Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1) (22 page)

Read Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Virginia Wine

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1)
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“See anything you like, Bryer?”

“Lots.” I giggle.

Instead of drinking the water, I pour another glass of wine, intent on erasing what was uncovered earlier. We sit together and I watch as Nathan reads. The wine goes straight to my head, and I should know better.

As he reads, I play with his soft waves. “That’s not distracting at all.” But his eyes never leave the page. “You have to wait until I’m finished if you want to play.”

“Okay. I’ll be good.” I pout. “Shhhh…Good girls are bad girls that never get caught.”

That got his attention. “Maybe I’d like a bad girl?” He teases back. Once he’s engrossed in the paperwork again, I feel a desperate need to find out.

I kneel on the couch and kiss his neck. The wine’s made me dizzy, or maybe it’s Nathan. I can’t be sure at the moment. After I run my tongue around his ear, he moans.

“You’ve been warned.”

I should just let him finish, since I was the one who asked him to help. But the desire stirring inside me is winning. So I slowly slide my hand into the top of his dress shirt, taking advantage of his open buttons. But I don’t get far.

The paperwork goes flying across the room, landing on the floor, and my wrist is imprisoned in his hand. “You want this, Bryer?” He slings me over his shoulder and I feel the alcohol flood my brain.

“I Lucking fove you.”

He flips me right side up. “What did you say?”

Oh hell. “Stop talking.” I kiss him hard.

He bends me over the dining room table, where we just ate. He breathes on my neck, and I’m intoxicated by his musky scent. My hands are tied together with our dinner napkins.

What the?

“Keep your hands above your head,” he growls at me.

I don’t comply. I’m lightheaded.

“Do it, baby. I won’t tell you again,” he commands.

So I raise my hands as my front is pressed tighter against the cool wood of this beautiful table.

He raises my skirt to my waist and I’m suddenly aware that I’m only wearing a thong.

“Jesus! You’re a little temptress. Could you be any sexier?”

A loud, hard slap lands across my ass.

“Oh God,” I yell out.

He gets to his knees and slides the scrap of material down my legs. “Lift. Spread your legs.” Then I feel his tongue on me. “Wider.” His finger spread me apart to achieve maximum access.

“Nathan,” spills from my mouth, while his tongue does magical things to me.

“Your sex god is going to fuck you hard, Bryer,” he growls, but I hear the smile in his voice. My breath catches with his sexy as fuck words.

I hear a zipper and feel his cock nudging at my entrance. “You’re so wet,” he groans.

“I want you inside me,” is all I get out before he slams his cock into me in one sharp move.

“Come on, baby. Let go.” His voice is hoarse. “Tell me you want it, tell me you want me to Fuck you.”

“Fuck me Nathan, harder.”

He doesn’t back off. Again and again he fills me with force. His speed is like rapid fire. “Your ass looks so good while my cock pounds your pussy.” His breathing amps up, and he reaches around to circle my clit fast and hard.

I’m so close. “Nathan, I feel you,” I gasp out, and he moans in pleasure. Using these words of connection throws him over the edge, and I join him seconds later. He falls on top of me, still connected.

“I feel you too Bryer. All of you, baby,” he whispers.




Nathan finishes reading my contract. It amuses me that he’s sitting across the room from me, but I suppose he needed to concentrate. He looks serious as I see him close the folder.

“Bryer, this is a golden opportunity for you. The contract only wants your commitment for two years, and it guarantees a generous salary, plus insurance. I see no reason why you shouldn’t sign it.”

“I felt it was a great offer, but I’m glad you looked over the fine print. I’ll give my official signed yes on Monday.”

“My next doctor’s appointment is Monday. Do you think you could join me? I made it at the end of the day. His last appointment.” He looks worried.

“Of course, I’ll be there.”

Chapter Twenty






Nathan wrapped around me in a tight hold. I’m warm, too warm, but his closeness is so sweet I can’t force myself to untangle us. He shifts, but since I’m facing the windows, I can’t see if he’s awake. So I turn over, knowing my movement will likely wake him up. Once I see that face, his eyes still closed, his hair wrecked, I smile.

“Are you watching me sleep?” he asks in a groggy voice, without opening his eyes.

