Fox, Morgan - Tempted by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Tempted by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Once she received the emergency call from Jonah, she cleared her books for the next few days and headed out to see him. As requested, she brought her medical bags with her, equipment that was necessary to run a lab. Everything she had in her office, except the building itself, was packed in her car.

Jonah might have another agenda as to why he contacted her, but she was still excited to see him nonetheless and couldn’t wait to hug him, wrap her arms around his sexy-as-hell body and breathe in his lusty scent. Maybe there was a chance they could reignite the fire that sparked between them in the past.

She was game and hoped he was as well.

There was nothing like the feel of Jonah sliding into the depths of her body. He was built like a god, body and cock. She groaned, remembering the way he filled her pussy and kissed her with more passion and fury than she’d ever dreamed possible.

Yes, she was excited to see Jonah McCarthy and would do just about anything to have him make love to her one more time.

* * * *

Brie sat at the edge of her bed, staring up at Jonah as he entered her room. Her heart lodged in her throat as she looked at the tired lines around his eyes. He hadn’t slept in days, and neither had she, but the reason was no surprise.

Sebastian had spent most of the night moaning and wailing—nightmares plaguing his mind, fever ravaging his body. The tranquilizers Dominic gave him were working, but they wouldn’t work for long. Sebastian’s body was adapting to the drug, his metabolism becoming more efficient, breaking down the chemical properties of the drug with ease.

They’d started taking shifts, watching over him just in case he woke. They couldn’t let Sebastian stay awake for long, couldn’t risk that he would be strong enough to escape—hurt or kill them all.

Brie swallowed, her thoughts on the doctor making her way to them—a light of salvation in the darkening night.

Holding Jonah’s worried gaze, she asked, “How long before Dr. Shaw arrives?”

Jonah checked his wrist watch. “Anytime now.”

Then as if on command, headlights flashed up against Brie’s bedroom wall. Her chest tightened. Dr. Shaw had just arrived and the promise of hope filled her heart.

Rising to her feet, Brie moved to the balcony. A small red car parked beside the black Escalade. “Oh, thank God, Jonah. I think Dr. Shaw’s finally arrived.”

Chapter Eleven

Dr. Shaw looked nothing like Brie expected. With just one glance at the attractive doctor, dread sank to the pit of her belly, and the smile washed away from her face. Instead of a studious, eyeglass-wearing, middle-aged woman who cared nothing for the day’s fashion, a woman appeared who, from head to toe, was flat-out gorgeous. The hottest, sexiest redhead she’d ever laid eyes on.

To make matters of jealousy even worse, the woman had legs up to her ears, flowing, fiery red hair down to her ass, eyes greener than emeralds, and flawless alabaster skin. Dr. Shaw possessed a seductive smile that made Brie wonder just how well Jonah knew her. How intimate was their relationship?

Jonah stalked towards the beaming woman whose arms were already outstretched to hug him. He seemed to soften as he placed his arms around her in a familiar embrace. The woman was tall, almost as tall as Jonah in her three-inch stilettos, and seemed to fit against him like a lover. Another pang of jealousy knotted inside her stomach.

Suddenly, Brie’s hands clenched into tight fists at her sides. The rush of blood deafened her ears and heated her face. How exactly did Jonah know Dr. Shaw? The two responded to one another in a very cozy, all too close for comfort, sort of way.

Oh, God, please tell me he hasn’t slept with her. Talk about fucking a supermodel.
How was she supposed to feel about that?

There were so many things from Jonah’s past Brie was starting to think she should’ve questioned. She knew he’d been wild and had seen it for herself over the last several years. But putting a face on another woman from his past had her gut rolling with emotions she didn’t recognize, want, or like.

Brie’s mind was ready to explode. If she didn’t guard her emotions, she was going to run screaming towards the redheaded doctor and claw her green eyes right out of their wide sockets. In her mind, she’d already slapped the bitch at least twice and sucker-punched her in the gut a few times for the hell of it.

Brie was not a woman who suffered from low self-esteem, just the opposite, but this woman made her feel just a little inferior. What the heck was that about?

Jonah stepped back from Dr. Shaw’s embrace. Brie focused all her energy, wishing she could hear the conversation taking place between the two. By some miracle, she started to hear every word they spoke as if she were standing right beside them.

Her hand rested on the railing at her side, balancing her as the power flooded through her body.

this wolf DNA supernatural shit is coming in pretty dang handy. I wonder what other cool “superpowers” I’m going to develop.
She made a mental note to discuss these changes with Sebastian if he wakes.
Not if, but when.

“It’s nice to see you, Megan.”

“Nice. Wow. That’s all I get after all this time?” Dr. Shaw placed her hands flat against Jonah’s chest, her body inches from his, and she nuzzled closer to him.

“Megan, please don’t,” Jonah’s voice was thick with uncertainty, and his face strained with concern.

“What?” The confused look on her perfect face was priceless.

Rejection sucked, no matter who you were, but at this moment Brie could care less. This woman was encroaching on her territory and better Jonah handle this than her. As a last resort, Brie could figure out a way to use her powers again and blast the little hussy back to Dallas.

But then who would help Sebastian?

Oh, shut up, conscience.

He shook his head, grabbing her hands to pull them from his chest. He took a wide step back.

