Authors: Sylvia Ryan
“Take it off.” Mia raises her hands and unhooks the front clasp. The scarlet lace slides down the pale skin of her arms and the stark contrast in colors is like strawberries and cream.
“Turn and model for me.” I lift her hand over her head while she twirls in a circle. I watch her form intently. The blood-red fuck-me underwear erodes another layer of my control as she pirouettes prettily, like a prima ballerina. Her nipples pucker under my watchful eye.
She looks unsure. Her doubt as to whether I find her attractive chafes, and I growl low in my throat.
She finishes her slow circle, swallows and waits with a rapt expression. My cock is hard as a fucking rock.
They’re resting on the tops of her shoes a second later.
“I bought you a present.” I cup her pussy and slightly part her with my middle finger so it’s resting over her clit.
“I like presents.” She doesn’t speak the words, she breathes them, and I realize if my cock gets any harder, it will split like a hot dog. I circle her until I’m standing behind her and groan at the sight before me. I nudge her fuck-me shoes wide apart and strap the Butterfly into place. I find it amusing the handheld box controlling the speeds is attached by a wire leading to her cunt as if it’s a bank vault wired to blow, or even better, a puppy on a short leash. I turn it on low. She yelps and jumps. I take immense pleasure from the pink staining her cheeks. I’m amazed I still have the capacity to trigger embarrassed color in her skin.
I step forward until we’re almost touching and lean into her. “Let’s eat.”
She sucks in a gulp of air, realizing she’s expected to eat with the low-level thrum between her legs assaulting her. I laugh, offering my hand.
“There’s no middle ground? You’ve shot straight back into incorrigible?” she asks.
I answer with the most depraved leer I’m capable of conveying and lead her by the wire attached to the device between her legs. After she sits, I serve her a piece of chicken and some salad, but I think I’ve lost her already. She’s squirming from side to side. As I take a sip of wine and a bite of food, I enjoy watching her attempts to ignore the toy. She isn’t good at it. Before long, she’s set her fork down.
“I can’t eat anymore. Please, Levi.” Her eyes are round saucers of worry. “I want to come with you inside me. She stands, moves toward me and falls to her knees next to my chair. I turn to look down at her and she rests her cheek on my lap.
“Okay, beautiful.” I hold a hand out to her. “Far be it for me to not give you what you ask for.”
She takes my hand, and I lead her to the bedroom. I undress at a leisurely pace. She watches, fidgeting back and forth from one foot to the other. Then she moans.
“Oh God, Levi, I need you in me.”
I shed the last of my clothes as the sweet admission spills from her ruby lips.
I stride toward her, wrap my arms around her waist and lift her off the ground. She wraps her legs around me. Two steps later, her back meets the chocolate-brown wall of our bedroom and my cock is inside her.
I go a little insane from there, cupping her ass, kneading the cheeks, separating them and exploring between them with a finger. I pound into her hard and fast. Dipping my head, I suction my lips against her neck and ravage the spot, biting, sucking and then rolling my tongue over the sensitive skin.
Mia digs her fingernails into my shoulders and yells my name. I bite again, harder this time and then suck the skin under my mouth, knowing the pull of the suction shoots right to her cunt.
She’s coming, her head tilts up toward heaven and an angelic cry skips through the air like music. Her inner muscles grip me and, “Fuck!” I can’t hold back. Like a wild animal, I roar through my release, pounding ruthlessly until there’s nothing left.
The sound of great drags of air being pulled into our lungs fills the room. I turn off The Butterfly while Mia rests her head on my shoulder and sags in my arms. I hold her tightly to me. I hold on for dear life.
“One of these Friday afternoons, I’m going to last longer than three-and-a-half minutes,” I grumble.
“I’m not complaining.”
Thirty seconds later, Mia giggles. I lean back so I can meet her gaze. She’s looking down at the floor. I follow her line of sight and find what she’s giggling at.
Our two dogs are sitting next to each other a few feet away, staring up at us with intense interest in their eyes.
“We’re doggie porn,” Mia says and then starts laughing harder.
I look over at my two pugs, their ugly faces trained on us.
“Back off, bitches. He’s mine,” Mia says and then growls at them, baring her teeth.
I can’t help but start laughing, too. It’s contagious. The more she laughs, the more I laugh until–She gasps, gives me an “oops” look and laughs even harder.
She’s barely able to take in a breath, but she declares, “I squirted you out.” And now she’s laughing so hard she’s crying. “When I laughed,” she says, wiping the tears away. “I squirted you out like a slippery pickle.”
By then, we’re both in hysterics. She unwinds her legs from me and I release my grip on her ass. Exhausted and still laughing uncontrollably we fall together onto the floor.
She starts laughing even harder. “Oh God, Levi. I’m gonna pee.” She can barely speak.
Neither can I.
I grab her and throw her over my lap and land a hard swat. “Pickle?”
“Okay, okay! Please!” She drags in another long breath. “Cucumber, then?” she says, which would have been okay, except then she starts laughing even harder.
Finally, I give up and join her.
“You should get a wax job,” Jess announces through the speaker in my car. “He’ll eat that shit up.” From the tone of her voice, I can tell she’s smiling. Jess is my oldest friend and the architect of some of my best and worst decisions.
