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Authors: DJ Michaels

Freedom's Fall (9 page)

BOOK: Freedom's Fall
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So, the whore had found herself new protectors. How futile
of her, and how unfortunate for the Enforcers in question.

“Describe the dragon riders.”

“I don’t need to, sir. I know who they are.”

Willersby let his eyes go hard and cold, pinning the boy
where he stood. “Tell me.”

“Den Captain Devonelle Sharmanchere and Enforcer Ryderich

Willersby allowed his fists to unclench as he relaxed back
into his chair. Now he knew where to find his missing whore and who he’d have
to kill to get her back. It wouldn’t be long before his reputation and status were
completely restored.

Chapter Ten


After the panic and upheaval of the previous day, Tansy had
braced herself for a relapse, but it seemed her Enforcers were better at coping
with her triggers than she was. On their return from the market, they fed her
and spent the afternoon teaching her one of their incomprehensible board games.
They kept an eye on her but didn’t treat her with kid gloves, and the very
normalcy of their actions allowed her to regain some stability. They talked
about their childhoods, shared stories from their respective service—hers in
the army and theirs as Enforcers—and at no point did they examine more recent

When the evening grew late, it seemed the most natural thing
in the world to follow Dev and Rye to their room and crawl into bed with them.
And she slept, not like a traumatized woman, but like a woman who knew she was
safe and very much cared for.


Waking up pressed skin to skin with her Enforcers was
glorious, surrounded as she was by heat and muscle. It was a situation she
could get used to, and she would have been happy to stay exactly where she was
if her bladder hadn’t been ready to burst. Moving as quietly as she could, she
eased her way out of the covers and began to crawl down the bed. She wasn’t
quite home free when a big, possessive hand slid around her ankle.

“Going somewhere?” Dev’s voice was soft and sleepy.

“Just to the bathroom.”

He grunted. “You plan on coming back?”

“Yes.” Truthfully, it hadn’t occurred to her to run. She
remained still, allowing Dev to restrain her with nothing but his hand on her
ankle, showing him how much she trusted him. And ignoring the fact that she was
naked with her ass in the air.

He squeezed and released. “Hurry up.”

Grinning at his imperious tone, she scrambled off the bed
and hurried into the bathroom. She was only gone a few minutes, but her men put
the time to good use. When she walked back into the bedroom, the curtains were
open to the light, the covers on the bed were gone, and Dev and Rye were
sprawled on the sheets in all their naked glory.

Tansy walked to the end of the bed and looked her fill. Both
men were big, and they took up an awful lot of bed. Broad shoulders, deep
chests, flat stomachs, bulging arm and leg muscles. And cocks big enough and
aroused enough to leave her in no doubt of how much they wanted her. Her pussy
clenched in need as she let her eyes wander down, then up, and down again.

Her mouth watered, her soul yearned, and in that moment she
thought maybe she was brave enough to make a choice. Climbing onto the bottom
of the bed, she crawled her way up until she could kneel between them, thigh to
hip. Reaching out, she laid a hand on each abdomen, her hands looking pale and
dainty against the stark masculinity of their copper-tinted skin.

And then her body locked. As much as she wanted to stroke
that skin, as desperate as she was to rub herself all over them, she couldn’t
seem to make her herself move.

“Tansy.” Rye’s voice was soft but there was a thread of
command in it. “Look at me.”

She lifted her eyes, and the moment he caught her in that
now-familiar lavender stare, her anxiety began to ease.

“We want to make love with you, Tansy, here and now.” He
made no move to touch her. “But if you don’t want that, you can leave this bed
and we’ll go on as we have before, taking care of you, protecting you. You are
ours, and nothing will change that.”

“But you want more,” she whispered. She was desperate to
give them what they needed—what
needed. If only her will was
stronger than her memories.

Dev eased up on his elbows, his dark-purple hair sliding
over his shoulders to pool on the sheets. “Yes, we want more. And so do you.”

She didn’t just want more, she wanted everything. “But what
if I can’t?”

He smiled and rolled toward her, covering her thigh with his
calloused hand. “It’s not a ‘now or never’ proposition, Tansy. It’s ‘now or

Rye sat up, placed her hand firmly on his cock and pulled
her in to the security of his arms. “Let us love you, honey. Dev and I can give
back what was taken from you, and you can give Dev and me something we never
thought we’d have.” He leaned in for a soft, slow kiss. “You are ours, we are
yours. Let’s make it official.”

