Freedom at Midnight (90 page)

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Authors: Dominique Lapierre,Larry Collins

Tags: #History, #Asia, #India & South Asia

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of India. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1970. Woodruff, Philip: The Men Who Ruled India (Vol. I,

The Founders; Vol. II, The Guardians). London:

Jonathan Cape, 1954. Yeats-Brown, F.: Les Trois Landers du Bengale. Paris:

Hachette, 1955. Young, Desmond: All the Best Years. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961.


Acts of Parliament

The Government of India Act, 23 December 1919, 9 &

10 Geo. V, c. 101

The Government of India Act, 2 August 1935. Geo. V,

c. 2

The Indian Independence Act, 18 July 1947, 10 & 11

Geo, VI, c. 30

Indian Statutory Commission Report (Vol. 1. Survey) H.M.'s Stationery Office. 1930.

Parliamentary Papers Cmd6835 (1946).

India: Statement by the Cabinet Mission, 25 May 1946. Cmd6861 (1946).

India: Statement by the Cabinet Mission Cmd6862 (1946). India (Cabinet Mission): Papers relating to:

(a) the Sikhs,

(b) the Indian States,

(c) the European Community, May-June 1946.

Cmd 7047 (1947) Indian Policy Statement 20 February 1947.

Cmd 7136 (1947) Indian Policy Statement 3 June 1947.



The Round Table, London The Times, London Time magazine, London


Histoire pour Tous No. 146-147—Juin/Juillet 1972. Extract: "L'Inde Dechiree" by Patrick Turnbull and Albert Vulliez

Histoire pour Tous No. 150—Octobre 1972. Extract: "Lord Mountbatten en Birmanie" by Albert Vulliez Boulogne Billancourt, Editions Rouff, 1972. Le Monde, Paris


Harijan, Ahmedabad

Illustrated Weekly of India, Bombay

The Times of India, Bombay

Dawn, New Delhi

The Hindustan Times, New Delhi

The Hindustan Times Weekly Review, New Delhi

The Statesman, New Delhi


Civil and Military Gazette, Lahore Pakistan Times, Karachi

United States

The New York Times, New York


Crime Reports by J. D. Nagarvalla

From 30/01/48 to 28/05/48

Special Branch, C.I.D., Bombay.

Gandhi's Assassination and I -by Gopal Godse

Asmita Prakashan, Poona, 1967.

(Available only in Mahratti)

Report of Investigation Murder

Sec. 302 I.P.C. and Articles 4 & 5

Explosives substances Act into the Conspiracy to Murder Mahatma Gandhi. Dossier No. 663/A

Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Special Branch, C.I.D., Bombay.

Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Conspiracy to Murder Mahatma Gandhi

by J. L. Kapur, Judge of the Supreme Court of India.

(6 volumes) Government of India Press, New Delhi,


Abbas, Ahmed, 342-43 Abell, George, 96, 325 Abha, 355, 357, 433, 435, 459,

490, 494, 505-6 at Gandhi death rites, 509,

515, 516, 520-21 Act of Accession, 237-38,240-

43 Adalkha, B. R., 341 Afghanistan, 134, 402 Afridis, 133, 273 Aga Khan, 73 Agra, India, 12 Agrani, 421, 482 ahimsa, see nonviolence Ahmedabad, 56, 113,296 Ahmednagar, lOOfn., 388,419,

422, 481, 524 Ahsan, Syed, 261-63 Air India, 489, 523 Akali sect, 348, 361, 458 Akbar, Emperor, 220, 222 Alauddin, Sultan, 308 Alexander II, Tsar, 275 Ali, Abdurahaman, 395 Ali, Aisha, 295 Allahabad, 101, 519-20 Allah Rakhi, 390 All-India Congress Committee,

