Found (9 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Found
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She heard the low murmur of voices and knew
if she ‘tuned in’ to her guys, she would probably be able to catch
some of what they were saying or thinking but she didn’t want to.
Instead she closed her eyes and burrowed her head into one of the
big fluffy pillows. Maybe if they thought she was asleep…

“My lady, what’s wrong?” Lock’s question let
her know her sleep ruse wasn’t working.

“Nothing.” Sighing, she sat up. “I told you,
I’m fine.”

“We can’t help but know when you’re lying,
you know,” Deep said, sitting down on one side of her as Lock took
the other side. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing really. I just…” Kat grabbed a
pillow and hugged it to her chest. “I’m just not a big fan of…that
kind of sex. That’s all.”

“You know the bonding fruit will help you
stretch to accommodate us, don’t you?” Lock asked.

“She knows.” Deep frowned. “But I’m guessing
our Kat’s objection goes deeper than that.”

Kat sighed. “I guess I might as well tell you
or you’ll never leave me alone.”

“I think you
to tell us,” Deep
said, his voice unexpectedly gentle. “So no, we won’t leave you
alone until you do.”

“Fine.” She squeezed the pillow harder and
looked down at the bed. “It’s not a big deal really. Just that I
let…let a guy try that once, back there, and it really hurt.”

“And?” Deep’s voice said he knew there was
more to it than that.

Damn him.
Kat flashed him an
unfriendly look and he stared back, one black eyebrow raised. “And
he was really into the moment and he didn’t…” She swallowed hard,
not wanting to remember. “He didn’t stop when I asked him to. It
just…wasn’t a very good experience, okay?”

“He hurt you?” Lock’s voice was raw—filled
with the pain Kat didn’t want to express.

“Yes,” she said tightly. “And ever since then
I’m not…I don’t really want to go there. Or let anyone else go
there, if you know what I mean.”

“We know,” Deep murmured.

“I don’t understand,” Lock said, shaking his
head. “I thought…during our joining to find Sophia, when you let us
all the way into your memories…I don’t see how you could have
concealed such a source of pain, my lady.”

“She was able to conceal it from us because
she’s been concealing it from herself,” Deep rumbled. “Isn’t that
right, Kat?”

Kat gave a short nod. “It’s not a happy
memory, okay?”

“Of course not.” Lock stroked her shoulder

“Perhaps you’d feel better if the bastard who
hurt you was brought to justice,” Deep growled.

Kat sighed. “No, I wouldn’t. He wasn’t a bad
guy—it was just that we were both kind of drunk. He apologized
Not that I could ever stand to date him again. Not
after that,
she thought with a shiver, remembering the painful
experience of being pinned to the bed and invaded.

She’d cried and begged but Devon had never
seemed to hear her. Or if he had, he hadn’t wanted to stop.
Afterwards, seeing her swollen eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, he
appeared to feel terrible about what he’d done. But Kat could never
really trust him after that. They broke up a few days later and
she’d never seen him again. And
never to think of him.
Until tonight…

We would never hurt you that way,
heard Lock send through their mental link.

Deep echoed. He slid an arm
around her shoulders.
Come here. If you have to cry, Lock and I
want to hold you.

She sniffed and realized that hot tears were
rolling down her cheeks. Four muscular arms surrounded her and drew
her down on the bed. Kat knew she was safe, sheltered by their love
for her. It flowed over and around her, comforting, soothing,
whispering that she was cared for, needed, loved. Telling her that
she would never be hurt in such a way again.

For a long time Kat let herself drift.
Cradled between Deep and Lock she closed her eyes and tried to let
go of the past. What Devon had done was painful and humiliating but
it was over. It was time to let it go.

Finally she felt strong enough to speak.
I’m sorry,
she whispered at last, through their link.
didn’t realize until now how much it upset me. I spent so many
years trying to forget.

Of course you did—anyone would try to
forget a memory so painful,
Lock assured her.

Well, maybe forgetting isn’t the
Sniffing, Kat wiped her eyes and sat up. “Maybe it’s
time I got over it.”

“And how do you propose to do that?” Deep
asked, as he and Lock sat up as well.

“By…by trying it again.” Kat took a deep
breath. “By letting the two of you make love to me there…that way.
The way you want to.”

“We don’t want to do anything that will hurt
you, my lady,” Lock protested, stroking her hair.

“Lock’s right. We’re perfectly happy to make
love to you in our regular way for the rest of our lives,” Deep

Kat lifted her chin. “But that won’t help us
find Lauren, will it?”

“Kat, look at me.” Deep tilted her chin so
that they were eye to eye. His coal black eyes were burning. “If we
do this,” he murmured, “It should be for you—not anyone else. We
can try and find Lauren if you want, but the main focus should be
on healing

Kat tried to laugh. “You mean

“In a manner of speaking.” Deep nodded.

possible, you know. Especially
when three people are as closely connected as we are,” Lock said,
kissing her shoulder. “We just need to take things very

“We need to show you that it can be
pleasurable to be penetrated here,” Deep murmured, his large hand
caressing her buttocks through the crimson robe. “That you can
enjoy it instead of fearing it.”

Kat bit her lip. “You…you really think that’s

Deep nodded and Lock said, “Yes, my lady.
Very possible.”

“But it has to be about you,” Deep said,
looking into her eyes again. “No one else, sweetheart. And you have
to be sure…
sure you want to do it.”

Kat’s heart was pounding a mile a minute but
she knew she wanted this. After all the years that had passed since
her experience with Devon, she wanted to finally get over the
pain—to exorcise the bad and hurtful memory. And, she had to admit,
she wanted to give her men something they’d been craving. To open
herself to them and let them in completely in a way she hadn’t

No more secrets,
she whispered to both
of them through their link.
No more lies. I want the three of us
to be one. I want to do this.

