Free the North! (Free Trader Series Book 5) (29 page)

BOOK: Free the North! (Free Trader Series Book 5)
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He smirked at her, but didn’t argue further.

Bounder considered that to be G-War’s best answer to Fea’s statement, which earned him a scowl from Gray Strider. Skirill stayed silent as well, having already had the argument with Zyena about how much danger their children should be exposed to.

The arrival at Oasis 01 was anticlimactic as they strolled in like they owned the place as dawn’s first light showed them the green fields and tall trees. The water buffalo went to the lake, then to the fields. The Development Unit was nowhere to be seen, so they expected Holly had prepared it for the onslaught headed its way.

Micah showed Tom and Zeller how to get a room, how the fabricator worked, some recommended meals, and how the bathroom worked. They didn’t see them for two turns after that.

The young ‘cats and kittens were completely taken by the opportunity to hunt. The javelina ran here, there, and everywhere, terrified at the influx of predators. G-War had to stop them all, drag some of them back to the lake, and instruct them on how to make a kill. He had to close his eyes and take deep calming breaths. A Hillcat that didn’t know how to hunt. It was almost enough to give him heart failure.

The companions watched it all with great amusement, not so much because of G-War’s efforts to teach the young ‘cats, but because they knew that for three cycles he’d begged for the company of other Hillcats. It reinforced the adage of “be careful what you ask for, you may get it.”

Braden and Micah also acquired a room and enjoyed what it had to offer, sharing pot pies with Skirill and Zyena as the javelina population was quickly eliminated, despite G-War’s efforts to convince the kittens to leave some for the next time. Treetis was the first to make a kill, even though he wasn’t the largest or the fastest. G-War took great pride in the young ‘cat’s kill, beaming as a proud dad might.

“I’m pretty sure there’s going to be some fireworks between the new ‘cats and G’s other litter. The first thing Klytus will want to do is fight the newcomers. He’s their size, but only because they’re half-grown!” Micah lamented.

‘I’ll handle my children,’
G-War snipped.
‘All of them. Maybe we just have a big fight off, let them all get it out of their system, and then we find homes for this brood.’

‘We’ll do nothing of the sort, my little scrubbykins,’
Fea purred over the mindlink.

Coffee spewed from Braden’s nose. He started coughing and gagging. “Scrubbykins?” Micah punched him, but turned away so the Golden Warrior couldn’t see her laugh. She grabbed a handful of her partner’s shirt and dragged him back into the room, closing the door behind her. Skirill and Zyena almost fell out of their tree. Bounder and Zyena dropped their spears and bounced up and down.

G-War had often taken pleasure in the others’ familial discomforts in the past. He looked at his companions, the other ‘cats, and finally to Fealona. Maybe this was what he was looking for all along, to have a little bit of what the others so readily enjoyed with their mates. He exhaled long and loud.

‘Okay, you win,’
G-War told Fea, rubbing his body past hers in the traditional way that mates did,
‘partner mine.’



The South


The caravan took two turns to make the northern border of the Plains of Propiscius. Micah yelled at Braden and anyone else who would listen as they spent one last day trying to sleep under the tent.

“No!” she screamed. “I won’t spend one more minute in this tent with these creatures. They fart. They never stop farting. I think that’s all they do. They turn their food into a hideous smell. The stench is in my clothes, Braden!”

Braden and the others pushed the wagon to the edge of the tent so it partially stuck out where the sun’s rays baked mercilessly. Micah slept in the back, just out of the sun but with enough fresh air to keep her happy. No one could disagree with her, but there wasn’t much they could do about it. Braden wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her this angry about something. He sniffed his shirt. The smell really was in their clothes.

The plains started with scrub trees and short, dry grasses. The water buffalo spread out to graze, but they needed to move farther south before they’d find the grasses that were good for them. They rallied the tired kittens to keep the livestock moving toward the lake where Braden and Micah first met. The grass was good and there was plenty of water.

“Where are these beasties going to find a home?” Zeller asked. Braden had always assumed Dwyer, but on second thought, there were other villages that could use the boost that the livestock would provide. Braden shrugged. Maybe it didn’t need to be his decision.

“How about you take them where they will best serve the people of the south? Find ranchers who will help the herd to grow. I’m sure you and Tom will make a good decision.” Braden shook their hands. The deal was done.

“I’m proud of you,” Micah told him as they watched Tom and Zeller talk excitedly in the Old Tech wagon. “I know you don’t want to let go.”

“That was easier than I thought it would be,” he confided, even though he knew there were no secrets between them. “I think it’s time that we rescue the kids from your mother,” he added playfully.

“I couldn’t agree more. Who knows what we’ll have to break them of.”

Braden nodded before accessing their mindlink.
‘We’re going after the kids. Who’s coming with us?’
he asked the companions.

Skirill and Zyena had always enjoyed their trips to the coast where two of their hatchlings lived. The ocean breeze made for great flying, plus they enjoyed the fish that the village of Trent always had in great abundance.

Bounder and Gray Strider had enough of the water buffaloes and were happy to join Braden and Micah. Brandt said goodbye to Arnie and congratulated him on his work to keep the whole caravan moving when the King could not. He winked at the young bull and told him that even though the arrow wounds had healed, the cows would find the scars to be enticing.

Braden asked, wondering.

‘Not this time, Braden. We have to make sure all of these kittens are well taken care of, find good people and good homes. I know that you’ll get Ax, ‘Tesh, and those two urchins of mine and then you’ll rejoin us. By then, Fea and I will be ready to go with you. In my place, because I know that you cannot be trusted to look after yourself, Treetis will accompany you. He has my full confidence to keep you out of trouble as I would do,’
G-War finished as his mate nuzzled him. G-War and Fea jumped from the King’s head into the wagon and they waved as Brandt trotted away.

