Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS) (10 page)

BOOK: Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)
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He came over, cut the rope between her feet and pulled her legs off the side of the bed. Her arms were tied in front of her, and he kept them bound. “Don’t do anything stupid.” 

Stupid? You mean like stop and talk to strangers in the middle of the night in the ghetto?
She’d already made enough stupid mistakes to last her a lifetime. She would not enrage his
Not if her brother was around to witness it. 

Maybe Dasvoik had grown bored of her? No, the tall man had said something about moving merchandise. Before she had time to give it anymore thought, she was pulled to her feet. 

He stood beside her and waited till the blood rushed to her feet, a kind movement. The shorter bald one always pulled her forward and laughed when she fell to her knees. Then, he would drag his hands over her naked body when he pulled her back up. His grubby little fingers lingering way too long on her breast. Only if Dasvoik wasn’t around, of course. He wouldn’t dare touch her inappropriately in front of her true owner.  A shudder flew through her—owner. When had she accepted his words as truth?  

When her feet were steady, she took a step forward. She had so many questions she wanted to ask, but kept them to herself. She wasn’t sure she was prepared for the answers. Every inch of her body ached. The marks from the whip felt like her skin was on fire. She would have thought she would be used to it by now, but the pain never diminished. An ever-present reminder that her body was no longer her own.

“Can I at least put on the gown before I see my brother?” She knew it would freak her brother out to see her this way. 

The man stared at her for a long moment. He reached forward and locked the door. “Don’t make me regret this.” 

She wasn’t sure what he meant by that statement. Maybe he thought she would try to escape again? She definitely learned her lesson last time. Dasvoik was very good at teaching lessons.

Relief washed over her. She watched him pull a gown out of the bottom drawer. She hadn’t really expected him to give in to her request. He unbound her hands and she shook them out. Her hands were numb and heavy, making the movement feel strange. She kept her eyes down, staring at her bare feet. 

The feel of the cloth against her skin after being naked for so long was an odd sensation. It brought water to her eyes when it brushed the welts. She blinked back the tears. She couldn’t let Darrius see her cry. She had to be strong for him. 

The man grabbed her hands and bound them once again. This time, they were not quite as tight; she could wiggle her fingers a little. 

“Thank you,” she whispered. 

He opened the door, and they walked down the long hallway. She couldn’t help but feel as if she was being walked to her death. Fear and anticipation fueled her steps. What if they had harmed her brother the way they did her? No, she couldn’t think about that. He was alive. That was what was important. She had to focus on that fact. 

They entered a service elevator, and he punched the button to the basement floor. Aaliyah started to become very afraid. 

The man beside her said nothing. He just kept his hand clasped firmly on her arm. His jaw was set, and he looked straight ahead. She could feel the tension coming off him in waves. Whatever was going on was causing a lot of stress. Maybe they would be distracted enough for her to make a break for it. Only if she could save her brother at the same time. 

The elevator stopped in the basement. He stepped out, pulling her forward. Everything in her screamed at her to run, but she had to see her brother. The basement was cold, dark and eerie. She could hear a loud clicking sound but had no idea where it was coming from or what it was. Towards the back, she could see the haze of a streetlight through an open door. The kind of door that freight trucks pulled into to make deliveries. For some reason, it surprised her that it was nighttime. She had lost all sense of time while she was locked away. Seeing the night sky jarred her senses.

“Where is my brother?” she asked in a low voice. 

“Shh. Do not speak.” His grip tightened around her arm. His pace quickened, and she stumbled forward, trying to keep up. 

They headed towards the open bay door. Again, thoughts of escape raced through her mind. However, she knew she could not leave without Darrius. She heard raised voices, but could not understand what they were saying. They were speaking in a foreign language. Her blood ran cold when she realized one of the voices was Dasvoik. Her body shook and she took deep breaths trying to appear calm. She didn’t want Darrius to see how terrified she was of that man. 

Please, God, if you can hear me, I need some help down here.
She took a deep breath and was surprised to feel a calming wave flood her veins. 

