Forsaken (17 page)

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Authors: Sophia Sharp

BOOK: Forsaken
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Suddenly the tunnel opened up into a small cavern. The rock above her head became much farther away, making the enclave feel spacious. They walked right into the middle of it, and Nora waved her torch around. To her amazement, she saw two other ancient torches, still intact, bolted against the walls. She lit them, providing enough light to illuminate the whole space.

She turned eagerly toward the sound of dripping water. A small stream, barely the width of her forearm, flowed across the floor. She jumped to it, dropping to her knees to drink the sweet liquid.

“Wait!” Hunter hissed at her, but she swallowed it greedily. She hadn’t had anything to drink since entering these tunnels, and she was parched. Hunter’s hands gripped her shoulders, before she could satisfy her dire thirst, and pulled her away.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“You don’t know if it’s safe to drink,” he said sternly. Nora realized he was right. “Let me try it, first.” She nodded.

He dabbed a finger in the stream and brought it up to his mouth. After a few seconds, he nodded at her. “It’s fine.”

With only a little more composure, Nora dove back down to gulp the water. When she was done, she looked over at Hunter, who had taken a seat beside her.

“It’s getting late,” he said, “and we’ve had a long day. I think we should spend the night.”

“What, here?”

“Why not? Better than sleeping in one of those cramped tunnels.” Nora could see the logic there and realized that she
getting tired.

She agreed, and they set up camp in the enclave. Which consisted of little more than arranging some of the rocks in the ground to make room for a spot to lie down. The earth was cold and damp. Nora shivered.

“Here.” Hunter removed his shirt and handed it to her. “It might keep you warm.”

Nora huddled into it and watched Hunter as he sat back. He had a perfectly shaped chest and chiseled abs, and the muscles in his arms were lean and hard. There were three wide scars, almost like claw marks, stretched across his torso. They looked old and faded.

“How did you get those?” Nora asked.

“An accumulation over the years,” he replied simply, looking down at himself. “Memories of another time. They never healed quite fully.”

“Did it hurt?”

“I’ll tell you another time. You better get to sleep for now.”

Nora wondered what could be strong enough to harm him like that. She wanted to ask more, but could tell he didn’t want to say anything on the subject. Her heart went out to him. She wished she were there when it happened so she could nurse him back to health and tell him everything would be alright.

He sat back, staring into the distance. As she studied him, a thought occurred to her. “You know, I haven’t seen you sleep yet.
you sleep?”

“Normally,” he disclosed, “after a regular feeding, the urge to sleep goes away. You stay up for maybe a day or two, sometimes more. It feels a bit like you’re stimmed out, but…more serene. It’s hard to explain unless you experience it.”

“But it’s been longer than that.” Nora yawned unintentionally.

“I know. Ever since I tasted Vassiz blood… I’ve felt different. Not even stimmed out, just…calm. Haven’t felt the need to sleep, yet. I feel like I’ve woken up from a very long nap.”

“Oh.” Nora yawned again. The day had gotten to her.

She turned to her side and quickly fell into a deep sleep.


“Wake up,” Hunter whispered, shaking her awake.

Nora looked up. The light from all but one torch had been extinguished, creating a cover of darkness. Hunter knelt beside her. He looked alert. “What’s wrong?”

“I feel…a presence.”

Nora sat up groggily. “What do you mean, a—”

Something flew at her. A large shadow. She screamed, but before the sound was out of her throat, Hunter pounced in the way. Next thing she knew, Hunter was on the floor, tussling with someone else. A man. Unclothed except for a ragged loincloth. He looked ancient, but he was strong. He had Hunter under him and clawed at his face, but Hunter threw him off just in time. Before the man had a chance to recover, Hunter was on him, pinning his arms and legs to the ground. They struggled for a bit, but Hunter had him caught.

“Who are you?” Hunter demanded.

“I should ask the same of you,” a raspy voice answered. The man did not fight Hunter’s grip anymore. “Enough of this struggle. I see you’ve brought a treat.” His eyes focused unnervingly on Nora.

Her eyes widened.

If it was possible, Hunter strengthened his grip. “She is
a treat,” he said harshly.

“What?” The man seemed genuinely shocked. “You…protect this human?”


He sneered in response. “So be it. Let go of me, I won’t harm her.” Hunter didn’t move. “Do you take me for a liar? I live and die by my word. If she is yours, I will not touch her.” After a moment’s pause, Hunter relented. Slightly.

“Who are you?” Hunter asked again.

“I will answer your questions, friend, if you first answer mine. What brings you here, to disturb me in my place of peace?”

Hunter paused and then spoke. “I am Hunter, and my companion is Nora. We came to these dungeons seeking respite, but now search for a way out.”

“A way out? My child, you have been going the wrong way if you are searching for a way out.”

“What do you mean?” Hunter asked slowly.

“The way out lies at the black and white towers. For those who enter, it is the only way.”

“The towers outside this place…” Hunter rounded on the man. “You lie. There is fresh air along the paths the way we are going.”

The man laughed bitterly. “You don’t know where you are, do you? Of course not. You are too young.” Then his tone shifted considerably. “Get off me. I mean what I say, I will not harm her.” Cautiously, Hunter backed off and placed himself between the ancient Vassiz and Nora.

The man rose to his feet and regarded Hunter openly. He did not spare another look for Nora. “What I say is the truth. You will find no entrance to this place other than that by which you came. And you are not deceived – it is, in fact, fresh air you smell along the paths. But it comes from a gap in the ceiling high above. You will find no exit there.”

“The way back is blocked,” Hunter said defiantly.

“Oh? Then you are doomed to roam these tunnels for eternity.”

“Who are you?” Hunter asked again.

