Freeing Her (19 page)

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Authors: A. M. Hargrove

Tags: #Thriller, #Mystery, #alpha male, #thriller and suspense novels, #broken alpha male, #broken characters, #steamy adult romances, #dark pasts

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I guess you’re just going
to have to find out, aren’t you?”

Is that a challenge?
Because I can assure you, I’m up for it.”

Not a challenge at all,
but a definite yes to your needs.”




Kolson held out his
hand and Gabby placed hers in it. Then he took
her back into his bedroom. When they crossed the threshold, he
pounced. Her back crashed into the wall, forcing the wind out of
her. The O her lips had formed was now occupied by his tongue. He
kissed her savagely, leaving no part of her mouth untouched. She
reeled from the intensity. His hands ripped the T-shirt he had
given her right down the middle, so it hung from both shoulders,
leaving her breasts on display. He dove for her nipples and showed
them no compassion as he sucked until they were hard enough to cut
glass and had turned a dusky rose.

Next went her shorts. She was naked from the
waist down as he drew her leg over his shoulder. He moved like
lightning, and Gabby felt like she had been struck by it when his
mouth attached itself to her sex. At first she tensed, but he gave
her no time to think. His tongue probed her with one long,
delicious swipe. Then another and another, and she cried out as
scorching heat invaded her veins. His fingers separated her
glistening folds as his tongue delved into her moist pink flesh,
circling and stroking that tiny bud. He tunneled into her, tasting
her, giving her what she needed, what she now begged for.

This time when her hands tunneled through
his hair, she didn’t play nice. She gripped it so hard, Kolson was
absolutely positive there would be strands between her fingers when
she finally let loose. He didn’t give a damn. He was going to make
her come like she never had before. And he was going to make sure
it would be something she would never forget.

His tongue flicked over her clit, relentless
in its motion. Puckering his lips over her little nub, he sucked
and licked as he inserted two fingers. Rotating his hand, he hooked
them so they could put pressure right where she needed it most.

Gabby was sure Kolson could read her mind,
or at least knew every secret of her body. His mouth caressed and
licked her as if he’d known her for years. She clenched her jaws
together to stifle her screams as ecstasy exploded within her. It
began in the arches of her feet and traveled up her legs, into her
core, and then throughout the rest of her body. Her heart beat
erratically as she cried out his name and then groaned as her hands
pulled his face into her, so he softened his motions.

When he felt the last of her spasms pass, he
spread a series of kisses across her belly and stood, removed the
torn shirt, and dragged her limp body to the bed. He laid her in
the middle and after he got rid of his clothes, he joined her.

He sought her mouth and she kissed him with
a fervor that surprised him.

Taste yourself,
Gabriella. So delectable.”

She detected the salty tang and moaned into
his mouth. He rolled her on her side and said, “I want to look at
you. Your skin is flushed with desire and you’re so beautiful.”
They faced each other and she glanced away. “No, don’t be shy.
You’re an extremely lovely woman.” He reached for her chin and
turned her to face him.

That was, um, damn
amazing.” She let out a nervous laugh.

No one’s ever done that
to you?”

Not exactly.”

She wouldn’t look him in the eye so he
lifted her chin to rectify that. “Not exactly?”

Not to that

Ah. Then I’m a lucky man,
indeed.” His comment confused her until he added, “Because you are
spectacular and I’m glad no one has ever had the privilege of
seeing, hearing, and feeling what I just did.”

Gabby’s cheeks flamed with heat. She wasn’t
used to men staring at her naked body and being so open with

How many sexual partners
have you had?”

Not only was that an unexpected question,
but the audacity of it shocked her.


In a gruff voice, he said, “Answer me.”

Two. Only one by choice.”
Her voice shook as she answered.

So I take it you’re

Of course.” The look she
gave him was withering. “And you? How many partners have you

Not including you, I
think it may be eighteen, or twenty repeats, give or


Yes. Those don’t include
the one-nighters.”

She gasped and moved to get up. But he would
have none of that. He pushed her back down.

Why do you judge me? I’m
only being honest.”

But twenty? Give or take?
Not including the one-nighters? What the hell are you? A fuck

He chuckled. “No, I don’t think so, but I’ll
let you be the judge of that. The last time I checked, I was a
man.” To emphasize his comment, his eyes slid down to his dick and
then back up, and he smirked. Then his face became serious again.
“But I don’t keep an exact count of my sexual partners. I am clean.
I get tested after every partner. And I’m honest about my sexual
history with every woman I sleep with. Just as I am being with

As much as she’d like to find fault with his
actions, she couldn’t deny the brutal honesty behind his words.

I want to take you,
Gabriella. But I won’t do it without your permission. Tell me it’s
okay to move forward and I will.”

Do I have anything to
worry about?”

You have everything to
worry about. Once I fuck you, you’ll never be the same again. And
that’s a promise.”

Seriously? You seem
awfully sure of yourself, hotshot.”

You have no idea. But you
will soon enough.” His hand slid into the thick waves of her hair.
Then he wrapped them around his fingers and tugged, pulling her
head back so he could have access to her neck. “I find I’m having a
hard time staying away from your beautiful skin. You taste so
sweet.” His lips began to tease her, sending currents of liquid
heat along her veins. It wasn’t long before Gabby’s hand was
wrapped around his cock and she was guiding it toward

Gabriella, aren’t you
forgetting something?”


A condom? That is, unless
you have a desire for unprotected sex?”

I’m on the pill because I
have issues with my period—not that you needed to know that, but if
you’re positive you’re clean and I know I am, what’s the point? I’m
protected against pregnancy.”

