Friends and Lovers (21 page)

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Authors: Tinnean

Tags: #Gay Men, #Gay, #Fiction, #Relations With Heterosexuals, #Heterosexuals, #Erotica

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What he was about to suggest would be good for her, and for Josh as well, if he agreed to it.

“And you, Josh? I know you have family in Atlanta.” That wasn’t all that Tom knew; he’d talked to Josh’s major advisor, but he hadn’t said anything. Josh didn’t mention his family at all, and Tom wasn’t the sort to pry.

“I won’t be going back to Atlanta, BT. Professor Borders is looking for a place for me to stay over the summer.”

“Borders? Oh, he’s your major professor.”

“Yes. If… if it’s all right, I’d like to continue working for you.”

“You’re both welcome to continue. As a matter of fact, I was hoping you’d want to. I have a proposition for both of you. I know how difficult it is to keep up your GPA and work. I talked it over with Jack, and we’d like the two of you to move in here, rent-free. You’re here most of the time anyway, and it will save you money. You know this house has plenty of room.” He grinned at them. “Sometimes I think Jack tries out a new design on this place first.”

The sprawling house they all referred to as ‘the ranch’ had started as a modest four bedroom, three bath house on an acre and a half of land. Now there were two more guest rooms with ensuite baths, an office, a gym with connecting changing and shower rooms, and a pool bath, as well as a guest house out back, all courtesy of Jack Sweet Construction.

“Yes,” Josh said, looking relieved.

Tom held up his hand. “Don’t be so quick to agree. This offer comes with strings.”

Josh smiled at him. “I’ll still say yes.”

“Wait until you hear me out. There are two conditions to this.”

“I can’t date Teddy?” Kira asked cheekily.

“I don’t think your boyfriend would appreciate it too much, Kira…” Tom’s brows furrowed as Kira’s smile again dimmed, and he began to wonder if all was not well with her and Nick. He was a real jock, captain of the football team, and the few times Tom had seen them together, he’d seemed very enamored of Kira, but now that he thought of it, it had been some time since Kira had brought him to the ranch for one of their Friday afternoon barbecues. Were they going through a rough patch? He’d have to ask Catherine. She hadn’t mentioned anything, but she was a loyal friend, and if Kira had asked her to keep mum on the subject, then she would. Absently, he continued, “… and I think Theodore is going through his ‘boy phase’ again.”

He had suspected since Theodore was fifteen that he was at the least, bisexual, although he hadn’t come out to Tom and his father until the following year. Since Tom had been gay all his life, while Jack had only succumbed to his gay side a few years before, Jack had delegated ‘the talk’ to him. ‘You’re more comfortable with this than I am, babe.’

Tom had scowled at him. ‘You’ll pay for this, Jack.’

In return, Jack had given him a grin that went straight to his cock. ‘I look forward to it.’

Both Tom and Theodore had survived, and Theodore knew that as long as he was careful and practiced safe sex with whomever he was dating, whichever sex, his two dads would have no objection to him experimenting and playing the field.

“Shoot!” Kira pretended to pout. “Well, color me depressed. Why is it all the cuties are either gay or taken?”

“What are the conditions, BT?” Josh asked, his smile gone and as serious as ever.

The boy needs to lighten up,
Tom thought ruefully.
Or get laid. I wonder if he’s seeing anyone. He’s friends with Theodore. I’ll ask Theodore to find out.
“One is you have to keep up your grades, and two is you have to set aside what you would have paid for your off-campus housing into a savings account.”

“Is that all? Sounds good to me.”

“So you’re in, Josh?”

“You bet!” Josh’s face lit up, and Tom was once more taken by the sweetness of his smile.

“Now, how about you, Kira?”

“Well, I could really use that money for clothes, but… count me in too.”

“Great. I’ll show you which of the rooms are available, and you can choose the one you want. Then you can go back to the dorms and start packing. If you need any help with the move, you know we’re all here.” He’d noticed Theodore watching Josh with interest from time to time. Maybe he’d ask him if he’d mind lending Josh a hand.

