Forgiving Gia (Rocker Series Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Forgiving Gia (Rocker Series Book 2)
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She huffed. “I didn’t squirt, you pig. Umm, I don’t know what that was. I don’t squirt,” she tried to dismiss the subject.

“Whatever you say, Beauty.” I laughed loudly. She was adorable. She drew down her dress, fixing herself to the best of her ability. I wouldn’t dare tell her she wore the face of a properly mouth-fucked-woman. I’d opt for silence and shield her from prying eyes. Fuck knows they were everywhere. As for squirting, challenge accepted. I’d have to show her again how she does it so beautifully…


He refused to let me walk on my own two feet. Possession…pfft. He was fucking possessed. I was far from complaining, though. At times, I wanted to beat my own chest, shouting to the world that he was my Sir. We entered the private elevator for his suite that deposited us in his living room. I looked around in awe. I never noticed there was another elevator besides the one in the hallway.

“Money, darlin’…that’s what money buys you—convenience.” He kissed my lips sweetly.

I had never known the money he was speaking about. My family’s money came from my mother’s marriages. And when they timed out, it was all fucking gone. My job as a child was to be cute enough they’d stick around…my stepfathers. Then again, no amount of adorability could outweigh the fact that my mother conned them out of their savings. Of course, I’d get beat for that. It was always my fault they left. And that was the lesson I took into adulthood. No one sticks around…even when they say they’d never leave. They always do. I started to bite my nails. A nervous habit I never grew out of.

“What are you thinking about, Beauty?” he asked as we strode into the dressing room.

“Nothing.” I lied. I didn’t want to ruin another minute talking about my childhood or lack thereof.

“I am your truth.” He picked up my hand, placing it over his heart. “Do you feel this, Beauty? This beats for you…only you. I am the thrill that runs down your spine….the taste on your sweet lips that’s divine. When you’re thinking of sin, I want to be the one on your mind. I want to kiss and lick every inch of your skin. I want you to tremble at my slightest touch. I. Am. Your. Sir. And you’re my lovely Beauty.” He turned my hand over and kissed my palm. His eyes never left mine. There was no indecision. The decision was made long before we met in the fabric of our destinies. We were one. With all his flaws and caveman-ish behavior, I would never change one thing about that man. He was my titan warrior. And he made me feel emotionally invincible.

“You are my titan warrior.” I couldn’t help but smile like a fool. I was a fool for him. “I was just thinking of my childhood. As usual. I don’t know why.” I shrugged. God, I was fucked-up. Would there ever be a moment when my past wouldn’t affect my future?

“Look at me. I know you’re going to dismiss this and call me a fucking caveman. But this is what I know to be true. When you climax as hard as you did before, it emotionally stirs shit up. It happens to me. Yes, I’m relieved…elated even. But sometimes the darkness creeps into the fissures of your psyche. With you, I suspect it’s the feeling I will leave or reject you. Am I right?” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for my answer. Well, he hit the nail on the head with that one. Who knew? I really never thought about an explanation for feeling the way I did after being intimate with him. The truth will set you free…

“How did you get so smart? Amateur psychologist?” I poked his stomach playfully. Well, it was now or never. I just had to blurt my truth out all over him. “I have bi-polar disorder.” My eyes remained on his. I wanted to look away, but his gaze was so captivating. “Do you want to run? You can if you want to. Who would want to date a mental case, right?” I shrugged, making like I understood. I silently prayed.

“And I have inherent depression.” He smiled knowingly. “Do you think a chemical imbalance would cause me to walk away from you, Beauty?” he asked, moving us to a chair where he sat and pulled me into his lap to face him.

“I wasn’t sure. Who in their right mind would want to deal? Most people wouldn’t.” I could no longer look into his eyes. The swirl of his pupils was dizzying.

“I’m not most people, Gia. I am your Dom. Talk is cheap, Gia. Kneel before me and let me take all your troubles away, Beauty.” His tone was strained. But the flash in his eye was remarkable.

His phone started ringing. He guffawed, answering it on the second ring. It was Chance, letting him know the ex-FBI guy was at the hotel and already checked in. He wanted a meeting with us.

I moved to stand, but he gave me his finger, signaling to wait one minute.

“Where do you think you’re going? Let’s take a quick shower so I can remove that anal-plug and fit you with another. Later on, you can take me on your knees.” The smile that curved on his face was kind. But the menacing snicker let me know he was enjoying fucking with my ass. One big mental eye-roll.

He was true to his word. We took a quick shower. He removed the anal-plug and washed me thoroughly. I didn’t like the plug at all. But without it, I felt empty. I didn’t anticipate that feeling at all. Not that I’d tell him that. Fuck no.

He moved to the armoire, second drawer on the right, removing something that had a sparkly diamond on the end. Oh, God! A glammed-up anal-plug. I couldn’t help but smirk. His mischievous smile nearly brought me to my knees. In the middle of an impending security meeting, he found the time for his Dom lesson in anal assault and tolerance.

“Come,” he called, motioning me over to the foot of the bed. “Kneel on the edge of the bed and stick your ass out for me, Beauty. There was no play in his tone. My cheeks were on fire. Another lesson in humility. I sucked at humility.

