Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (20 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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He laughs as he follows me up the steps to the back entrance. We barely make it in before Lydia.

My shower is brief and I hightail it as I finish getting ready. Lydia is surprised to see me rushing through.

“Sorry. I overslept.”

Ovaltine is still laughing at me. I don’t know why, either. We take the elevator to the underground garage and get in the car.

“What’s so funny?”

“I’ve just never seen you run so late before.”

“I’m never late, that’s why.”

“Hey, it’s all cool, Dr. M. You’re the boss, you know.”

Then I stop and think, yeah, I am. And laugh.

“My replacement is already here,” Ovaltine says.

My door opens and the biggest black man I’ve ever seen stands before me. He’s bigger than Sam or Ovaltine, and that’s ginormous.

“Dr. Martinelli, my name is Axel and I’ll be with you today.”

“Axel. Nice to meet you.”


We take the elevator up to the executive level where the receptionist, Alice, says hello to us. I introduce Axel and we continue on our journey. When we get to Kolson’s office, I introduce him to Chloe, my secretary, before I show him in. But he stays right outside by the door.

“Dr. Martinelli, no one gets into this office without your express permission. They have to get through me to get to you.”

“That’s good, Axel.”

He nods.

“Um, would you care for some coffee?”

“No, ma’am.”

And then he stands like some kind of soldier, arms crossed, protecting me. Well, admittedly, I do feel safer with him here.

An hour or so later, I hear voices and a knock. Axel sticks his head in and says, “There’s a Mr. Jack McCutcheon requesting an audience with you, ma’am.”

Oh, for Pete’s sake.

“Um, Axel, we’re not that formal around here. And yes, Jack can enter any time.”

Jack walks in, a silly grin on his face.

“What’s with Conan?”

“Uh, yeah, after Langston’s threats, all my advisors have decided it’s best for me to have a bodyguard. Which reminds me, I need to pay a visit to Tom Barrett and have him call off that search.”

“Oh. Well, I was going to see if you wanted to review some upcoming acquisitions, but we can do it later.”

“You don’t mind?”

“Not at all.”

I follow Jack out and Axel and I walk over to security.

When I see Tom, he seems relieved that I’m calling off the search on Langston.

“The more I thought about it, the more I realized how foolish it was. I can let Langston scream at me all day long. And I’m letting it go.”

“Thanks, Dr. Martinelli. I appreciate that. But I want you to know that I tried to get into their system. I did it from an outside computer.”

“What? Not your own, I hope?”

“No. A public one. At the library.”

“Thank God.”

“I wanted it untraceable. But Hart Entertainment employs security in their system much like we do. So it would take a lot to break in. I wanted to check it before I did an actual attempt. It would be difficult to hack.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t do it from somewhere they could trace.”

Tom laughed. “No, ma’am. I would never do that. But thanks for calling it off. It would’ve taken a while to get in.”

That taken care of, I go back to get some work done. I have piles of stuff to muddle through and I sit there trying to figure out what I’m reading. Chloe delivers the mail and I set it aside momentarily.

I finish my current pile and Jack comes back in to ask me questions.While he’s there, I open a huge manila envelope. I figure it’s another contract. Why else would it be in such a large envelope?

I was wrong. Oh, was I ever wrong. I should’ve paid more attention to the handwriting and that it was scrawled and not a typed label. And I should’ve noted how heavy it was. But when I reach inside and pull out the contents, I’m horrified at what I see. At first my mouth opens. And then I scream. And scream. The contents fall to my desk in slow motion and I frantically reach for the trashcan because I start vomiting.

Loud voices yell all around me but I can’t respond. Then I hear Jack cursing. Then Axel runs inside.

Finally, when the heaving ends, I cry. No, I sob. The whole thing slams into me and I fall on my butt, weeping for what I know. That fucking bastard. Disgusting, vile monster.

Tom Barrett is now looking at the photos. Jack is crouched next to me.

“Gabby, are you okay?”

I’m mumbling because I can’t believe someone could be so cruel. So inhumane and cold-hearted.

Jack pushes a bottle of water into my hands.

“Shall I call Case?”


I stare at the note in my hand … the note that


I told you, you fucked with the wrong person, baby girl.


And that’s it. But really, what else did he need to write?

Not much later, Case storms in. He takes one look at the pictures and says, “That fucking piece of shit. Gabby?”

“Down here.”

I still haven’t moved.

He crouches next to me too. Jack sits now, cross-legged, next to me. We look like we’re having a campfire council.

“Gabby, what …”

“It’s Kolson’s horse. Storm. He shot and killed his horse, Case. For revenge. To get back at me. For what I said. And then he sent me these pictures. Kolson loved that horse. Oh my God. It’s all my fault.”

“No. Stop thinking that. It’s Langston’s fault. He’s the one who did it. Come here.”

He pulls me into his arms and holds me while I sob. Oh God, how will I ever tell Kolson? What will I say?

“What else is he going to do?”

Case growls, “Not a damn thing. Right, Axel?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Come on. We need to get you out of here,” Case says.

Axel follows us out to the waiting car and we drive home. Lydia is surprised that I’m home so early. When I explain, she goes off on a rampage and Case and I shut ourselves in Kolson’s office.

“Gabby,” he begins, his voice low, “you can’t tell him. Not yet, anyway. Maybe when everything’s over. But not now. He’s loose and on edge. This will push him and we can’t afford that. I know it’ll be tough not saying anything, but you have to do it. Especially after the issues with Kade.”

