Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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a table of women in the corner, Clayton. Go do your best” As I casually nod
over my shoulder.

don’t have a chance.” He brags.

him leave and stalk over to the table. Amused at his so-called smooth moves,
leaning on their table with just one elbow smiling, laughing. I also watch as
he successfully pulls one by her hand out to the dance floor.

Graham just arrives with, yet, a different girl. His shirt damp and his short
hair looking like it’s been in the hands of several women.

having fun, man?” I sarcastically say, watching the new woman eye him up so she
can make her claim known.

is a great place, Nathan. Thanks for the invite, man. You guys sure know how to
have a good time.”

doesn’t have a clue. “I’m glad you like it, but I’m not staying much longer.”
Knowing I have the hottest woman waiting at home is making this scene
unbearable. “In fact, tell Clayton I’ll see him tomorrow, you two have fun.
I’ll grab a cab.”

As I
walk out the brisk cool air bites my face. Yet, in the distance, the exhaust
from the sedan is clear. This is fucked up, I know this is the same car that
was behind us, now he’s here? Parked, car running? Tomorrow, security meeting.
As I memorize his plates.


~ ~ ~


I stand in the doorway
to our bedroom. I love the sound of that, our bedroom. God, I’m such a fucking
girl. I see her long blonde waves spread over both pillows. The only light is
coming from the hallway behind me, that’s all I’ll need. I undress quickly and
quietly. Contemplating all my choices.

I crawl ever so
gently between her legs, and I hit my target with my tongue. I spread her legs
even farther apart and see she’s already wet and ready.

“Oh God, Nathan, is
that you?” she asks in a half-in, half-out sleepy voice.

“It better be me,
considering what I’m doing.” I tease.

“Definitely don’t
stop, no matter who you are,” she commands.

I continue my wicked
assault on her wet core, and her moans increase along with my own.

“Oh God, right
there.” Once I hit her clit.

“Right here?” I stop.

“Don’t stop, God,
don’t’ stop.”

I’m amused, and the
devil in me wants to play. “God, huh? Are you referring to me or some higher
power, because it seems I’m doing all the work here.”

She laughs and sits
up on her elbows to glance down. “Are you a comedian?”

Seeing the sweetest
smile. “That’s not exactly what I was going for, no,” I answer.

“When I scream God,
let’s just assume I’m talking about what you’re doing. Are you planning on
leaving me like this?”

“No, ma’am.” My
tongue drives into warp speed, to answer her question. The more response she
gives me, the more I want to give. Her pleasure is my pleasure. I insert one
finger while still concentrating on her clit, and I feel her whole body tense.

“Yes. Oh God, Nathan,
I’m so close.”

But I stop, hearing a
moan of displeasure. “Not yet, baby.” As I climb up her body licking anything
in its path and pressing my body on top of hers, I kiss her passionately and
slide my hard cock into her wet pussy. “Jesus, Bryer, I’m fucking home.” Reaching
for her hand, I entwine our fingers and hold on. I quicken my tortuous thrust,
knowing she’s right on the edge. “Feel me, baby? Tell me what you want, I’ll
take you there.” I hear her gasp.


I climb into her with
all I am, fire burning in my veins. Hearing our bodies meet is the sexiest
sound ever.

“Oh, Nathan, I’m

I was wrong—that’s
the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Her legs wrap around my hips like a vise. I feel
her inner walls squeeze me, seeing fireworks. “Fuck, Bryer, I love you.” As I
spill into her with every last drop of love I have. My breath finally slowing
enough for speech, I’m still caged against her, then our eyes meet. “Miss me?”
I say, admiring the view.

“Always.” In a
relaxing sexy voice, that could stir me back to life.

“I don’t want to move
from here, being inside you is where I belong.”

She smiles. “Then

I kiss her gently,
making the moment last as long as possible. “You need your sleep.” I
begrudgingly climb off and pull her into me. Feeling a force field hover over
us like electricity.

