Freaks of Greenfield High (31 page)

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Authors: Maree Anderson

Tags: #FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: Freaks of Greenfield High
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“I’ll never be that person again, Caro. And yanno what?”




“Way I see it, Jay was interested in me because I was a freak. So if I hadn’t gone through all that crap with Vanessa and Shawn, I’d have been just another popular guy. Nothing special. Probably a real douche-bag to boot. And then she wouldn’t have wanted to know me. So I’m kinda glad. ’Cause I feel privileged to have known her.” He ducked his head, concentrated on scuffing a stone from the pavement and sending in bouncing onto the road, not wanting Caro to see the expression on his face. “Suppose I sound like I’m wigging out big-time, huh?”


“Nope.” She gave a quick hug.




It wasn’t until Tyler got home from school and discovered his parents weren’t home that he realized he’d left his door key on his desk in his room. Crap. But the spare key would still be in its hiding place under the potted plant, so it wasn’t like he had to sit on the doorstep and wait for his sister.


When he tipped over the pot, he found the key. He also found something that’d been missing, something he’d believed had died forever. He found hope.


The thumb drive he’d left for Jay was gone.


He was the last one to scramble off the bus. The driver threw him a grin. “Daydreaming, huh?”


He grinned back. “Nightmare, more like.”


“First day, is it?”




“Don’t worry. They’re a good bunch, these kids. You’ll do just fine.” The man winked at him and waved as he drove off.


His day was looking up. But as he wandered through the front gates of Appleton Performing Arts School, his high spirits began fray a little around the edges. A new town. His first time away from home, living on his own. His first day on campus. A chance to make new friends—if he could be bothered.


The prospect of any of the aforementioned was daunting, but all of them in the space of a couple of weeks was enough to do his head in.


He strolled up the paved pathway, admiring the landscaping. Lush swathes of grass and meandering paths were interspersed with large shade trees, under-planted with flowering shrubs. Nice. Maybe he’d sit out here and eat lunch rather than braving the cafeteria.


He halted to examine the architecturally designed building that housed the main wing of the school. It’d been rebuilt about a decade ago and won some fancy award. He could see why. Where possible, the architect had retained the original façade, and he’d skillfully and seamlessly melded old-fashioned charm with modern convenience—all without making the building look like hot mess.


Sucking in a deep breath, Tyler pushed through the front doors and made a beeline for the Admin area.


As he neared the office, he slowed mid-step. Another new student was already waiting at the desk.


Something about her, some indefinable quality, demanded his attention and—


Whoa. He eyed her beneath his lashes. Tall. Willowy. Nice ass—real nice. She wore faded jeans which rode low on her narrow hips, an old checked flannel shirt over top a worn t-shirt of indeterminable color, and sneakers which were more holes than sneaker.


As if aware she was being eyeballed she glanced his way.


The chestnut hair almost made him think twice. Then his stomach flip-flopped. Her eyes were the most shockingly intense shade of blue he’d ever seen. Her smile turned his brain to mush. He tried to look away, act all nonchalant, but he couldn’t.


Her gaze absorbed him from head to toe. She winked at him and he just stood there, gaping at her. Elated. Disbelieving. Hopeful.


Her lips curved as she sauntered over to him. “Hi. Have we met before?”


“I reckon so,” he said, matching the lightness of her tone even though his heart was racing and damned if his knees hadn’t turned to Jell-O.


“My name is Jamie. But
can call me Jay.”


“Pleased to meet you, Jay. I like the new look, by the way.”


Her smile was pure wickedness as she did a campy twirl for his benefit. “Really?”




“How about meeting me after class for coffee?”


He couldn’t help glancing down to check she wasn’t missing a hand.


She noticed—of course—and flapped both appendages in his face. “Don’t be silly. I’m sure I mentioned to you once before what I’m capable of.”


“We have a lot of catching up to do,” he told her.


“Yes,” she agreed, her hand creeping to her throat and toying with the thumb drive she wore on a sturdy silver chain around her neck. She cocked her head to one side, gazing at him in that particular way she had. “We sure do.”


The End




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You might also enjoy these other books by Maree Anderson, all available wherever electronic books are sold:


The Crystal Warrior


Ruby’s Dream (Book 2 of The Crystal Warrior Series)


Jade’s Choice (Book 3 of The Crystal Warrior Series)


Lightning Rider


Freaks of Greenfield High

About the Author

Maree Anderson writes paranormal romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and young adult books. She’s a Kiwi, a New Zealander, and she’s addicted to chocolate—the darker the better. Not to mention coffee and the occasional glass of excellent NZ wine. She’s not quite so addicted to her local gym—she’d much rather do an hour’s karate class and go Ceroc dancing than pound the treadmill.


