Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) (8 page)

Read Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) Online

Authors: Loribelle Hunt

BOOK: Freedom (Delroi Prophecy)
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What’s wrong with my house?” he asked, insulted.

She just arched an eyebrow.
“You’ll see.”

There was nothing wrong with his house, damn it. It had been in his family for a thousand years. Kareena laughed and he was so charmed he almost missed her words.
“Maybe that’s the problem?”

He enjoyed her gentle teasing, but that wasn’t why he grinned back at her. That wall she’d put between them, trying to block their bond, crumbled a little more every moment they spent together. She’d read his thoughts without thinking of the consequences. She was beginning to trust him whether she wanted to admit it or not. It wouldn’t be long before she was sharing more of herself. Her secrets, her background, how she’d been captured. He was haunted by those mysteries.

It hadn’t been a full week since they’d rescued her, but every night when he closed his eyes he saw her when she’d come out of that small prison. It still made him want to kill. He knew he’d get over that to some degree. Eventually. He wasn’t so sure she would get over her determination to stay unfettered. And the bond between
didn’t work that way. Once it was completed, neither of them would ever be free.

He hadn’t really believed the stories. Hadn’t believed there was woman who was his perfect match until he’d met her. Convincing her of that was proving a more difficult challenge than he’d anticipated.

“Let’s get this over with then.” He sighed. If he had to shop to get Kareena in his home, fine.

Britt took them to clothing stores. He could have kicked himself for not thinking of it first. The three women were wearing borrowed clothes, shoes, and cloaks. Of course, they’d want and need their own things. He was a little concerned going with Britt, however. She hadn’t
adjusted to Delroi dress yet. She stuck to combat pants and form fitting long sleeved shirts. Roarr wanted to see Kareena dressed as his woman should. So he asserted himself in a realm he’d never have dreamed of before. He stepped forward, took the black slacks out of her hands, and turned to the proprietor, cocking an eyebrow.

Find something appropriate for my
,” he ordered. The woman nodded and hustled off. He took Kareena’s elbow and followed, a little surprised when she didn’t protest his moving her away from the others.

There was nothing wrong those. And I’m not your mate.”

There was no way in hell he was arguing that in a public shop.
“We’ll see,” he allowed. “We can talk about it later.”

He ran his hand up her arm, unable to resist the light caress. She froze, but didn’t pull away when he then stroked it down her back to rest right over her ass. He wondered what had happened between dinner last night and today? He’d thought they were making a bit of progress. She’d certainly seemed more comfortable with his touch around others then.

The shopkeeper came to a stop in what he judged to be the exclusive area of the shop. There were a variety of garments in both bright and muted colors, all in soft silk. Kareena took a look around then turned to him with an incredulous expression.

You’re kidding.”

No,” he murmured, moving to a rack with the deep maroon colors of his house.

With her pale skin and dark hair, she would look incredible in it. They wouldn’t do for any time spent out in Saber City—he’d have to allow the serviceable black for that—but he didn’t think she was up for much exploring yet anyway. The attendant selected a pair and a light colored top to go with it, then pointed out the dressing room. Roarr noticed his brother lounging outside the doors as Kareena strode over. He walked behind her, reminding himself not to drool in public, and wondered if she knew how dangerous the saucy sway of her ass was. She chose the closest room, several feet away from Jarek, and Roarr leaned in for a good look around. Satisfied it was safe, he straightened to meet her glare.

“I think I can handle this part by myself,” she snapped.

He arched an eyebrow. Hell. What had he done this time?

“Excuse me?”

Trying on clothes? Even if I’m not allowed to pick my own, I’ve got this part covered,” she said sarcastically.

He heard his brother cough to cover his chuckle, and Roarr narrowed his eyes on her. She’d kept to herself so much on the trip to Delroi, she had no idea what she’d gotten into. The cultural differences were still a mystery to her. He leaned close to whisper in her ear.

“You should have been paying more attention, angel. I’m not like Earthling males, none of us are. Forget the kind of independence you’re accustomed to. You won’t have it here.”

He sensed her growing trepidation. Not of him exactly, but what her instincts told her he represented. She tried to take a step back, but he couldn’t let her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, groaning when her belly pressed against his cock. He’d been hard for hours and this kind of contact wasn’t helping. The mating lust built and he tried to control it as visions of her filled his head. Stretched across his bed. Restrained. Screaming out her pleasure.

She gasped and lifted her face, eyes wide and wary. “I’d appreciate it if you kept your fantasies to yourself. And let me go.”

She pushed at his shoulders, but he didn’t release her. He couldn’t, because he wasn’t the only one affected by the heat. Her skin was flushed and her breathing fast. He may not be able to read her mind yet, but he could feel her. He knew she was aroused too. Maybe not as much as him, but she was close. Part of him knew this was crazy, knew they weren’t alone and weren’t likely to be soon. But he couldn’t resist. He didn’t want too, and as he slowly lowered his head, hers tilted closer. He wanted, needed just a taste. Just a reminder of how sweet she was. How combustive they were together. Her lips parted and it was all the invitation he needed.

He knew it was a mistake as soon as his mouth touched hers. It was scorching. Her moan, as he thrust his tongue between her lips, almost made his knees buckle. Damn. He was in trouble. Serious, serious trouble. Because there was no fucking way he could stop now. He boosted her up and her legs wrapped around his hips. Moving into the small room, he kicked the door shut behind him and kept going until her back was pressed against the mirrored wall. He broke the kiss to trail his lips over her face, down her neck until he reached that sensitive hollow between shoulder and neck. It was the exact spot he wanted to see his mark tattooed. The idea of her getting one, of watching it done and knowing it was the ultimate surrender, made him hotter than hell.