“Okay. So I suddenly feel like a complete idiot, not sure how I let myself read all the signs wrong.” She rubbed long fingers over her temples, closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened to look at him once more. “Why exactly am I here, Jonah?”

His forehead pinched tight, creasing the skin. “Not for the reasons you might be thinking, Megan.”

Brow furrowed, she asked, “What do you mean?”

Jonah cleared his throat, glancing back at Brie. “Megan, I’ve been happily mated for over a month now, but I’ve been in love with that woman over there for four years.” He paused, smiling at Brie before returning his glance to the surprised woman. “I think you’ll like her. She’s a wonderful woman.”

Dr. Shaw blinked several times as she followed Jonah’s gaze to Brie and then back to his face. She sniffed the air. “That woman, she’s your mate?”

What was she deaf? Duh, hadn’t he just explained that?

Her voice lowered as she told Jonah, “She smells different. She’s not like us.”

Jonah nodded. “No, she’s not like us, and yes, she is my mate. Her name is Brie Ferguson, and she’s not only my mate, she’s also my fiancée.” Pausing a moment, he finished, “Mine and Sebastian’s.”

Dr. Shaw’s eyes rounded and Brie’s gut knotted, waiting for her response. “Seriously? You’ve found your mate? Both of you? And it just happened to be with the same woman?” She sighed. “Well, how is that working out for you?” Her tone seemed harsh, annoyed. “You could’ve had me all to yourself you know. I never would’ve made you share. All my affections would have always been for you.”

“Megan, I’m sorry. We’ve been apart for so long...I figured you’d moved on to bigger and better things.” He ran a stiff hand through his tousled hair, and his hand rested at the back of his neck. “Megan, the way we left things…” Jonah’s voice trailed off, his eyes searching the ground at his feet. “I’m really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to be a dick.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Jonah. I was stupid to think you’ve been sitting back pining over me. No matter how we left things, I get that you’re with someone.” She smiled softly, but the emotion didn’t reach her eyes. “So tell me, if I’m not here for a good romp in the sack with you, why am I here?”

Jonah’s eyes widened. “Wow, you’ve always been a direct ‘speak your mind’ kind of woman.”

She shrugged her slender shoulders, and her wavy red hair tumbled forward. “If I remember correctly, that was one of the things you liked about me.” She snickered. “Why change a good thing?”

The corner of Jonah’s mouth curved up as he opened the back door to her car, and yanked out the large duffle bag and suitcase. “Right, well, how about we get your stuff out of the car and go inside. I’m sure Brie would like a chance to meet you officially, and then we can fill you in on Sebastian’s situation.”

“Sebastian?” Concern filled her expression.

He nodded, stating, “Unfortunately, my brother’s gone and gotten himself into a little bit of trouble.”

Understatement of the century...

Dr. Shaw grabbed the duffle bag from Jonah and slung it over her left shoulder, taking hold of Jonah’s arm. “If Sebastian’s in trouble, this ought to be good.”

Jonah chuckled. “You have no idea.”

“Oh, fuck!” rumbled an annoyed voice from behind Brie, one she was actually glad to hear. “Please, for the love of Christ, tell me you didn’t call
?” He huffed out a harsh breath. “Damn it, Jonah, anyone would be have been better than Megan fucking Shaw.”

Dominic stood, arms folded across his broad chest, glaring at the tall redhead as she took her final step to reach the cabin, her fingers wrapped around Jonah’s bicep.

A sarcastic and deadly smile shone on her face. “Dr. Shaw, to you,” Megan corrected. She shot a shy smile towards Brie. “Everyone else can call me Megan.” She returned her stern gaze back to her apparent nemesis, her voice so frightening it could’ve sliced through bone, flesh. She said, “Just not you, ass clown.”

Dominic’s dark glare grew more intense, his eyes flickering silver and black and his jaw twitching under the compression of muscles. Damn, she was seriously pissing off the big guy.

“Dominic,” Jonah warned in a deep, threatening tone.

Eyes narrowing into tiny slits, Dominic cast a disgusted look over the new woman standing in front of him. “You mean to tell me there were no other were-doctors available?”

He obviously didn’t like Dr. Shaw, and Brie couldn’t wait to find out why. Digging in to discover the truth was her job, after all.

“Did you even try to find someone else or just call the first bitch listed in the easy pages?” Dominic chuckled. “Let me guess...the picture beside her name was of her lying flat on her back. A position she’s most accustomed to.”

“That’s enough, Dominic,” Jonah warned again.

Megan’s white teeth gleamed in the dark. Even her pale skin couldn’t hold a flame to the brilliant color of her pearly whites. “It’s so nice to see you, too, Captain Dickhead. Glad the years have made you a little softer around the edges. I’d hate to think the sad, pitiful little boy never grew up.”

Grinning, he snickered. “Keep it up, Megan. One more smartass comment like that and I’ll have to paddle that cute little ass of yours and show you exactly what you’ve missed all these years. I assure you, I’ve grown into quite a big boy.”

Megan’s cheeks flooded with color. Wow, she was blushing. An alarming reaction that burned hot and red on her once alabaster cheeks.

Dominic hit a nerve—a big one.

Watching Megan and Dominic interacting with each other was like being subjected to daytime television. All that was missing from the live performance was an enormous explosion, a devastating earthquake, or a long-lost brother to show up, and this would be Emmy-winning.

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