As if the man gripping her arm could tell what she was doing, he slowed his steps. Giving her time to compose herself. He never so much as glanced at her. She wanted to thank him, and realized how absurd that was. Thanking the man that was helping to hold her captive. The man that was bringing her to the man that had been raping, beating and traumatizing her with his sick mind games for days—weeks maybe. She wasn’t sure anymore. 

Without thinking, she cast her eyes to the ground as they approached. It was disheartening how quickly she fell into the submissive role. 

The arguing came to a halt. 

Something very cold seized her chest. Evil. She could feel Dasvoik coming closer. She didn’t have to look to know it was him. She could smell him. Sense him. 

Seconds later, he was standing before her. He placed his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up to meet his eyes. “Just what I needed. Thank you, Tony.” 

Tony? All this time she had never known the other man’s name. Tony sounded so average. He nodded and stepped aside. 

Dasvoik’s hand remained under her chin and he studied her eyes. He claimed looking into her clear turquoise eyes calmed him. She wanted to shut them, but she had no idea where her brother was. Could he see her or hear her? She didn’t want him to see her be punished for disobeying. 

“I’m afraid we don’t have much time, but I need the release.” 

She tensed. Not here, not now. She could see the desire in his wild eyes. It chilled her to the bone. Was this man ever satisfied? He had just left her room hours ago. 

“There’s someone I want you to meet first, petal.” His hand smoothed down her hair. 

He had never introduced her to anyone before, and she didn’t like that he was about to. What in the hell was going on?

“Ivan, come here.” 

A large man stepped out of the shadows.  She took a quick glance. He was well over six foot four and wide as a football player. His hair was slicked back and his eyes were so dark, they were almost black. His nose was large and beaked. He reminded her of a hawk. Quickly, she cast her eyes back down, but Dasvoik tilted her head back up. 

“Breathtaking, isn’t she?” Dasvoik asked. He looked proud of himself. It made her stomach twist. She felt like she was on display. 

The man nodded and spoke. She had no idea what he said, but Dasvoik shook his head and answered in the same language. From the look in the man’s eyes, she was glad she didn’t understand what they were saying. Dasvoik became enraged.  

The large man chuckled, and Dasvoik tilted his head, dismissing the giant of a man. 

“Ah, my petal, he wanted to try you out for himself. But I just couldn’t bear the thought.” He pulled her into him. Her hands were still bound in front of her, making the move even more awkward. 

Her body tensed. She was surprised to feel a wave of gratitude wash over her. The thought of that other man putting his hands on her, caused bile to rise in her throat.  

“I must have you now. It will be quick, but I promise to make it up to you later.” 

Whatever gratitude she had briefly felt was gone and replaced with revulsion. He nudged her forward, and she had to fight from taking off in a sprint. She knew if she did, she would pay dearly. She also knew there was nowhere to hide in the basement where he could not find her. 

He pushed her behind a stack of boxes. At least he wasn’t going to do it in front of everyone. She still had no idea where Darrius was. 

She felt his hot breath on her neck. His hands on her body. He untied the gown and it dropped forward. Because her hands were bound it never hit the floor. Murmuring words in her ear about her belonging only to him. How dare Ivan ask to take what was his. Words of a madman. 

True to his word, he was fast. Breathing heavy, he collapsed against her, his sweat coated her body, making her feel even dirtier.

Dasvoik yelled over to Tony, who rushed over as Dasvoik pulled up his pants. 

“Make her presentable.” He wiped his hands together and walked away. 

Tony reached down, picked up her gown and quickly draped it over her, securing it in the back. Tony looked around and cursed. “There isn’t even a bathroom around here. We need to hurry back inside.” 

Aaliyah’s shoulders slumped. All she could think was it would be longer until she could see her brother.



Shuffling forward, Aaliyah stopped in her tracks. Darrius! Her heart swelled. Tony nudged her arm to get her moving again. Her brother sat in the back of the cargo van, his head bowed and his arms bound before him. He wore the same clothes he had on the day they were abducted. A long-sleeved, red striped shirt and a pair of loose jeans. He looked thinner. She wondered how much weight he had lost. And what they were feeding him. An overwhelming sense of hopelessness consumed her. She tried to think of something positive to fight off all the negative thoughts racing through her head, but she could only think of one.  He still had his clothes on, unlike herself. 

