Frigate Commander (51 page)

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Authors: Tom Wareham

Tags: #History, #Military, #Naval

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Sermonetta, The Duchess of,
The Locks of Norbury
, London, 1940
Taylor, D.C.,
Cobham Houses and their Occupants
, Cobham, 1999
Wareham, T.,
The Star Captains
, London, 2001


20th Light Dragoons
54th Regiment
Abercromby, General Ralph
Aboukir Bay
Addington, (Chancellor of the Exchequer)
Affleck, Captain Phillip
Albermarle, Earl of
Alderney, Channel Islands
America, Declares war on France
Amiens, Peace of
Arden, Lord
Argyll, John Campbell, Baron Sunbridge and Duke of
Aukland, Lord
Baio Nuevo Shoal
Ball, Captain Alan
Ballinamuck, Battle of
Bantry Bay, Ireland
Bantry Bay, Mutiny in Mitchell’s Squadron at
Barlow, Captain Robert
Bayntun, Captain Henry
Beauclerk, Captain Lord Amelius
Bedford, Duke of
Bedford, Lieutenant/Captain William
Belfast, Ireland
Bennet, Captain Richard
Black Sod Bay, Ireland
Boates, Ellen
Boates, William
Bompart, Commodore Jean Baptiste Francois
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Boulogne, Nelson’s attack on
Bover, Lieutenant Peter
Bowen, Captain Richard
Bread, Rotten
Brenton, Captain Edward Pelham (Historian)
Bridport, Admiral Lord
Brighton (Brighthelmstone)
Brisac, Captain George
Broadstairs, Kent
Brook Farm, Cobham, Surrey
Brown, Captain
Buller, Captain Sir Edward
Burns, Lieutenant John
Burns, Robert (Poet)
Burrard/Neale, Captain Sir Harry
Busk, Lieutenant William de
Byng, Captain George
Byron, Admiral the Hon John
Cadiz, Spain
Cadland House, Hampshire
Calder, Admiral Robertet seq.
Campbell, Captain Patrick
Campbell, Lieutenant Robert
Camperdown, Battle of
Canadian Indians
Cancale, France
Cannon Coffee House, Westminster, - meeting at
‘Capability’ Brown, Lancelot (Landscape gardener)
Cape Barfleur, (France)
Cape La Hague, France
Cape St. Vincent, Battle of
Capel, Captain Thomas Bladen
Carrick Cennon Castle, Carmarthenshire
Castlebar, Battle of
Cataline, Newfoundland
Chatham, John Pitt, Earl of
Cathcart, Lt. Col.
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Cherbourg, France
Chouan rebels
Christian, Admiral Sir Hugh Cloberry
Churchill, General
Clerk, John
Essay on Naval Tactics
Clifford Street, London
Cobham, Surrey
Cochrane, Rear Admiral Alexander
Coffin, Captain Isaac
Colpoys, Admiral Sir John
Cooke, Captain Edward
Copenhagen, Battle of (1801)
Cork, Ireland
Cornwallis, Captain/Admiral Sir William
Corunna, Battle of
Countess, Captain George
Courcy, Captain Michael de
Courtnay, Captain George William Augustus
Craigieburn, Dumfries, Scotland
Craven, Lord
Creevey, Thomas (Politician)
Curacoa, Isle of
Currie, Dr James (Physician)
Curtis, Admiral Sir Roger
Curzon, Lieutenant/Captain the Hon. Henry
de Tromelin, Lt
Deal, Kent
Dennison, Joseph, (Merchant)
The Nun
Dinefwr, Lady
Dinefwr Castle
Douglas, Admiral Sir Charles
Douglas, Isle of Man
Downie, Alexander, (Gunner)
Downs, The, English Channel
Drummond, Robert (Banker)
Dryslwyn Hill, Carmarthenshire
Dublin, Ireland
Duff, Captain George
Duff, General Sir James
Dundas, Captain George
Durham, Captain Philip
Dutch Armament, The
Eaton, Lieutenant John
Eden, Dorothy (Dora)
Edwards, Lt
Elliott, Commander William
Ellison, Captain Joseph
Essex, Earl of
Faulknor, Captain Jonathan