Nothing can touch us

Chapter Two





I wake to an empty
bed, his pillow cold but the musk still lingers. Grabbing my robe, I head for
the aroma calling me. Once I meet the grand staircase, I notice the sunlight
spilling from the glass, causing prisms to climb the wall. The beautiful
waterfall texture of the floor-to-ceiling windows allow light in but offers
complete privacy. No surprise, this house doesn’t spare on details.

As I pass the island,
I notice my phone charging and the green light blinking. But I reach for the
cream and sugar first. Once I take my first sip, I contemplate turning it on.
It’s too early to deal with anyone or anything. Yet, I sit and stare at it
while I come alive from the burst of caffeine.

One more cup, and
I’ll turn the phone on. One missed call, the one I’ve agonized over these past
few weeks. A voicemail, the first. I take a calming breath as my finger hovers
over the voicemail key, one number away from hearing his voice.

Suddenly, I’m
catapulted to a place far from blissful memories. To that first day, I was so
innocent, the first time I looked into those hazel eyes dancing maliciously
with golden flecks. Oblivious to how dangerous he really was.


“And you are?” His
slow southern drawl spilling out like sex.

I look up from my
desk to the vision in front of me, suited to perfection, all but his loosened tie
and one button undone, leaning on the door frame with a small smirk on his face
as if reading my mind.

“Time’s up,” he
says, grinning.

Obviously noticing
my sensory overload.

“I’m Cash
Harrison.” He walks closer, and his hand reaches out.

I stand, to meet
his, in lieu of conversation.

“You’re new?” he

“Yes.” Knowing I
have to catch up with the one-sided conversation. “Bryer Reid”

“Well, Bryer Reid,
it looks like we are the only ones with no life willing to work late on a
Friday night.” His eyes scanning my body.

“I work late every
night.” I swallow and answer, feeling the potent force radiating off him.

“What a pity.” Not
willing to release my hand. “Join me for a drink?”

The warmth still
lingers, and the tingle shooting up my arm is causing me to sway. “We just met,
Mr. Harrison.” Releasing my hand from his. Animal magnetism oozing off him is
causing my body to be on high alert.

“Well, darlin’,
that’s how you get to know someone.” Leaning over my desk, putting both hands
flat on top of my scattered paperwork.

Now only inches
away, he has my complete attention as he zeroed in on his target. “Persistent,”
I say, hoping to deflect his powerful hold.

“That’s my aim.”

God, he’s smooth.
“I’m a legal assistant, and you are a…?”

“Junior partner,”
he interjects.

“You see,

“Is it?” Now
gently sitting on my desk, his arms crossed.


“Does this,” I
pause, circling my hand from him back to his self. “Work on other women?”

“Like a charm.”

His charisma was
maddening. “That’s a lot of ego floating around here.”

Chuckling. “By all
means, Bryer Reid, speak your mind.” He stands, and his hands go into his
pockets. “I’ll tell you what.” He pauses for effect.

Damn him, it’s

“I don’t usually
go right for pressure tactics, but I am quite influential here.” Immensely
pleased with himself.

I’m surprised I’m
not annoyed by this arrogance. He’s got player written all over him, yet I
reluctantly surrender and head out for that drink. Thinking he’s going to make
a great fucking lawyer.


Pressing the number
one on my phone, I watch my message comes to life. I take in a frantic breath
with anticipation physically paralyzing me.


“Bryer, pick up your
phone or call me back, I have to talk to you, it’s business.”

That’s it, one
sentence yet it has so much power. Panic rushes  through my body, he’s
lying. I delete the message. I won’t let him get close to me. I’ll be in over
my head, and I won’t allow him to taint my new life.


I make it to work
late, but no one seems to notice. And after a dozen emails and a meeting with
the design team, I notice a text. Nerves suddenly awaken, but just as fast are
put to rest when the warmth of Nathan’s name appears.


Call me.


I immediately

He answers on the first
ring. “You looked sweet in our bed this morning.” His sexy voice unhurried and

“I missed waking up
with you.” Sighing, unashamed of the truth.

“I must say it was
hard to leave your warm body.”

I can feel the
emotion through the phone. “Mhmm.” Apparently rendered speechless.

“Are you okay?”

Suddenly aware of the
internal struggle that still lingers from this morning. “I’m fine.” Code for
every woman that means no.