He sucked her skin into his mouth and bit down. She cut off a cry, but she ground her pussy against his cock. He knew she liked the pain. But he was wild and on the edge of control. This had to stop. Somehow he managed it, pressing his forehead against the mirror next to her head while dragging in deep breaths, but he couldn’t force himself to release her quite yet. She was panting and when he rolled his hips she groaned. It was just about the most perfect sound he’d ever heard.

“We can’t do this here,” she whispered.

There was an ancient prayer, magic maybe, taught to all Delroi boys in anticipation of the day they met their
. The words were a refrain in his head and he had to bite his tongue to hold them back. Reluctantly, slowly, he released her and took a step away. She leaned against the mirror, palms flat against it as if clinging to it for support, and stared back at him. After a moment she straightened and made a sound halfway between a huff and a laugh.

Any chance this room is soundproof?”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, slowly, dragging out the anticipation.

“Not a chance in hell.” His communicator beeped as her body brushed his. He ignored it. The damned comm went off again. This time with a tone indicating it was an alert. He couldn’t ignore it. He sighed. “I need to answer this. Hurry up, angel. I want to get you alone.”

Excellent idea,” she agreed, and made a shooing motion with her hand. “Go. If you stay any longer I might change my stance about sex in public places.”

His objections were fading fast too, so he did the only sensible thing and left. Outside the small room he found a crowd waiting for him. He recognized half a dozen of Barak’s warriors.

“What happened?” he asked Jarek, who was uncharacteristically grim.

Rebels have occupied part of our embassy.”

It took a second for the words to sink in. Gods damned rebels! Was nothing sacred anymore? His clan, except for their loyalties to the Trace and Torfa clans, was neutral. Their embassy was a place for negotiations and sanctuary. For it to be violated in such a way infuriated him. He was ready to rush out and launch an attack when he remembered why that wasn’t possible. He couldn’t leave Kareena unprotected. He’d have to get her and the others someplace secure first.

“Is Kaje there?”

Kaje was his second in command, Steward of the Keep, and the clan’s main negotiator. He was also one hell of a warrior.

Jarek nodded. “We got the word from him actually. He has a squad with him. They’ve isolated the rebels in the temple.”

It just kept getting worse. There were only two goddess temples on Delroi in active use. The one in the Keep and the one in the embassy. Men were barred from both. Worse, priestesses were trained to fight. They wouldn’t take their temple being invaded lightly or meekly.

“We’ll get Kareena and the others back to your place, and I’ll make sure our most trusted warriors are posted in the house,” Britt said. “Barak took some men. He should be there by now.”

He was surprised at her interruption. Not because it was a bad idea, but because he hadn’t even noticed her join them. The woman was dangerous.

“We need to go,” Jarek said softly.

His brother was right, but Roarr was reluctant to leave Kareena to anyone else’s protection. Unfortunately, he had no choice. It was trust her to Britt or take her with him and there was no fucking way he’d take that risk. He nodded.

“The house has been staffed and I have warriors in place. You only need to see them safely there.”

He waited long enough for her agreement before leaving with his brother. Barak’s warriors stayed behind to escort the women. He and Jarek ran the two miles to the embassy. The streets grew more crowded the closer they got and he realized word had already spread. Emotions battered at his shields. Curiosity. Alarm. Fear. Excitement and anticipation. He slowed and cast his senses out trying to isolate the source of the eagerness, but there were too many people to separate the emotions. He resumed his run. Minutes later he entered the embassy compound.

It was comprised of many structures. The main building held administrative offices, conference rooms, and large meeting rooms for meditations, entertainment, and parties. There was a separate barracks for warriors assigned to or visiting the city and an adjoining center for training. Several guest houses. And finally the temple, isolated on a back corner of the property. Roarr went straight to it and found Kaje barking orders.

We’ve had no communication from inside,” Kaje said, when Roarr approached. He handed Roarr his tablet computer. “Your mother sent the blueprints and threatened death to anyone who leaked them. I think she actually meant it.”

I’m sure she did,” he replied and looked at the screen. There appeared to be two secret ways in and out of the temple, one from administration building’s cellar and the other from a building outside the compound wall. He pointed to them. “Two entry teams. We have enough men?”

If we include Barak’s, yes.”

They both turned to Barak to see if he objected. His answering grin was feral.
“Of course. It may be your embassy but it’s
city. Besides, I remember your mother, Roarr. If anything happens to her temple or her priestesses, she’ll have my hide when she’s done with yours.”

If the circumstances weren’t so dire, he might have laughed. Instead, they got to work on a plan. They needed to be fast and silent, which required the kind of precision planning they didn’t have time for. Hopefully, the attackers weren’t holding hostages and were unaware of the secret entrances and passageways. They needed the rebels alive to question so decided to use the tranq setting on their weapons. It was fast and efficient.

“If they brought surveillance equipment in with them they’ve had time to set it up. The tranqs will only be good on the perimeter guards,” Roarr muttered, and the others nodded agreement. He looked around, noting the efficient ordered movements of his warriors. “We need a little chaos here.”

If he was the occupying the temple, he would have hacked into a satellite so he could watch what was happening outside. Rebels were a lot of things, but stupid wasn’t among them. He was certain they were watching. They’d definitely notice two strike teams leaving and expect an assault.

“We’ll have to move some people around. Make it look like the numbers inside the compound have grown. It’s a risk, but I don’t see that it is avoidable,” Barak said. His eyes took on a faraway look, like he was lost in thought or daydreaming. “Britt is on the way. She thinks the telepaths might give us an advantage once we’re inside.”

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