72 All India Radio, 183,191, 449,

508, 513 All Quiet on the Western Front

(Remarque), 299

Alwar, Maharaja of, 160,179-

80 Ambala prison, 523 Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji,

168 Amritsar, 57, 225, 245

communal massacres in, 248-51, 314-16, 330-32, 335-36, 349, 352 refugees in, 392-94 Anarkali, 220 Andaman Islands, 417 Anwar, Ahmed, 394 Anwar, Maj. Kurshid, 403 Apte, Narayan

background, character, 415-

16, 421-22 death sentence, 522-23 first attempt to kill Gandhi,

465-73, 476, 479, 484 second attempt, 485-87,

491-94, 497-98, 501-5 and Gandhi assassination plot, 434-38, 441^7, 454-56, 463-70 and Hindu Rashtra, 415-18, 425, 434-35, 482-84 Arcot, siege of, 204 Arjuna, King, 127, 306 Aryans, 30, 318 Ashley, Edwina, see Mountbat-

ten, Edwina Ashoka, 229 Asian nationalist movements, 8


Assam, 15 Assam Rifles, 312 astrologers, 181, 196-97, 228,

341, 347, 375-77, 469 Atkins, Capt. Robert E., 285-86, 298, 330-31, 372-74 Atlantic Charter, 70 Attlee, Clement, 83fn., 217, 325, 397, 430, 514 approves Mountbatten as

Gov. Gen., 216-18 his commitment to free India, 6-8, 26, 40, 64-65, 235-36, 397 conferences with Mountbatten, 7-11, 172-74 and Indian partition, 141, 146-7, 148-49, 172-73, 175-77, 212 naming of Mountbatten as Viceroy, 6-11, 40-41, 74-

75, 83fn.

and the princely states, 178 transfer-of-power date, 64-

65, 183, 187, 194-95,

396-97 Auchinleck, Field Marshal Sir

Claude, 97, 219, 340,

368fn., 407-8 Aung San, 8 Aurangzeb, Emperor, 220,

303,416 automobiles, 159-60 Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 527 Azad, Maulana, 459

Baba Lai ashram, 341 Badge, Digamber, 425-26, 470 arms peddler, 425-26, 437,

442-43, 446 in plot to kill Gandhi, 446, 463, 467-68, 470, 475-

76, 480-84, 495-96

as prosecution witness, 522-24 Bairam, festival of, 388 Baker, Elizabeth, 19 Balloki Head, 397 Balmoral, Scotland, 323

Baluchistan, 34, 273, 527 Bangi Sweepers Colony, Delhi,

115, 117fn., 140,382,455,

458 Bangladesh, 129, 150, 208fn.,

279, 527 Bank of India, 199 Bannet, John, 224 Baramullah, 412 Baroda, 13, 178 Baroda, Maharaja (or Gaek-

war) of, 157-58, 167

181, 240-41 Battenberg, Prince Louis of,

41, 42, 174 Battenberg (family name

changed to Mountbatten)

42 Beas river, 375, 395 Beaumont, Wenty, 349 Beaverbrook, Max, 174fn. Behr, Capt Edward, 380-81 Benares, 166, 196, 297, 303-5 Bengal, 133, 134, 273, 276,

350, 397 description of, 126 independent-nation plan,

147-50 partition of, 124-29, 141,

211-12, 219, 247, 263-^

64,326 Bengal, Bay of, 12, 302 Bengal Club, 15 Bengal Lancers, 6, 21 Bhagavad Gita, 28, 56, 306,

386, 419, 436-37, 509 inspiration for Gandhi, 53,

278, 444, 500 Punjabi source of, 127 Bharatpur, Maharaja of, 157,

160, 163, 276 Bhatia, A. N., 487 Bhopal, ruler of, 168 Bhrannbi, Nihal, 346 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 527 Bidault, Georges, 513 Bihar, 26, 31, 36, 56, 83, 118 Bikaner, Maharaja of, 167,


bilva (tree sacred to Shiva),

304 Birla, G. D., 231, 382 Birla family, 291 Birla House, 385, 388 anti-Gandhi demonstration

at, 440-41 description of, 382 first assassination attempt at,

467-73, 490 Gandhi's fast at, 435, 436, 440, 447-50, 454-58, 462-63 Gandhi's funeral rites at,

512, 514-15, 516 killing of Gandhi at, 501-9 plotters' reconnaissance at,

464-66 security arrangements at, 478-79, 484-85, 496, 505 Birla Mandir (Temple), 294,

447, 463, 493, 503 Birnie, Col. William, 401, 428 Birwalla, 337 Boer War, 52, 58 Bombay, 1, 16, 18, 131, 259, 260, 449, 480, 481, 489, 511,512 524 communal outrages in, 36,

