Freedom Saga 2: Freedom's Bell (19 page)

BOOK: Freedom Saga 2: Freedom's Bell
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Chapter 36 - Senseless Measures


Columbia base was on course for the Malcovin border. As they approached the
edge of the last Odairan system the alert system went on. Veda and Shiken Ka
were on duty in the command center when the image appeared on the screen.
Surrounding the base were over two hundred Malcovin ships and nearly a thousand
Talons. The enemy immediately closed in and attacked. As the shields went up
Veda got the commanding officers on the monitor.

attacking us?” Esra asked.

closely scanned the enemy fleet. “It appears to be survivors from the Iron and
Bronze navies.”

to gain favor no doubt,” El Kar said.

you want us to deploy?” Kivi asked.

forces will take formation D-1,” Veda said. “Let’s see what our enemy has
before making a move,” she looked at Kivi, “I want you and the other three to
deploy separately.”

out now,” Kivi said.

and Mira are on the way,” Brian said.

on her way,” Zae reported.

main gate opened as the six ships flew outside and took formation. The turrets
on the base fired as the five hundred mobile weapons moved into position. A
moment passed before the four special models emerged from their respective
ships. The Malcovin continued flying closer until both sides were exchanging
fire. The Maidens moved into a Y shaped formation with the Artemis and Gemini
in the front, the Aegis in the middle, and the Siren taking up the rear.

all commanding officers,” Veda started. “Our enemy is using a simplistic attack
pattern and the base can hold against it. You may attack at your own

ran in and took her station. “Sorry for being late.”

laughed. “This was hardly worth waking up for.”


* * *


Maidens flew into the enemy and began their attack. The Gemini and Artemis
focused on one target at a time while the Siren fired at anything left in their
wake. Most of the enemy forces turned their attention to the four mobile suits
and backed away from the Columbia base.

looks like we’re their target again,” Seles said.

course we are,” Mira added.

smiled. “That just means we have to destroy them faster. Seles, Mira, use your
special systems. Celi and I will remain here in case something happens.

then,” Mira said.

on it,” Seles said.

Artemis lit up first as Seles went berserk and readied to fire the arrow
system. As the enemy fleet swarmed them she fired the massive beam into their
ships. Thirty ships and a hundred Talons fell from the first shot. Seles aimed
and fired the second shot, destroying another twenty five ships while taking
out seventy three Talons. Seles then made her way through the enemy forces. The
Siren waited for a moment before lighting up. Mira began chanting an old ballad
before flying her mobile suit into the other half of the enemy fleet and disabling
every ship in the area. The few remaining ships and mobile suits signaled their
surrender. Seles and Mira flew their crafts back to the other two while ending
their berserks.

was the easiest battle we’ve had against them so far,” Celi commented.

your enemy throws away ships like that you know they’re on their heels,” Kivi

that something Valis taught you?” Seles asked.

it’s something I’ve figured out over time,” Kivi said. “Let’s return to base.”

Kivi,” the other three echoed.


* * *


walked into the room where the simulators were and found Dreka directing the
female pilots. After running through a number of simulated battles he noticed
Valis and walked over.

are they coming along?” she asked.

well,” Dreka said. “They work together better than the males I usually train.”

kind of better?” Valis asked.

can’t put my claw on it,” Dreka said. “But it’s obvious their goal is victory
and not glory.”

hope you’re right,” Valis said.

and Grigon entered the room and joined them. Valis noticed Seka had a serious
look in her eyes.

just received word,” Seka said. “He’s about to make his move.”

smiled. “That means our allies are on the border.”

we make ours?” Seka asked.

you ready?” Valis asked.

tapped her chest. “I’ve been ready for twenty years.”

red feathered bird woman left the three for the communications chamber.

wonder if the males of your people are ready,” Valis said.

are,” Dreka said.

people have been ready for a long time,” Grigon said.

good to hear both of you say that,” Valis said.