Sinking against the irresistible warmth of his body, she
gave him one more out. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” He nipped at her mouth. “Are you?”

Yes, she was sure she wanted this, wanted them. What she
wasn’t sure about was whether or not her mind and body could stay with them in
the here and now. “I’m scared I’ll flip out again.”

Dev moved closer and trailed his hot mouth up her neck. “If
you flip out, we’ll hold you until you come back to us. We’ll do it as often as
it takes, for as long as it takes.” He took her spare hand and wrapped it
around his erection. “We’re in this together, all three of us.”

She squeezed and had the satisfaction of feeling them both
tense up. “Not just three of us,” she said. “Fellescend and Zenbaylan make

Dev lifted his head and stared at her, his eyes arctic blue.
“Don’t ever mention their names while we’re naked. They’ll take it as
permission to get into our heads while we’re fucking.”

Tansy snorted. “Not keen on getting bedroom tips from the

“I don’t need tips from them or anyone else.” Then he moved
so fast his body blurred.

One moment Tansy was on her knees, teasing, the next she was
flat on her back with one hundred and thirty kilos of hot, sexy muscle covering
her like a blanket. She gasped out a laugh and held her hand out to Rye. “Help

He rolled over, pressing himself tight to her and Dev. “Right
now I’m on his side. You don’t get to tease an Enforcer without consequences.”

Tansy pretended to frown, which took some serious concentration
when Dev was laving her neck with insistent kisses. “Consequences?”

“Yep.” Rye slid a hand between her and Dev, forcing his way
up to cup her breast. “Consequences of the orgasmic kind.”

Rye pinched her nipple and she felt the pleasure right down
to her core. “Somehow that doesn’t put me off.”

Dev laughed and licked his way along her jaw. “That’s
because you’re our kick-ass warrior.”

Yes, she was. She was a fighter, and she’d do whatever she
had to do to keep these men in her bed. Then Dev took her mouth and she couldn’t
do anything but feel.


Rye’s head was about to explode, or maybe it was his heart.
The abundance of smooth, naked skin, Tansy’s breast firm and ripe in his hand,
and the scent of her and Dev’s arousal were combining to ravage his control.
And that was before Dev started kissing her as though he’d die without her.

Rye had always been more participant than observer, but
watching the two people he cared about most in the world pleasuring each other
was one of the most erotic experiences of his life. Tansy had both arms locked
around Dev’s neck, pulling him closer, using her hold as leverage to arch
against his body. The beauty of them fed his already wild desire.

Then a large, warm hand gripped his cock, and Rye was so
surprised it seemed the whole world held its breath. Dev usually treated him
with rough affection, but never in their entire time together had there been a
hint of sexual interest in his touch. As Dev’s strong fist squeezed Rye’s cock,
pulling with long, firm strokes, the pleasure was so intense he didn’t care
whose hand was on him.

Just when it bordered on too much, Dev released him, and Rye
shuddered in response. As his denmate kissed his way down Tansy’s chest, he
cupped Rye’s neck and drew his mouth to her opposite breast. They latched on to
her nipples at the same time, licking and sucking as she writhed under them.

Tansy’s scent was soft and sweet, much lighter than he would
have expected from a woman with so much grit and courage. Rye had expected the
hard steel of her personality to come out in her scent, but as he breathed her
in all he could smell was light.

Rolling her nipple over his tongue, he used his hand to
plump and squeeze her breast. Moaning, she fisted his hair, encouraging him to
use his teeth to put an edge on her pleasure. Sliding his leg between hers, he
pressed up, pinning her body and putting direct pressure on her core. She felt so
small and delicate under him, and he was amazed so much strength could be
stored in such a slender frame. He pressed his leg even higher and Tansy
jerked, crying out and clutching tight as she rode his thigh.

Dev kissed his way over to where Rye was working her breast,
and when his denmate’s lips touched his, Rye rolled his head a little, sharing
his prize. Meeting Dev’s lips and tongue with his own, he licked, kissed and
sucked Tansy’s velvety nipple.

Dev’s lips were soft, which was a surprise, but his tongue
was all demand and that was no revelation at all. What shocked Rye to the core
was Dev coming at him with the same intensity he showed Tansy. Dev’s free hand
stroked over Rye as often as it stroked over their woman, and when Dev left her
breast to work his way down her body, Rye moved aside to give him room.

