Fortune's Formula (43 page)

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Authors: William Poundstone

Tags: #Business & Economics, #Investments & Securities, #General, #Stocks, #Games, #Gambling, #History, #United States, #20th Century

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Exponentially growing endowment for UC Irvine: Thorp, e-mail.

“something available in the Eastern Hemisphere”: Thorp, interview.

Heretic born every minute: Samuelson, personal letter, June 28, 2004.

A story with everything except an ending: Thomas Cover, e-mail.

10 percent of M.B.A. programs, “shameful”: Hakansson, interview.

“The Kelly criterion is integral”: Legg Mason Value Trust 2003 annual report, 5.

“should handily beat the published investment policies”: Quaife 1993.

“When something keeps turning up like that”: Cover, interview.

“there’s a dark side to infinity”: Cover, interview.

“life, and everything in it”: Wilmott 2001, 146n.

“people, not only at roulette”: Dostoyevsky 1966.

“You’ve heard of Kuhn’s paradigm shift?”: Wilcox, interview.


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