Freeing Tuesday (8 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden

BOOK: Freeing Tuesday
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“I love this song,” Evan mutters in my ear. I didn’t see him get off his stool and now the heat of his body is so close to mine that it’s making me nervous. Not because I’m afraid he is going to touch me but I’m scared of what I would feel if he did. He is the only person that can touch me without me knowing first and I won’t freak out on him.

I always make a big deal to let him know that his crotch rot infested body isn’t welcome near mine, but in truth, it’s because I’m just scared to get more attached than I already am just to have him ripped away from me. So instead, I watch him screw random
knowing that I could never be what he would need me to be. Maybe if I wasn’t scared he would get hurt because of me I could at least try, but I know that will never happen.

I nod. My whole body breaks out in goose bumps when I feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. “Think they’re going to sign them?” he asks.

I clear my throat and try to push away the feeling of him being so close, “If she doesn’t, I’m going to beat her.”

I turn just in time to see Paul shake hands with Henry and take up wall space next to him. I had almost forgotten he had tagged along because he took off as soon as Henry had us with him.

The serious look he gives me lets me know he can tell something isn’t quite right with me right now. I wink and blow him a kiss. Shaking his head he goes back to watching what’s going on around us and I hope he’ll leave my issues for me to deal with.

“You guys good here while I go sign me a new band?” Abby grins like a little kid that just got what they asked Santa for and I nod when she leans in to kiss my cheek. “Can you tell them to meet me back in the same room when Gray gets off stage?”

“Go sign me a band, bitch. I’m going to need new work when you’re done being a rock star. I have a feeling these fuckers will keep me plenty busy!”

She turns and leaves with Paul just as Daisy
off her stool and jumps, landing straight against her husband. I motion for them to come over and they all fall in line in front of me.

“Abby wants to see you guys alone back in the stage room.”

All of them go pale instantly and I can't help but laugh. Even Hunter isn’t speaking and since I haven’t seen him shut up since I met him, I’d say this is a pretty major moment and I’m excited that I get to be a part of it.







“How the hell did I let you talk me into this?” I bitch at Abby over the thumping music once we’re all situated in the back of the club. I try pulling my barely there dress back down my thighs when I feel Evan's eyes burning into me from the couch across from me.

Abby laughs as Jameson pulls her into his side. “Shut up. No one will even notice your face with the amount of leg and chest showing.”

“Oh, so much better, tits and ass is all I need plastered everywhere," I mutter sarcastically.

Evan just shakes his head and scowls. He’s pissed off because I haven’t said more than two words to him since he showed up at the house tonight and made a comment about me showing too much skin. Where the hell does he get off telling me I show too much skin? Was he or was he not boinking some skanky ass chick in the bed of his truck in the middle of town a few weeks ago? Her “skirt” was about four inches shorter than my dress. That's not a skirt that’s a shirt and he didn’t seem to have a problem with it on her.

I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. We’re supposed to be out celebrating the fact that I’m going to start working in the office part time doing public relations and a few other things while we’re home. Then when this tour, which will be Thirty Ought Six’s last tour, is over I will be there full time.

I can’t wait until I’m not petrified that every time I turn around I’m going to need to avoid paparazzi. I can hide in my office and deal with everything from there. I just need to get past the show in Vegas. If I can make it through that I can breathe a bit easier.

Abby passes me a beer and leans over to whisper in my ear, “Are you seriously going to let him get to you? It’s Evan. He bangs anything with a pulse so that’s probably all he’s thinking about and that’s why he said it. Maybe he just doesn’t want to think about you like that.”

I had spared Abby the whole ‘
I think I’m falling for you’
stuff from the other night and let it out on Jason instead. Abby has enough to deal with and already thinks I’m in over my head just being friends with Evan. I hate to say it but lately I think she might be right.

“You’re right,” I say, looking over at Evan who is still glaring at me. I smile, “Tonight is about fun and I’m going to have some.”

“Hello, sexy Kitten…”

As if on cue, Hunter Chesterfield crouches down next to me, one arm slides behind me on top of the couch and the other rests on the table, blocking me in. Resisting the urge to drop him to the floor again I smile sweetly. I just got done saying tonight was about fun and I know that I can use him to my advantage and piss Evan off a little bit more.

“Hunter. Did you not learn your lesson last time?” I cock my eyebrow at him.

His eyes flare and he slides his hand between us, covering his crotch. “I may need special tutoring in that area.  My sexpertise is mainly oral skills.”

Tilting my head a little I lean in, making sure my chest is in full view for him. “What can I do for you?”

“There’s plenty you can do for me, Kitten. They mostly involve a tub of Crisco, condoms, rope and you, naked in my bed. Everything else is negotiable.”

I stifle my laughter because I know Evan is watching, waiting to see what is going to happen and because he pissed me off earlier I plan on pissing him off now. Biting my lip I lean further in and rest my lips against Hunter's ear, “I’m game as long as we include a strap on smothered in that Crisco, and you tied… Face down, ass up…”

I slide my fingers slowly up his arm and watch a sheer look of panic wash over his face. Pulling himself together quickly he stands and grabs my hand, pulling me up to him. His hand settles on my lower back, thumb stroking back and forth and I swear I hear Evan growl over the music.

