually my offer to you. You could not mean that scandalous offer of kisses? Surely you were only teasing.

I was
He dug his half of their coin from his pocket and tapped it against his chin.
But I meant the offer that accompanied the coin I gave you.

Oh, that. Well, I must confess it—

Children, do not forget that I am here,
Sir Gavin said in a singsong tone.
And I hear your every word.





Averella’s face flamed. She could not look at Achan. Thankfully, Shung and Peripaso entered the solar, and the distraction spared her further embarrassment.

By the time she looked back to Achan, he bore no signs of Sir Gavin’s rebuke on his face. He looked so different with short hair and a beard, and had grown much in confidence since she last saw him. How she had missed his company. But now that she had returned, being Lady Averella had only erected a different kind of wall between them. Protocol.

Sir Caleb would never permit them a moment alone now, especially if Sir Gavin told him what he’d overheard. It had never occurred to Averella how little time most couples spent together alone. Mother had trusted Averella with Bran more than she probably should have. And Sir Caleb would never give that freedom to Achan.

Shung set up a chair for Peripaso at the end of the table.

“You are Peripaso, I presume?” Achan said.

Mercy. Achan behaved so formally now, so educated and commanding. Sir Caleb had taught him well.

“I am, Your Majesty,” Peripaso said. “It’s an honor to make your ’quaintance.”

“Likewise. I understand you have performed admirably, and I wish to knight you for your service to my men.”

Peripaso ducked his head. “Many thanks, Your Highness, but I’m not a fighting man.”

“Anything you desire, then. You only need ask.”

Another bow. “You are most gracious, Your Highness.”

“Can you tell us if there are tunnels that go underground from here to Armonguard? That exit inside the stronghold?”

“’Course there is, Your Majesty, sir. There’s a river that’ll get you there. One leads straight to the dungeon. You’d only need to break out of the cell, if it was locked. Other than that…”

“You have taken these tunnels recently?” Achan asked.

“Naw. Been ten years since I gone down that way.”

“So the tunnels may have caved in?” Sir Caleb asked.

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