I did as I was told, kneeling on the edge of the bed with my ass in the air. I waited for the formally unwelcomed intrusion. What I was surprised to feel was his wet tongue tracing the edges of my rim. He gave new meaning to rim-job. His talented tongue lapped away to loosen me up. Thankfully, his skilled fingers pumping in and out of me had me screaming my climax as he slowly shoved in my new, glammed-up plug.

My breath caught as I tugged on the comforter to ride out the tremors that racked my body. Holy fucking hell. I’d never get used to this—ever. Gently, his scalding tip traced an imaginary line up to the back of my neck. I fought a moan of protest when he stopped. His chuckle was a clear indication that his senses were in-tuned when it came to me. Cheeky fucker.

With a swat across my ass, hard enough to leave a print, he walked to his closet and got dressed. My body was blissfully aware I needed clothing. However, my limbs weren’t accommodating. I took my time…


“Abel and Gia, this is Renee. Renee this is Abel and Gia.” Chance introduced us to the ex-FBI dude.

Renee? Abel and I had the same thought. He smirked to hold in his laugh. Renee was not a name for a security dude.

“Hi, Renee.” I smiled, extending my hand to shake his. Abel ran interference, putting himself between Renee and me. Renee looked from me to Abel curiously. I shrugged.

“There’s no touching the broody alpha’s property. She—” Chance pointed at me, “—is his. There will be no touching purposefully or accidentally,” he quipped.

“Chance…” Abel reprimanded.

“Sorry, just making it super clear to thwart any problems.” He smiled innocently. He was anything but innocent. Chance poked the beast frequently.

Commando nodded respectfully. Maybe he got it? We moved to the dining area where Commando proceeded to lay out a map of the hotel and arena venue.

The room became a war-room. “We’ve got security…here, here, and here.” He pointed with a red laser pen.

Abel stalked over, taking it all in. However, he had to add his own insight while borrowing Commando’s laser pen to highlight his examples. Commando no longer directed any of the conversation my way. I took the opportunity to text Cindy. God, I missed her.

Chick, where you at?

She responded quickly.

Bar. You? Why the fuck am I even asking? You’re in the gilded cage, right? Lmao.

Ah Ha! Funny. How are things with Wood? I miss you :( Girl-time? We need to catch up.
We really did. She was in a full-on relationship with Woody. I was a shit friend for not asking how they were.

Anytime you call…I will come girlie. That’s if your man allows it.

I rolled my eyes. To an outsider, Abel came off a disturbingly possessive. He was and he wasn’t. It wasn’t a jealous thing. More of a protective thing.

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner with or without the boys. I’m not picky. Just as long as we’re together.
It was true. I didn’t care in what capacity I hung-out with Cindy. Just as long as we were together.

Any of the above, but let me talk to the Irish-drummer-boy. I’ll text you back <3

Will do. Xoxo

I placed my phone on the table and smiled to myself. The alpha’s eyes were aimed directly at me. Abel stretched his neck with a loud pop, stopping Commando in mid-conversation. He followed Abel’s line of vision to me. His face turned a shade or two of pink. He continued on with his plan to catch the three-eyed-cock-sucking-whore.

I winked at my Sir as I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. Using the lips he loved so much, I blew him a kiss and laughed. Oh, I was so poking the beast and loving it. However, I’d pay later for it. I thumbed through the magazine that sat on the second shelf of the coffee table.

magazine featured the band Lethal Abel. In the middle insert sat a poster of the band with my Sir front and center. Delighted, I ripped it out. Yeah, I was his sub. However, I was not above fan-girling. He was fucking hot and all mine.

The crackling of a walkie-talkie drew my attention. The three apostles were front and center. “Have you heard anything I’ve been saying, Gia?” His tone was sharp and hit me in the gut. Gia? He only used my name when he was serious or pissed. What did I miss?

“I was just reading this article about you.” I held up the magazine as proof. His hand scrubbed his face in frustration. “Sorry, what’d I miss?”

Chance half giggled. He was worse than a bad toddler. I shook my head at him, giving him the
what the fuck

“We all will be carrying these mini handheld radios. If we ever get separated—which we
—there’s a built-in GPS.” They all stared at me, awaiting my response.

My nerves were starting to kick in, which wasn’t good. I tended to laugh inappropriately when nervous.
Please don’t laugh. Please don’t
. One breath in. One long breath out.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. A reminder of just how serious the situation really was. “Very special ops. Where do I keep it? On my waist or in my bag?” I asked, straight-faced. It was a legitimate question.

“It’s small enough to fit in your new bag. Plus, you still have room for makeup.” Chance beamed. Abel and Commando shot him a look of male disgust.

I perked right up. “What new bag?” I didn’t have a new bag.

Chance strode across the living space to the far window where a bright red Cartier shopping bag sat on the floor. “Umm, only this new bag.” He held it up for us to see. I looked at them, shrugging apologetically. I wanted to join in on his festive mood. However, Sir’s dead-eye-stare bade me not to.

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