Freakn' Cougar (10 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #menage, #threesome., #mfm, #paranormal, #romance, #shifter, #shapeshifter, #fantasy, #werewolves, #werewolf

BOOK: Freakn' Cougar
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“Did I hurt you?”

So much to teach him. She turned her head to peer at him over shoulder. “The only thing that hurts is the fact I haven’t come yet.”

She caught the bruising kiss he placed upon her lips, a fiery embrace that stole her breath. As he slammed in and out of her, she kept her hands braced against the wall, welcoming his savage thrusts, his loss of control. He even grew bold enough to let his hands roam her body. His fingers reached under and found her clit. He paused in his pumping to rub her, and she couldn’t help but squirm. Couldn’t help but cry out. Couldn’t help but have a pre-orgasm, which sent ripples along her sex and squeezed his cock.

But she wanted the big O. “Stop screwing around,” she growled. “And finish it.”

H resumed his slamming cadence, seesawing his cock in and out, filling not only her pussy but a lonely void within in, satisfying her in a way she’d thought to never feel again. Clenching tight around him, she rode the wave to ecstasy, all the while ignoring the spinning of her cat that demanded she do more.
Claim him,
her feline begged
Mark him, screw him, take him, and keep him as our own.

But even amidst the passion, Patricia held back, not ready for that step. But not ready to commit didn’t mean she was going to deny herself the pleasure Stu wanted to give, not when it felt so freakn’ good.

Together they gyrated, her legs tethered by her slacks, the tight space making for short, deep thrusts, but they were enough, enough to have her shuddering and panting, to have her sex spasming and tightening. When her orgasm hit, she bit her own arm to muffle her scream, the pain not enough to detract from the pleasure.

Panting and grunting, Stu wasn’t far behind, and she could have kissed him when he had the presence of mind to pull out just before he came, creaming her lower back.

“Sorry about the mess,” he said in a tone that screamed embarrassed. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

“I’ve got tissues in my pants pocket.”

Stu bent to scrounge in her pocket and, moments later, swiped at the signs of his passion. Their passion. As the tremors in her body died down, the reality of her actions set in.

Good god. What have I done?
Had amazing sex for one. But with Stu, a guy almost ten years her junior. Never mind it blew her mind and he’d wanted it too. She’d done it, and not just done it, but also done it while on the job—and, more unforgivable, loved it.

Guilt made her voice harsh when she ordered, “Get dressed. You need to go back to your cell.”

In silence they dressed, with her cowardly avoiding the questioning glances he kept shooting her way. She said not a word to him as she cuffed his hands behind his back and led them from the library.

What could she say?

That was fucking amazing. By the way, we can never do it again because I’m afraid next time I won’t be able to stop myself from claiming you.
He wouldn’t understand why she found the thought so abhorrent. So, she pretended to be her distant cousin the Cowardly Lion and said nothing at all.

Chapter Fourteen

Color him confused. Stu could feel the anger radiating at his back and couldn’t figure out the reason. Patricia acted as if he’d done something terrible, and yet, he’d not been the one to initiate their lovemaking. Enjoyed it, yes, but given his cougar’s history and their current location, he’d made a vow to himself to keep things on the down-low for as long as possible—even if it hurt, which it most assuredly did, giving new meaning to the term blue balls. More like purple.

His vow to behave, though, didn’t mean he didn’t harbor the hope they’d solve the case quickly and re-enter the real world, where he could woo Patricia properly. Hopefully with pointers from his more suave brothers—whom he’d have to bribe into secrecy, maybe with threats to ruin their credit rating or post little dick pics online. With his future and love life at stake, he could admit he needed help when it came to the fairer sex. Major help.

Resigned to a torturous wait, imagine his surprise when, out of nowhere, she practically attacked him, a welcomed sensual attack, but still, she’d started it! And only an idiot would have taken the high road and not helped her finish it. He’d totally enjoyed it, thought she had too but, for some reason, he now seemed to be in the doghouse because of it.

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t understand women, but this takes the cake.
He didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. She came. He knew she did, there was no mistaking the incredible sensation of her sex spasming around him. Hell, he almost went cross eyed thinking about the wondrous moment. So it wasn’t a lack of orgasm making her mad. He hoped.
Because if she didn’t come, then I’ve really been fooling myself when it comes to women and sex.

