Read Framed and Hung Online

Authors: Alexis Fleming

Framed and Hung (4 page)

BOOK: Framed and Hung
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‘Hey, maybe I should check out the goods. It’s amazing how easy it is to fake things these days.’ Bent only on teasing him, she leaned over to get a closer look. Then her mouth dropped open and she stared at the mark on his groin before looking up at him again.

‘I don’t believe it. You’ve got a tattoo down there.’ She burst out laughing. ‘Mr Stuffed-Shirt Lord went and got his cock tattooed.’

He pulled away from her. ‘It’s…it’s nothing. And it’s not on my cock,’ he spluttered, working at holding the cloth to what was a definite boner.

‘You trying to tell me it’s not a tattoo?’

‘No, it’s — ’

She shook her head and bent to check it out again. ‘No, it’s a tat. Hmm, it looks like a horn.’

He snorted and pulled away from her, stepping over the side of the bath and onto the towelling mat on the floor. ‘You imagined it. There’s no horn.’

Zoe grinned and pointed at the tent that barely covered his erection, rather than the small slice of tattoo she’d spotted. ‘Oh, no, you’re wrong.
is definitely a horn.’

Jake snorted when what he wanted to do was laugh at her sassy wit. Damn, she was good. It had been a long time since he’d laughed at himself. His mood had become way too serious of late. Maybe he should thank her for tumbling into his life like she had.

Hell, no, you bloody idiot. Since when do you bow down to anyone, let alone this slip of a girl…er, woman?

She might make him laugh, but she pissed the shit out of him, too. Yet here he was, standing around like an impotent wimp, letting her get her jollies by making fun of him.

He frowned and stared down at the little towelling cloth hiding his cock. Hmm, well, maybe not the impotent bit. But definitely time to put Zoe Chandler in her place.

Given the signals she’d been handing out, if he played his cards right, that place could well be beneath him. Right in the middle of the king-sized bed that dominated room 22. So he could stand here acting like an outraged virgin. Or he could call her bluff.

Drawing his shoulders back, he turned and sauntered over to the vanity and the stack of white towels perched there, as if totally unconcerned that he was butt-naked except for the stupid washcloth.

‘Nice ass, Mr Lord.’

He ignored her. For the moment, anyway. Dropping the washcloth, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it about his hips, tucking the end in above his right hip.

‘Soo…’ He sauntered across to her and backed her up against the bathroom wall. Bracing his hands on the tiles either side of her, he created a cage to keep her there. ‘How come you’re in my room?’

Zoe dug into the pocket of her shorts and produced a room key. Eyebrows raised, she held it up and swung it in front of his face. ‘Whose room did you say it was? Your mum assigned it to me. Guess you’ll have to move.’

He shook his head. ‘Na-uh, I don’t think so. I’ve already taken the time to unpack my belongings and store them away in the wardrobe and drawers. Not about to do it again.’

Leaning his left elbow on the wall, he propped his chin on his fist. Then, his movements deliberate, he pressed in closer, letting his weight settle against her. ‘Of course, if you didn’t want to shift, you could move in here with me.’

He grinned at her upturned face as he slid his body from side to side, letting her know just what he thought of her shacking up in here with him. ‘I’m sure we could find something to do when we’re not working.’

If he’d thought she would run away when he put the hard word on her, he couldn’t have been more wrong. The breath caught in his chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist and tugged him close. Close enough his hard cock pressed against her stomach.

‘You know we have a problem, don’t you?’ She gave a breathy chuckle. ‘You’re so darn tall, you’re going to end up poking that thing in my belly button. I don’t think either of us will get much satisfaction that way.’

He let out a bark of laughter. ‘No, you’re just too small. I remember you being a pipsqueak at school, but I figured you’d grow a bit.’

‘So you do remember me?’

‘As soon as Mum mentioned your name, I placed you. The 16-year-old who’d been bumped up a few grades because she was too smart for her own good.’

‘Hey, it’s not my fault the powers-that-be fast-tracked me through school. You guys were just too slow.’

She balled up a fist and punched him on the chest. ‘And you were an arrogant prick at school, always mouthing off at me. I’ll never forget you sticking my plaits together and then cutting a big chunk off them to get the gum out. It had taken me years to grow my hair that long.’