Lying through the mental link was next to
impossible and she could feel Deep and Lock registering her
They know I mean it, that I really want this,
No matter how much it scares me.

Yes, we know,
Deep assured her softly.
But there’s no need to be frightened, sweetheart. Just relax and
let Lock and I give you pleasure.

Though Kat was more than willing to try it,
she still didn’t see how she could get pleasure from being filled

Because we won’t be filling you—not to
start with,
Lock told her soothingly.

You’re not? Then what—?
Before she
could finish asking the question, the light twin answered it by
licking a long, slow trail from her ankle to her knee.

Take off your robe, little Kat,
murmured in her head.
Take off your robe and allow Lock to taste

You mean to taste me…there?
Kat looked
at them uncertainly.

Of course, my lady.
Lock smiled up at
her, his warm brown eyes filled with love and lust.
We need to
put you at your ease by giving you pleasure before we attempt
penetration. What better way than to tease open your sweet little
rosebud with my tongue?

I don’t know…
Kat crossed her legs

What’s wrong?
Deep asked, stroking her
You have no problem with allowing us to taste your pussy.
Why should this be any different?

Kat felt her cheeks getting hot.
it seems…I don’t know…

My lady, we just finished bathing,
Lock reminded her gently.
You are not dirty. You’re warm and
sweet and soft and I want very much to taste you.

Kat turned to look at him.
Even there?

Especially there,
Deep assured her.
And to make it easier, I’ll hold you while Lock goes down on
you. You know I won’t let you come to any harm, don’t you? I would
die first.

As would I,
Lock murmured, kissing her
knee gently.
Please, my lady. Open yourself for me. I want so
much to taste you.

The outpouring of love, lust, and tenderness
from the two of them was so strong it almost threatened to drown
her—but in a good way.
All right,
Kat whispered. Sitting up,
she shrugged out of the robe and threw it to the far side of the
As long as we take it slowly. And as long as we use our
energy to try and find Lauren.

Deep murmured and she felt
Lock’s acceptance as well.

All right then.
Kat took a deep breath
and looked at both of them.
Let’s get started.

Very well, let’s start with something
familiar. Come here and sit between my legs,

Kat did as he said, leaning back against him,
enjoying the warmth of his bare, muscular chest against her

Very good,
Deep instructed softly.
Now allow Lock to open your thighs.

It wasn’t easy, but Kat obeyed again. She
watched as Lock parted her thighs and spread them wide, baring the
mound of her sex, decorated with a neatly trimmed nest of auburn
curls. Despite her earlier fear, her pussy was already beginning to
feel wet and swollen with desire. This was one of her favorite
things to do—to lean back against Deep and hear him whisper hot,
dirty fantasies in her ear while Lock lapped her open cunt.

It was so incredibly arousing to be
surrounded by the two of them, to feel their love and lust for her
rising as they pleasured her. Unlike many human males, the Kindred
reveled in going down. In fact, Deep and Lock had both told her
that spreading her open and tasting her pussy was one of their
favorite sexual acts. Kat enjoyed tasting them as well, but they
didn’t often let her because they preferred to be the pleasure

Start with her pussy, Brother,
instructed his twin.
Lick our little Kat long and slow. Tease
her clit and put your tongue deep in her sweet little

With pleasure.
Looking up to meet her
eyes, Lock spread her swollen pussy lips wide to reveal her
slippery pink folds. Then, starting at the bottom of her slit, he
dragged his tongue upwards as though Kat was his favorite flavor of

Kat’s breath caught in her throat as he
bathed her clit with his hot tongue and then swirled the tip of it
around the little bud, tracing magical patterns over her wet flesh.
God, would she ever get used to this? Ever get used to lying in one
brother’s arms while the other went down on her? It still seemed
kinky and a little bit forbidden. But what Deep and Lock
to do to her was much more forbidden than this.

As if reading her thoughts, Lock nuzzled
downward and began licking the narrow, sensitive margin of skin
between the bottom of her slit and her rosebud.

Kat gasped at the sudden sensation. And yes,
though it felt strange to be licked there, it didn’t hurt or feel
wrong exactly. In fact, it was beginning to feel very good,
especially since Deep had reached around in front of her and was
tugging gently at her nipples.

That’s right, Brother,
he growled
softly through their link.
Now lick our little Kat lower. Trace
that sweet virgin rosebud with your tongue.

But I’m not a virgin there,
protested, turning her head to look up at him.

His black eyes burned into hers.
been hurt and taken against your will, little Kat. None of that
counts as making love. Until you’ve been penetrated and filled by a
male who truly loves you and cares about your comfort, you are
still a virgin in my eyes.

And mine,
Lock added, looking up.
Please my lady, I need to open you a little more in order to
taste you as I want to.

Kat wanted to protest again that it seemed
dirty or wrong but the words stuck in her throat as she watched
Lock spread her even wider and slide his tongue down the groove
between her buttocks and into forbidden territory.

“God!” she gasped aloud as the light twin
began a careful exploration of her rosebud with his tongue. He
lapped gently around the circumference and then, very gently,
pressed the tip of his tongue to her very center. Kat gasped again
at the tender penetration and Deep growled in approval, obviously
feeling the sudden rush of surprised lust that washed over her.

Kat couldn’t get over the fact that what Lock
was doing turned her on. It was hot and incredibly erotic to watch
the light twin on his knees before her, piercing her intimate back
entrance with his talented tongue. She had never in a million years
imagined she could enjoy such a thing but now she couldn’t get

Feels good, doesn’t it?
Deep asked
through their link.
Feels good to let Lock taste you there—to
put his tongue inside you.

Kat admitted, knowing there was
no point in trying to pretend otherwise.
I can hardly believe it
but yes, yes it does. It’s amazing.

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