“Thanks, BT. I don’t have much, though.”

And that’s just sad,
Tom thought.

“Oh, I can use all the help I can get.” Kira fluttered her lashes and smiled winsomely.

“All right then, let’s get cracking!”

By the time the next Friday barbecue rolled around, they’d use it as a Welcome to the Ranch party.


2. The Breakup
– (scared you, didn’t I?)

Jack had an early job, unusual only in that it was Sunday morning, which he preferred to spend with his family – his two children and his lover. He’d pissed and moaned about it, but Miz Dinwiddie was a member of his Daddy’s congregation and an old friend of his Momma’s, and he didn’t feel he could say no.

 Tom noticed that while Caleb Sweet’s congregation might hate the fact that Jack was living with a big, honkin’ homo – they’d never admit that Jack was queer; hellfire, the boy had been married twice and had two children! – that didn’t stop them from asking for favors when their roofs needed mending or their windows needed boarding when a hurricane was blowing in off the Atlantic.

 He’d wakened Tom with coffee-flavored kisses and a blow job, then had bounced out the door, leaving Tom to fall back to sleep with a bemused smile on his face.

It was quiet in the kitchen when Tom finally managed to get himself out of bed.

“Morning, BT.”

“Morning, Theodore,” he mumbled.

“Good morning, BT.”

“Morning, Joshboy. There any coffee?” A mug was pressed into his hand, and he raised it to his nose, inhaling deeply, and then taking a grateful swallow. “Ah! Thank you!” More awake, he smiled at the two young men. “So, what’s on the menu?”

“I thought I’d make French toast?”

“Sounds good.” Tom chuckled as Theodore went to the freezer and took out a box of Aunt Jemima French toast. The boy did wield a mean toaster.

“With strawberries and whipped cream?”

“Sounds even better.”

“And I’m going to nuke some turkey bacon,” Josh informed him. “Why don’t you sit down and read the paper while we get breakfast ready?”

“All right, I think I will.” Tom watched as they worked around each other, noticing the occasional touches to a shoulder or a waist. “Will Catherine and Kira be joining us, or are they already out and about on this lovely morning?”

“Both their cars are in the driveway, so they probably decided to sleep in today.” Josh turned from the fridge with the turkey bacon in his hand, not realizing Theodore was directly behind him. “Oh!”

“Sorry.” There was something lazy and sensual about Theodore’s smile. He wrapped his hand around Josh’s neck, pulled him forward, and captured his lips.

Tom looked down, smiling. He’d known Theodore was interested in Josh, and he’d seen the way Josh looked at him when he’d thought he was unobserved. He’d just wondered how long it would be before Theodore acted on it. Because it would have to be the son of his heart who would need to make the first move. Josh was too unsure of himself to do that. And whenever Tom thought of that, he wanted to
the boy’s family.

“Do I smell something burning?” He kept his eyes firmly on the newspaper.

“Oh… uh… thanks, BT.”

“Don’t mention it.” There was bustling as Theodore and Josh got back to the neglected breakfast.

“I guess… uh… we ought to explain that.” Joshboy was actually wringing his hands. “You see…”

“I’m his boyfriend, BT!”

Josh’s eyes were wide. “You are?”

“I am.”

“Okay.” The expression on Josh’s face was dazzled, and he didn’t seem able to come up with anything else to say.

Tom sighed happily. After Josh’s upset Thursday on learning his brother had become engaged – thanks to a news clipping sent by his mother, along with a letter that was so cold and so formal it could have been written with icicles – Tom had been uncertain how to raise the boy’s spirits and make him feel better.

Obviously Theodore had found a way.

“Well, congratulations to you both.”

“Thanks, BT.” Theodore leaned over and planted a noisy kiss on Tom’s cheek.

Tom could see Josh was uncertain if such an action from him would be welcome, so he stood and held out his arms.

“Thank you,” Josh whispered in his ear.

“It’s my pleasure. You’re a wonderful young man, and I’m pleased as punch that Sal Lytle recommended you!”

“Okay,” Theodore interrupted. “Enough with the mushy stuff. The bacon isn’t going to microwave itself, Joshboy! Get cracking!”