Fellowes, Captain Edward
Fielding, Henry (Author)
The Necromancer
Fogo, Newfoundland
Foote, Captain Edward
France, Outbreak of war with
France, Revolution in
Fremantle, Capt. Thomas
French privateers
Fuseli, Henry (Artist)
Galloway, Earl of
Gardner, Admiral Lord
Gardner, Captain Alan
Garlies, Capt. Lord
Gibraltar, Seige of
Glasgow, Scotland
Golden Grove, Carmarthenshire
Goodwin Sands, English Channel
Gordon, Peter (Boatswain’s Mate, HMS Orestes)
Gore, Captain John
Gore, Lt John
Gossellin, Captain Thomas Le Marchant
Gower, Captain Sir Erasmus
Grand Cayman, Caribbean
Grant, Sir William (Solicitor General)
Graves, Admiral Thomas
Gray, Thomas (Poet)
Greenock, Scotland
Greewnich Hospital Money
Grenville, Lord (First Lord of the Admiralty)
Grouville Bay, Jersey
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Gunning, Elizabeth, Duchess of Hamilton
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hamilton, Captain Charles
Hamilton, Captain Edward
Hamilton, Douglash Duke of
Hammond, Admiral Sir Andrew
Hammond, Captain Graham
Handfield, Lieutenant Philip
Harbour Grace, Newfoundland
Harvey, Bagenal (Irish leader)
Havre, France
Hay, Jemmy/Willy, (Irish Leader)
Hayes, Captain John
Heathery Haugh, Moffat
Hood, Admiral Lord Samuel
Hood, Captain Samuel
Hope, Lieutenant William
Howe, Admiral Lord
Howe, General Sir William
Hughes, Admiral Sir Richard
Humbert, General Joseph Amable
Hunt, Captain Anthony
Hutchinson, Maj-Gen.
Hyde Park, London
Ireland, French expedition to
Isle De Bas, Biscay, France
Isle de Groix, Bay of Biscay
Isle of Pines, Caribbean
Jamaicaet seq
Jenkins, Captain Henry
Jersey, Channel Islands
Jervis, Admiral Sir John (Earl St. Vincent)
Jervis-Grey expedition to West Indies
Johnson, Samuel
Keith, Admiral Lord
Kerr, Captain Lord Mark
Killala, Ireland
Killybegs, Ireland
King, Admiral Sir Richard
King, Capt. Richard
Kingsborough, Lord George
Kingsmill, Admiral Sir Robert
Knox, Captain
La Hogue, France
Lake, General Sir Gerald
Lawrence, Sir Thomas (Artist)
Leeward islands
Legge, Captain Arthur
Linzee, Captain Robert
Lister, (Poole merchant)
Liverpool, England
Lloyd’s Coffee House
Locke, Charles
Lough Swilly, Ireland
Lulworth, Dorset
Lumsdaine, Captain George
M, Miss (Possibly Miss Minchin), [?] See also Appendix 1.
McGuffoc, John, Midshipman
MacBride, Admiral
Macnamara, Captain James. Trial of
MacPherson, James,
The Ossian
Maiden Castle, Dorset
Maitland, Captain Frederick
Manchester, William Montagu, Duke of
Manley, Captain John
Margate, Kent
Marshgate House, Richmond
Martin, Captain Thomas Byam
Martin, Lieutenant Henry
Matthias, Thomas.
The Pursuits of Literature
Maude, Captain John
Maumbury Rings, Dorset
Maxtone, Lieutenant Thomas
Mayford, William (Moore’s servant)
Melville, Lord
Middleton, Captain Robert Gambier
Middleton, Sir Charles (Lord Barham)
Milne, Captain David
Ministry of all the Talents
Minto, Lord
Mistleythorne, Medway, Kent
Mitchell, Admiral
Molloy, Captain Anthony James Pye
Montgomery, Colonel
Moore, Charles
Moore, Lt. John
Moore, General John
Action in Wexford In Wicklow
Command in Ireland
Contracts fever at St. Lucia
Ensign in 51 Regiment
Letter regarding Graham’s capture of Spanish squadron
Loses men through fever
Promoted to Major General
Recconoitreing of Ferrol
Sent to Holland
Training troops near Brighton