* * *


all the airwaves in the Malcovin system the normal communication system went
black. A moment later the screens across the world and in space nearby showed
the three female leaders of the underground.

all the people of Malcov, I am Seka the Red, leader of the rebel army. For
centuries our kings have kept the females of our race in chains and with them,
many of the males working hard in the attempt to better their station in life.
On this day we declare that over. We’ve fought a silent war for decades, but
now is the time to rise up and knock down the arrogant who hold power over us!
Zaris has led our people down the path of corruption and dishonored our name.
As of this day we declare he’s unfit to rule. We call for the establishment of
a democratic republic, a form of government that’s proven successful on
Kalaidia and Dega Jul. Oppose us if you wish, but know that history is on our
side. Half of our race has been in chains for far too long. We call not just
for rights, but for equality. And to Zaris we issue this demand: surrender
immediately and dismantle your government and we will let you live. Should you
choose to fight us death will be what finds you. On that I promise.”


* * *


Jesela, and Myden manned the bridge of the Freedom with the four droids. Jesela
sat back and rested.

kind of battle leaves me feeling empty,” she said. “I mean really, was that the
best they had?”

didn’t even have enough time to scratch a paint job for you,” Myden said.

exactly what I’m talking about,” Jesela said.

looked up from his console. “I’m glad the battle went the way it did. Any
damage and our plan would be ruined.”

and Tctie appeared on the screen.

all done on my end captain,” Kyli said.

same here,” Tctie said.

can return to base,” Brian said.

two nodded before ending transmission. When Brian turned to talk with the
others the alert system went on. The monitor showed hundreds of Malcovin ships
appearing right next to them. As the numbers added up it came to a thousand.

looks like the Silver navy is here to greet us,” Brian said.


Chapter 37 - Silver Light


Silver navy moved towards the Columbia base in attack formation.

we scramble the pilots?” Reban asked.

no need to,” Shiken said.

need to?” Reban pointed at the approaching fleet. “Did I miss a meeting or

laughed. “You did miss that meeting.”

moment later an asteroid appeared in the front of the Malcovin fleet before
sending a transmission. On the screen appeared the command center of the Sicily
base. At center was the decorated admiral of the Silver navy.

the forces of the Columbia base,” Vikrit started. “I send my regards and wish
to meet with your leaders.” He waved to show the ships flying with the base. “I
pledge to Heaven’s Light the might of the Silver navy. A thousand and ten ships
are now at your disposal.”

a grand gesture,” Veda said. “Do we have any assurances this isn’t a display
for betrayal?”

Silver admiral chuckled. “Indeed, betrayal.”

played the clip of Seka transmitting through the Malcovin territories.

the admiral of the Silver navy I swore to defend the home world from all
enemies,” Vikrit said. “That includes domestic enemies. And so I entrust our
future to your organization. Malcov will be strong, but not under the claw of
an idiot.”

glad to have you join us,” Shiken said.

cawed. “I join you for my people, but most of all, for the future of Alden.”


* * *


few hours later Brian, Esra, Kivi, Zae, El Kar, and Myden joined the others in
the command center. The Silver navy had turned about and moved into formation
around the two bases.

I have a question,” Esra said. “How did we get the Admiral Vikrit to join us?”

and Grigon were friends years ago, so getting him to talk was easy,” Brian
explained. “Grigon was surprised how little it took to turn him to our side.”

we trust him?” El Kar asked.

Brian said. “He’s led the Sicily base for the last few years.”

also given him a thorough check,” Myden said. “His mind is true.”

this part of Valis’s plan?” Zae asked.

had a contingency in case he betrayed us,” Veda said. “But yes, this was in her
plans. Only a few of us knew about this to maintain secrecy.”

means only the Gold navy remains to defend them,” Kivi said. “I can’t think of
a more opportune time to strike.”

other question is we justified in taking action?” Esra asked. “I’m just being
cautious when I ask this.”

declaration would normally be enough,” Shiken said. “But the people of Malcov
are rising up, especially the females.”

riots across their worlds and colonies tell the tale,” Veda said. “They were
ready to revolt the moment they knew somebody would help them.”

door opened to reveal Admiral Vikrit. He waved for his guards to wait outside
before tossing a data crystal to Veda.

the evidence you’ll ever need is on that,” Vikrit said.

placed the crystal into the computer and it showed the uprisings across the
Malcovin territories.

thought they were thoroughly brainwashed,” Vikrit said. “But I was wrong. As
soon as you lit the match the fire spread. The only problem I see is
consolidating the mess after Zaris is gone.”

here to help with that,” Brian said.