  Treetis brought his water buffalo to the edge of the herd where Braden could ride alongside without upsetting the livestock. The ‘cat spent a few heartbeats giving the beast instructions before leaping into Braden’s lap. The ‘cat looked like a younger, healthier Golden Warrior. Braden scratched behind his ears, but the ‘cat batted his hand away, before fixing him with his ‘cat stare.

Micah watched it all as she heeled her horse into a run, letting her hair trail behind her as they headed toward the ocean. Brandt ran past, accepting the challenge of the race. The Wolfoids tried to keep up with the Aurochs while the Hawkoids easily flew far ahead, looking to keep the companions free from any dangers. Braden looked at the dust from those running ahead.

“It looks like just you and me, little man.” Braden leaned over the ‘cat as his horse picked up speed.

‘The ocean?’
Treetis asked.

“Water. Endless water that’s salty. You can’t drink it, but the fish that come from there? They are some choice eating. I’m sure G-War had to tell you about that.”

‘No, he didn’t, but he did say that we’d have to find our own way on Vii and beyond,’
Treetis replied.

“As do we all, little man. As do we all…”


Cygnus Rising
Humanity Returns to Space

A Tale from the Free Trader Universe


Chapter 1 - Fire!


Flames shot through the open hatch. Cain started yelling, “Engineering’s on fire!” as the klaxons sounded, echoing down the corridor away from him. The screams of the victims penetrated the dead space between the wailing alarms.

The hatch was open. The automated fire suppression system had failed again.

He ripped open the damage control panel and pulled the tank out. He threw it hastily over his shoulder, reached behind him with a well-practiced maneuver to start the flow of air, and wrapped the dangling mask over his face. He draped the fire hood over his head as he ran. He didn’t have time to put on the whole outfit. People were dying.

He hit the flames of the doorway at a dead run. The intense heat scorched his bare forearms as he passed. He yelled into his mask as he slid to a stop in the middle of the space, looking for survivors. A Rabbit lay under a terminal, an ugly scorch mark cut across his white fur, leaving blackened hair around burned pink flesh underneath. The Rabbit moved – he was still alive.

Cain slid him from under the melting terminal. The Rabbit was dense and blocky, half Cain’s height, but the same weight. Cain found someone’s uniform blouse hanging on the back of a chair. He took it and wrapped it around the Rabbit’s head and over as much of his body as he could, then hefted him, trying not to touch the injury. Cain ran toward the hatch, ducked his head, held his breath, and jumped through the flames. He deposited the Rabbit in the passageway and raced back into Engineering.

He should have been alarmed that the flames didn’t seem to hurt as much this time. He searched further for signs of other survivors. He found a young ensign, contorted from the pain of his death. The next victim was a Wolfoid, horribly torn apart from the force of an exploded containment vessel. He saw something odd about the way the Wolfoid’s body, bigger than a human’s was laying on the floor.

A human hand snaked out from underneath the heavy gray fur. Without remorse, Cain heaved the Wolfoid’s shattered body to the side, apologizing as he went. Lieutenant Ellie Anderle was dazed, but seemed to be okay. The Wolfoid must have taken the full force of the rupture, protecting her. Cain’s breath caught as he looked at her silken black hair, the ends curled and brittle from the heat that passed by.

He pulled her to him as blue lights started to flash within Engineering signaling the imminent flooding of argon gas into the compartment. He kneeled, rolling her from a sitting position over his shoulder. He stood without much effort. She wasn’t heavy and laid easily over his shoulder as he hurried for the hatch. The flames had died down somewhat, but he still ran through, hoping speed would keep them safe. Once through, he stopped, took a deep breath of the better air in the corridor, and watched the hatch to engineering close.

The klaxons stopped as someone helped Ellie from his shoulder. He looked at the closed hatch. Anyone still in the space would be denied oxygen, just like the fire. The argon gas was supposed to be flushed in a matter of seconds, but it would be too late.

“Holy Rising Star, Cain! You shouldn’t have gone in there. Why the hell would you do something like that?” the captain’s words were harsh, but the his eyes were grateful. As the older man looked at the two survivors in the corridor, he added, “but I’m glad you did, son. Looks like you saved two lives, irreplaceable lives.”

The two Hillcats waiting for Cain and Ellie in the corridor couldn’t have agreed more. The lives of their humans were instrumental in their being. Two other Hillcats yowled in agony as their bonded partners perished in Engineering. The two wouldn’t eat or drink for the remainder of their lives. Their anguished cries would continue over the next few days until they died.

Why had he risked knowing what his death would do to his ‘cat, to his family? He’d spent his short life trying to live up to the person he wanted to be, the Space Exploration Service captain who showed him how a hero was supposed to act.


Free Trader 6 – Free Trader on the High Seas

Free Trader on the High Seas is about search and discovery, then liberation. When Holly and the Cygnus VI survivors find strange electromagnetic emanations coming from a desert island in the Western Ocean, Braden, Micah, G-War and the companions are compelled to check it out.

With an open ocean exploration laboratory that Holly found and recovered, they head to sea where they find more than an island, they find a gateway to the former residents of White Beach who’d been seduced by the intelligence from the Western Ocean Research Facility…

Free Trader Book Six – coming soon, exclusively on Amazon.




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BOOK: Free the North! (Free Trader Series Book 5)
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