“Yes. You’re perfect.”

He laughs. “I highly doubt that, Bryer, but if you want to think so, I won’t argue.”

“What do you want to do today?”

“My father called. He wants us to join him for dinner. I told him I’d ask you. God, I sound like a boyfriend.”

My stomach turns, but I keep my feelings in check. “Oh, that’s nice.”

“Are you all right? You look a little pale.” Concern is etched on Nathan’s face.

“I’m fine, but I sure could use some coffee, and, yes, I’d be happy to go with you tonight.” I force cheerfulness into my voice, but this has disaster written all over it.

After several cups of coffee, Nathan starts breakfast, although it’s lunch time, and I jump in the shower. I’m thankful for the trip by the dry cleaners yesterday because now I have a change of clothes. But no makeup. I may want to think ahead next time or keep a few things here. I wonder how he’ll feel about that. I towel dry my hair and the waves fall into place.

I put on a wrap dress, remain barefoot, and take a quick glance in the mirror.
Good enough
. Walking downstairs, I catch the smell of bacon. My shirtless man is cooking in the kitchen.

“Good God, what do we have here? This image should be documented.” I reach for my phone on the island and snap a picture.

Nathan turns. “Did you just take a picture of my ass?” He acts appalled, but laughs at the same time.

“Yes, I want all my women friends to eat their hearts out.” I giggle. “Plus when I’m alone, looking at your ass will comfort me.”

“Well, that’s a total fucking turn on. You alone, my picture in one hand, and your other hand is...” He stands with his legs crossed at his ankles, waiting.

“Nathan, you know you own my orgasms.”

“Perfect answer.” He lets out a laugh and grabs the phone, “Haven’t you ever heard of a selfie?” He extends his hand and snuggles next to me and clicks our picture.

“You would make a really good boyfriend.”

“I’ll have to remember that.” He leans down and swipes a sweet kiss over my lips. “Hungry?”

I stare at the only picture I have of us together. “Yes, thank you.” Then I look at the plate in front of me. “Omelets? So, you really do cook?”

“Only if you can survive on three dishes: eggs, chicken and my Mom’s special grilled cheese, which I have too often, it’s a splurge. “

“We can do a lot with that, but good thing your girlfriend can cook.”

“Ah, your sass is back.”

“I see you’ve mastered eggs 101.” As I take another bite, he grins. “What time is your father expecting us?”

“Seven.” He looks me over head to toe. “You’re a sight to behold, Bryer.”

“Thank you.” I pause. “My mother would have loved you,” I say, watching his fork stop midway to his mouth.

“I promise I won’t let her down.”

Jesus, I want more from this man than I ever thought possible. A future? A
real promise
of a future with him.




quickly for my liking, but we’re here.

“You’ve been quiet. Is everything all right?” Concern shows in Nathan’s eyes. He wraps his arm around me as we climb the steps to his father’s house and knock on the door.

“Is it that obvious?”


“Gee, thanks.” I cringe.

He focuses on me and his face grows serious. “It’s okay. He already loves you.”

He’s so reassuring, but it does nothing to settle my nerves.

The door opens.

“Son, Bryer, so good you could join me. Come in.” His father gestures for us to enter.

“Thank you for inviting us,” I say as Nathan shakes his father’s hand.

“Come in. Sit. Can I get you anything?”

“Water,” we say in unison, then look at each other and smile. Honestly, my stomach can’t take anything stronger.

“So, tell me, what’s new?”

“Ask Bryer. She has some news.”


“Oh yes. I’ve just been offered a promotion.”

“Well, congratulations, Bryer. That’s something to celebrate.” Nathan Sr. smiles at me.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Champagne anyone?” he asks.

“Sure,” Nathan says.

As his father opens the bottle, I question if drinking is such a good idea, but it may calm my nerves. After handing each of us a glass, we all clink our glasses together.

“To Bryer. May her new position bring her great success,” he says so eloquently.

But I can see right through him, it’s so obvious to me now. The glint in his eye isn’t kindness, not joy or even happiness. It’s evil.

The master manipulator.

Mary Ann walks in and announces dinner.

“Oh Mary Ann, thank you for dinner last night. Nathan shared your masterpiece,” I tell her.