“How do you know I don’t already have one?”
She snorts. “Oh, please.”
“You make it sound like I’m woolly mammoth hairy.” I feel a little insulted and then perturbed, probably because she’s right. I haven’t been bare down there since puberty. “Like I need a general contractor or something. I am trimmed for God’s sake.”
“I’m just sayin’ men prefer baby smooth, not pussy-fro.”
“He’s never complained…”
“Do it. You won’t be sorry. Oh and Mia?”
I sigh. “What?”
“Ahh.” She clears her throat. “Don’t forget the anal shrubbery while you’re doing your landscaping.” She laughs and disconnects.
At first, I roll my eyes and shake my head at the thought of completely bare lady bits. But the more I think about it throughout the day, the more I think Jess’s suggestion has merit. It’ll be a nice surprise lurking under the sex-kitten outfit I bought for this Friday afternoon.
I pick up the stuff I need to accomplish the task at home. Once I’m there, I lock myself in the bathroom and jump right in.
Near the end of the process, I have an epiphany. I actually could have used a general contractor for this job. I expected pain. I mean, who hasn’t seen the waxing scene from The
40-Year-Old Virgin
, after all?
But I also learn waxing is a tediously long and impossibly messy process involving a hand mirror, hot wax and a test of my body’s aptitude to contort so my gaze can fall on places I’ve never cared to see before. There are times I’m so twisted up, to get the “anal shrubbery” Jess mentioned, I’m sure I could take a part-time job as a circus freak, Malleable Mia, contortionist extraordinaire.
I’m not sure what made me think doing it at home would be as good as having a professional do it. It isn’t. I won’t make that mistake again. Next time, no wax. I’ll try a razor instead.
So here’s the rub. Somewhere toward the end of the job, I realize my private parts are not attractive. In the porn I’ve seen, which isn’t much, all the women’s bits are pink and, I don’t know…cute. I don’t think mine are. When I’m done and stand in front of a full-length mirror, I look down at the newly bared area. It looks like I’m wearing a flesh-colored bodysuit. Somehow, I’ve managed to look like I have camel toe, and I’m naked. I’m barely able to see the slit that runs down the middle at all. My pussy looks like a third boob, minus the nipple. The lips are abnormally tiny, and the skin is not at all the color I’d pictured it would be. Oh my God. I laugh a little hysterically. When I started this ridiculous task, it never occurred to me I might have an ugly pussy.
I’m going to kill Jess.
As I clean up the hardened pieces of wax off my bathroom floor, I comfort myself with optimism. In the grand scheme of things, the discovery of my less-than-attractive private parts is petty. In the two months since we’ve been meeting for our Friday afternoons together, the weakened bond between Levi and I has flourished into a secret love affair.
The mind fuck I’d been subjecting myself to in regards to the relationship between us is long over. The change in our lives is profound. Our reconnection is a deep abyss with a bottom we haven’t encountered yet.
He loves me. And I don’t mean he loves me like comfortable love born from all the years we’ve spent together. We’ve always been blessed to have that. I mean the carnal, raw love I truly thought I’d never experience again. When I spot the lust in Levi’s eyes, I get high off it. We have lost ourselves to each other all over again.
By the time of our rendezvous each week, the anticipation of what’s coming has escalated to epic proportions. When we finally come together, we’re like feral animals.
Every week, Levi brings home a new toy, lotion or contraption. We use them all. Some are fantastic, some are duds. But even our best sex before we started meeting can’t hold a candle to the worst dud of a toy or not-so-comfortable new sexual position.
This week I’m the one with something new and different.
I’m on cloud nine. Our love is new again with both of us contributing to this new concept of us, our marriage, Version 2.0.
The following day, Levi’s home as usual when I pull into the driveway. I’m giddy. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees me bare down there. I hope he doesn’t cringe. Deep down inside, I know he won’t. I mean, is it even possible for a man to see a pussy he doesn’t like? Isn’t that along the same lines as seeing an ugly puppy? It just doesn’t happen, does it?
Levi has lunch and a bottle of wine waiting. It’s become a standard part of our afternoon. We eat and talk. I drink a little more than I usually do, and I see by the way he’s looking at me he’s getting a kick out of my tipsiness.
By the time we’re almost finished, I’m giddy with excitement. “Okay,” I say, trying quite hard to squash my impulse to giggle. Levi looks at me intently. He’s smiling slightly, amused by the fact I’m brimming with excitement, nearly overflowing because of my surprise. I wonder if this is how he feels every time he brings home a new toy.
“I have a surprise for you,” I say in a Marilyn Monroe breathy voice, leaning over and teasing him with my cleavage.
He gives me a slow, sexy smile and leans back in his chair. I hesitate for a second.
“Well, come on.” He pushes his seat away from the table. “I want my surprise.” A low growl rises from him. He leers at me, gobbling me up with his gaze. My stomach flips and I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I stand and move away from the table, unzipping the back of my dress. I look him in the eyes, and suddenly I’m not smiling anymore. His gaze burns me, and his lust hits me in a wave, as if I’m being smacked with it. Shimmying the dress off my shoulders, I wiggle seductively until the material pools on the floor.