Free Fall (29 page)

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Authors: Catherine Mann

BOOK: Free Fall
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Around my house, we have a saying: “It takes a village… to write a book.” Lucky for me, I have an awesome “village” populated with talented and supportive folks! A great big thanks to my editor Deb Werksman and the whole Sourcebooks team. And endless appreciation to my agent, Barbara Collins Rosenberg. (I’m a lucky author to work with all of you!)

I don’t know what I would do without my critique partner, Joanne Rock, who provides such brilliant insights e-mailed and phoned at a moment’s notice. (Truly, you’ve got to move closer! I miss you, BFF!)

Thanks to my dear friend and amazing beta reader, Zo Carlson, for her eagle eye and the celebratory dinners out. (You’re a gem!)

As always, I’m so grateful to my flyboy husband Rob for sharing his military knowledge. (Thanks, too, for the patience and love! Right back atcha!) Hugs and love to our four vastly entertaining children. (Special soup for all of you!)

But most particularly, thanks to our youngest, Maggie, who saved my sanity during this deadline by cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, and reminding me to shower. (Maggie, you rock!)

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About the Author

bestseller Catherine Mann has over two million books in print in more than twenty countries. A winner of the prestigious RITA Award, Catherine resides in Florida with her military-hero husband, their four children, and a menagerie of shelter rescue pets. For more information on her upcoming releases, check out her website at
. Visit with her on Facebook at Catherine Mann (author) or on Twitter at CatherineMann1.

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