Foundation of Love: The Gypsy Blessing 2 (21 page)

BOOK: Foundation of Love: The Gypsy Blessing 2
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“Rich put your name in—you
play. We’re on Lucas’s team.”

William looked across the field and met Dan’s gaze. Dan was issuing a challenge. “Fine, I’m in.” He turned to Elizabeth. “See you later.”

“Nope, you’ll see me now.” Elizabeth smiled. “I’m on Dan’s team.”

William’s eyes widened. “

“Yeah, I’ve played with you guys, haven’t I?”

“But that’s a friendly, backyard game...” William’s voice trailed off.

“I play every year, Will. It’s friendly enough—it’s not tackle.” She smiled brightly. “Come on. We’re gonna whip your butts.”

The teams gathered, discussing strategy with their captains. Although William was listening to Mr. Lucas, he kept glancing down toward the other end of the field at Elizabeth... and Dan. He had to bite back a growl at what he saw happen next.



As Elizabeth jogged to the far end of the field, Dan met her halfway.

“I’m glad you decided to play this year.”

Elizabeth knitted her brow. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“I didn’t think he’d let you.” Dan gestured toward the other team.



Shocked, Elizabeth stopped walking. “Why would Will have any say in what I do?”

Dan placed his hand on the small of her back and ushered her forward. “The team’s down here, remember?”

She started walking again but glared up at him. “You didn’t answer me, Dan.”

“I thought you two...” his voice trailed off.

She stopped again and turned toward him, crossing her arms. Dan’s hand was now on her waist. She sidestepped his grasp without acknowledging it. “What?”

“I guess not then.” Dan smiled. “Never mind.” He started walking again. Elizabeth followed. A few steps later, Dan said, “Listen, there’s something about Darcy that I don’t like.”

Elizabeth chuckled. “I’ll admit he’s not at his most personable upon first impression, but once you get to know him, he’s a really nice guy. Give him a chance.”

Dan’s gaze slowly traveled the length of Elizabeth’s body and returned to her widened eyes. She gulped and stepped back.

“Believe me, I’ll try to be civil to Darcy, but I’m pretty sure he and I will
get along.” He took a step forward and, with one finger, he tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “Stay away from him, Lizzy. I’m a much better choice.”

As Dan leaned in, panic gripped her.
He’s going to kiss me!
Elizabeth stepped back. Dan’s hand fell to his side. Disappointment was clearly written across his features.

“We’re friends.” Elizabeth wasn’t sure which man she was talking about.

He took another step closer and placed his hands on her shoulders. “For a long time, I’ve wanted to be

“We’re friends, Dan! We’ve always been
friends.” She tilted her head slightly. “Have you been drinking?”

“No, I haven’t been drinking, Lizzy.” He chuckled.

“Did you hit your head or something?”

He laughed a little harder. “My head’s fine.”

“Let’s talk about this another time, Dan. Definitely not here.”

“Everybody here already
, Lizzy! Except you, apparently.” He shook his head. “For years, everyone in town has been telling me that we’d make a great couple, urging me to make a move, but I didn’t want to rush you. I went to law school, you went to college, and it never seemed the right time. But now, we’re both home and staying in Meryton. I’m through waiting.”

Overwhelmed, Elizabeth had momentarily forgotten where they were. She didn’t realize how close they were to their team members until she heard someone say, “It’s about time!”

Turning toward the voice, she saw all eyes were on her, and she blushed a deep crimson. She turned around, looked across the field. Everyone on that team was staring at her, too. She met William’s gaze. She judged that they couldn’t possibly hear what was going on from across the field, but the body language had to be telling them something.

She returned her gaze to Dan. “What is this, some kind of joke? You went out with every girl in town,
every woman who threw herself at you in college. Every time I saw you, you were with someone different. How could you possibly think you
for me?”

