Frey (23 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #domestic violence, #shapeshifter romance, #gargoyle romance, #alpha shapeshifter, #postapocalyptic adventure, #boxing romance

BOOK: Frey
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He sure was glad Matthew had been the one to
find her with a needle sticking out of her arm. Troy would’ve had a
hard time explaining why he had gone to see her. Their arrangement
had been a good one in the beginning. Judy got the house and half
the money for putting up with the kid. Troy knew Abbi would go on
to college, so she wouldn’t be around enough to figure out what was
going on. Thinking of those earlier days, Troy really needed to
find those videos they filmed and destroy them.

Enough about Judy. He needed to focus on
getting to Abbi. He had to play it smart. He could try the hospital
again, but if Matthew was stupid and told Abbi it was Troy who put
him there, he’d have to take even more drastic measures. He went
into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He unscrewed
the lid and took a long drink, deciding he needed a decoy. He
called George and told him what he was planning.



When Frey received the text from Jonas that
Abbi was ready to file the restraining order, his heart lightened a
little. Urijah had already called and updated him on Matthew. Frey
could feel the ire coming over the airwaves as his Clan member
spoke of the boy’s injuries. He knew they needed to get Abbi away
from Troy the right way, but Frey couldn’t guarantee the man
wouldn’t meet his demise if one of the Gargoyles ever got their
hands on him.

As badly as Frey wanted to be with Abbi, he
felt it best to keep his distance. He needed to go help Mason at
the dojo since Uri was at the hospital. Before he headed that way,
Frey looked in on Matt. He wanted to see the boy for himself. He
and Uri bumped fists as he entered the room. Frey took in the new
injuries to Matt’s face. The old bruising was covered by fresh
splotches. Various butterfly bandages held together some of the
lesser cuts. Stitches had been needed for a deeper gash. He pushed
a strand of hair off the teen’s forehead. Clenching his fists, he
turned to Uri. “If that motherfucker comes anywhere near him…”

Uri cut him off, “He’s not getting past me.
I promise.”

Frey nodded. He knew Uri would protect
Matthew at all costs. He had one more stop to make before he headed
to the gym. He paused outside Jonas’ office and listened. Frey was
surprised when the voice he heard was Kaya’s. His queen had stepped
in and was talking to Abbi. The fates couldn’t have chosen a better
female for Rafael. Instead of sending one of the Gargoyles, Kaya
had come to talk to Abbi, woman to woman. She was taking her
statement, documenting the bruises, and offering her a place to
stay. Frey wasn’t shocked when Abbi agreed to go home with Kaya.
He’d known in his heart she wouldn’t trust him again. The fact she
would be staying at the manor brought a big sense of relief to

Jonas,” Frey whispered,
knowing the doctor would hear him.

Ladies, please excuse me
a moment.” Jonas closed the door behind him as he stepped into the

Here are Abbi’s keys. Her
clothes and toiletries are in her car. Thank you for all you’re
doing to help.”

I’m just glad I could
convince her to file the order. You go do what you need to do. Kaya
and Rafael will take good care of her.” Jonas had hidden from
Rafael’s Clan for hundreds of years. About ten years ago, he had
met with Rafael posing as Joseph Mooneyham, but wouldn’t declare
his loyalty. Now, after the incident with Isabelle and Connor, he
was fully on board.

Thank you.” Frey shook
the doctor’s hand and headed to the dojo. As he reached his Jeep,
his phone rang. “Sixx, did you find something?”

Can you stop by the lab?
You’re not going to believe this shit.”


Abbi had expected to have to talk to Jasper,
or another male detective. When the female police chief showed up,
she had been pleasantly surprised. Kaya Kane was down to earth and
seemed to be genuinely concerned. She had taken Abbi’s statement
and filled out the paperwork for the restraining order. All Abbi
had to do was sign it. Kaya also recommended a divorce attorney
since Abbi had no idea who to call. The kicker, though, was when
Kaya offered to let Abbi stay with her and her fiancé. She assured
Abbi they had plenty of room, as well as a housekeeper who would
love to dote on her and Matthew. The place was secure, and no one
would be able to find her at Kaya’s home.

Abbi wasn’t leaving the hospital as long as
Matthew was there, but as soon as he was well enough to be
released, she agreed to the woman’s hospitality. Abbi knew there
were kind people in the world. Heck, she was one of them. She just
couldn’t show it as often as she liked because Troy kept her pinned

As soon as the chief left, Abbi returned to
Matt’s room. She nodded at the tall man standing guard and quietly
entered the room. She pushed the chair close to the bed and sat
down. She wanted to hold her brother’s hand, but she was afraid of
hurting him. Instead, she placed her hands in her lap and watched
him sleep. Every time she heard a male voice in the hall, Abbi
would look over her shoulder, fully expecting Troy to be there.

Her thoughts turned to the divorce. Both the
doctor and the police chief guaranteed her she would come out the
other end fine, but they didn’t know Troy. Even the chief who was
Troy’s boss didn’t really know him. When she asked Miss Kane about
Troy’s work ethic, the woman had skated around the truth. Maybe she
knew him better than Abbi realized. Troy had a way of getting what
he wanted. When they were in high school, Abbi had her sights set
on someone else, but Troy was always there to interrupt anytime
Abbi was talking to Brandon. She never did get to date her crush.
They were both busy with their extracurricular activities, and Troy
was always up in her business.