“Ah. Yes. You may call me Rafael.” He nodded to himself. “It has been a long time since I have heard anyone use that name. You are welcome to use it, brother. I have not seen another of our kind for some time.”

“How long have you been down here?” Hunter asked. Nora thought it might have been centuries upon centuries.

Rafael spread his hands grandly. “I am a recluse and have been so my whole life. But in this place? Perhaps since I was as old as you.”

Nora gawked. She didn’t know it was possible for the Vassiz to age, but this Rafael looked absolutely
. And if he claimed to have been there since he was Hunter’s age, and Hunter had been alive for over four hundred years…her head spun. The length of time was unfathomable.

“I see you, little human.” Rafael moved his head to look around Hunter at Nora. “You are the one who has been in my dreams.”

Rafael took a step forward, and Hunter snarled. “Stay back,” he warned.

Rafael spread his arms again. “You intrude on my space, demand answers to questions you should not ask, and now you threaten me again? I have told you, I am of no danger to your human. But I know of others who may be.”

“Who?” Nora blurted out.

“Ah, so the child speaks.” Rafael chuckled. He addressed Hunter again. “I suspected it was you when I first saw you outside examining the towers. But hearing her voice confirms it.” Nora frowned. She didn’t like being ignored.

“You saw us outside?” Hunter sounded stupefied. “I would have felt your presence had you been there.”

Rafael smiled. “You have things to learn, still, little brother. Not everything is quite as it appears.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what I say, quite simply. Had I so desired, I could have snatched the girl from you before you had a chance to blink. That is what those who call themselves the elders would have wanted, anyway.”

“As for your question,
—” he emphasized her name as if believing it to be false “—those of danger to you are the ones who chase you. But you already know this. What you may not know is the scope of the threat. Our elders have placed a high reward on your capture. And yours too,” he addressed Hunter, “kin-slayer.”

“What did you call me?”

Rafael shrugged. “Do you not have the blood of Vassiz on your hands? Or, perhaps more accurately, the blood of a Vassiz running through your veins? We are all a family, bound by a bond deeper than that of siblings. You have already killed two, have you not?”

“If you know all this,” Hunter said harshly, “why have you not acted? What I have done is an abomination of our creed. No Vassiz alive would look upon me without plotting my death.”

“None you know of, perhaps,” Rafael replied, “but I doubt you knew of me before today.” He took another step forward, and this time Hunter didn’t protest. “Ah. I am free to walk in my own home? Yes.” He started pacing in a circle around both Hunter and Nora. “The Vassiz have not killed one another for hundreds of years, Hunter. Not since the rise of the elders has there been bloodshed amongst our kind. You change this, I know it. I believe your friend Nora knows it too. But why has this happened? Why have you broken the peace?

“Is it for the girl? As much as I would believe in happy endings, that is much too simple an explanation for what has happened. And what has happened to you in the past week alone might rattle our kind right to the essence of our core. But… I am an impartial observer. The politics of the elder councils do not intrigue me. I much prefer my quiet. Perhaps that answers your question. I do not look to get involved in the happenings of the upper world. Killing you, abducting your friend…it would draw too much attention to myself. That is why I pose no threat to you.”

“How can I trust you?” Hunter asked.

Rafael laughed again. “Oh, but you already do. From the moment you released your grip, you have ceded your trust in me.” Before Hunter could even react, Rafael was at Nora’s side, holding a fistful of her hair and tracing a fingernail along her neck. Before Nora could form a scream, Hunter roared and charged at him. Rafael moved impossibly fast, releasing Nora and coming to the spot where Hunter was before. He laughed.

“You see? You do not know a tenth of the power your body possesses. I have lived long years and have learned many secrets. But I am of my word, I did her no harm.”

Hunter looked down at Nora with worry plain on his face. She met his eyes and nodded. “He didn’t hurt me.” She shivered as she remembered his touch, though.

“You will not do that again,” Hunter growled.

Rafael laughed again. “Or what? You’ll catch me with your quick foot speed? Hah! You move so slow it’s like you’re running in quicksand.” He was taunting Hunter—taunting them both. “You have no choice but to trust me. You are in my domain.”

Hunter looked at Nora and sighed dejectedly. “What he says is true. I do not like to admit it, but…he is faster than me.”

“Boy, I am not only faster, but stronger, and more intelligent, too. I have seen more in my years in this cave than you have your whole life. But hear this, if you and your girl behave yourselves, I may be willing to help you.”

“Help us?” Nora spoke this time. “Help us how?”

“…You let her speak freely,” Rafael said to himself. “It is not like the old days…” Then he turned his attention back to them. “If you listen well, heed what I say, you may yet get out of this cavern alive. But you have to put absolute faith in me.”

“Why would we do that?” Hunter spat. “You have done nothing but taunt us with your riddles and mixed words. What benefit is it to you if we survive or not?”

“Son, you have much to learn yet. Seek the truth behind my words, and you will understand everything. What I say…it is of no consequence.” He waved a hand dismissively. “But what I mean –
is important.”

“And what do you mean, Rafael? Why seek us out and engage in conversation if you could have skewered us like pigs?”

“Perhaps I grow lonely,” Rafael said, “or, more likely, perhaps I do not appreciate my dreams being interrupted by these so-called
.” He scoffed. “They are generations younger than me.”

This time, it was Hunter’s turn to gawk. “They are
than you? But the elders are supposed to be the oldest of all the Vassiz. That is how they ascend to the council.”

Rafael laughed again. “Do not be foolish, boy. Your pride blinds you to the truth. All your life, you have lived in fear of the elders, obeying their commands and abiding by their laws. Is this not true?” Hunter gritted his teeth, but nodded.

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