Freeing Tuesday (29 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden

BOOK: Freeing Tuesday
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I pull my hat down further and yank my hood over that with my free hand as Evan pulls me out of the car. We avoid the front desk and veer towards the elevator bank since Paul already has us checked in. I keep my mouth shut until we board the elevator and the doors close, knowing the less people that see me or hear my voice, the better off I’ll be.

As soon as the doors close Evan spins me, pinning my chest against the wall and pulls my coat down my arms. His teeth nip a path across my shoulders, making me moan. His breath rasps against my ear as he slides his hand into the front of my jeans and his fingers circle my clit.

“Three weeks is three weeks too long without you. I’m so glad this is the last time I ever have to go without you for that long.”

“Oh, God,” I cry out as two of his thick fingers slide inside me and he latches onto the sensitive spot at the base of my neck. He chuckles.

“This,” he says as he flicks his thumb over my clit, “is mine, and I can’t wait until I can do this every day. I would drop to my knees and claim it right now if the doors weren’t about to open.”

He pulls his hand away and releases me from the wall as the doors spring open. Evan struts off the elevator like nothing happened, pulling me along behind him toward our room.

As soon as we clear the doorway and the door clicks shut, Evan rips the hat from my head and undoes my jeans, shoving them down my legs and I step out of them as fast as I can. Gripping my ass, he pulls me up and I wrap my legs around him, instantly grinding against him.

“Anxious?” his tongue slides over my collarbone.

My back slams up against the wall and I cry out. The more I have of Evan, the more I realize I want and the rougher he is, the hotter it makes me.

“Shut up and fuck me, asshole.”

“Oooh. She’s feisty tonight. I love it when you boss me around.”

Sliding his hand between us, he undoes his jeans and slams into me. He reaches out, pinning my arms above our heads and continues to slam into me. I lean forward and claim his mouth, our tongues battling against each other, but I know both of us are going to win this war. Evan’s movements become frantic and I know he’s close to losing it. I squeeze around him, driving him insane. Biting out my name, he stills, coming with such a force that it sets me off too.

Releasing my hands he backs up and slides down the wall while still inside me. The sound of our frantic breathing fills the silent room around us. Evan laughs as he drops his head to my shoulder, trying to catch his breath.

“Shit, baby, I missed you. After this, I better get to see you every night.”

I nod in agreement, “Every night. I want this every day for however long you’ll let me have it.”

He’s silent for a few minutes but when he speaks again my heart stops.



“Vegas bitches! How y’all doin’ tonight?”

I chuckle, loving how feisty Abby is being tonight where it’s her last show. She’s holding nothing back and the crowd loves it. I lean back into Evan, finally relaxing in the darkness as she continues to taunt the crowd about a new song to ring in the
New Year
as she counts down.

Jameson stalks toward Abby, making the crowd go wild as they countdown from ten and she drops the microphone when she hits one. I don’t see what happens after that because Evan spins me around as fast as he can and ducks his head down, attacking my mouth. It’s not slow and sweet like it was earlier after he told me he wanted me forever. It’s raw and hard and I know it will leave me wanting more. His teeth bite into my bottom lip as he fists my hair, tugging my head back for better access.

“If I don’t stop, we’re going to end up over a set box again.”

I feel my heart rate spike as I think about the night he’s talking about.

“I don’t think I’d mind.”

He groans, “And on that note, I’m going to walk away for a second because I’m going to get in trouble. Four minutes left before everyone walks off that stage and that isn’t anywhere near enough time for me to do what I want to you.”

My entire body stiffens when Evan mentions leaving me here alone. He notices, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, letting his voice rumble off my ear.

“I’m just going to the bathroom real quick. Paul is right there and there are a few more security guards back here. You’ll be ok. Just promise me you won’t panic and run away.”

I push hard to make my voice heard over the noise. “I’m not running Evan. Just hurry back. I don’t like being here alone.”

I turn around when he leaves and find Paul watching me. He winks and turns his attention back to the stage where the band is finishing up. The eerie sensation that I’m being watched hits me again at the same time something pinches my neck but when I turn around, nothing is behind me.

I drag in a slow breath as a nauseous feeling flows over me and my head begins to swim. Stumbling to the side, I reach out for anything I can grab onto to regain my balance but the there isn’t anything there so I fall back against the wall where everything in my vision starts to blur.




As fast as I can, I make my way back to where I left Tuesday standing. I know I shouldn’t have left her there alone but if I hadn’t walked away, I would have had her naked against the wall again. Rounding the corner where I left her, my eyes scan the area but come up with nothing.


I tap Paul on the shoulder, pulling his attention from the stage and ask him where Tuesday went.

“She’s right…” he points to the spot I left her and I can see the panic seep into his eyes. “I just turned around! She was right there!”

My stomach drops as we both run, grabbing the other security and start searching every inch of the arena.
She promised me she wasn’t going to run.
She wouldn’t run again. I saw how much it wrecked her and she knows it killed all of us, so there is no way she would do it again. Especially in this fucking town.