“You don’t seem

“I’m just tired from
last night.” Knowing this is a lie. When did I start lying  to Nathan?

“Need I remind you
that last night was worth losing sleep over?”

I can hear the smile
in his voice. “I may need some reminding.” Teasing back.

“Stellar idea.” He pauses.
“But we have to work around a meeting with our security advisor Stan tonight.

“And why is that?”
Nerves pricking, knowing why this meeting is scheduled.

“It’s pretty obvious,
isn’t it? Your ex is sniffing around, and I know he’s up to no good.”

I’ll have to tell him
tonight, about the call. He won’t be pleased. Anytime the word Cash is
involved, it’s bound to get messy. “Yes, I can see that. It’s time to turn the
tables,” I say.

“You can count on it,
see you at six?” he says.

“I’ll be there, love
you.” Smiling at the ease in which this flows from my lips.

“Me too, then I’ll
make good on the

Sex-God, as if I need


~ ~ ~


Listening to the old
grandfather clock chimes, I know it’s six o’clock, and Stan will be here soon.
I can’t say I’m opposed to the security, but the intrusion at work is where I
draw the line. At least I convince the team and Nathan he can only sit in the
car while he’s there.

Hearing voices, I
realize he’s arrived, and Nathan and Stan have already started their

“That can definitely
be arranged,” Stan answers.

I shake Stan’s hand.
“Stan.” As I welcome him into the kitchen where we all sit around the granite
island, I notice the cool surface on my palms that have started to sweat.

“There’s been an update,
Bryer.” Nathan starts. “Perhaps you’d like a drink?” He offers, or stalls.

“Not yet, but I’ll
keep that in mind.” My imagination piqued at this point.

“I was followed last
night,” he says.

“By who?” I ask.

“Thanks to Stan we
know it’s a private Investigator. Let Stan explain.”

“He’s local, and not
one of the best, in my opinion. We traced the money trail back to your
ex-boyfriend, Bryer, he’s paid him to find you. We’re quite certain he knows
where you work and where you live. The question I have for you is, what does he
want?” Stan looks at me for answers.


“It’s business.” And
both heads turn to me in confusion.

“Business? How do you
know?” Nathan asks with a hint of malice in his voice.

“He left a voice mail
last night,” I confess.

“Of course he did.
Let me hear it.” Nathan grabs my phone.

“Bryer, this could be
evidence of harassment. We don’t know what his motives are.” Stan chimes in.

“I deleted it.”
Knowing this will short circuit both men.

“Why? Why would you
do that? What did it say? I need some fucking answers, Bryer.” Nathan’s anger
is about to hit the roof.

“He said that he
wanted to talk to me, and it was business.” I could see Nathan balling his
fists to the point where they are turning white. “I didn’t reply, I don’t want
to speak to him, meet with him or feel this turmoil that he alone can cause.”

I didn’t know if the
tears that were bubbling at the surface were caused by anger or sadness that
Cash could still touch my life and turn it to chaos. I could feel the mood shift
when Nathan’s eyes meet mine, he knows the brave but turbulent front I was
hiding behind. And cocooned me within his arms.

“What’s our next
move, Stan?” Never once letting me go.

“We could go after
the P.I or straight to the source—either way there’s no guarantee they will
tell us what we want to know. Do you think he would harm you, Bryer?” Concern
obvious in his professional mask he constantly wears.

“No, not hurt me
physically. A dangerous game of manipulation, possibly. And I’ll make every
effort not to get tangled in his web.” I promise.

As Nathan lifts my
chin, our eyes meet. “What are you really afraid of, Bryer? Does he have the
power to tear us apart?”

Brutal honesty
hitting me full force. There it is, exposed to the light, my biggest fear. Cash’s
power over me, over what I have with Nathan. “He’s destroyed many things,
Nathan. He has a power where he can make you sell your soul to the devil.” The
silence between us is deafening.

“I’ll start with the
P.I.” Stan breaks the tension and silently leaves.

“I trust you, Bryer.
I trust us.”

Nathan’s forceful
confidence may reassure him, but not me.

BOOK: Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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