Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (2 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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“When? When are you going to tell me?”

My hands reach for her shoulders, but she flings them away with her arms. “Don’t touch me,” she fumes. “Remember? Honesty. That’s the one thing I’ve asked from you. Really, it’s the only thing I’ve ever asked, Kolson. Now answer me. When are you going to tell me?”

I turn away from her but her voice halts me.

“Don’t you dare do that. I want you to look me in the eye when you answer.”

This shouldn’t be a problem for me because I am a master at masking my emotions. Or at least I used to be. Before Gabriella. Things are different with her.

I turn to face her and my hand automatically moves to my hair. The tension on her face, the lines soften when she sees this. I blow out a breath. “Kea, it’s difficult to explain and I’m not sure you want to hear it anyway.” My voice is low and sounds off, even to me. My gut feels like an army of hornets has been unleashed inside and is making its way up my esophagus. I’ve been this way ever since I made my deal with the dragon. His fire already burns me and my war with him hasn’t even begun.

Her hand fists my shirt and she pleads, “Why can’t you tell me?”

“Because it could destroy you. I can’t take that risk. Ever. Can you please drop it? When the time is right, I
tell you. But not now. Not today.” Maybe it’s the tone of my voice. Or the way I beg her with my eyes. But she nods, and then presses into my chest, wraps me in her arms, and holds me.

“You’re the most important thing in the world to me, Kolson. So if you can’t tell me, then I trust you. But Jesus, I’m getting tired of you not telling me things.”

I inhale and savor her sweetness. She doesn’t know that what we have between us can’t last forever. The dragon knows she’s my weakness and he’ll find a way to destroy it. But until that time comes, I’ll cherish each second with her. Kissing the top of her head, I whisper, “I know. And I’m sorry.” I hold her for a moment longer. “Shall we go?” We get back in the car and resume the drive to my parents’ home.

We arrive at the long winding drive that leads to their sprawling Greek revival mansion. Every time I look at the place, it reminds me how typical Langston it is, from the sheer size of the thing to the ostentatiousness of it that I want to stop the car and immediately turn around and leave. We pull up to the front and we’re greeted by one of their many employees trying to please us in every way possible. All I want to do is tell him to rest easy and that we can manage on our own. Instead, I keep my mouth shut as he ushers us to one of the guest rooms.

“Are we not staying in my room?” I ask.

“No, sir. Your father wanted you to have this room.”

It’s no surprise why. Its mahogany paneling and deep navy draperies plunge the room into darkness, no matter what time of day. Gabriella squeezes my hand. She knows how I hate the dark.

When we are alone, I seethe.

“It’s okay, Kolson. We’ll keep the drapes open and the lights on.”

“That’s not the point. He knows and he does this on purpose.”

“Of course he does, but if you let it show that it bothers you, he wins.”

She’s right.

“Besides, this is one hell of a room.” She snickers.

Huge bed. Deluxe bathroom. It looks like something you’d pay a thousand a night for at the St. Regis.

“Oh yeah. Good old Daddy has fine taste.”

“If you call it that. I prefer open and airy, but whatever.”

I try to laugh but it sounds more like a snort.

“So tell me,” she says, “what does one do at one of these fancy parties?”

“Shall we go and find out?”

“Sure thing. But one thing first.” She grabs me and lays a long, wet, hot kiss on me. And it’s not one of those short little teasers, either. It’s an all-out, boner-in-the-britches type of kiss. By the time she’s done giving my tongue the best blow job ever, my dick is so hard, I can’t think straight.

“Jesus, Gabriella. What’re you trying to do to me?”

“Um, nothing, why?” She looks at me innocently.

“Fuck.” I look down at my clearly outlined erection and tug my shirt out of my jeans so it covers the damn thing. “Let’s get out of here before I rip your clothes off.”

I grab her hand and as we walk, she asks, “Do you think we’re appropriately dressed wearing jeans?”