Brandon was an exceptionally good football
player. He had received a scholarship to play for the University of
Georgia. He was their star quarterback for three years before he
went on to be drafted early by some NFL team. Abbi bought a second
hand UGA sweatshirt at a Goodwill store and wore it whenever she
could. If Troy ever found out the true meaning behind the shirt,
he’d have ripped it into shreds. Abbi tried to catch the games
Brandon played in on television, but Troy hated football. Abbi was
pretty sure it was because he was kicked off their high school team
for fighting.

Troy had a way of showing up wherever Abbi
was, even if he was just sitting in the parking lot in his car. She
ignored him as best she could, but he had been relentless. When her
parents died and her aunt Judy had been made her guardian, he was
always around. Her parents had never let him come over; it was as
if they knew what kind of person he was. Her aunt was another
story. She seemed to really like Troy. Abbi would find them
laughing in the kitchen together. Thinking back on it now, Troy was
probably hitting on Judy.

Abbi finally lost her will to fight Troy.
When her parents died and Judy took over, the only thing she had
the strength for was Matthew. If it hadn’t been for her brother,
Abbi would have curled up and died from grief. When it was time for
her to go to college and her aunt told her all the money for school
was gone, Abbi woke up. Her grief induced fog slowly dissipated,
and Abbi saw Judy for what she was: a gambling, druggie whore. Abbi
found her strength once again, and applied to a small school in
town where she could receive grants and scholarships.

Instead of staying on campus and being able
to get away from her dreadful home life, she lived at home so she
could take care of her brother. That meant not being able to get
away from Troy. Even at school, he had his best friend George
follow her everywhere she went. Abbi had no idea how he managed to
get an education. Thinking about the grown George who was always
coming around, she doubted he did. He was always at their house,
eating their food, drinking Troy’s liquor, sleeping on their

After she graduated, Troy promised Abbi if
she would marry him, they would buy a house where they could start
a family. When he made her that promise, it seemed like a good
deal. She would finally get Matt away from the hellhole that used
to be their home. She agreed, but it didn’t take long after the
vows to see that Troy had lied. He hated Matt for some reason. Abbi
figured it was pure jealousy since she doted on her brother. He was
the only one she doted on. So, a broken promise had sealed her
fate, and now, five long years later, she was finally getting

Even if Troy somehow managed to get
everything in the divorce, Abbi would start over from scratch. If
it meant getting Matt away from her husband, she’d do whatever it
took. She’d had nothing when they got married except her clothes.
She could do it again.

Abs,” Matt whispered from
his bed.

Hey, Matty,” she smiled
at his bruised face. When he reached his hand toward her, she took
it. “Don’t worry about anything. You just rest and get

I need to tell you what
happened,” his eyes pleaded.

I know Troy did this.
Don’t worry, I’m getting away from him. This should have never
happened, but it did and I’ve filed a restraining order. I’m also
filing for divorce. Matt, there are nice people helping us

No, Abs, Troy didn’t do
this. Please, you can’t.” Matt was getting agitated.

Of course he did this.
Matt, maybe you have a concussion, or you didn’t see him attack

Abbi, no, you can’t…”
Matthew couldn’t sit up without the pain in his ribs hurting too

Shh, Matt, it’s okay. Lay
back down.” Abbi was confused. Matthew was adamant about Troy not
causing his injuries. She felt a presence behind her and when she
looked up, the big guy, Uri, was standing there. He had closed the

May I?” he asked Abbi,
gesturing to the chair. She rose and moved out of his

Uri sat down and picked up Matthew’s hand.
Her brother instantly calmed down. “Hey, Buddy, listen to me.” When
Matthew looked at him, he continued, “We made a promise to keep you
safe. We weren’t expecting Troy to find you taking out the garbage.
Now, you will be covered twenty-four seven, no matter where you
are. Abbi is covered too. Until this is over, neither of you will
be without a guard. I’m pretty sure the bastard threatened Abbi
since you are trying to convince her he’s not responsible, am I
right?” Matthew nodded. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You are
going to stay home from school. We will bring your homework to you
and take it back so you won’t fall behind. If there is anything you
need help with, we will video conference a session with your
teacher if one of us can’t help you.”

Abbi couldn’t believe that was possible.
“How do you know his teachers will agree to that?”

Because Frey knows the
principal, and he assured us they would cooperate.” He turned his
attention back to Matt. “Your two week notice at the restaurant has
turned into an immediate notice. You are now employed by the gym.
When you are well enough, you will begin your new job. While you
are recovering, you will receive a paycheck same as if you were
there. While you are recuperating, we feel it best if you continue
to live with Frey. His home is secure. Abbi, if you wish to stay
with Kaya that is your prerogative.”

Now wait a minute, I’m
Matthew’s guardian. He is going to stay with me where I can keep an
eye on him.” Who were these people who were trying to take over her
life? They were almost as bad as Troy.

Yes, you are, and as such
you want what is best for Matthew. Are you going to quit your job?
Take a vacation? Be there around the clock for your brother? While
we prefer you actually did take a vacation, we realize it probably
isn’t feasible. You have responsibilities.”

What about your
responsibilities? Frey’s? The police chief’s? You can’t put your
lives on hold for the two of us.”

We can, and we will. Our
only responsibility at this point is to keep you and Matthew safe.
I know it may seem odd to you now, but one day you will understand.
You are family, regardless of whether you feel that way. We do
whatever it takes to protect our own.”

You’re right, I don’t get
it.” From Frey wanting to be in her life, to the chief taking her
in, to this man standing sentry, none of it made sense. People were
nice, but they didn’t stop everything to be this nice.

Whether or not you accept
our assistance, you’re getting it. You may as well be onboard.
Abbi, there are those in this world whose kindness overrides the
evil. We are reaching out a hand of goodness. Please grab

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