FrankenDom (31 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: FrankenDom
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The upstairs was quiet and seemed to be deserted. I looked around the main floor and
found no one. Had they gone out? Surely not. Colin wouldn’t leave me zonked out after
a scene, and neither would Julian.

I found the basement door open and started down the carpeted steps. About halfway
down I heard a rhythmic sound and stopped to listen to what sounded like throaty masculine
humming. And was that a flogger slapping flesh? It was awfully fast, but that’s what
it sounded like.

Biting my lip, I continued down far enough to peer around the corner. The lights in
the workout room were off, but dungeon door was halfway open and inside I could see
Colin cuffed naked to the cross, his head hanging forward limply. Hidden by the door,
someone—I assumed Julian—was beating his shoulders and upper back with two long-tailed
floggers in a smooth, even rhythm. 

Now I recognized Colin’s rumbles of appreciation, and my mouth hung open as lust blazed
a trail from my eyes to my suddenly wet pussy. God, he was so beautiful.

Then it hit me—
it Julian flogging him? Colin had said Julian never hit him again after the day everything
went to hell five years ago.

My breath came faster and faster as I crept toward the door. Part of me felt like
I shouldn’t intrude on their privacy, but they knew I was here and they
left the door open. And it wasn’t as if Colin were shy about anything, especially
being watched during scenes. He loved being watched.

But I should let them know I was here, so when I reached the door, I pushed it open
slowly…and froze.

Julian flogging Colin. Still wearing the same jeans and tee shirt he’d had on earlier,
he swung the floggers in almost a figure-eight pattern, his posture relaxed and open.
The flexing of the muscles in his arms and shoulders was fascinating, but it was his
face as he watched Colin that held me transfixed—he was smiling as he cried.

“Are those shoulders heating up, my fuckhole?” he asked quietly. “They’re turning
a very pretty shade of red.”

“Mmmmmm, yes, Sir,” Colin mumbled without raising his head.

Barely holding back tears of my own, I watched as Julian shifted his strike zone to
the middle of Colin’s back and began working his way steadily downward. When he reached
Colin’s hips, he spread out again, concentrating on his already pink buttocks while
Colin’s rumbles grew louder. Julian stayed there for a long while, until the flesh
had reached a deep shade of red. Then he changed to an underhand stroke without missing
a beat, giving the bottom of Colin’s buttocks the same treatment.

When one of his strikes strayed between Colin’s legs, Colin yelped and pushed up on
his toes. I thought it was an accident at first, but then I looked at Julian’s face—his
beatific smile had broadened to a grin.

I smiled, too. Evil man.

He stayed in the underhand pattern for a long time, hitting Colin between the legs
randomly, chuckling with enjoyment as Colin’s cries grew louder and his body drew
up tautly in anticipation of the more painful blows.

Finally he stopped and laid the floggers on the medical table. After he shook his
arms out, he smiled at me, placing his index finger over his lips in a shushing gesture.
When I nodded, he pointed to a spot on the floor a couple of feet to Colin’s left.

I complied eagerly, kneeling beside my lovely, endorphin-drugged master as he hung
in his cuffs and wincing as my butt settled back on my heels. It would probably be
a few days before sitting was enjoyable again, but for a ringside view of this, I’d
gladly suffer any amount of discomfort. Colin’s skin practically glowed in the soft
light of the table lamps, and I longed to run my tongue over the round red swells
of his buttocks.

Instead, I got to watch as Julian pressed his fully clothed body against Colin’s naked
one and pressed lingering kisses on the back of his neck and across his shoulders.
Colin whimpered in clear enjoyment.

“Oh, Sir, I’ve missed this,” he whispered.

“As have I, my sweet fuckhole. So much.” Julian’s voice grew thick. “You’ll never
know how sorry I am for depriving you all those years, but I just didn’t think I had
an ounce of control to spare after Jordan was diagnosed. No, don’t speak—I know you’ve
absolved me, but I still want to make it up to you in whatever way I can.”

