From Cover to Cover (23 page)

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Authors: Kathleen T. Horning

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Hoose, Phillip, 17

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, 81

Horn Book, The
, 139, 166

Horowitz, Ruth, 123–24

horror genre, 143

Houdini: The Handcuff King
(Lutes), 34

House in the Night, The
(Swanson), 106

House of the Scorpion, The
(Farmer), 143

How to Heal a Broken Wing
(Graham), 105

How to Steal a Dog
(O’Connor), 148

humorous poetry, 77–79

Hunger Games, The
(Collins), 143

Hunt, Jonathan, 26

Hurd, Clement, 101–2, 103–4

hyperbole, 160


i am the running girl
(Adoff ), 72

Ibatoulline, Bagram, 144

I Can Read series, 115, 124

If Not for the Cat
(Prelutsky), 79

I Had a Rooster
(Seeger), 84

I Hate English!
(E. Levine), 112

Iktomi and the Buzzard
(Goble), 111


abstract, 110

cartoon art, 112

in easy readers, 125–26, 127–28

expressionistic, 111

folk art, 111–12

in fractured fairy tales, 66–67

impressionistic, 110–11

inclusive, 28–29

naive, 111

in nonfiction books, 26–27, 34–37

nonobjective, 110

in novels, 144–45

placement of, 38

realistic, 109–10

surrealistic, 110

in traditional literature, 61–63

imagery, 159

of poetry, 72–73

In a Dark, Dark Room
(Schwartz), 64

index, 20

Indoor Noisy Book, The
(M. W. Brown), 89–90

information books.
nonfiction books

institutional market, 7

International Standard Book Number (ISBN), 16

The Invention of Hugo Cabret
(Selznick), 144

It’s Not the Stork!
(Harris), 17


Jackson, Ellen, 36

Jackson, Shelley Ann, 30

Jackson Friends series (Edwards), 135

Jacques, Brian, 143

Jamie and Angus Stories, The
(Fine), 134

Janeczko, Paul B., 80–81, 82

Jeffers, Susan, 62

(Soo), 145

Jenkins, Steve, 32–33, 108

Joey Pigza series, 158

John Henry
(Lester), 58

Johnson, Angela, 105–6

Johnson-Davies, Denys, 111

Juan, Ana, 110

Judy Moody series (McDonald), 141

Just a Minute
(Morales), 107

Just Like Josh Gibson
(Johnson), 105–6


Kajikawa, Kimiko, 63

Kennedy, X.J., 78–79

Kennemer, Phyllis K., 173–74


Kirkus, Virginia, 6

Kirkus Reviews,

Knight, Christopher G., 24

Krensky, Stephen, 31

Krommes, Beth, 106

Kuklin, Susan, 36

Kuskin, Karla, 69–70


LaFave, Kim, 109

Lakota folktales, 111–12

Langstaff, John, 83


figurative, 159–60

inclusive, 28–29

patterned, 89–91

in style, 159–63

Larrick, Nancy, 81

Lasky, Kathryn, 24

Latimer, Louise P., 140

Lauber, Patricia, 24

Law, Ingrid, 142

Leaf Man
(Ehlert), 108

Lear, Edward, 78

legends, 51

Lenape traditional tale, 59

Lester, Julius, 57–58

Let It Shine
(Bryan), 84

Let Them Play
(Raven), 18

Levine, Ellen, 112

Levine, Karen, 30

librarians, children’s, 10, 49, 140, 165, 166–67

libraries, 5, 7, 139

book evaluation in, 10–11, 166

oral storytelling in, 49

library bindings, 12

Library Journal,

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data (CIP), 15–16

Life on Earth and Beyond
(Turner), 35

Light in the Attic, A
(Silverstein), 78

“Lighting a Fire” (Kennedy) 78

Lights Out
(Geisert), 107

Lincoln: A Photobiography
(Freedman), 24–25

The Lincolns: A Scrapbook Look at Abraham and Mary
(Fleming), 38

line (in art), 96

line length, in easy readers, 126

literary criticism, versus reviewing, 167–68

literary devices, 159

Little Bear
(Minarik), 115, 122, 124–25

Little Bo-Peep
(Pearson), 77

Little Golden Books, 7

Little House, The
(Burton), 97

Little Island, The
(M. W. Brown), 93–94

Little Lions, Bull Baiters & Hunting Hounds
(Crosby), 30

Little Red Riding Hood, versions of, 66, 161

Lobel, Arnold, 115–17, 122–23

Loki & Alex
(C. Smith), 108

Lon Po Po
(Young), 112

Look, Lenore, 110, 134

Lottridge, Celia Barker, 136

Loud Silence of Francine Green, The
(Cushman), 141

Love That Dog
(Creech), 82

Low, William, 109

Lowry, Lois, 149–50, 158, 161

Lucy Long Ago
(Thimmesh), 31–32


Mabela the Clever
(M. MacDonald), 58–59

Macaulay, David, 176

MacDonald, Golden (Margaret Wise Brown), 93–95

MacDonald, Margaret Read, 58–59

Machines Go to Work
(Low), 109

Madden, Kerry, 44

Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System
(Cole), 37

Magic School Bus series (Cole), 25

design of, 37

humorous tone of, 40–41

magic tales, 52

Make Lemonade
(Wolff ), 82

Man Who Walked Between the Towers, The
(Gerstein), 26

marketing, 10–11

Marshall, James, 57, 77

Martin, Jacqueline Briggs, 26, 107

Mary Had a Little Lamb
(S. Hale), 77

mass-market books, 7

Massee, May, 6

(Broach), 143

McCarty, Peter, 105

McDonald, Megan, 141

McMillan, Bruce, 77, 108

Me Hungry!
(Tankard), 176–77

mechanicals, 10

media (artistic), in picture books, 104–9

Meltzer, Milton, 24, 26, 42

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride
(DiCamillo), 131–32

metaphor, 72–73, 160

meter, 70–71

Midwife’s Apprentice, The
(Cushman), 141

Milgrim, David, 129–30

Miller, Bertha Mahony, 166

Miller, Margaret, 108

Miller-Lachmann, Lyn, 49

Millions of Cats
(Gág), 85–86, 88

Minarik, Else Holmelund, 115, 117–18, 124–25

Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The
(Di Camillo), 144

Mitchell, Lucy Sprague, 88

Moon Plane
(McCarty), 105

Moore, Anne Carroll, 139

Morales, Yuyi, 107

Moriuchi, Mique, 106

Mother Goose and Friends
(Sanderson), 75–76

Mother Goose nursery rhymes, 75–76

Motor Girl series, 139

Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present
(Zolotow), 111

Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters
(John Steptoe), 112

multicultural literature, 49–50

Murphy, Jim, 45–46

Myers, Christopher, 108

Myers, Walter Dean, 42–43, 82

Mysterious Thelonius
(Raschka), 110

Mysterious Universe, The
(Jackson), 36

mystery genre, 143–44

mythology, 51


narrative structure, 146–47

conflict in, 147–48

plot development in, 148–51

narrative styles, in traditional literature, 57–61

Nash, Ogden, 78

National Council of Teachers of English, Orbis Pictus Award of, 27

Neighborhood Mother Goose, The
(Crews), 76

Nelson, Kadir, 40

Nelson, Scott Reynolds, 46

Never to Forget
(Meltzer), 42

Newbery Honor Books, nonfiction, 23, 26

Newbery Medal, 7, 11, 138

early winners of, 140

establishment of, 139

first awarded, 24

impact of, 23–24

and nonfiction, 26–27

Night Driving
(Coy), 105

Nine in One, Grr!
(Xiong), 111

Njeng, Pierre Yves, 111

No Talking
(Clements), 141

Noisy Books, 89, 90–91

nonfiction books, 20–21

author’s authority and responsibility in, 27–29

Caldecott Medal–winning, 26–27

design in, 37–38

documentation of sources in, 44–46

illustrations in, 26–27, 34–37

Newbery Medal–winning, 24, 26

organization of, 29–34

unconventional approaches in, 25–26

writing style in, 39–44

nonsense verse, 77–79

Not One Damsel in Distress
(Yolen), 64

note taking, 169–70

Nothing But the Truth
(Avi), 157


illustrated, 144–45

verse, 82–83

Now Is Your Time!
(Myers), 42–43

Number the Stars
(Lowry), 149–50, 158, 161

Nursery Crimes
(Geisert), 107

nursery rhymes, 74–77

Nye, Naomi Shihab, 82


Oberman, Sheldon, 64

O’Connor, Barbara, 148

Old Mother Hubbard and Her Wonderful Dog
(Marshall), 77

onomatopoeia, 160–61

Opie, Iona and Peter, 56, 75–76

oral stories, 48, 49

of original folktales, 60–61

rhymes, 75–76

Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children, 27


in nonfiction books, 29–34

in traditional literature collections, 65

Orlev, Uri, 142

outside sources, consulting, 170–72

Ox-Cart Man
(Hall), 111

The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes
(Opie), 75


pace, in picture books, 93–95

Page, Robin, 32–33

page layout, 9

page proofs, 9, 10

painting, 106–7

Pa Lia’s First Day
(Edwards), 135

paperback edition, 12–13

parallel plot, 150–51

Park, Linda Sue, 79–80

Paulsen, Gary, 138

Pearson, Tracey Campbell, 77

Peck, Beth, 105–6

Pedro and Me
(Winick), 34

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (Riordan), 143

personification, 159

Peters, Andrew Fusek, 81

Philbrick, Rodman, 147

photo-essays, 35–36

documentation of sources in, 44–45

photobiography, 24–25

photodocumentary technique, 44–45


in picture books, 108

in science books, 35

picture books, 21, 85–88, 112–13

composition of, 98–104

illustrations in, 95–98

media in, 104–9

pace in, 93–95

patterned language in, 89–91

predictability in, 92–93

production of, 9–10

structure of, 88

style of, 109–12

text in, 88

of traditional literature, 61–63

visual elements in, 96–98

See also
illustrations; photography

composition of, 98–104

media of, 104–9

styles of, 109–12

visual elements of, 96–98

Pinkney, Jerry, 110


conflict in, 147–48

development of, 148–51

in easy readers, 123–25

in fiction, 145–51

in transitional books, 136–37

poetry, 21, 68.
See also
nursery rhymes; verse

collections of, 79–82

humorous, 77–79

ideas of, 73–74

images of, 72–73

sound of, 69–72

point of view

in fiction, 156–57

first person, 156

objective, 157

omniscient, 156–57

shifting, 146

popular appeal, 178

pourquoi tales, 52

Prange, Beckie, 107


in picture books, 92–93

in plot, 149–50

preface, 17

Preller, James, 142

Prelutsky, Jack, 78, 79

primary sources, 44

Princess Academy
(Hale), 142

Pringle, Laurence, 39–40

printing code, 15

printings, 14–15

printmaking, 107

progressive plot, 148–49

protagonists, 147–48

publication process, 6–11

publicity department, 10

Publishers Weekly,

publishing houses

children’s divisions in, 139

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