Fraternizing (19 page)

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Authors: C.C. Brown

BOOK: Fraternizing
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"I saw her
when I got off duty. She was down by my truck, you saw her. What are you
talking about?" Annoyance was filling me faster than water on a sinking
ship. It wasn't making sense, and it was pissing me off more and more by the

"She stopped
by my room and made sure to let me know that you're the world's best Marine and
that me and my bullshit career can be chucked out with the latest

The thick sarcasm
laced in her words gutted me, making me
to find
Castillo and check her ass right along with Ruiz. Threats to Cassie weren't
going over well with me. I found myself easily offended every time I heard one,
and little by little, they were breaking my will power to give a shit about
what people knew-- or thought they knew.

"Fuck that
shit. I'll be backing her off of you. Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry
about it?" she shrieked, backing further away from me. "You don't
even know what it's like to be in my shoes, Alex. I'm a nothing.
A nobody
. It won't be hard to get rid of someone like

I grabbed her
wrist, pulling her back to me. "Don't ever fucking say that about
yourself. You're a goddamned Marine. You've earned that shit! You are somebody.
And, I don't think it's as easy or as hard as you think it is. We're in this
shit together, whether you want to believe that or not. Word gets out about
this, and they'll be chewing off their own fucking fingers to get rid of me. I'm
an NCO, an instructor, and I'll be looked at like a predator. I've seen it

"And yet
you're still willing to keep going with this?"

"I sure am. Because
when I want something, I don't give up. I'll fight the entire goddamned Marine
Corps to be with you."

bone chilling
laugh crept out of her, freezing me on the
spot. Confusion passed through me before I regained my bearings. She was
baffling me with every statement, every movement. I had no idea what she was

Did she want me?

Or should I just
let it all go?

There was no way
I was going to let her go so easily. When shit gets tough, you fight your way
through it.

"You have no
idea what you are saying," she muttered, throwing a dismissive hand my

I swooped on her,
cradling her face in my hands and holding her gaze as I tore into her.

"I know
exactly what the fuck I'm saying. I know that the first night you swiveled
those hips in my direction I jumped, and I haven't been able to get you out of
my head ever since. I know that everything I believed in and thought was the
gospel has been challenged and balked at since I met you. I know that I hate
the thought of you sleeping in the same room with that evil bitch you call a
roommate, and I damn sure know that I hate having to share you with that
fucking prick, Dalton. He wants in your pants probably as badly as I do. And
the fact that he can flaunt his time with you, with no one questioning it, is
like sand in my throat. I hate all that shit."

A frown flitted
across her lips.

"I feel all
of this, and I haven't even fucked you, yet.

Passion erupted
inside of me with those words. My insides were on fire, a smoldering blaze
tearing through every inch of me, but not in anger, more like intense desire.

"You don't
bring Dalton into this!" she yelled, her eyes darkening.

The look she gave
off froze me, thrusting darts in my direction and hitting on every single try
at the realization that there was something inside of her for him. Fury seeped
in, hating the fact that, in only a week, that skinny
wearing twerp was able to break through and find a place within her that I was
hoping was reserved only for me.

"Do you
think I appreciate the fact that he can walk around, hanging all over you if he
so chooses and yet, there isn't a damn thing I can do about it? Are you trying
to make me jealous because I can assure you it's
I don't mind a challenge, but I don't play fair, and he might get hurt in the

"You really
want to bring jealously into this? Because I'm pretty sure your
with Castillo qualify."

"I haven't
been on a single date with her. Not one."

Your dinner date at the food court, or how about last night on
None of that counts?"

"How did you
know about the food court?" Suspicion went off inside of me with the
mention of the coincidental meet up.

"How did you
know about me being in the barracks room that night?"

we spit out in unison, both of our faces contorting in disgust as her toxic
filled name left our lips.

"That bitch
is about to be knocked down a few notches. You just wait."

I moved around the island to the fridge,
pulling out a beer and using my teeth to rip the lid off. I offered it to
her which
she briskly declined.

"Now back to this fucking Dalton
problem. Are you going to shut him down or am I going to have to squash his hopes
of getting in your pants? Because I promise you, it'll be a cold day in hell
before he gets to do that while I'm still around."

"You're out
of control, you know that?"

"Yes, I do. I've
been this way ever since you sauntered out in front of me. Now I'm your problem
to deal with. So what's it gonna be?" A crooked smile curved on my lips. I
wasn't against getting dirty to keep Dalton away from her, so it was probably
in her best interest to let him know before I had to.

"What are
you going to do about Castillo?" she countered, effectively throwing the
ball back in my court.

Her stubbornness
was one of the many things that I loved about her.

"This one
sided shit doesn't work for me. You're not getting your cake and eating it too,
Alex." The sass in her voice ignited a hunger inside of me that would only
be quelled by her touch. I needed her on me, feeling me, caressing me, fucking

She was so much
more than any other chick I had come across. Her attitude, her confidence,
her was so appealing, and her physical
attributes just added the icing on the cake. Standing there, looking at her,
was beginning to suffocate me. One way or another, I needed to get my hands on
her, every part of her.

"There is no
need to worry about Castillo, I promise you. But that fucking Dalton, he's
poking thorns in my side, and I'm about ready to go ape shit on him." I
moved around the island and held her face in my hand. "You better tell him
to back the fuck up, or shit is gonna get dirty."

"He doesn't
want me, Alex!" she yelled, seemingly frustrated with my demands.

I didn't much
care in that moment. As long as he was put in his fucking place, I was fine
with it.

I dropped her
face from my hand.