I glance out the window and look at the skyline. For a minute, I let myself reflect on the time Kolson took me up in the helicopter to help me forget all the abuse I went through. I wish there was a way to ease the loss of Storm for him. “Case, when we went to his dad’s, Kolson took me for a ride on Storm and told me the story of how they became close as rider and horse. Kolson was one of only two people who could ride Storm. This is really going to kill him. It’s way more than just a horse to him. Storm was Kolson’s best friend growing up. You know, he was the one that Kolson ran to when Langston was especially cruel.”

“Shit. Then maybe you need to tell him.”

“If I withhold this, he’ll be very upset with me.”

“Text him now and tell him to meet you here tonight.”

I do as Case suggests. Kolson responds immediately, and the rest of the day is total hell.

Once the sun is gone for the night, I wait in my studio; Sam is with me. As soon as I hear the sound of the key in the lock, my eyes burn with tears.

Kolson walks in. Sam says, “I’ll be in the hall if you need me.”

My arms reach for Kolson and pull him to me, and he knows. He knows something’s wrong.

“Tell me.”

I kiss the corners of his mouth first, thinking maybe that will ease the harsh words that are about to pierce this man’s heart. But I’m smarter than this. So I just begin.

“I received an envelope at work today. It was large. I opened it and it contained pictures.”

I stop and breathe, gulping air.

Swallowing, I continue, ignoring the way my heart thrums against my sternum. “When I looked at them, I screamed. Your father is a monster, Kolson. And it’s my fault. I caused this. In retaliation for my comments, he got his revenge … by killing Storm.” I can no longer contain my sobs. “I’m so sorry. I know how much you loved him and how much he meant to you. I’m so sorry.”

I hold his tense body in my arms, but he doesn’t respond. He’s like marble, just standing there, silent.

“Kolson, please say something.”

He can barely speak; his jaw is clenched so tightly. “What would you have me say? That I’m sad? You already know that. That I hate my father? You know that too. There isn’t anything worth saying right now.”

His fists are balled and I want him to do something other than stand there. But he doesn’t. He’s closed off everything. Even the part of him that used to talk to me. And that’s what has me most concerned.

I slide my fingers in his hair and look in his eyes. I need a connection with him. One where I can ground him, but he won’t even look at me.

“Kolson, let me in. Please.”

“Gabby, you don’t want to be where I am right now.” His voice is flat and hollow. And that worries me more than any kind of anger ever would. At least with anger comes passion. What stands in front of me is lifeless.

“I need to go.”

“Go? Where?”

And he walks away from me.

It’s the most helpless feeling I can remember.




The next morning I’m in the office when my cell phone rings.



It’s Kestrel.

“What do you want?”

“I need to see you.”

“Why? So you can bring me more pictures?”

“No! You don’t think I had anything to do with that, do you?”

“Kestrel, I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“Please meet me. We can meet at a café or restaurant of your choice.”

This is perfect timing, even though I would never let on.

“Okay. Do you know The Market Café near the Park on East 60th?” I ask.

“No, but I’ll find it. I’ll be there at one thirty.”

He’s waiting for me when I arrive. He stands to greet me, his manners impeccable, exactly like Kolson’s.

“Hi,” I say. “I’d like to say it’s good to see you, but I’m an honest person, Kestrel.”

“I know. I want you to know I’m sorry for what my father did.”


“Because it’s detestable.”

“Then why didn’t you put a stop to it?”

“I didn’t know he was going to do it! I only found out after the fact.”

Reaching across the table, I lay my hand on his. “Why would he do something so horrific?”

His eyes punch mine. “My father is a horrific man.” Then I feel his hand on top of mine.

“Why do you stay?”

“I … I have to.”

“No, you don’t.”

“You don’t understand.”

“Enlighten me. I’m a quick study.”


Now he lifts my hand and takes it between his and just holds it. I make a move to pull it back but he tightens his hold. So I scoot closer and bend forward. Then I place my other hand on his arm. He shutters his eyes as he sighs. This is a man who lives to be touched. I wrap my fingers around him and hold on tightly. And this is in no way a sexual thing. It’s purely tactile.

“My father likes to control everything and everyone around him. And he did a fine job of it with us. Still does with me.” He gives me a sad smile. “My mom cried all night long. Dad came in from the stables yelling about how he took down the mighty Storm. We didn’t know what he was talking about and then he tossed his phone to me and showed me the pictures. Mom and I were both mortified. She became ill and took to her room. She was still there when I left for work in the morning. Then last night, she was so upset, she still wouldn’t speak to him. I’ve never seen her like that.”

“Well, good for her.” My voice drips sarcasm. “Why did he do this to me?”

“He didn’t do it to
, Gabby. He did it to Kolson. He believes he’s out here somewhere and he thinks he’s getting back at him. He thinks you’ll tell him and then it will be my dad’s revenge.”

“What does he want?”

“Kolson. That’s all he’s ever wanted. He’s the only one Dad could never break. Well, and Storm. Now Storm is dead and it wouldn’t surprise me if when he finds Kolson, he doesn’t kill him too.”

“Kestrel, what makes you think Kolson’s still alive?”

Kestrel laughs. “They haven’t found a body yet, have they?”

In a very soft voice, I ask, “Kestrel, did Langston break you?”

“Look at me, Gabby. What do you think?”

“I think you may have a chip missing here and there, and maybe even a crack or two, but I don’t think you’re broken. I don’t think you’re broken at all.”

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