“Good question. I don’t have a fucking clue.”

We see one of the servants at the bottom of the massive stairway and she directs us to the terrace out back. It’s early September and it’s a beautiful day, still warm as the summer winds down. We’re the last to arrive, and we are not dressed appropriately. My father peruses us with disdain.

“Kolson. Gabby. So good of you to join us. Let me introduce you.” The names are familiar, all his business acquaintances. None I truly care to know. I paste on my plastic smile but use my genuine one for my mother.

“Kolson. Gabby. So nice to see you.” She hugs us and holds my hand.

“Mom, I’m sorry we’re not dressed suitably. I want to take Gabriella for a ride on Storm later. Afterward, we’ll change.”

“Oh, how wonderful. Sit and have some lunch with us.”

We join the others at the table and eat a lunch of salad, shrimp, crab, and a whole lot of stuff I can’t taste as I watch my father drool over Gabriella. He’s doing his best to manipulate her, but now that she’s on to him, she’s playing his game—only she’s not buying one shred of it. He’s too into himself to notice, though, and I have to hand it to her. She’s good. Very good. She’s actually manipulating him in the conversation. They’re chatting about charities. She’s into her volunteer activities and he thinks he has her over a barrel because he’s trying to belittle her for giving away her services. Then she totally nails him.

“So what you’re saying is that I shouldn’t volunteer and that I should charge for everything I do? Wasn’t it Socrates who said, ‘If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it’? Are you proud of your wealth, Langston?”

His face instantly turns red and blotchy. He doesn’t like to be challenged. I gently squeeze her leg, telling her to ease up.

“Gabriella, I want to show you something. Will you excuse us? Thank you for lunch. We’ll see you later this afternoon.”

Gabby rises and takes my hand. I’m not exactly comfortable with how that conversation went. As we head to one of the golf carts parked below, it’s not hard to feel the dragon’s eyes drilling our backs as we leave.

“That wasn’t the wisest thing to do, kea.”

“He was trying to bait me.”

“True, but you insulted him in front of his guests. He’s not a man who likes to be toyed with. And worse than that, he’s a dangerous adversary.”

“I’m not afraid of him.”

“Oh, kea, you should be. You should be extremely afraid of him.”

Her hand tightens on mine. We hop in the cart and I drive to the stables.

“So, you’re taking me for a ride? I’ve never ridden a horse in my life and I think I may sit this one out. They scare the shit out of me. Um, yeah. Too big and dangerous. You know.”

I stand and listen to her. “Come on.” Holding out my hand, I wait for her to take it. When she does, I walk her inside.

God, I love this place. It was one of the few places I could come and feel safe when I was a kid. But not at first. Oh, no. This was my punishment. He brought me here and thought he would teach me a lesson. But it backfired. Outrageously.

“You love it here, don’t you?”

“That obvious, huh?”

“Uh, yeah. You’re beaming.”

I feel giddy. “I can’t wait for you to meet Storm.”


“Yeah. My best friend growing up.”

We walk down the row of stables, all neat as a pin, nothing out of place.

“Is that who I think it is?”

I turn to see Grady standing there.


“Mr. Kolson. It’s been a couple of months! How are you?”

“I’m good, and you?”

“Aw, you know I’m always good when I’m in the stables.”

He always makes me laugh. “Grady, this is Gabriella Martinelli.”

“Ms. Martinelli. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Um, Grady, it’s Dr. Martinelli.”

“Aw, now ain’t you something, Mr. Kolson, bringing a pretty doctor back here.”

Gabriella laughs at our exchange. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Grady.”

“Well, how’s he doing, Grady? I’ve been terrible in not getting out here lately.”

“Aw, Mr. Kolson. You know he misses you like crazy. Wants to know where his best friend has been. He misses his rides with you, sir.”

“Come on.” I grab Gabby’s hand and tug her down to the last stall.