Colin whimpered again, and then his whimper rose to a whine as he strained up onto
his toes. I hadn’t noticed Julian’s hands sliding around his hips, but I noticed them
now as one pulled Colin’s semi-hard cock upward. I leaned to see around the cross
and gasped at the sight of the other one pulling down ruthlessly on Colin’s  dark-red,
stretcher-bound scrotum. Good God, Julian had been hitting
with the floggers?

A laughing groan stuttered out of Colin.

“Rachel, my beautiful slut-puppy, how long have you been here?” he asked, smiling
down at me lazily.

“Long enough to see her master take a good flogging,” Julian murmured against his
ear before taking the lobe in his large white teeth.

When he ground them in a circle, Colin’s laughing groan went up a good octave. “Oh
fuck, Sir, you’re cruel.”

“Be glad it’s not your sac in my teeth,” Julian said as he moved to the other ear.

After a few more seconds of torture, Julian pulled away and Colin groaned. Ignoring
him, Julian picked up the floggers and hung them in the cabinet, then came back with
the same two canes Colin had used on me. When my eyes widened, he grinned.

“Unlike you, my dear come slut, Colin is a pain slut. If he could see what I’ve got
him my hands, he’d probably come without permission. He’ll probably do that anyway,
so I might as well just plan on it and punish him in advance.”

Colin whimpered and moved restlessly. I knew him well enough by now to recognize anticipation
when I saw it. Jesus, he actually enjoyed being beaten with those things?

Julian set the Delrin on the carpet and dived right into tapping the rattan all over
Colin’s shoulders, buttocks and thighs, maintaining a fast pace. I watched with awe.
He must have hit him with the cane a hundred times before he stopped to rub the mottling
skin and Colin only moaned like he was enjoying it—which he was, if the state of his
cock was any indication. When Julian began adding some weight to the taps and spacing
them out a little, still bouncing all over Colin’s buttocks and flanks, Colin began
to dance in his restraints, biting his lips and hissing.

“Don’t come, dear fuckhole, or I’ll show you the business end of the Delrin.”

Colin whined like he was starving and Julian had dangled a juicy steak in front of

Then Julian switched out the canes and moved to stand beside me, laying stripes across
his butt and thighs in earnest, rubbing his marks briefly and infrequently and giving
him what I considered very little time to process the pain. Colin’s closed-mouth whimpers
grew urgent as he twitched and jerked and jumped, and when Julian hit a certain level
of intensity, he finally let his shouts and pleas fly.

“Please, Sir! Please, Sir!
, Sir!”

Julian stepped back and, much to my horror, tapped him twice, lightly, right on his
tight, livid scrotum.

Colin screamed, his whole body raging against his bonds, and then he burst into sobs
as his semen splattered onto the wall in front of him in long streams.

I was in shock, but Julian watched him with a tender smile.

“There’s my fuckhole,” he murmured when Colin finally began to wilt. “That was beautiful,
my love. You were wonderful.” He moved up behind him and began to stroke him gently
all over beginning at his wrists and working all the way down to his calves. Then
he knelt to rub Colin’s legs and wrapped his hands around his thighs, trailing kisses
all over his mark of ownership.

Whoever thought kissing someone else’s ass was humiliation had never seen this act
of worship. I was in tears watching it.

“I love you, Colin,” he said.

“Thank you, Sir. I love you, too,” Colin mumbled, his head still hanging limply. “Will
you please fuck me now? Please?”

Julian looked at me and smiled as I wiped my eyes. “What do you think, little come
slut. Would you like to see me fuck your master?”

I smiled back. “I’d love to, Sir.”




Chapter Twenty-one


Once he’d helped a trembling Colin upstairs to the master bedroom and removed the
evil-looking stretchers from his scrotum, Julian pushed a bottle of water into his
hand and made him take a couple of pills. Then he urged him onto his stomach on the
bed and wasted no time getting naked.

Claiming another prime viewing spot on the other half of the bed, I watched as he
went into the bathroom and returned with a tube of ointment. He nudged Colin’s legs
apart and knelt between them, leisurely rubbing the stuff into the heavily marked
flesh of his butt and legs.

“So beautiful,” he murmured. “I truly didn’t realize how much I’d missed this.”

“Does that mean you’ll do it again?” Colin asked in a drowsy voice.

“Just try and stop me.”

Colin sighed. “Thank you, Sir.”