She shares her home with a depressed goldfish who likes to scare her by lying at the bottom of the fish-tank and playing dead, and a neurotic ocicat who brings her bones stolen from the neighbor’s dog.


Maree’s currently working on the sequel to her award-winning YA novel Freaks of Greenfield High, which has been optioned for TV by Cream Drama, Inc.


For blurbs, excerpts, and more about Maree’s published books, please check out the Books page of her website:



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Other Books

Book 1 of The Crystal Warriors Series


She’s a dancer, and the most important thing in her life right now is the success of her new dance studio. He’s an alien Crystal Warrior with one big-ass curse hanging over him. In a moment of weakness she lets him seduce her. Now they’re magically bonded and his life is in her hands.


Winner: Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award for full-length romantic manuscript




“Just picked up the 1st book in the Crystal Warrior series via a free thang on All Romance. Tried to stay up and finish it last night and gave up at 3am. Finally finished it this afternoon after deciding that the washing and cleaning could wait.


Wow… I really loved the characters in this. When I read the blurb I was not that interested in the sound of Chalcey—as in that I didn’t think I would be able to identify with a dance instructor. Okay, my mistake! I am so impressed with how you wrote a strong and independent woman who stood on her own two feet, took no crap from anyone and ran her own business. That I could identify with 100%. I read a lot of romance and I often feel that the women are not as strong as they could be and that they are simply part of a story that involves snaring some hot guy and getting a HEA— almost like their actual character is unimportant.


So 5 stars and have some extra bonus cookies for writing a believable woman who I was rooting for. I wanted her business to be a success just as much as I wanted her to get the guy. And kudos for the plot twist. Usually they’re so obvious, but I didn’t see that one coming at all.


I liked Chalcey’s friends and the family dynamics that helped shape her character. Wulf was a nice character too. (What’s not to like about a guy in leather?) He was a complex guy, but what I loved about him most was that you didn’t strip away his masculinity in order for him to ‘settle down’ and get his HEA. Too often books turn a bad boy into this domesticated mushy guy and strip away half of what made the character in the first place.


Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I really enjoyed the book. I’m off to buy #2. Keep up the great work.”




“This book has it all, and leaves you wanting the next book in the series NOW! Chalcey is an independent woman who knows exactly what she wants, and how she plans to get it. She’s worked hard to achieve her dream, and isn’t about to let it go for the sexy stranger who rescues her from the Date from Hell. Even if he does make her pulse race, and her body ache for forbidden pleasures.


Wulf is a Crystal Warrior, brought here by a magic neither he nor Chalcey truly understand. This is their story, and the author has crafted it with enough emotion, suspense and twists that I found it hard to put down. It’s easy to see why it won the Clendon Award! I sure hope Ms. Anderson doesn’t make us wait too long for the sequel!”




“I thoroughly enjoyed The Crystal Warrior. No surprises that it won the RWNZ Clendon Award—everything about it was beautifully crafted. Characters felt real—even ancient warrior Wulf—and I loved the interaction between modern day independent heroine, Chalcey, and her hero. There was humour, angst, passion, the works! I am looking forward to the next book in Maree Anderson’s crystal warrior series.”




“The Crystal Warrior is an intelligent, fast, action packed read with a feisty, sassy heroine Chalcedony and a really hunky hero, Wulfenite. This book has it all including laugh out loud humor, danger, twists and turns, and both protagonists have gut wrenching choices to be made that leave you wondering right to the very end as to whether Chalcey and Wulf will make it. I absolutely love the concept of the Crystal Warriors, and Wulf’s and Chalcey’s story is well plotted and a fantastic read that has you wanting more. Ms Anderson is an excellent writer. It’s very clear why this book won the prestigious The Clendon Award and I can’t wait to read more.”

Other Books

Book 2 of The Crystal Warriors Series


She’s a plus-sized woman with sub-zero self esteem. He’s a Crystal Warrior, and the gods’ gift to women. But for a chance at the Happy Ever After they both deserve, they must learn that appearances can be deceiving… and pass the Crystal Guardian’s test before time runs out for them both.

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