Running head first into a sobbing Abby an hour later doesn’t help matters any. She looks up at me and buries her head back in her hands as Jameson tries to calm her down. My entire body shakes as stand in the last spot I saw Tuesday and when I look up I lose all hope.

Paul steps up, his face hard as a stone and shakes his head sadly.

Something isn’t right. Everything about this seems off. In this town, the history I know she has here, it all screams foul play.

“She’s not in any of the bathrooms,” Jason and Vanessa say in unison. It’s about time they started playing nice with each other and I want to make a comment about it but my attention is drawn away but one of the security guards showing Paul something.

I grab my phone and click through my contacts, pull up Agent Frey’s number and click send before I even see what the guy is showing Paul. Like a slow motion scene in a horror movie, Paul’s eyes widen and I look down to see the glint of a needle in the guy’s hand.

“Frey,” he barks through the speaker.

“Hard Rock in Vegas. Get your ass here

“What the hell are you doing in Vegas, Evan?”

I take a deep breath so I don’t snap at him and tell him to quit asking stupid fucking questions and just get in the car.

“They have Tuesday.”

He blows a breath out and it whistles through the speaker, “I’ll be there soon.”


Three hours later I’m about ready to kill someone when Frey
walks in. He instantly seeks me out, finding me slouched down on floor with my head hanging. His shoes come to a halt almost toe to toe with my boots.

“Why didn’t you guys let me know she was back?”

“You honestly expected us to? You guys are the reason they found her in the first place!”
I push myself off the floor and glare at him, knowing that one person on his team fucked

everything up and we still don’t know which one it is. Months fucking later, we still don’t know.

“They were bound to find her either way.”

“Bullshit! That’s fucking bullshit and you know it!”

His chest puffs up when I start crowding his space. He’s pissing me off and my last shred of patience went out the window hours ago.

“How long has she been gone?”

“We searched for about an hour before I called you. So, four.”

He nods slowly and grabs his phone, “I’ll get a team together and we’ll figure out where to go from here.”

Grabbing his coat, I yank him towards me. “Here’s what you’re going to do. You have five minutes to get a fucking team together and go pull her out or I will.”

“You don’t know what you’d be getting yourself into. Back off or I will restrain you and make sure you don’t get in the way.”

I drop my hands from his chest and take a step back. “I know enough. I know where he lives and I know I have enough people here to back my ass up.” Spinning around I yell over my shoulder, “Your five minutes started a minute and a half ago, Frey.”





I groan and it echoes around me. Every piece of my body hurts worse than when Evan and I rolled the car and I have the biggest headache ever. I try to stretch but my feet hit a solid surface the same time as my hands. That’s when I notice that both are bound, raw and bleeding.

I try to calm myself down before I open my eyes but as soon as I do all the panic seeps back in. I’m on a floor surrounded by white cinder block walls in a room that can’t be more than five feet long by five feet wide. A metal door and a toilet are the only things that occupy the space other than me.

I’ve been here before.

I push myself up so I’m sitting and have to bite my lips to keep myself from screaming out in pain. It feels like I’ve been kicked in the ribs over and over again. I look down and notice that I’m still in my jeans and sweatshirt but my shoes have been removed. The necklace that Evan gave me for Christmas is still dangling from my neck with my clover. My fingers wrap around it and trace the pattern. Just knowing that a piece of Evan is with me calms me down a little.

My eyes scan over every inch of the space trying to figure out a way to escape. I’ve done it before but they never had me bound like this. I look up to the ceiling and notice the vent cover is above the toilet but without tools I don’t know how to get it down this time.

I hear shuffling and voices outside the door and I push myself into a corner and drop the necklace back down under my shirt. The door opens and my eyes collide with the one person who holds control over what I do in my life.


“You’re a hard girl to find.”

I don’t move and I don’t look away. Knowing that if I drop my eyes from his he’ll find a weakness I don’t want him to see. He’ll find out that I have something to live for, where when I ran, I didn’t. If I died back then the only thing I lost was him. Now I will lose everything I love.

He slides a chair into the doorway, flips it around and straddles it. Making himself at home in this cement box like it was an everyday visit.

“You cost me a lot of money dear wife of mine. I know you remember that I don’t take kindly to that. I also don’t take kindly to the fact that you killed off two of my best men.” The corner of his mouth perks up and it makes me want to punch the smug look right off his face. “But, then again, you always were feisty. That’s why I took your father up on his offer to begin with.”

“Obviously they couldn’t have been the best if they were killed off by me.”

He shakes his head, “I honestly didn’t think you had it in you. Killing people never was your specialty.”

“Things change.”

“Maybe so, but you’re still here aren’t you. I still managed to take your freedom away. But, then again, you never were really free.” His head tilts to the side, “I bet you screamed my name out in the middle of the night. I bet I haunted your dreams. It was always in the back of your mind that I was just one second behind you. That one day you wouldn’t wake up and it was all thanks to me. I’ve told you before. I. Am. Your. God.”

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