The moment Dev settled between Tansy’s thighs he took a long,
sensual breath and pressed his mouth to her core. He put one hand on her
abdomen to hold her down and slid the other hand over her thigh to fist Rye’s
cock. Rye arched into the grip and blindly searched for Tansy’s mouth with his
own. Sealing his lips to hers, he took her harder than he probably should have,
thrusting his tongue fast and deep, not just tasting her but consuming
everything she was.

Edging closer, he lay over her, pressing his chest to her
breasts, dominating her mouth while Dev dominated her core. She was close—Rye
could feel the tremors taking over her body, and the knowledge burned in him
like dragon fire. In an instinctive move to keep them all connected, he fisted
one hand in Tansy’s hair to keep her close, and he fisted the other in Dev’s
hair, pressing him against their woman. She came for them in long, shuddering
moans that vibrated into Rye’s mouth in an echo of her pleasure.

She hadn’t quite come down when Dev nipped her thigh. “You
good, honey?”

“Yes.” Amazingly enough, her smile was shy. Rye suspected
the pink on her cheeks wasn’t entirely due to the orgasm they’d just given her.

Dev rubbed his face against her thigh. “I want to go again.
Are you up for it?”

“Yes, but let me move down the bed a bit.” At Dev’s cocked
eyebrow, her smile went from shy to sensual. “I want to suck Rye off while you
go down on me.”

Rye would have protested—probably—but he’d momentarily
swallowed his tongue. It took two attempts before he got the words out. “Are
you sure? If that’s a trigger—”

“No, it’s not a trigger,” Tansy said. “Being too free was
what got me into trouble last time. I think if you just hold me close, I’ll be

Fuck, she was killing him. He wanted to do right by her, but
the thought of her hot little mouth on his cock while he held her fast and
tight was too much for his good intentions.

“How do you want me?” And yes, his voice sounded as though
he was being strangled. Every nerve he had screamed in need, and he was
clinging to his control by the tips of his fingers.

Tansy frowned a little, her gaze flicking from him to Dev,
to the bed, and back again. He didn’t even want to think about the positional
gymnastics she was imagining. Thankfully she came up with something simple and

Her brown eyes held nothing but certainty when she locked
her gaze to his. “Lie on your side, but put your leg over me so I can feel your
weight.” She glanced down at Dev. “Can you work with that?”

Dev’s smile was pure menace. “If it means getting my mouth
on you, I can work with whatever you give me.”

Tansy laughed and scooted down the bed. Dev slid off the
edge until he was kneeling on the floor, and Rye moved up until he had to curve
his shoulders against the headboard. Once Tansy was ready, she slid her hand
under his thigh and lifted it so it lay across her breasts, then she gripped
the base of his cock with both hands.

She looked up and he met her gaze, stroking her hair and
rubbing his fingers over the smooth silk of her skin. All he could see was her,
yet she somehow blinded him. Her beauty, her courage, her bold sensuality tore
him open until he could do nothing but feel.

Then her tongue came out and she swirled it around the head
of his cock. “I want to suck until you come.”

Rye nodded and braced himself, his eyes never leaving her
lips. He saw the smile, felt the hot promise of her breath, and then she opened
up and sucked the head of his dick into the wet perfection of her mouth. She
swirled her tongue, sucked without going any deeper and swirled again. Over and
over, each stroke building an unbearable intensity of pleasure.

Rye stroked her head, telling her how good it felt, how
beautiful she was, how much he loved what she was doing. Desperately fighting
the urge to fuck hard and deep, he tried to keep just enough weight on her to
make her feel safe. But when she finally, finally sucked him all the way into
her mouth, his desire for her incinerated his good intentions.

Dev was working her hard, and Rye could feel her moaning
around his cock, her sucks and licks becoming hungrier, wilder. She shuddered,
her body undulating as she gripped his ass and pulled him deeper into her
mouth. The sight of Dev buried between her thighs, the need in her touch and
the glorious agony of her mouth working Rye’s cock blasted through him.
Clutching her head tight, holding her still, he fucked into her mouth fast and

And when she surrendered, relaxing into his hold, the orgasm
that rolled through him exploded his heart as much as his body. Shards of heat
and light pierced him, every nerve pulled tight on burning threads of ecstasy.
As he hurtled into the abyss, there was nothing but the pulse of his cock and
the hot, wet perfection of her mouth. He came in long, hard jets, and she
swallowed him down, taking everything he had until she’d wrung him dry.

BOOK: Freedom's Fall
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