She didn’t dare speak. Instead, she mentally willed her brother to look up, but he did not. Not even when she entered the back of the van. Tony pushed her down on a bench across from her brother. Why wouldn’t he look at her? She needed to see his beautiful little face. Needed to know he was okay. 

Of course
, he wasn’t going to look up. He was afraid. A closer glance and she could see his legs shaking.  What had they done to him to instill this fear? Whatever they’d done, it had taken the fight out of him. Just the thought was enough to enrage her. How could they hurt someone so innocent? None of this made any sense at all. Darrius was such a sweet soul. He did not deserve to be ripped away from his family and friends. 

Tony backed out of the van and slammed the door shut without another word. She briefly wondered if she would ever see Tony again. Not that it mattered. He hadn’t exactly been kind to her, but he hadn’t been cruel like Dasvoik and the bald man. And he never touched her inappropriately. A stream of light filtered under the door and a sour smell caused her nose to itch. The window was tinted but the streetlights cast an eerie glow. 

“Darrius,” she whispered. “It’s okay. We’re alone.” 

His body tensed, but he kept his head bowed. 

“Please. I need to see your face. Look at me.” 

Slowly, he tilted his head up, and she gasped. His eyes were swollen shut and the right side of his jaw didn’t look right. Hatred coursed through her body like none she had ever known. If Dasvoik were standing in front of her right now, she would kill him with her own bare hands. Despite the chill in the van, a bead of sweat trickled down Aaliyah’s brow. How dare they harm her little brother! 

Somehow she would find a way to make them all pay. 

“I’m so sorry,” she moaned. Her chest tightened. It felt as if she couldn’t breathe. “My poor Darrius.”  

She had to calm herself down. Allowing Darrius to see her anguish would not help anyone. 

She stood up and crossed the van, thankful that her legs had not been bound and eased down next to him.

“Can you talk?” she asked in a whisper. 

“Yes.” His voice sounded hollow, broken. Certainly not the voice of an eight-year-old. Not the mischievous little boy she knew and loved so much. They might not have had much growing up, but at least they had been happy. Could her brother ever be happy again? The thought angered her.  Yes, of course he could be happy. They just had to figure out how to get out of this god-forsaken place. And soon.

Maybe they would be rescued. If they were moving and Dasvoik was obviously worried, there had to be a reason. There must be a chance he could get caught. She glanced at the door as if waiting for the police to come to burst through at any second. She wondered what the merchandise was they were talking about. More than likely drugs. It didn’t seem to matter what part of the world you were in, drugs always played a big role. It made no sense to her. Even in America, where they had everything you could wish for, there was a huge drug problem. If there were drugs involved, there really was a chance of a rescue. A tiny seed of hope was planted. 

“Why?” Darrius croaked out.

Such a simple question. She was silent for a long moment struggling to find the words, but there were none. “I don’t know. I just don’t know. These people are sick, Darrius. We need to figure out how to get away from them.” 

He titled his head at her. She couldn’t see his eyes because of the swelling but his shoulders straightened slightly and she knew he felt it, too. Hope. That was all they had at this point. 

Suddenly, the van jerked forward. After a few feet, it came to an abrupt stop before slowly continuing on. Where in the world were they taking them? Not knowing was the worst part of all of this. They had no control of their lives at this point. If they at least knew what to expect, maybe they could mentally prepare for it. Although, no one could have mentally prepared for what she’d already been through. 

“I love you, Darrius. I’m so sorry I let you down.”

“Not your fault.” She saw a tear slide down his swollen cheek. “Not your fault,” he repeated and her heart broke in a thousand pieces. She knew it was her fault. If it weren’t for her, he would have never been in this position. Those creeps had wanted her. 

She wanted to calm him, reassure her little brother somehow. But the words would not come so instead she did the only thing she could think of. 

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