He grabbed her hand before she smacked him again. ‘Hey, I was almost 18 years old, a face full of pimples, a rebellious attitude, shit-hot out on the football field, but lousy with girls. How else was I going to get your attention?’

Her mouth dropped open for a moment then she snapped it shut and just stared at him. ‘Um…you cut my hair to get my attention? Oh boy, that’ll do it every time.’

She leaned against him and let rip with a belly laugh. Jake frowned. Hey, he didn’t think it was that funny. He’d fancied Zoe like mad when he was at school, but he thought she was just a kid. So instead, he’d teased the life out of her.

He frowned again. She was right. He
been an arrogant little asshole back then.

‘Stand upright.’

. ‘Sorry?’

She crocked her finger at him. ‘Stand upright.’

A frown on his face, he levered himself away from the wall.

She moved close and went up on tiptoes to link her arms around his neck. Then she gave a hop and jumped, wrapping her legs about his hips and locking her ankles in the small of his back. Without thought, he grasped her butt and held her in place.

you doing?’

‘Fixing the height problem.’ She grinned, and using his shoulders for leverage, she eased up and down. ‘Oh yeah, just the right height now. Everything is nicely aligned.’

She rubbed against him again. Jake groaned. The friction of her movements made his cock harden even more. The blood pooled low in his gut and heat drove through his body until he thought he might combust. His hands shook and his legs felt like chunks of jelly. If she kept this up, he’d lose it right here.

Hell, he hadn’t felt this out of control since he’d been that almost 18-year-old kid. It was time to put the brakes on, because if there was one thing he didn’t like, it was not being in control.

‘Um, I think we need to slow this down a bit.’

‘Why? You trying to tell me you’re not interested? Because
tells me different.’ She ground herself against his erection, rolled her hips so his cock was right where she obviously wanted it.

Jake bit off a groan, clamped his bottom lip between his teeth and struggled to hang on to his equilibrium. ‘Ah…you always this forward when it comes to sex?’

‘Well, I did mention that my mama used to tell me if I wanted something I had to go out and work for it.’ She chuckled and ground herself against him again. ‘I’m working…I’m working.’

And she’s doing it so well.
Jake dragged in a shaky breath, but it did nothing to calm the testosterone raging through him.

The musky aroma of her desire curled about him and seeped deep inside. The thin cotton of her shorts was a flimsy barrier at best and the heat of her seared him through the fabric of the towel. Then he realised something. Bloody hell, he was naked.

Somewhere between her jumping him and now, he’d lost the towel. His cock nestled between her thighs. Probed at the entrance to her fabric-covered centre. Moisture dampened the crotch of her shorts and it was all he could do to stop his hips responding to the telltale sign of her need.

He struggled to restrain his natural impulses. It was harder than he’d thought. He wanted nothing more than to throw her on the bed, drag off her clothes, and thrust his cock hard and fast into her welcoming warmth.

But this wasn’t him. He didn’t jump into relationships like this. He thought things out before he acted. Regulated his life so everything was neatly compartmentalised, emotions included. He did
give into impulse. And despite the fact his cock was telling him he was a bloody idiot, he needed to put a stop to this right now.

Did he want a relationship with Zoe? You bet, but on his terms. She didn’t get a command performance whenever she felt like it.

Yeah, yeah, and that really makes you sound like an arrogant shit.
He shook his head and disregarded the little voice in the back of his mind.

‘Ah, I think we need time to get to know each other a bit before we…indulge.’

Zoe gave him a wide-eyed look. ‘You
kidding, right?’

He frog-marched over to the door, Zoe still hanging off him, tantalising him with every movement. ‘I think we should sleep on this. We need to get to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow.’

‘I’ve been trying to get us to bed, but you seem to have a few problems. Hey, you’re not gay, are you?’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Stupid question. This tells me you’re definitely interested.’

She gyrated against him, making his cock jerk in response. Jake bit off a groan, opened the door to room 22 and deposited Zoe on the paved walkway outside. It took a little effort to unhook her feet from around his hips, but he managed it.

He backed quickly into the room and closed the door. Snatching up a fresh towel from the end of the bed, he wrapped it around his waist before gathering up Zoe’s belongings and opening the door again.