97, 387-88 Gandhi's activities in, 51,

56, 60, 72 Hindu extremists in, 387-

88, 417, 437, 445-47 Independence eve celebrations, 294, 297, 312, 313 last English leave from,

534-35 police search for Gandhi attackers in, 479-81, 489, 495, 522 Bombay C.I.D., 481 Bombay Express, 451, 477 Bombay Yacht Club, 294 Bose, Kumar, 299 Bourke-White, Margaret, 348,

373, 396, 436, 494, 517 boycott, 58-60

Braganza's Hotel, Lahore,

330-31 Brahmacharya, 53-54, 79-80,

423 Brahmans, 30, 101 Brahmaputra river, 128 Braunbhai, Renu, 342 Brest, France, 148fn. Brindisi, 69

British Army, 250, 408, 534 British Club, 101 British Commonwealth, 40-

41, 75, 173, 176, 397 British Empire

defied, humbled by Gandhi,

23-25, 61-62 demise of, 234 greatness of, 1-2, 4-5 Indian independence, 6-9,

37 British Overseas Airways

Corp., 429 Brockman, Capt. Ronald, 75 Bucher, Lt. Gen. Sir Roy, 516 Buckingham Palace, 37-41,

68, 101, 159 Buddha, 510 Buddhists, 128, 290, 459 Bullock, Peter, 312 Bundi, Maharao Raja of, 167 Burma, 8, 42, 166 Burrows, Sir Frederick, 129,


Calcutta, 12, 15, 18, 19, 58,

196,283,511-12 communal violence in, 26,

35-36, 97, 123, 129, 254-

55,269,270,316,354-60 Direct Action Day, 35-36,

123, 129, 254, 269, 270,

316 economic importance of,

129, 147, 148 and Gandhi's peace-keeping

task, 252-55, 268-72,

278-79, 298-99, 316-17,

338-39, 344-45, 350-60

passim, 438

Independence Day celebration, 294, 298-99, 311-12,

316-17 in partition of Bengal, 147,

148, 183, 246-47, 326 Cambridge University, 101,

102, 167 Campbell-Johnson, Alan, 120,

228fn., 368, 508, 517 Campbell-Johnson, Fay, 331,

379 Canning, Lady, 20 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 68,

257, 513 Cariappa, Brigadier, 266 Caroe, Sir Olaf, 133,134,136-

37,402 Cassel, Sir Ernest, 88 caste system, 30-32, 232 Cawnpore, 257, 296, 498 Cecil's Hotel, Simla, 331 cemeteries, 19-21, 257 Central Intelligence Bureau,

474 Chamber of Princes, 154-56,

236-38 Chaplin, Charlie, 68 Charnock, Job, 12 Chatharpur, 306, 308, 320,

324, 512 Chaudhuri Mohammed Ali,

199 Chillianwala, Punjab, 226 Chitral, 178

Chopra, Col. M. S., 362 Christ Church Cathedral,

Simla, 143, 145 Chuba tea plantations, 312 Churchill, Winston, 6, 38, 256 dislike of Gandhi, 67-74, 81,

176-77, 513 and Indian independence,

63-65, 71, 175-77, 183,

194, 235, 397 and Mountbatten, 41-42,

45, 46, 174-77, 194, 217 opinion of Attlee, 6, 235 his pride in British Empire,

6, 63-64, 70, 71

civil disobedience, 54-55, 60,

69, 114, 121 Clive, Robert, 13, 92, 182, 283 Clive Street, Calcutta, 294 Cochin, 178

Collins, Elizabeth, 320-21 Columbia University, New

York, 168 Commons, House of, 62-63,

174, 187, 195 Confucius, 428 Congress and Congress Party, 27-28, 59, 60, 255, 288, 382, 416, 487, 497 Dominion status for India,

176 independence, transfer of

power, 182-90 Moslem opposition, 34-36,

97, 121, 136, 155 Mountbatten -as Governor

General, 217-18 Nehru-Patel rift, 113-14 nonviolent struggle against

Britain, 59-61 and partition of India, 9, 35, 36,111,117-18,140,149, 172-73, 176, 199, 319, 429 and princely states, 155,