He sifted through the events of the past half hour. He’d not insulted her. He’d not forced her into anything. She’d come on to him, and he’d responded, enthusiastically. He could check orgasm off the list. He’d achieved that portion, even she couldn’t fake the convulsive squeeze of her sex. No blood or screaming which meant he’d not inadvertently hurt her, although he couldn’t discount a possible charley horse, which could account for her sudden foul mood.

Despite the urge, and his wolf’s insistence, he hadn’t marked her in any way, even though he wanted to so freakn’ bad. He even pulled out before coming, conscious that not only did he not wear a rubber, but that coming inside her might have the same effect as a mating bite. Or so he’d read. Views on what constituted an actual claiming differed. Some said an exchange of bites needed to occur. Others that a man need only spew his seed inside a female to make his claim.

Stu held off on both accounts, one because he wanted the claiming to occur because she wanted him and it was something they agreed upon, and two, he didn’t want to piss her off. She could wield a mean baton, and given he couldn’t hurt her—because he doubted putting his woman in a headlock and giving her a noogie would go over well—he wouldn’t stand a chance if she got mad. Patricia was one tough lady!

Going over the facts didn’t explain her current temper. The simmering silence at his back prickled him between the shoulders, and he debated holding his tongue, but he could almost hear his brother’s goading “chicken!” Needing to know what he’d done to earn her displeasure, he asked in a rush, “Did I accidentally hurt you? Or do something wrong?”

He felt more than saw her stop dead behind him. He glanced over his shoulder at her. She appeared puzzled. “Why would you ask that?”

Feeling sheepish before her query, he shrugged. “Because you seem mad, which even I know shouldn’t happen if I did it right. So if I did something wrong, or hurt you, then I’m sorry. Real sorry. I’m not as experienced as you might think.” Hard to meet women when he spent a lot of time gaming in his room. “I’ll do better next time.”

“Next time?”

Uh-oh. The way she said it implied he’d had his chance and blown it. He’d screwed up even worse than he thought.
Way to go, loser.
Find the woman of his dreams and he sucked so bad at sex she wouldn’t even contemplate a second round.

With his hands tethered so he couldn’t smack himself, and his brothers too far away to help, he did the next best thing and banged his head off the wall.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Punishing myself for being a dumbass,” he replied in a morose voice.

“Oh for Pete’s sake. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“If I didn’t, then why do you seem so angry? And why won’t you let me try again? I promise to do better.” Someone kill him now. He’d gone from bad lover to pathetic whiner. He banged his head again.

“Would you stop that!” She grabbed him and prevented him from giving himself the concussion he deserved. His brothers had no problems seducing their mates and getting them to smile after sex. Why couldn’t he have inherited the same skill? “I’m not mad at you, but myself.”

“Why? You were perfect.” Divine. Heavenly. He could have waxed eloquent on her attributes, but he didn’t want to come across as too needy or nerdy —which she probably already suspected he was. No one should ever admit they used to read a thesaurus when they went to the john.

“I’m mad because I didn’t mean for that to happen or for things to progress as they did.”

“You didn’t want to have sex with me?” Way to soothe his ego. Not! He went to smack himself again, but she put a hand in between his head and the wall before he could hit the concrete.

“Actually I did. Which is problem number one. I’ve wanted to tear off your clothes since we met. But I shouldn’t. It’s wrong. So damned wrong.”

In a rare moment of insight, Stu verbalized the reason, “Because you feel like you’re being disloyal to your previous mate.”

“Bingo.” She released a tired breath. “You’re an attractive guy, Stu. Even though I have a list of reasons why I shouldn’t want you, my mate Ryker and your age prime among them, there’s also the fact we’re on a job. And I don’t even want to get on the topic of the fact your roommate, Ricky, thinks I belong to him too. Then add to the whole mess, I don’t even know if I’m ready to commit. The fact that I don’t feel in control.” An exasperated sound whooshed from her. “I mean there are all these reasons and excuses for me to stay far away from you. Heck, I was even debating ditching the whole mission and taking off for the wilds of the Rockies, I’m so damned confused.”

“But you didn’t.”