“Yes, master.”

Theodore grinned. “And don’t you forget it!”

Tom hid a smile. They were so cute together. “So, what do you boys have planned for today?”

“I thought we’d take a ride to the beach. Josh needs a break. He hasn’t been away from the ranch all summer.”

“Yes, I have!”

“Going to Office Depot doesn’t count!” Theodore sent Josh a mock scowl, and Tom was enchanted to see the blush that colored Josh’s cheeks.

“It doesn’t?” Josh peeked at Theodore from under his lashes. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. It… Are you teasing me?”

Josh nodded, his blush deepening. “You can get even with me later, if you’d like?”

“Oh yeah, I’d like!”

Tom was pleased with their new closeness. Even if it didn’t last very long, they’d be good for each other, the one boy so serious, and the other… not.

The back door opened, and Jack walked into the kitchen, bringing with him the scents of fall in Savannah. The tee shirt he wore, with
Sweet Construction
across the front, was clinging damply to his chest. Although it was early November, this was Georgia, and the forecast was for a warm, sunny day.

Tom felt a huge smile light his face. Five years they’d been living together, and almost seven since they’d hooked up, as the kids would say, and he still couldn’t believe that this man was his to live with, to love, to spend the rest of his life with.

“I’m really glad Miz Dinwiddie’s roof didn’t need as much work as she thought. I thought we were gonna melt up there! Morning again, babe.” He leaned down and kissed Tom.

“Coffee’s fresh, Daddy.”

“And I can use it! Pour me a cup, okay? I want to wash my hands. I’ll grab a shower later.” He squeezed Tom’s shoulder and winked at him, signaling they’d be showering together. “Y’all remember Farmer John, don’t you?”

Bobby Joe Keyes stood hesitantly at the door. He was a plain young man, still carrying a trace of baby fat although he was in his early twenties, with limp, straw-colored hair and ordinary features, his only saving grace his vivid blue eyes.

Now those eyes were enormous, and Tom sighed to himself. Jack didn’t make a big deal of their relationship when they were on a jobsite with his men around, but they all knew he and Tom were together. They also knew that Tom was the one who remembered to send flowers to their wives for their birthdays and anniversaries and made sure there was a little something extra in their paychecks when their kids graduated, even if it was only from kindergarten. If this little redneck boy was going to be shocked by the chaste kiss he and Jack had shared, he was going to be in for a rude awakening. Jack Sweet might put up with bullshit from his father and his ex-wife, the mother of his kids, but not from someone who worked for him.

“Good morning, Bobby Joe.” Tom was the only one who didn’t call him Farmer John.

“Oh!” He seemed to recall himself and blushed scarlet. “Good morning, Mr. Hansom. Teddy. Josh.” He gave hesitant nods to them.

“Hey, Farmer. C’mon in and grab a seat. I know it’s almost lunchtime, but some people –” He grinned at Tom, who returned his grin.” – are not morning people. Want some French toast?”

“Thanks, Teddy, but you don’t have to go to any trouble for me.”

“No trouble. Since Cath and Kira haven’t hauled ass out of bed yet, Joshboy and I are doing the cooking, and one more mouth is no big deal. I’ll just pop a couple more pieces in the toaster.”

“In that case, thanks. I will. It’s been a long time since breakfast.” He smiled, and Tom was surprised at the sweetness of his expression. “I’d just like to wash my hands.”

“Sure. The powder room is down that hall.” Theodore pointed him in the right direction.

In a matter of minutes, Bobby Joe was back, his hair slicked wetly back and his clothing tidied.

“Coffee, Farmer?” Josh asked, holding a mug near the coffee maker.

“Thank you.”

“Milk and sugar?”

“Yes, please.” He took the seat Josh nodded to and became busy stirring the contents of the mug. “Are the… uh… ladies going to join us?”


Bobby Joe blushed again, his very fair skin making it seem almost painful. “Miss Cath and… and Miss Kira.”

Theodore shrugged. “It’s a possibility, but they’re being real slugs today.”

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