Read Four Play Online

Authors: Maya Banks,Shayla Black

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Anthologies

Four Play (9 page)

BOOK: Four Play
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Her mouth flew open around Tate’s cock and she gasped, loud and rushed.
“I told you what would happen,” Brody said, but he didn’t sound very sorry at all.
Then he shoved again, forcing his way into her resisting ass. Oh God, he was big and it hurt and she loved every second. She wiggled and squirmed, trying everything she could to unseat him. He issued a sharp slap to her ass cheek before gripping her hips again to hold her down.
“Stop fighting or I swear I’ll push you down to the floor and I’ll give you an ass-fucking you won’t forget.”
If he’d said it to make her stop, he obviously didn’t realize just how dark her fantasies ran. Or maybe he did and he was offering her a choice in how far to go. Whatever the case, she went wild, bucking and fighting the incredible pressure pushing against her ass.
A hand curled into her hair, yanked her away from Tate’s cock, and then shoved her hard to the floor. Her cheek pressed against the carpet and her ass hung high in the air. Brody was still mounted over her, his cock half shoved into her ass, and now he held her head down while he pried her legs farther open with the other.
“Hold her down,” he ordered roughly.
She wasn’t sure who the order was for. Didn’t care. Another hand dove into her hair and held the back of her neck down while Brody’s hand left her. He palmed both cheeks, spread her wide, and then rammed into her.
She cried out as he sank the remaining way. Her ass throbbed. Her nerve endings screamed in protest. Intense pleasure mixed with pain tied her insides into a tight knot.
He began fucking her with forceful, long strokes. His cock powered through her tight resistance with ease now that he’d fully breached her body. His hard abdomen pressed into her ass with each thrust. She’d never felt so opened, so absolutely helpless in her life.
She lay there, motionless while he took his pleasure. It was humbling. She couldn’t move, could barely do more than take what he dished out. This was what she’d fantasized about. The moment of complete powerlessness. The moment when she realized there was nothing she could do to prevent him from taking her in any manner he wanted.
He owned her. He took her. He punished her.
He slowed now, withdrawing carefully, dragging his cock over her stretched opening until he nearly popped free. Then he sank deep again, pushing against her natural resistance, showing her she had no power to keep him out.
In and out, slow, so very slow. He withdrew then fed his cock back, inch by inch, until his balls pressed against her pussy.
For several minutes, he sawed back and forth, methodical, making sure she knew and accepted his dominance. Only when she went completely and utterly limp beneath him and closed her eyes, did he pull out. His lesson was obviously over.
Or maybe it was just beginning.
He slid his finger into the still-wide opening and laughed softly as her ass clutched at the tip.
“You like having me in your ass, don’t you, Zoe?”
She didn’t answer. She doubted he required it. It was pretty damn obvious she liked it.
He helped her up from the floor, and she struggled to get her jelly legs underneath her. He guided her toward the couch, where Tate had already taken position. He sat down on the far end right against the arm. But he’d scooted to the very edge, then leaned back so he was nearly flat on the cushions. Only his head rested on the back cushion, tilted forward so he could see her.
“Come straddle me, Zoe. Come for a ride. I want you on top of me.”
Her ass still aching from Brody’s treatment, she moved toward Tate and came to a stop between his knees.
He patted his lap. “Hop up.”
She straddled his body. Tate slid one hand through her damp heat while he grasped his cock with his other hand and positioned himself at her entrance.
“Slide down, babe. Take me all the way.”
She took him, inch by delicious inch. He was long and hard, but her persistence paid off and she didn’t have the difficulty taking him as she’d done with Brody.
She rose up and then let herself fall down his cock until her ass smacked against his thighs.
“Oh yeah, just like that,” Tate ground out. “Now lean forward, baby.”
He tugged at her arms, pulling until her breasts dangled over his chest and her ass lifted just off Tate’s body. When Brody stepped between Tate’s spread legs, Zoe realized what they were doing and why Brody had had a warm-up session with her ass.
They were going to take her at the same time.
“Be real still, sweetheart,” Tate warned. “It’s going to be tighter than even before when he gets inside you. Just stay here with me and take it.”
