Franklin's Valentines (3 page)

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Authors: Paulette Bourgeois,Brenda Clark

BOOK: Franklin's Valentines
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As soon as Franklin got to school, he opened his package and gave everyone a card.

“What are you doing, Franklin?” asked Beaver.

“Valentine's Day was yesterday.”

“Oh, these cards aren't for Valentine's Day,” replied Franklin. “They're for Friendship Day. And Friendship Day can be any day you want it to be.”

Franklin is a trademark of Kids Can Press Ltd.

Text copyright © 1998 by P.B. Creations Inc.

Illustrations copyright © 1998 Brenda Clark Illustrator Inc.

Story written by Sharon Jennings.

Interior illustrations prepared with the assistance of Shelley Southern.

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Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Bourgeois, Paulette

Franklin's Valentines

ISBN 978-1-4532-1952-2 (ePub)

I. Bourgeois, Paulette. II. Title

PS8553.085477F73 1998     jC813'.54     C98-931272-0

PZ7.B68Fr 1998

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