You’re sure about this?
Because I don’t want you to have any misgivings.”

I’m sure.”

She took a hold of his
cock and it was then she noticed his piercing. How could she have
during his little shower show? She touched it lightly with
her index finger, tracing the balls on either side of the thick
head. When she did, he hissed. “Does this hurt?” she asked

Quite the

How does it

I’ll let you tell me.

I’ve never seen one of

I think you’ll be
pleasantly surprised.”

I’m afraid, Kolson.” Her
eyes met his and he saw the fear in them.

Ah, my kea, don’t be. It
won’t hurt you. It’s there for your pleasure too.”

No, I’m not afraid of
this. It’s just … it’s been, um, a long time. For me.”

He nuzzled her neck. “I see. In that case,
we’ll take it slow. You set the pace. We can stop whenever you
want. All you have to do is talk to me … tell me. This is all about
your pleasure.” While he spoke, he slid his length up and down her
slit, swirling and pressing his head against her clit. Her breath
came in gasps as her arousal spiked.

You good?”

Yeah,” she

He wrapped her hand around his cock and she
guided the tip inside of her. Then he took over, rolled her on her
back, and pulled back out, teasing her clit.

She squirmed beneath him, and said, “Oh God,
I need you.” As a lover who was not experienced in the art of
pleasure, Gabby was unfamiliar with the myriad of sensations she
was feeling.

Sshh,” his mouth against
hers, “slow. Let me do this slow.” He teased her with his cock
until she was begging him, and then he entered her, inch by aching

Ah, you’re so

Kolson felt her whole body tense and he

You okay?”

He was met with silence. His hands framed
her face as he ran the tip of his nose along her cheek. She felt
his breath fan across her face. “Please talk to me, Gabriella. I
need to know what’s going on in your head right now. This is every
bit as much about you as it is me.”

Umm-hmm. Give me a

Breathe, I need for you
to relax.”

His mouth aimed for the corner of hers, and
he grazed his way to her neck. Before long, she’d forgotten the
discomfort and felt a burning need for him, so she tilted her hips
toward his. He withdrew a bit and pushed back in and when his
piercing touched that perfect spot inside, she gasped, “Ah, oh,
Kolson.” The feeling was beyond spectacular, sending internal
shivers coursing through her body.

Talk to me, my beautiful
kea. What I said earlier about compulsions … needs. It’s not about
that right now. Let me take care of you, Gabriella. I know you’re
afraid, but I won’t hurt you.” He twisted his hips and pushed
against hers.

Between breaths, she panted, “It feels …

He smiled at her. “Good. That’s how it
should feel. How I want it to feel. Your pleasure is as important
as mine. Let yourself go.”

He lifted her leg and brought it over his
hip so he could rock into her, and a feeling of incredible fullness
washed over Gabby, sending quivering impulses within her. His
fingers rolled her hardened nipple while she buried her face in his
neck, inhaling his scent. His movements were fierce, yet gentle at
the same time, and it was so much, so much for Gabby to take in.
Never had she felt this closeness with someone.

But then he stopped. And from the raised
position on his elbows, he stared at her, through heavily lidded
eyes, sending her heart into a full gallop. The pit of her stomach
contracted as his hand pushed into her hair and his lips sought

Kiss me back. I need to
fuck you with my mouth. You’re so perfect.”

Gabby wanted to freeze this moment in time.
Everything about it was so carnal, so erotic, and there wasn’t one
molecule in her body that didn’t feel him. “I love your lips,

That brought on another smile. “Good.
Because they’re going to be all over your body a whole lot.”

He moved within her once more, his tongue
lancing her mouth with perfect precision, just as his cock tunneled
into her. His piercing massaged the place inside of her that made
her pleasure spiral until it burst into a million shards. She cried
out as her nails scraped the skin on his arms. Her orgasm was
savage as it crashed into her, sending wave after wave of pleasure
throughout her body.

And then he pulled out. Gabby thought he was
being cruel. She cried out as the last spasms clenched her inner
muscles, and he chuckled.

Oh, I’m not nearly
finished with you. I’ve only just begun. On your stomach and open
your legs for me.”

When she was in position, he stuffed a
pillow under her hips and then covered her body with his, without
placing his weight on her. He slid his cock up and down her slit,
teasing her clit as she moaned.

What do you want,
Gabriella?” His breath feathered over her ear, causing her heart to

Gabby couldn’t speak, still overcome with
the aftershock of her climax.

He rubbed his bristled cheek against hers
and asked, “Shall I continue?”

She could only nod.

He pulled her arms above her head and held
them as he entered her. She cried out when he started thrusting
again. He was fast and powerful alternating with slow and gentle,
teasing her until she was a wild thing, begging him for more. He
pulled one of her legs up and bent it at the knee, opening her up
even wider to him. Kneeling back, he held her by the hips and kept
moving. Gabby’s breath came in short bursts and all her muscles
tensed as she pursued another orgasm. When Kolson felt it nearing,
he slowed down and hovered at her entrance, teasing her.

No! I need it. Please,

Not yet.”

When she was almost there again, so close,
he’d cease his movements and she’d want to scream.

Now, Kolson!”

The smack on her ass shocked her. She wasn’t
expecting it. At all.

I said, not yet.” And he
smacked her again.

After the fifth time, she was moaning and
her ass was stinging like fire but her heart raced with a different
kind of heat.

Now?” she tested

If you don’t stop asking,
I’ll use something on you other than my hand. Is that what you

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