She laughed. “Do I have a choice?”
Tate arched a brow. “Given that I currently have you on my cock and have no intention of letting you get up, then no, you don’t have a choice. Just lie here against me and take it.”
“Won’t be so bad,” Brody said in an amused tone. “It’ll only hurt when I try to get back in. And if you fight me.”
She snorted. “You guys are all heart.”
Brody spread her buttocks, then lodged his cock against the opening that had shrunk to normal size again. Which meant he was going to have to reopen her all over again. She nearly groaned even as she trembled in anticipation.
“Kiss me, Zoe,” Tate whispered. “Kiss me now while he fucks your ass. You can scream all you want.”
She leaned as far as she could, as far as Brody’s grip would allow. Tate met her the rest of the way and pressed his lips to hers. Their tongues tangled just as Brody pressed against her anus. As soon as there was any give, he thrust forcefully, splitting the seam on either side to accommodate his cock.
Tate swallowed her desperate cry, held her shoulders to keep her from writhing uncontrollably.
“Shhh,” Tate whispered into her mouth. “We’ll both be in soon and then it’ll feel good, Zoe.”
The sensation of having both men inside her ass and pussy at the same time just wasn’t describable. She felt stuffed at both ends, like neither could possibly fit, and yet they’d made it happen. The thin layer of tissue between her vagina and anus did little to cushion the two cocks. They rubbed back and forth over that thin skin with delicious results.
Never had she felt so full. Never had anything felt so erotic. Naughty. Deliciously bad girl.
Brody provided most of the force, since she was astride Tate and his movements were limited. But Brody thrust back and forth with exuberance that moved Zoe up and down Tate’s cock.
She’d been so absorbed with Brody and Tate’s attentions that she’d blocked Chase’s presence from the room. But now he pushed back into the picture. He shoved his hand into her hair as he stood to the side of the three on the couch.
With him standing and Zoe sitting on Tate’s lap, her mouth was at the perfect level for Chase’s cock. A fact Chase planned to take full advantage of.
He cupped her jaw, fisted his cock, and then guided it toward her mouth. She opened, and he was inside her deep and hard, just like the other two men in her ass and pussy.
The three men began fucking her in unison, their bodies buffeting hers. They came together, a series of gasps, soft cries and groans escaping into the air.
Flesh met flesh. Wet, sucking sounds filled the room. The slap of thighs meeting ass spurred the others on to find their fulfillment.
It was erotic not just in sight. Nor was it just the intense sounds, the soft whispers and sighs. The light moans. It was erotic as hell because here she was, surrounded by three men, all of whom were giving her everything she could possibility want. They were taking the things they wanted. They wanted her. They desired her and they wanted to make her happy.
Their touches, their regard, the simple act of a reassuring kiss. It made the entire series of events, and not just the actual sex, erotic as hell.
Her body was the receptacle for not one man, but three. Three sexy-as-sin men who knew precisely what to do with a woman when it came to sex.
“I told you I’d fuck your mouth while they fucked your ass and pussy,” Chase said in a satisfied tone.
Zoe held up her middle finger for him to see. He chuckled and thrust hard into her mouth as punishment. She choked and shot him a dirty glare. He tweaked her nose and resumed fucking her mouth.
Brody pounded her ass while Tate pushed upward, sliding back and forth into her pussy. It was the perfect trifecta. Mouth, pussy, and ass. Three gorgeous, rock-hard cocks diving into all three.
While Zoe sucked Chase’s cock and the other men worked their cocks in her pussy and ass, Tate rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, pulling outward and then pinching lightly.
Chase lowered his hand to cup the back of her neck and then he massaged, squeezing and working the sensitive area.
She shuddered and began moving restlessly. Chase’s cock nearly fell from her mouth, but he caught her jaw and turned her back so he could thrust back in.
Brody let out a shout, rammed as far into her ass as he could. The action pressed her so far onto Tate that he was lodged into her pussy. Both cocks were stuffed to capacity. They twitched deep inside her and Brody and Tate bucked their hips as they came almost violently.