She still stood there, mouth open as she stared at the door. He thrust the collection of bits and pieces into her arms and edged backwards towards the entrance.

‘You’re rejecting my offer?’ Her face flushed red, but she still managed to flick him a flirty grin. ‘You turn me on and then leave me like this? Baby, you have no idea what you’re missing.’

‘Oh, I suspect I do.’

He grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her close. Close enough to flatten her breasts against his chest. Close enough that if he bent his legs a little, his cock would nestle nicely between her thighs. Action followed thought and he aligned himself with her body.
Oh yeah

Determined to let her know he was the one in control here, he caught her lips in a punishing kiss. Then, as she opened to him and allowed him entrance, the kiss softened and he moulded his mouth to hers.

He shuddered as the taste of her broadsided him. Damp warmth that burst into a simmering heat that jolted his system. The faint tease of chocolate as she slid her tongue along his. And the spicy aftertaste of cinnamon on her breath when she exhaled. God help him, he could drown in the flavour of her.

A burst of pure excitement fizzed through his veins. He sent his tongue questing, darting forwards to tease, to tantalise. Twining with hers in an erotic dance for supremacy.

When he withdrew, she followed. He drew her in, groaning as she flicked the tip of her tongue against his, advancing and retreating until he thought he’d go mad.

His cock hardened to painful proportions, twitching against the damp crotch of her shorts. He angled his hips, grinding against her. The friction of the towel against his erection drove him almost to bursting point. The breath strangled in his chest and he knew if he didn’t end this right now, he’d change his mind and drag Zoe back into the bedroom.

Her lips clung, but he broke the connection and stepped back from her. His legs had a decided tendency to wobble and he found himself hanging onto the doorknob so he wouldn’t collapse in a heap and disgrace himself.

‘Goodnight, Zoe.’ His voice was a husky croak as he stepped into his room and closed the door behind him. Maybe with the door between them, he’d be able to resist the temptation that was Zoe Chandler.

A pounding started on the door behind him. Jake jerked in reaction. He didn’t need to ask who it was, but he yelled out the question anyway. No way was he opening the door.

‘Who is it?’

‘Who the hell do you think?’

Um, definitely not a happy camper. ‘What’s the problem, Zoe?’

She beat on the door once more. ‘Hey, you, that’s

‘Not any more, it’s not,’ he muttered under his breath before raising his voice. ‘You take one of the other rooms. Mum gave you a set of master keys, right?’

She mumbled something, but he couldn’t hear her properly so he pressed his ear to the timber. ‘Rooms 23 and 24 are made up and ready to go. Take one of those.’

He heard the sound of things being thrown down the walkway towards the room next to his. Then Zoe stomped after them, dragging something behind her. He waited until he heard the bang of the door to room 23 as Zoe unlocked it and thrust it open. Only then did he open his door and stick his head out.

‘Hey, Zoe, I forgot to tell you something.’

‘What,’ she growled.

‘That’s the haunted room, so better watch out for the ghost.’

‘You owe me, Lord, you owe me big time.’ She disappeared inside and slammed the door behind herself.

Jake grinned as he shut himself inside his room. Then he surveyed the empty motel suite with its opulent king-sized bed — the empty bed — and the grin disappeared.

He shook his head. ‘If Simon or Drew were here right now, they’d tell me I was a fucking idiot, and they’d be right.’

Chapter Three

‘Stupid, arrogant asshole. I’ll make him sit up and take notice if it’s the last thing I do.’

Perched on the top of the ladder, Zoe dipped her brush into the pot of paint and slapped the paintbrush against the lacy fretwork at the top of the timber beam. A dollop of the white paint flew out and smacked her on the cheek.

‘Oh…crap.’ She rubbed the back of her hand over her cheek, knowing full well she’d smeared the paint. More paint dripped off the end of the bristles and plopped onto the front of her navy T-shirt. Thank God the paint was water-based.

She balanced the brush across the top of the paint can and stepped down a rung on the ladder. Resting her head on the timber rail, she closed her eyes and swore, loud and long.

‘Hah, that’s what you get for taking your anger out on that defenceless post.’ A trickle of laughter followed the words.

BOOK: Framed and Hung
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