“Hey, buddy.” Storm wiggles his ears and chuffs when he sees me. I rub between his eyes; his lids flutter and he bumps me with his nose and paws at the ground. He knows what’s about to happen and I can sense his excitement. “Storm, I want you to meet Gabriella. You need to be extra nice to her. She’s never been on a horse before so you have to give her the royal treatment.”

He tosses his head up and his long, silky mane flies back as if to say, “Like I would do anything else? Perish the thought!”

“Show-off.” I laugh.

Gabby approaches slowly and inspects him. There’s not a horse alive that’s more stunning than Storm. But I am a little biased. We grew up together, horse and rider, and I learned my skills on him when no one else could touch him. And it wasn’t easy. Neither of us trusted the other.

“You can pet him, kea. In fact, if you don’t, he’ll be insulted.”

She hits me with an “I don’t believe you” look.

“I’m serious. Storm isn’t just any horse. He’s the king of the stable and he knows it. Don’t you, pal?” To confirm my statement, Storm whinnies.

Gabby says, “I don’t believe it. You two have some kind of thing going on here.”

“Storm and I have had a thing going on for years, haven’t we, buddy?” Storm bucks his head.

“Hey, Grady, can you saddle him up for me while I change?”

Gabby looks at me in horror. “You’re not going to make me ride something like that, are you?”

“Don’t worry, kea. He won’t hurt you. I’m going to let you ride him, but I’ll be with you all the way.”

“Kolson! I’ve never been on a horse in my life.”

“It’s fine. Come with me.” I tug her along to the building next to the tack room where the riding gear is stored. I quickly change my pants and cram my feet into my boots. “Let’s go.” It’s difficult to curb my excitement.

“I’m wearing sandals, Kolson.”

I stop for a second and turn to her. “Here.” I hand her a pair of my mother’s boots. “These should fit.” The hesitation in her bothers me but I know that once she’s situated on Storm, she’ll be fine. We walk outside and Grady meets us with Storm, who’s literally chomping at the bit.

“Hang on there, buddy. We’re on the way,” I say.

Grady laughs. “He sure is excited to see you, sir. You’d better hold his reins tight or he’s gonna go wild on you.”

“Grady, I’m letting him have his head. It’s been far too long for him.”

Grady laughs again. “Yes, sir.”

“My God, he’s huge.” Gabby gapes at him.

“Nearly seventeen hands of horse there. He’s a Friesian and he’s very proud of himself.” Pulling myself onto Storm, I take a seat behind the saddle. Reaching for Gabby’s hand, I say, “Grady, can you give her a boost?”

“I’m riding with you?”

“You don’t think I’d let you do this alone, do you? I said you didn’t have anything to worry about.”

Slapping her palm against mine, she beams. “All right then, let’s give this thing a go.”

She settles in front of me in the saddle.

I ask Grady to shorten the stirrups. He looks at the position of her legs, makes the proper modifications, and we’re ready.

“I have no idea what to do with my body,” Gabriella says.

I can’t stop from laughing. “I have all kinds of ideas of what you can do with your body.”

She elbows me.

“All you have to do is sit and relax. Why don’t you pet his mane? He loves that.”

Her fingers sink into his silk and she sighs. “My gosh, it’s so soft. And shiny. I’ve never seen one so long. He’s so beautiful. He’s almost blue, he’s so black.” She scratches his neck and Storm prances.

“He likes that. You’re going to spoil him. You ready to ride?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know what to do.”

“I’m going to walk him for a bit to let you get used to the feel. And then you’re going to have fun. How does that sound?”

“Good. But what do I hold on to?”

“Grab the horn or you can use his mane. Keep your feet in the stirrups. You’ll feel more secure that way. And don’t worry. I’ll hold onto you.”

“Uh, what?”

“Yeah, I’ve got you. One other thing. We’re going to go fast. So don’t be afraid. Just have fun.”

“Why does that sound scary?”

“Because you’re letting it sound scary. See that field up ahead?”

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