With Amercromby’s expedition to Egypt
Wounded in leg in Egypt
Wounded in Holland
Moore, Graham BornAttends Glasgow High SchoolMidshipman on
Midshipman on T
Passes for LieutenantLt. of
3rd rateJoins
Meets Prince WilliamLt of
attends meeting at Cannon Coffee HouseAppointedLt of
Walks from Chatham to LondonBall at the PantheonSuffers from RheumatismPromoted to Master and CommanderRomantic Tour of South WalesFlirtation with Dennison GirlsTemporary command of the
Visits Maiden CastleAppointed to command the
Problems with Lt Eaton Arrives Newfoundland Sets up Surrogate CourtReturns to England More problems with Lt Eaton Acting Captain of the
Sent to West Schelde Nearly wrecked on the Goodwin Sands Ordered to Newfoundland Convoy escortArrives St John’s Convoy to Spain and Portugal Arrives back in England Promoted to Post Captain Given command of frigate
Ordered to join Sidney Smith’s squadron Love for Miss MAt Weymouth Action at Le Havre Joins Richard Strachan’s squadron Given command of the
Punishments on the
French corvette captures
French brig runs onto rocks near Cape Le Hogue Visits Miss M Rejoins Strachan’s squadron ordered to join Warren’s squadron captures
Le Rayon
French privateerstrikes Rock off Penlee Point Captures
La Belliqueuse
French privateer captures
La Volage
French corvette Ordered to Cork witnesses execution of rebel in Wexford Writes marriage proposal to Miss M Ordered to Lough Swilly In Warren’s action with Bompart’s fleet et seq, captures
La Resolue
French frigate Presented with Freedom of Glasgow Writes another marriage proposal to Miss M Captures
Le Mercure
French privateer Changes main armament of
Convoy to Madeira Captures
Le Papillon
French privateer Rejected by Miss MRecaptures Prize brig Arrives at Port Royal Captures a Spanish brig Treats fever patient Encounter with
General Greene
American frigateStorm in Caribbean Tormented by a whitlow Cuts out the
Captures a Spanish letter of marque Captures the
letter of marque Captures
Nostia Senora de la Conception
Spanish brig Death of creole guest Suffers from Rheumatism Poor health Resigns command of the
Returns to EnglandDeath of Dr MooreDisaffection with Brighton Visits Liverpool Visits Buxton Falls in love Purchases Heathery Haugh Engagement to be married Moves to LondonApplies for a new ship Engagement broken off Outbreak of War Applies for command of
Appointed to command the
Joins Cornwallis’ squadron Joins Admiral Graves’ squadron Runs onto La Vandre rocks Ordered to intercept Spanish treasure frigates Action with Spanish frigates Ordered to carry Gen. Moore to Ferrol Hunt for the Toulon squadron Resigns command because of poor health Surgery in London Appointed to command
Resigns command Purchases Brook farmAppointed to command the
Carries Portuguese Royal Family to BraziSchelde/Walcheren Expedition Refuses command of the
yacht Appointed to command the
Marries Promoted to Flag Rank Commander in Chief of the Baltic Fleet Awarded a KCB Appointed to command the
and the Mediterranean StationCalled to the Board of Admiralty Promoted Admiral and awarded a GCB Commander in Chief at Plymouth Will Death
Moore, Jean
Moore, John Hamilton
The Practical Navigator
Moore, Lieutenant Edward
Morice, Captain Richard
Murray, Admiral

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