Forged in Stone (17 page)

Read Forged in Stone Online

Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Tags: #The Forged Chronicles, #Book 1

BOOK: Forged in Stone
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“Ainsley?” James called out my name while knocking on the door.

“Come in.”

His serious face turned into a smile as his eyes fell on me. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. We didn’t do too much because of my ankle, but Samantha took me to the healing spring, and my ankle is much better now.”

“The healing spring, huh?”


“Did you know Charlotte created it?” He sat down next to me on the bed.

“Yes, Samantha told me. You should go. It might help your ribs.”

“You up for a return journey then?”

“I think so. Like I said, my ankle is better, but you might get there faster without me.”

“The thing is.” He leaned in. “I have no interest in going anywhere without you.”

“You did today.” I’d enjoyed my time with Samantha, but I was definitely glad he was back.

“I did what I had to, but I am back for dinner. As promised.”

“Nice to know you are a man of your word.”

“I am.” His eyes were light, but there was a weariness to his face that worried me.

“What did you find out?”

“What do you mean?” He shifted his weight.

“You are hiding something. I can tell.”

“I discovered Emma and Stan are apparently searching for information too. We should have been made aware of that.”

“They were protecting Charlotte. Parents do stuff like that. They hide information to protect their kids.” Despite my recent annoyance at my mom, she was a great mother.

“I guess some parents might, but Charlotte is the Essence.”

“She is still their daughter.”

“If we want to make it to the spring before dinner, we need to go now.”

“But the spring isn’t far.”

“This one is.” His eyes twinkled.

“Wait, there’s another?”

“Not so much a healing spring, but it’s absolutely beautiful.”

“But your ribs… isn’t that why we are going?”

“My ribs will be fine.” He held out his hand in that formal way of his, and I accepted it. He eagerly led us out of the room.

We didn’t run into anyone on our way out, and James just nodded at the guards. I was slowly but surely getting used to the castle, and I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

He led me through the town square and past a row of beautiful stone houses. He turned past one and walked to a stable.

“We’re riding?”

“Yes, will that be a problem?”

“I probably should have kept the pants on.”

“Wait.” He dropped the reins of the horse and turned to me. “Did you change back into that dress for me?”

“Yes, and I even had to get help with the ties.”

He grinned wickedly. His grin would be the end of me. “I will be more than happy to help you unlace those later.”

My body warmed. “The horse. The springs. Remember?”

“I remember.” He led the horse out of the stables. Once outside he helped me on. “This will not take long.”


insley fit
perfectly in my arms. Whether in my bed or on my horse, she always fit, always fell right into the place she needed to. I had partially hoped my feelings would dull while I was away, but instead they had turned into the same ache they had after I had left her the first time. Only the ache was worse now. The more I touched her, the more I needed her. How was it possible? It could not be. The Source had picked a Guard from the lost world, but that had been set into motion years before he was needed so he could grow into the position. That could not apply to Ainsley. Besides, a Guard only found a kindred for a reason, and very few did. Kevin had one. Liam became the Gerard. What was the chance that I would have one too? I certainly had not asked for it.

Ainsley was quiet as we rode through the grassland. Either she was lost in thought or too tired to speak. Otherwise she was always talking. I was afraid of what thoughts she could be having, but I did not want to break the silence until I could see her eyes. I kept my countless questions to myself.

We heard the waterfall before we saw it. She sat up straighter. “What is that?”

“Running water.”

“Like a waterfall?” She asked excitedly. I had guessed right. This would impress her. I had a nonsensical need to impress her.

“Yes.” I jumped off and helped her down next to me. It was a lot easier now that her ankle was better.

“Beautiful.” She walked toward the protected pool of water that was at the bottom of the cascading water fall that flowed down the side of the mountain wall. “It makes me want to go swimming.”

“We are going swimming.” I left the horse. He knew better than to run, and I pulled off my shirt.

“Wait. What are you doing?” She stared at me.

“We cannot swim in our clothes, can we?” I glanced up at the sun that was starting to set.

She stepped away from me. “I’m not skinny dipping.”

“You can wear what you want, but you already let me see you.”

“But this is outside.”

“And no one comes up here.” I had selected the spot for more than the beauty.

“How do you know?”

“I live here. I swim here often.”

“With girls?”

“No. Alone.” The jealousy was absolutely adorable.

She touched my bandage. “Won’t the water ruin this?”

I laughed. “Now you are just making excuses. Join me.”

“I can’t get out of this dress even if I want to.”

“And I already assured you I would have no problem with those laces.” I moved behind her and slowly untied the laces.

“This is crazy.”

“Any crazier than being in Energo? Or what happened between us last night, and this morning?” I started to slip off the top of her dress.

She made no move to stop me, so I continued. I moved the long dress down her body until it pooled at her feet. She stepped out of it.

I turned her to look at me. “Do you want me to help you finish undressing?”

“I’m keeping these on.” She touched her bra. “If someone shows up, they aren’t catching me naked.”

“Hope you don’t mind if they find me naked.” I stepped out of my pants.

Her eyes widened, and she looked away. “You don’t wear underwear?”

“No. It is unnecessary.”

“I can’t do this.”

“Do what?” I touched her bare arm. The feel of her skin was heavenly.

“Be with you when you are naked.”

“What are you so afraid of?”

She turned to look at me again, but I could tell she was struggling to keep her eyes on my face. “This.” She gestured with her arm.

“You let me see your bare breasts, yet you are nervous to look at me exposed?”

“I am not nervous.”

“You sure?” I pressed.

“Positive.” She bit her lip, and she moved her eyes down.

“Oh my.”

“Oh my?” I smiled at her reaction.

“Don’t act surprised. You could have warned me you were like that.” She pointed while trying to avert her eyes again.