“I didn’t say I was a saint. I just waited to make my move on
. You’re the type of girl a guy marries when he’s finally ready to settle down, not the kind he goes out with when he’s playing the field. Listen, whether you’re ready yet or not, I won’t deny my feelings for you any longer. I love you, Lizzy, and I want you to marry me.”

Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open. “You want me to
you?” She looked around again at all the expectant expressions of those on their team, who were obviously waiting for her answer. “I refuse to discuss this any further right now. I’m going for a walk.” When he tried to follow her, she snapped, “Alone!” and walked off.

She heard Dan call out after her. “You’re not going to play?”

He wants me to play football
? After that?

Without turning around, she shook her head, threw her hands up in the air, and kept walking as fast as she could toward a footpath that she knew ran for at least a mile through the woods.


Everyone was quiet as William watched Elizabeth walk away from Dan. Behind him, he heard Charlotte ask, “What could have possessed him to do that here? Right now?”

Jane responded, “You know as well as I do, Charlotte, that when he feels threatened, he does stupid things.”

“Most of the time, it works out great for him, but I don’t think it will this time,” Charlotte replied.

“Threatened?” Georgiana asked. William had been so busy watching Elizabeth and Dan, he hadn’t realized she had joined them.

Elizabeth disappeared behind some trees, and William turned to look at the girls standing behind him, wondering what Jane’s answer would be.

He was surprised to find Jane was looking at him. “Yes, Dan feels threatened.” She paused and turned to Charlotte and Georgiana. “Excuse me. I’m going after her.”

Mr. Lucas clapped his hands to gain the attention of his team. “Show’s over, everybody. Let’s play football!”


After walking for a few minutes, Elizabeth heard someone coming toward her. Imagining one of the town gossips chasing after her to learn about her feelings for Dan before anyone else, she darted off the path and sat on the ground behind a huge bush.

Hearing Jane call her name, Elizabeth stood up. “Over here, Jane!” Pulling a tissue from her pocket, she wiped the tears off her cheeks as Jane made her way through the brush. It did little good because as soon as Jane was close, the tears started flowing again.

“Oh, Lizzy! I’m so sorry.”

“How could he
something like that, Jane? Not only blindside me with saying all that...
but in front of all those people?” She blew her nose. “And why couldn’t the gypsies have warned me about something like
? Don’t they think someone asking me to marry him is important?”

“If you think about it, none of the gypsies could possibly still be alive. The blessing must be on auto-pilot or something like that.” She shrugged her shoulders. “When it comes to Dan... You know why Dan loves being a courtroom lawyer. He craves the spotlight. That’s why there’s no doubt in anyone’s minds that he’ll end up running for District Attorney when the time comes.” Jane dug a tissue out of her pocket and handed it to her sister. “He was always the best at everything—valedictorian of his class, hero of every sports team he ever joined. And he’s always been a little too confident for his own good, too.”

“What did he think I’d do? Throw myself into his arms and submit?” Elizabeth hiccupped. “Did he think if he exposed his plan in front of everyone, I’d suddenly discover I was in love with him? Or is it all a joke to him?”

“It’s definitely not a joke, Lizzy. He probably thought the whole thing was very romantic. Remember years ago when we saw that TV special about the most romantic marriage proposals?”

Elizabeth’s eyes opened wider than Jane had ever seen them. “He only watched that show so he could tease us!”

“Yes, he did, but he was also surrounded by you, me, and Charlotte going on and on about how romantic all those proposals were.”

Elizabeth gasped. “You mean
was Dan’s version of the ‘proposal on the scoreboard’ segment that we all loved?”

Jane scrunched her nose. “I think so.”

“But... but don’t you remember how I made such a big deal over how embarrassing that would be for them both if the girl had said no?”

“Dan has always had girls throwing themselves at his feet to get his attention. With his overblown self-confidence, he never would’ve expected that you’d say no.” Jane cleared her throat. “Um... I don’t want to make things worse for you, Lizzy, but I think you should know something before you go back. We all found out today how well sound travels across that field.”

“Jane, please don’t tell me that almost everyone in town heard that?” Elizabeth had to hold back a scream.