"Right, and
my dick doesn't punish me every time I get near you and can't do shit about

"That's a
personal problem," she quickly responded, laughing at my expense.

"I'm being
fucking serious. I don't find any humor in it. You know how badly I want to be
inside of you, feeling the warmth of you, and yet you keep bullshittin' with
that kid."

"He's gay,
Alex!" She blurted it out so loud and quickly that I wasn't t sure I had
heard her correctly.

My gaze softened
as the realization of what she had just said washed over me like a flood. Cooling
liquid filled my veins, calming me down almost immediately.

"Now I feel
like a horrible friend. He confided that to me. It's been hard for him because
of his family, and now the Corps."

Embarrassment hit
me like a wrecking ball. I'd just pulled all stops on the asshole train and
finally made her spill it, something that she was probably uncomfortable
telling me anyway.

"What do you
mean the Corps?"

"He doesn't
want to be ostracized by the Corps because he's gay. He's a damn good guy,
Alex. Don’t do anything to jeopardize his career, please."

I laughed at her

"You think
I'd do something to him because he's gay?" I held my hands over my heart,
feigning hurt. "I might be an asshole, but I don't give a shit who my
Marines are fucking. Well, besides you."

Her entire body
relaxed with my words. Did I really come off as that big of a dick?

furthermore, the days of don't ask don’t tell are over. If he wanted to grab
his boyfriend and kiss him right in front of the entire class, there wouldn't
be a fucking thing me or anybody else could do about it."

"I just
don't feel right letting his secret out--"

"It's safe
with me," I interrupted, creeping closer to her.

is just frustrating the hell out of me. We're still no closer to solving this
Ruiz, Castillo, Marine Corps problem, and now I've just spilled the beans on my

"You know
what you need? It'll alleviate all of that frustration."

she asked in a very clipped tone, highly annoyed.

"Me. Inside
of you, thrusting your frustrations away," I answered, grabbing my cock
and gently shaking it.

"I'm being
serious, Alex. Your cock has started most of these problems."

"And it'll
help you forget about them." I moved quickly, picking her up and throwing
her over my shoulder, my other hand pulling her shorts down and smacking her
highly delectable ass with just enough sting to make her yelp. Her cry only
provoked me. I massaged it just long enough to get to my bedroom and lay her
down on my bed. I was ready to tear into her, relieving both of us of the
stress that had been consuming us while simultaneously threatening to pull us
apart. I was finally about to get my chance to claim her, and I couldn't have
been more thrilled about it.


Chapter 12



clothes were off before I could even speak. Alex wasted no time removing and
tossing them on the floor, never once taking his
gaze off of me. There was something more than lust in his eyes,
something that I had yet to see from him. He wasn't the same guy who simply
wanted into my pants that night at Coyotes; he was more engaged, more refined.

He sat up on the
bed with his knees pressing down on the mattress while licking and sucking his
lips as he peered down at me. I swallowed a few times, taking in his impressive
form as it hung over me. The large memorial tattoo was on full display, along
with two other impressive tattoos on the sides of his torso. On one side hung
two dangling dog tags, outfitted with his name and what I presumed to be his
date of entry into the Corps. On the other was his rank insignia, three
chevrons with two crisscrossed rifles underneath, leaving plenty of room to add
to it the further he went in his career.

Honey glazed eyes
beamed down on me as I took him in, sparkling with delight at the chance to
finally get his fill of me. I wanted him just as badly, if not more. A piercing
stab struck my clit as he hovered over me, taunting me with his remarkable

"So what
should I do to you?" he asked in a hushed tone. "You got kind of loud
with me earlier, challenging me, and I don't take that too lightly."

Butterflies broke
free in my stomach, making me nervous with the anticipation of whatever was
running through his mind.

"I thought
you said you liked a challenge."

"Oh, I do. I
just have to figure out the best way to show you that you can't win with me. And
I have to make it good because you should think twice before ever trying it

Just as I was
about to speak, he swooped down and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me up
towards him and filling his face with my pussy. He inhaled long and hard,
before nuzzling his nose at my entrance, moving gently, luxuriating in the feel
of it. My eyes shut tightly, my head going back on the pillow while my mouth
hung open, basking in the intoxicating feel of him down on my most sensitive

Slowly he began
to work his tongue on me, licking lightly, following an imaginary trail to my
sweet spot. His tongue was so adept at what it was doing; I was near certain
that it held a mind of its own. The slow trickle up the outer linings sent my
hips swiveling, making him grip me tighter. His fingers dug into my skin,
sending pleasurable shockwaves through my lower half with every touch of his
moist, corpulent tongue.

As he reached my
entrance, his licks turned to sucks, blowing and sucking his way into me,
further breaking down my ability to hold fast to some sort of control.

My toes curled as
my fingers grabbed and tugged on his bed covers. My grip on the covers
tightened the harder he sucked, sending intense moans flying from my mouth,
wanting him to end the torture that was building inside of me with each passing

"Fuck me,
Alex," I breathed, sounding like a petulant teenager.

He laughed a
slow, taunting laugh, pulling away ever so slightly from the spot where he was
slowly and painfully making me come undone.

"I don't
respond to your orders, Private First Class. You respond to mine."

Before I could
counter him, his tongue was back inside of me, flipping and licking my core,
tasting every inch of me as he gently pulled out, then dove back in for more. He
kept up the tortuous pace, laughing every once in a while at the shrieks that
left me, all thanks to the skillful talents of his tongue.

After building up
my aching, impending orgasm, he lowered my hips back down on the bed. His eyes
me, dark and menacing as he observed the wild
movements of my body, desperate for his touch

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