214-15, 237, 241 relations with Gandhi, 24, 58,82, 117-18, 140, 184-85, 228-29, 457-58, 532 and World War II, 70-72 Connaught Circus, 294, 295,

361, 440, 453, 466, 469 Conservative Party, 64, 177 Cooch Behar, Maharaja of,

167 Corfield, Sir Conrad, 155-56, 168, 171, 177-81, 213, 215, 236-37 cotton, 24, 58-59; see also

khadi Coward, Noel, 43, 45 cricket, 207

Cripps, Sir Stafford, 9fn., 71-72, 75, 110, 172, 513

Croft, Sir William, 287 croquet set, 281, 339 Cunningham, Sir George, 403-4

Dacca, 279-80, 313

Dal, Lake, 400

Dalmia, Seth, 261

Dalmia family, 291

Dance, Capt. Kenneth, 283-

84, 296 Dandi, India, 62 darshan, significance of, 103,

316-17, 454-55 Das, Bagh, 333-34 Das, Mati, 342 Dasahra, festival of, 158-59,

399 Data Gang Baksh, 530 Dayal, Rajeshwar, 296-97 Dean, Rule, 250, 280 Deccan, the, 13, 15 Deccan Guest House, 388,419,

524 Delhi, 18, 257, 343, 506 communal killings in, 329-


84, 436 Gandhi funeral in, 511 Independence celebrations

in, 255, 294-96, 324,

512-13 police investigating attempt

on Gandhi's life, 474-75,

479-93 popular response to Gandhi

fast, 440-41,445, 449-50,

452-55, 458, 460, 461 railroad station, 477, 492,

496, 501-3 refugees in, 383-86, 434,

441, 445, 449, 450, 452-

53 Delhi Women's League, 455-

56 Desai, Moraji, 480 Deva Indra, 290 Dhenkanal, Raja of, 159 Dholpur, Rana of, 240

diamonds, 157, 158, 170 Direct Action Day, 35-36, 123,

129, 254, 269, 270, 316 Dravidians, 28-29, 30 Dubey, Col. Ashwini, 311,

348, 395-96 Durand, Maj. Gen. Henry

Marion, 20 Durban, 51, 52-53 Durga, 304fn., 399 Dutta, Devi, 423 Dyer, Brig. Gen. R. E., 57

East Bengal, 150, 201, 279,

280 East India Trading Co., 11-14,

92, 132, 204, 312, 325,

400 East Pakistan, 279 Edward VH, King, 167 Edward VIII, King, see Wales,

Prince of Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.,

42 elephant, 158-59 elephant fights, 159 Elizabeth, Princess, 430 Elizabeth I, Queen of England,

11, 12, 325 Emergency Committee, 365-

69, 383, 393, 394, 423,

429-30 Empire Theatre, Johannesburg, 54 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 201 English language, 14 Erskine-Crum, General, 365 Ethiopia, 70, 89 Eugenie, Empress, 157 "European Only" clubs, 224

Falletti's Hotel, 224, 245, 294,

379 Farmer, Patrick, 249 Ferozepore, 374, 437, 469 Ferozepore Military Hospital,

377 Festival of Freedom, 297 Firpo's, 294

First Sikh Regiment, 411, 412 Fisher, Richard, 349-50 floods, 128, 394-96 Fortnum and Mason, 153 Fort St. George, Madras, 92,

312 Fort William, Calcutta, 283 Franciscan Missionaries of

Mary, 411-12 Frontier Force Rifles, 394 Frontier Mail (train), 16, 345,


Gaiety Theater, Simla, 363 Gandhi, Devadas, 438, 514-

15, 518, 520 Gandhi, Harilal, 82, 519 Gandhi, Indira (n6e Nehru),

208fn., 284, 494, 539-40 Gandhi, Kasturbai (wife of

Gandhi), 50, 73, 77-78,

81 Gandhi, Mohandas Karam-

chand ("Mahatma"), 136,

182, 228-32, 388-89,

489-90,500,522,531-32 appearance, character, 23-

24 assassination plot against,

436-512 passim background, education, 49-

62 Calcutta peace-keeping mission, see under Calcutta civil-disobedience tenets,

54-55, 60, 70, 114; see

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