She smiles. “My pleasure, dear.” Then she walks back to the kitchen

We sit and Mary Ann serves us. She has a sweet way about her. “Italian--one of my favorites,” I say.

“Mine too,” Nathan Sr. says with a smile. The food is delicious, once again.

“I may have to steal Mary Ann away from you, Father,” Nathan says.

“Try. I’ll outbid you, son.”

After dinner, we sip coffee.” Finding this normalcy uncomfortable.

“I need to look in the storage room for some old things of mine,” Nathan tells his father. “I assume the boxes are still in the same place?”

What the hell is he doing?

“Why do you ask?” His father sounds on edge.

“I’ve been experiencing nightmares, and I have several old journals I’d like to look at.”

I can feel tension in the room, but it doesn’t seem to register with Nathan.

“I had my first hypnosis session last week,” he continues. “Thanks to Bryer, I’m working through some things, from my past.”

His father drops his fork. “Excuse me? Why, son? Why would you want to dive into the past? We both know it holds only sad memories.” Nervously, he taps his finger on the table.

Controlling my rage, I watch his every move.

“I’ll just take a look. It shouldn’t take too long.”

His father remains silent, but I can tell his wheels are turning.

“I’m not sure what you’ll find. I think you’ll be wasting your time.” The tapping grows louder and louder.

Once Nathan is out of view, I can feel his father’s stare and wait for the questions to begin.

How should I handle this?

“Bryer, tell me,” Nathan Sr. says. “What happened when Nathan was hypnotized?”

Here we go. I’m already questioning what I’m about to do.?

“The truth came out, sir.” And I start to shake.

Our eyes meet and his entire world skids to a halt. There’s a sudden change in the room--a threatening, fearful one. I hide my trembling hands under the table, while sweat appears on my forehead, wiping it away would be too obvious.

I won’t let him get the best of me I’m not backing down.

“Nathan doesn’t remember anything, but I was there with the doctor, and I witnessed it all.”

“I don’t know what you think you know, young lady, but I’ll tell you this. If you stir up the past, it will only cause dangerous consequences for both of you.” he threatens. “I suggest you find a way to stop this immediately, or we will have a huge problem.”

“I will do no such thing.”

He becomes so angry he’s shaking. “You’re pouring gasoline on fire.”

“So it would seem. Don’t threaten me. I know I don’t have any skeletons in my closet. Can you say the same?”

Just as his father is about to respond, Nathan returns. “I found two of them.” He holds a couple of old journals.

“I hope that helps.” His father’s warning eyes meet mine.

Dessert arrives, but I don’t touch it.




time, I can’t wait for Monday to come. I want to get to the bottom of this, and if my suspicions are correct, we have a huge crisis on our hands. Everything is riding on Nathan’s appointment. Does he know what really happened that night? Does he want to know, how will he handle the truth?? I feel a storm brewing. All I can think about is one thing--Nathan. I see him everywhere. Feel him everywhere. I take a deep breath and push those thoughts away until this afternoon.

Instead, I focus on the responsibilities within my new job. While the job feels unimportant compared to the issues with Nathan, I need to focus. The first thing I do is schedule a meeting with the owner, Mr. Kingsley, through his secretary. I have the signed contract in my hand, and I also mention that due to a previous commitment I’ll be leaving at three. His secretary confirms he is free at ten, but she will call me prior.

I walk to my new office to find balloons, black balloons. “Funny, boys,” I yell to
new team. “I’m currently reassessing all of your contracts.”

They all climb out of the woodwork.

Jake holds his hands up in surrender. “I must say, new boss-lady, you’re a welcome change.” He slaps my back as if I were his bro.

We both laugh. I question if I have a conscience, because I don’t feel any sympathy for Mr. Morton. Not even a little bit.

I receive a call when Mr. Kingsley is ready to see me. After I gather my file, I head to his office.

“Just knock and enter,” his secretary says kindly.

When I do, he points to a chair while balancing the phone on his shoulder. I glance around the room at his family pictures, and it makes me happy knowing he’s married with kids while still being dedicated to his business. I wasn’t sure if that was possible. That’s why he isn’t always present. His priorities are in order.

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