“No. I didn’t. I couldn’t. I’m not a coward, and I take my responsibilities seriously. Usually nothing manages to distract me from my tasks. But you …” She waved a hand in his direction. “Ricky. Everything. I just don’t know if I can handle all this right now.”

A part of him marveled at her frankness, and a part of him feared saying the wrong thing and having her clam up, but he couldn’t resist asking, “If you’re so determined to keep me away, then why did you seduce me?”

A sharp sound came from her, a cross between a laugh and a disparaging snort. “Because you were too damned tempting.”

“Me?” He practically choked on the word. In his lifetime, many words described him. Geeky. Slob. Pest. Gaming god. Five-finger specialist. But tempting? Usually that was a word used to describe fresh-baked cookies or the dude who modeled for that name brand underwear.

“Yes, you. I came across you looking so intent on whatever techy thing you were doing with your computer, hair all mussed up, attention so focused, I couldn’t freakn’ resist.”

Laughter burst forth from him. “You mean to say I tempted you with my nerdy nature?” Where was a camera to capture the most perfect moment of his life? No one would ever believe it. Hell, he’d just heard it and had a hard time processing it.
She thinks I’m hot!

“Don’t laugh or I’ll hurt you.” She said it with vehemence, but he could hear the humor underlying her tone.

Feeling a heck of a lot better, he smiled at her. “So I didn’t suck at the whole, you know, sex thing?”

A grin curled her lips. She reached out a hand and brushed his cheek, a quick stroke, before yanking it back. “No. On the contrary, you were quite good.”

Mental fist pump! “Really?”

“Yes really. I’d say those years of handling a game controller have paid off. When it comes to pressing buttons, you’re a pro.”

She said it with a grin, and Stu laughed, only to lose his smile a second later as he remembered her earlier words. “You say that, and yet you seemed quite adamant about not doing it again.”

“And here we come back to the guilt factor. I enjoyed it, but hate myself for it. You don’t need to tell me I’m messed up.”

“No, you’re just normal. It will take time for you to adjust your thinking. I can wait.” Because she was worth it.

“Wait?” She snorted. “Much as I say now it won’t happen again, I already feel the urge to drag you off somewhere and do wicked things to you.” Oh, how his heart swelled to hear it. She must have caught his elation because she growled. “Don’t look so pleased. Tempting or not, I intend to fight it. We have a job to do.”

“I know, and I’ll do my best to not drive you wild with lust for my body.”

It was her turn to laugh. “And here you are doing it again. Being too damned understanding and adorable. I totally blame you if I jump you again because I can’t help myself.” How aggrieved she sounded.

He’d never heard anything more beautiful. “Well, until you clear your head and decide what you want, I shall strive to keep my sexy geekiness under wraps.”

A smile curved one corner of her lips. “You do that, wolf. Now come on. We’ve lingered long enough. I’m surprised we haven’t been called out for loitering. It’s almost lights out.”

Turning to face the other way, they began their prisoner march, entering a zone under surveillance. Or not. “This is odd,” Stu said, a frown between his brows as he stared up at the camera. No red light flashed. “The camera in this hall is dead.”

Patricia peeked to where he pointed. “How can you tell?”

“This model has a blinking red light to show when they’re functioning. It’s an easy way to spot when maintenance is required, or if they go offline, especially in places where the cameras don’t always have someone manning them.”

“I wonder if this is the only one,” she mused. “Come on, let’s hit your cell and find out.”

With gentler hands than before, she marched him to the next set of doors and another corridor with a dead camera. It was only as they drew close to his temporary home that he thought to ask, “Why are we going back here? I thought your plan for the evening involved me going to the infirmary with a tummy ache.”

“That was before it occurred to me that a woman could be the one doing the crime. Which means you wouldn’t be safe there. What if the nurse is the one killing shifters? She could have you suffer an accident while in her care.”

“It would bother you if I got hurt?”

“Of course it would, idiot. I might not know what I want, but I can definitely say I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“I’m growing on you.” He couldn’t help but crow it.

“Slow down, puppy. I barely know you.”

“But you like me.”

“A little.”

A small admission, but he’d take it. He also didn’t push it. As they neared his cell, his step slowed as something unpleasant occurred to him. “What should I tell Ricky?”

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