When he was finished, Julian capped the tube and laid it on the nightstand, then reached
inside for a bottle of lube and spent even longer preparing Colin for his penetration.

Colin hissed but didn’t complain when Julian urged him to his back and put a pillow
under his hips, then stretched out over him. Heat washed over me as they kissed lushly,
tenderly, even intuitively—they’d clearly been lovers in every sense of the word for
years. The sight of Julian’s straight blond hair mingling with Colin’s brown curls
was incredibly arousing. The sight of Julian’s hand pulling Colin’s up beside his
head was even more so. There was something so sweetly vulnerable about Colin’s exposed
armpit, with its patch of hair brown hair. I wanted to lick that pale, tender skin.

Then Julian made an adjustment out of my sight with his other hand and Colin groaned,
arching his back.

“Are you all right, my love?”

“Yes, Sir,” he whispered. “Thank you so much for my marks.”

“Believe me, they were my pleasure. Thank
for helping me find the courage to give them to you.”

Drawing Colin’s other arm up, Julian pinned his wrists to the mattress and braced
himself up on his spread knees. Then he flexed his hips and I could see that his cock
was already buried inside Colin. Between them Colin’s cock strained toward his navel,
red and needy. Julian moved in and out slowly, drawing it out, teasing us both, and
it wasn’t long before Colin began to whimper.

“Please, Sir. Please fuck me.”

“What do you think I’m doing, my fuckhole?”

“Teasing me, Sir!”

“Isn’t that my prerogative?”

Colin shuddered. “Yes, Sir. Please tease me, Sir.”

“Reverse psychology isn’t going to work, Colin. I’ll fuck you into the mattress when
I’m damn well ready.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Julian must have been pretty close to ready already because his pace picked up at
once. He slung his hips forward, driving steadily into Colin, and I bit my knuckle
at the image they made. I could watch this every single night and never get tired
of it.

Colin’s moans increased in volume and Julian drove him harder, fucking him like a

“Rachel, if you want his come, it’s about to make an appearance,” Julian panted.

He didn’t need to tell me twice. I scuttled over and insinuated my head under his
arm to capture Colin’s cock in my mouth. It was unbelievably exciting to put myself
in that position, wedged between them in the midst of such power and vulnerability
and love. When Julian put a hand on my head and forced Colin deeper, resting some
of his weight on me, I closed my eyes and went under, throbbing with hot arousal.

Colin sobbed like he was in pain, and then started shouting as his come poured into
the back of my mouth.

Julian groaned long and low. “So good, beautiful slaves, so good.”

His movements grew jerky as his muscles trembled violently, and then he shouted too,
driving home and staying there, grinding himself into Colin.


* * * * *


Long after Julian had left the bed, I floated in supreme enjoyment with my head resting
on Colin’s abdomen, holding his flaccid flesh in my mouth and caressing it delicately
with my tongue while I smoothed my palm up and down his thighs. I would never get
enough of this, and I would never, ever leave him again, for any reason.

Finally letting him slip away, I said, “That was incredible, Sir. All of it.”

Humming with contentment, Colin stroked my hair. “It was.”

“Are you feeling all right?”

“I’m feeling marvelous. How’s your ass, my Rachel? Are you hurting yet?”

“Not as much as I thought I’d be.”

“The pain pills are still helping then.”

I raised up on my elbow to look at him. “You gave me pain pills?”

“Of course. You don’t remember?”

“Not at all. Wow.”

“You were pretty out of it, little slave. I was proud of you, but we’re never doing
that again. Are we, Rachel?” he asked pointedly.

I smiled. “No, Sir. I’ll never let anyone but you and Julian top me again.”

“Without my permission,” he qualified.

“Without your permission, Sir.”

He pulled me to his chest and hugged me. “And you’re never having another one-night
stand with a lame substitute for what you really want.”

“Never,” I said fervently. “That was awful. How did you know about him anyway?” I
asked, flushing.

“Julian wasn’t kidding when he said he monitored your activities, Rachel. If that
guy had exhibited the least sign of dominance, he would have been forcibly removed
from your vacation plans.”

Unsure how to feel about that, I said, “Please tell me there’s no photographic evidence.”

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