“I say we use the one I already have. I grew it myself and it’s ready to blow,” Hunter winks at me. “So, I’d ask you if you come here often, but lines aren’t my thing. I’m straight forward with bitches. So, Kitten, are you stalkin’ my dick?”

I laugh dryly at the thought of me being the one to stalk instead of the one being staked. “We’re out celebrating the fact that as of tomorrow I’m your new public relations manager. Anything you do that’s bad comes back to me and I get to whip your ass into shape.”

A wicked grin spreads across his face, “Whipping can be arranged but you’re talking to the wrong brother if that’s what you’re into. Bacon, booze and banging? I’m your guy.”

I can feel Evan's eyes burning holes in my back when I ask Hunter if he wants to dance. The words surprise even me as he leads me away from the table by the small of my back.



Son of a bitch I’m going to kill him. Hunter's fucking hands are on my woman…
. Ok, so she's not mine but I
guarantee that she won’t be his either. Not on my damn watch.

The thing is, she’s only not mine because she won’t admit that she wants me. I told her the other night that I thought I was falling for her. Granted, it might not have been the best way or time to do it but I still did it.

Now I have to sit here and watch as some other guy gets to touch her the way I want to but she won’t allow.

I ball my fists under the table as Hunter leads Tuesday to the crowded dance floor, his hand resting way too close her ass for my comfort.

“What’s the matter, big brother? Don’t like it when someone plays with your toys?” Jameson taunts me from the other side of the table. I narrow my eyes at him; a silent warning to shut the fuck up or I
make a scene.

My eyes follow every move Tuesday and Hunter make on the dance floor. Her back is plastered to his front as she arches her spine and swings her hips to the beat of
Sexy Bitch
by David Guetta. The already too short dress she has on rides up her thighs more when Hunter slides his arms around her waist. Leaning down, he says something in her ear and she spins so she’s facing him.

She pulls herself up so her mouth is against his ear again, hips grinding against his dick and all I want to do is walk over and punch him in the face. I want to break him. This feeling, the feeling of needing to own Tuesday, to hurt anyone who touches her that isn’t me, scares the living hell out of me.

This is bullshit! How can she go from leveling him the other day for calling her Kitten to this? I have
seen her act like this. Not even with Alex.

A few songs later Tuesday finally breaks free and kisses him on the cheek, which pisses me off even more, before heading down the hallway towards the bathroom. My legs pull me forward and before I even know what I’m doing I’m heading towards Hunter as he heads for the bar. I get halfway there but I’m suddenly being pulled around and have to look down at Abby.

“You hurt him and I will hurt you. Do. You. Understand?”

I shrug because honestly I will take anything she can dish out if it means I get to put him in his place for touching Tuesday. Abby’s fingers dig into my wrist when I try to pull away.

“She isn’t yours, Evan. You make sure of that every time you fuck someone else!”

Ignoring her, I pull myself free of her and head back towards Hunter. Even more pissed off now that Abby has called me out on my shit because she’s right and I hate it.

Hunter turns around and smiles at me before taking a pull off his beer. “You and I need to talk," I say as soon as I reach him.

He doesn’t say anything but follows me and as soon as I hit the empty hallway I spin and back him up against the wall. “I let this shit go last time because Aiden was there but you don’t seem to learn do you?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks.

“Tuesday. Don’t fucking touch her,” I seethe.

“I didn’t realize she was yours," he smiles at me. “She was all over me so I assumed she was a free agent. I don’t like boomerang pussy anyway and since she’s going to be working with us that’s what it would be because one ride on me is never enough for girls. So you don’t have anything to worry about.”

My fist connects with his face twice before he drops to the ground and my boot hits his stomach with as much force as I can muster. The words
free agent
and him saying she was all over him amp my anger up higher than I ever remember it being. I don’t care about the consequences; it felt good while I was doing it.

I bend and catch his attention while he wheezes, trying to catch his breath again. “She might not be mine
but I can guarantee she will
be yours.”

Leaving him sprawled out on the floor in the hall I walk back out and search for Tuesday. Her eyes narrow when she sees me because she’s still pissed off about the shit I said earlier about her dressing like a hooker in heat. The words ‘
If you need dick that bad I have a slot available in twenty’
may have come out of my mouth and now that I think about it I would probably be pissed off at me too.

“I’m sorry," I admit when I finally reach her. “I was an asshole earlier and was way out o-” I stop short when she peers over my shoulder and curses under her breath.

I turn to see what caught her attention and notice a fight in the center of the floor but that isn’t what has her attention. No, her attention is on Hunter and Henry who are walking out of the hall, his shirt covered in blood
. Perfect timing guys, thanks.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” she yells at me and shoves me forward. “You beat him up because of what? Because he danced with me or because I was flirting with him? Which the hell is it?”

I didn’t respond because I know that nothing I say is going to make this better so I let her keep yelling at me while I follow her outside.

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