Frightful Fairy Tales (13 page)

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Authors: Dame Darcy

BOOK: Frightful Fairy Tales
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She spoke calmly and told the carpenter she was furious. The witch went on to say that she found his petty, ignorant wife to be a dolt and a breed cow and told him the childless life he was about to live was no different from the old, so he should stop wailing like that.







On a cold winter day, a beautiful young maiden of twelve ran around the kitchen shrieking. This gave her mother a migraine which made it difficult for her to cook. Thinking of ways to get rid of her hyperactive daughter, she said, “Red, go give your grandmother this basket of goodies.” In the basket were a bottle of whiskey and a slice of pink cake with “THD” written on top in chocolate frosting. She put the things in a basket and covered it with a crimson cloth. Red’s mother was always fearful of a hunter accidentally shooting her little Red so she made her a bright red hand knitted cloak. She made the cloak red for safety because Red traveled through the woods frequently to visit her Grandmother.


Looking up into the trees, she imagined nearby birds saw her as a small blood spot against the virgin snow. She had been down this path many limes and was not afraid of gelling lost. Suddenly, there was a howl behind her in the distance which made her walk faster. Though she wasn’t afraid of hunters, she was afraid of wolves. As it grew darker, she heard an even louder howl. The wolves were getting closer. The sun rapidly descended, causing her to grow cold. To warm herself, Red drank a little of the whiskey and replaced it with snow, so her Grandmother wouldn’t notice.


When she looked towards the sky again, it had turned blood red and looming in the path ahead was the largest wolf she had ever seen. Sizing her up, panting it spoke. "Hello baby." She was so shocked to hear a wolf speak that her heart skipped a beat. Could it just be the whiskey talking?


In order to sound brave she said, “Get out of my way, you big galoot! I need to get to my Grandma’s and I have no time for a scourge like you!”


"Is Granny a feeble one?" the wolf responded. His voice sounded like it was wrapped in meat and drug through the din.


“Yes she is now leave me be!” Red shouted.


“O.K. O.K. girlie, simmer down,” replied the Wolf. “Just help me with one thing. I know where your Grandmother’s house is, and I’m trying to get to a place nearby, so just tell me where she lives.”


Red knew from her scout manual to be helpful to people in need so she told the Wolf, “It’s on Morning Glory Circle.” The Wolf then left swiftly, stopping ten feet away to wave goodbye before completely disappearing through the trees. As she walked alone down the dark path, she thought about how glad she was that the smelly Wolf finally left.


She eagerly ran down the path towards her Grandmother’s house as this had been a very creepy evening. When Red got to her Grandmother’s house, she discovered her Grandmother left the door ajar. As she entered, a pungent smell of meat lingered in the air.


“Sit down,” her Grandmother said in a rough voice, “and have some roast sweetie.”


“Grandma, do you have a cold?” asked Red.


“Sure do Hon...I reckon I shouldn’t have been up so late last night,” replied Grandma.


Red began ravenously eating mouthfuls of meat and bit down on something so hard it cracked her molar. She fished it out of her mouth to look at it. It was Grandma’s wedding ring. She turned to look at Grandma lying in the bed and said, “Grandma, your wedding ring slipped of in the roast.” Then she stopped short. “Grandma, maybe it’s just the light but you look funny.”


“Never you mind Hon, take of your clothes and get into bed with me,” ordered Grandma. Red riding hood took of her shoes and they fell to the floor with a clunk.


Then Red noticed something else strange. “Grandma, what big ears you have!” said Red.


“I just got cosmetic surgery, dear, they’ll look fine in a couple of weeks,” replied Grandma.


‘”Grandma, what a hairy face you have,” said Red, as she took off her dress.


“It’s just a small side effect from the pills I’ve been taking since menopause,” replied Grandma.


“Grandma what a big mouth you have,” said Red, as she pulled down her stockings to reveal her supple, white young thighs.


“The better to eat you with, ha ha!” replied Grandma, who in fact was the Wolf. He pounced on Red with his large body victimizing her instantly, leaving her for dead on the floor in a new kind of red cloak.


The End

Table of Contents


The Damsel in the Well

The Black River

The Siren Ship

The Queen of Spades

The Gambler’s Lesson

The Salt Maiden

The Tumultuous Life of Rapunzel’s Parents


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