Jane cringed and nodded. “Most likely, anyone that didn’t hear it themselves already knows all about it through the gossip chain.”

Elizabeth whimpered. “Did anyone
it? I’m not going to see
go viral on Photo-Net, am I?”

Jane bit her bottom lip. “Well, I didn’t
anyone record it.”

“Did William hear it?” Elizabeth whispered tentatively.

Jane hesitated, searching her sister’s face before nodding again.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and let out the breath she had been holding. When she opened her eyes, she started walking toward the path.

Jane followed. “Where are we going, Lizzy?”

“This path comes out by the restrooms. If I’m ever going to show my face in town again—and there’s no doubt that I
to—then I need to start right now. I am going to wash my face, and then we’re heading back to that field. We’re going to play football, Jane.”

“We are?”

“Yes! Well, you don’t have to, but I am.” She picked up her pace. “And I’m going to act as if it never happened... or try to, anyway. Honestly, I don’t know
to act around Dan now, though.”

Struggling to keep up, Jane grabbed hold of Elizabeth’s arm and pulled gently. “Slow down, Lizzy. I can’t walk as fast as you can.” She took a moment to catch her breath. “So, I take it you’re
going to marry Dan?”

“Of course not.” Elizabeth stopped. “Was there any doubt?”

“Yes! Dan is right. There has been speculation about you and him forever. During—well, um...” Jane blushed. “While you and Dan were discussing things, I overheard some of the guys talking.
is why nobody ever showed interest in you in high school. None of the girls we grew up with could ever understand it, but most didn’t mind because it meant more boys for them to choose from. The guys said you were
considered Dan’s girl. Dan would warn off anyone that seemed interested in you. Nobody would dare ask you out and cross him.”

Elizabeth stood wide-eyed, staring at Jane for a minute or two before she remembered to breathe.

“Lizzy?” Jane took hold of her arm and shook her a little.

She blinked. “You mean... it wasn’t that they just didn’t like me?”

Jane shook her head. “No, Lizzy—I always told you that it never made any sense.”

Elizabeth put aside
subject to think about later. It was all too much to grasp at one time. She paced away from Jane and returned. “I didn’t really
anything in response, today, did I? Other than that I wanted to talk to him later. I never answered him.”

Jane nodded. “Right about now, I expect the whole town is talking about how you’ll respond.”

Elizabeth groaned and took a few steps, and then stopped again. “What was I supposed to do, Jane? I couldn’t embarrass Dan in front of everyone like that.” She chuckled without mirth. “But you know what? Maybe I should have. Maybe when I get back there, I’ll find Mr. Lucas’s bullhorn and announce, ‘I don’t love Dan King, and I never have!’ Why not—he didn’t hesitate to embarrass me in front of the whole town.”

“Lizzy, you wouldn’t!”

Elizabeth sighed and shook her head. “No. You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

Deep laughter rang out, and both girls looked around frantically. A bush parted, and Richard stuck his head through the opening. Elizabeth cringed when she could see that these bushes butted up against the field.

“You know, Squirt, if you say that any louder, you won’t need a bullhorn. Everyone on the field will hear it.”

Elizabeth clapped her hand over her mouth.

Richard looked behind him. “As it is, I
I’m the only one who was able to make out what you said.” He pointed down at the ground. “I lost my watch somewhere over here and was poking around the bushes looking for it. I just found it right before Lizzy’s
.” He showed them the watch and put it in his pocket. “Broken clasp.”

Elizabeth sighed in relief and placed her hand on her chest. “That wasn’t nice, Richie.”

As he awkwardly climbed through the hole he’d made, some of the branches broke. There was now enough of a gap to see people running on the field. Nobody seemed to know they were there.

“Sorry. I was trying to lighten your mood with a joke, but I should’ve found a better way to let you know I could hear you.” Richard came closer and looked Elizabeth in the eye. “You’ve been through a lot today, kiddo. You okay?”

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