Malcovin leader slapped Brian on the back. “Of course you will. I know what you
did for the Reiki and expect nothing less.”

do my best,” Brian said.

me, when did your subordinates know about this?” Esra asked.

years ago,” Vikrit said. “When Grigon approached me I couldn’t pass it up. I
didn’t get to my position without having a little business sense.”

do you feel about the females gaining equal status?” Zae asked.

old fashioned,” Vikrit said. “But I know the times are changing. I love
tradition, but if it keeps the Malcovin people from destroying each other then
I must swallow my pride and go with it. I owe it to Grigon.”

not exactly a ringing endorsement,” Veda said.

know, but you want me to be honest,” the admiral said. “I’m sure the nobles of
your world felt the same when they lost power.”

switched the data on the crystal over to the military bases spread across the
Malcovin territories.

you bring everything?” she asked.

I could,” Vikrit said. “They’ll change things around once they know I’ve
betrayed them, but we have all the data we need.”

your troops ready to move out?” Veda asked.

Vikrit said.


* * *


watched the pilots as they practiced in the simulators. After they finished she
addressed them.

of you have exceeded my expectations these last few months,” she said. “Make
sure to keep sharp and never grow complacent. That’s what’ll get you killed. Take
the rest of the day off and enjoy.”

commander,” the pilots said before milling about.

went over to Seles. A moment later Tctie joined them.

two have done a great job,” Seles said.

honored by your praise,” Tctie said.

commander,” Kyli said.

it up you two,” Seles said before leaving.

made her way to the launching bay where the Artemis and Siren were kept. Once
she was inside, Seles noticed Jesela hard at work on the two mobile suits. When
she came closer she noticed Mira was inside the Siren.

finished!” Mira shouted from the cockpit.

then,” Jesela said. “You can come out now.”

course,” Mira said before jumping down.

going on?” Seles asked.

much,” Jesela said. “The Siren’s song system was acting up a little.”

sure we took care of it,” Mira said.

the Siren saying about it?” Jesela asked.

said she was alright,” Mira answered.

Jesela said. “As to the preparation Seles, I’ve got my crew on it.”

glad,” Seles said. “We have a critical battle coming and need to be ready.”

you worried about Valis?” Mira asked.

little,” Seles said. “She can take care of herself, but it’s the fact she’s
surrounded that bothers me.”

fighting any different with her gone?” Jesela asked.

more direct in combat,” Mira said. “Moving with Valis is like weaving a complex
tapestry, whereas moving with Kivi is like drawing a line.”

the difference between the two,” Seles said. “That and the Gemini doesn’t have
the same system the Minerva has.”

system does the Gemini have?” Mira asked. “From what I know Kivi’s never used

don’t know,” Seles said before looking at Jesela.

not at liberty to say anything,” Jesela said. “Not until its needed will her
system be used.”

that powerful, huh?” Mira asked.

is,” Jesela said. “Can we change the subject?”

Mira said.

have you found anything strange on our medical checkups?” Seles asked.

Mira said. “No matter how many ways I go at it we’re the same as we always
were. After as many berserks as we’ve gone through I would’ve expected a few
things to change, but so far, nothing.”

there been any advancement on the helping Brian front?” Jesela asked.

dead end,” Mira said. “Both Celi and I have lost sleep over it and so far
nothing solves the problem. The moment we reactivate the nanomachines he’ll go
critical. Neither of us can think of anything outside that to fix the problem.”

you’re stumped?” Seles asked.

a chopped tree,” Mira answered. “But we can help him in other ways. Gene
therapy is promising, but the only thing that’ll do is keep him young.”

that then dead,” Jesela said.

for it,” Seles said. “I’ve already said I don’t want to see him grow old.”

keep on it Seles,” Mira said. “All of us feel the same.”


BOOK: Freedom Saga 2: Freedom's Bell
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