Chase cupped her face with both hands and began fucking fast and hard. Race to completion. His cock swelled larger, moved harder and deeper. Semen filled her mouth, coated her tongue and slid down the back of her throat as she swallowed.
Brody and Tate were still locked inside her body when Chase finally eased from her mouth. While Brody and Tate watched, Chase made her clean the semen from his cock with her tongue.
The fact that they twitched inside her body when they were already spent told her the sight was a turn-on for them.
Then Brody carefully pulled from her ass. She flinched at the soreness his exit caused. Then Brody reached down and picked her up from Tate’s lap. Tate’s cock fell free, and Brody set her on her feet next to Chase.
She would have gone down flat on her face if Chase hadn’t grabbed her and hauled her against his chest.
“Whoa, baby, careful. I’ve got you.”
“Tired,” she managed to say.
He squeezed his arm around her shoulders. “I know. We’re going to put you to bed now so you can get some rest. I think we’ve roughed you up enough for the night.”
She smiled and leaned up on tiptoe to kiss him. “Thank you. It was perfect. All of it was perfect.”
“You’re welcome, babe.”
She turned to Brody and Tate, unsure of how they’d receive her thanks, but she wasn’t going to ignore their very large part in fulfilling her fantasy.
She hugged Tate first and then leaned up and kissed him. Not a little brush like she might have given him in the past, a peck as a friend. No, she kissed him hot, with passion and all the lust she’d felt for him while he and Brody fucked her.
She was gratified when he kissed her back with every bit as much enthusiasm and heat.
“Thank you,” she whispered as she pulled away.
Tate smiled. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. You know I’d damn near do anything for you, but this might have been the best thing yet.”
She turned to Brody and pushed herself into his beefy embrace. At first he stiffened and very gingerly put his arms around her, but she wasn’t letting him get a corncob up his ass over this. She loved him to pieces. Absolute pieces. He was one of her favorite people in the entire world and nothing—definitely not sex—was going to change that. In fact, she hoped sex between them made things even better.
She all but crawled up his chest since he wasn’t exactly helping her. She wrapped her legs around him and hauled herself up his body until her arms were locked around his neck and her legs locked around his waist.
“You finished scaling me?” he asked balefully.
She giggled. “You’re a hard tree to climb, Brody.”
His expression eased, and amusement glinted in his eyes. “All right. Kiss me and get it over with then.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Is that what you think’s going to happen? I’ve got news for you, Brody McNamara,” she muttered.
She yanked him to her mouth and covered his lips in a burning hot, carnal kiss to end all kisses. Heat sizzled up her spine and damn near set off fireworks in her head. Her tongue swept over his, licking and then dueling. There was no way he was indifferent to this.
They were both sucking some major wind by the time she let him go and slid back down his body.
“Don’t pull that shit with me again,” she scowled.
He raised one brow. “I didn’t realize I was pulling anything. For God’s sake, Zoe. You damn near mauled me.”
“Don’t pretend you can be all indifferent to me now and you don’t want to get close. You’re stuck with me, dumbass. If things are awkward, it’s because you’ll make them so.”
He drew his brows up in confusion and then shook his head as if he had no idea what the hell she was talking about. And maybe he didn’t. He was a man, after all. She’d probably given him too much credit in the thinking department.
She started for the bedroom but turned and put her palms in the air and let her eyes widen innocently. “So who’s going to bed with me?”
When Zoe awoke, her first instinct was to lie there and sleep for
the next year. She was bone tired, and her muscles felt like jelly. And there were certain parts of her anatomy that were extremely tender.
She sighed and snuggled a little deeper into her pillow until it occurred to her that she was in bed with more than one male, and now curiosity niggled at her because she wanted to know who she was cuddled up with.
She pried her eyes open and found she was facing Brody’s back. The flame tattoo covered his left shoulder and tapered off near the middle of his back. If she hadn’t been afraid of waking him, she’d have traced the edges with her fingers. It was beautiful, like him, and it fit his personality to a
. Whoever had done his ink had done a spectacular job. It looked alive, like a blaze soaring up his back and over his shoulder.
BOOK: Four Play
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