“I am with you. You should get used to causing that reaction.”

“That fast? I mean I haven’t touched you or anything.”

“You question my arousal when you stand there in such little clothing? It is taking all of my restraint not to…”

“Not to what?” she asked innocently.

“Do you want me to answer that question?”

“No.” She turned and started toward the water.

I stood behind her and pulled her back into my chest. My body pulsed at the contact.

She groaned. “So much for your talk about the first time having to be in your bed in your home.”

“Oh, it will be. This is only for a swim.”

“Then what about that.” She touched my leg.

I got brazen and moved her hand to what she was actually referring to. I groaned even though I knew it was coming.

She let go for a moment before replacing her hand in exactly the same place. “Do you like to torture yourself?”

“I am building tolerance. It will make tonight better.”

“Are you that confident that you’re getting some tonight?”

“I am confident that I will have you.” I turned her in my arms. She let go of me in the motion, but it was for the best anyway. “I would never in my life force you to do anything, but you have the same want I have. The same need.”

“You are torturing me now.”

“Let’s swim. The cold water may help.”

“You first.” She seemed conflicted.

“How about we jump together?” I gave her no chance to argue. Instead I jumped, and she came with me. We splashed into the cool water.

“This feels so good.” She ran her hands through her wet hair.

“I know.” I held her against me. The feel of her half-naked body against mine nearly undid me. I needed her.

“It’s like a desert here. Hot during the day and cold at night.”

“Around Bellgard yes. It is different elsewhere.”

“I like it here.” She rested her head on my chest.

“I like you here.” I ran my hands over her back. I focused on what I was doing rather than what I needed to wait for.

“I want to go under the waterfall.”

“Want company?” It was not really a question. I had no intention of letting go of her.

“I wouldn’t mind it.” She detangled herself from my arms enough to start walking to the waterfall, but she did not remain on her feet for long. I picked her up in one motion, cradling her in my arms.

She squealed playfully as I situated us right under the cascading water. She leaned up and kissed me. I kissed her back. Hard, needing to feel and taste her again. We kissed while the water continued to pour down on top of us, and it was as though we were being forged together. Forged by the water and the steep stone wall that protected us from the outside world.

I could have stood there forever, holding my other half. The girl I had been searching years for without knowing of her existence.

“Wow.” She broke the kiss, and I let her slide down the side of my body.

“Wow is right.” I led her back toward the shore. I was still in a daze, and hopeful that whatever magic had connected us in that moment would never fade away.

“If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.” She leaned into my welcoming arms as she shivered in the light breeze.

“I am glad you no longer view it as a nightmare.”

“Nightmares don’t involve a kiss like that.”

“No. They don’t.”


y heart was beating
a million miles a minute as we walked through the front door of his house. The sun had almost disappeared, and the temperature continued to drop.

“You doing all right?” He watched me carefully as he held open the door.

“Fine.” I wasn’t as nervous as I expected to be. Instead I was anxious to spend time alone with him. This felt different. It was his home, and he had already explained that held significance.

“You can come in, you know?” He spoke playfully.

“Oh, yeah.” I tentatively stepped inside.

He reached around me and closed and locked the door.

The front hall was dark, and I happily accepted the hand he offered. “I will get us some light in the other room.”

I waited as he lit a few sconces. “I don’t know how you guys manage without electricity.”

“I find it more peaceful this way. Less distractions.”

“I guess you don’t have to worry about someone ignoring you to mess around on their phone.”

“I take it you are speaking from experience.” There was nothing judgmental in his words, and he seemed to care about the answer.

“Yes. And I’m not innocent of it myself. It feels kind of good that I have no clue where my phone is. I think I left it at the castle.”

“I can assure you, no one is going to take it.”

“I wasn’t worried.”

“Are you hungry?” He ran his finger over my hand.

“Not really, but if you are…”

“Would you prefer a drink first?”

“You have alcohol here?”

“Of course we do.” He smiled. “You think my wine knowledge comes only from my Charleston visits?”


“I have some I want you to try.” He dropped my hand and walked into his simple kitchen. A wooden table, a large cabinet, and a fireplace filled up the entire room.

He pulled out a bottle from the closed cupboard in the cabinet. “A friend of mine makes this one. It is a very similar grape to the pinot noir.”

“Oh perfect.”

“Would you prefer to sit inside or out?”

“Outside because I know you like that better.”

He laughed. “That is not the point. I want you comfortable. May I suggest a compromise?”


“I’ll get glasses for the wine, and then I can show you.”

I looked around the dimly lit kitchen while James collected two glasses.

He led the way into an atrium open to the sky. He set the glasses and bottle down on a table and quickly lit two candles. A padded lounger was the only other piece of furniture in the room, and a thick blanket and a pillow lay on top of it.

“This is where you sleep most nights?” I already knew the answer to the question.

“It is inside, yet outside.”

“I bet it’s nice, although cold on a night like tonight.” I wrapped my arms over my chest.

“Remember, I don’t get cold the way you do.”

“This was a good choice for tonight.” I sat down on the edge of the lounger.

James sat down beside me and poured the wine. He handed me my glass before picking up his own and leaning back. With his free hand he guided me back to lean against him. I reached for the blanket, and he took it from me, carefully covering us up.

“You are good at setting a romantic mood.”

“Am I?” He rubbed my back gently. “I don’t have much practice.”

“Wine, candle light, a blanket. It’s pretty much perfect.”

“I am only sharing with you what I enjoy myself.”

“I guess we have a lot in common.”

“You sound surprised.” He set aside his wine before moving behind me. He began to massage my shoulders. I moaned. It felt so good.

“Now I like that response.”

“It feels so good.”

“Something else we both enjoy.”

“We come from different worlds. Is it normal we have a lot in common?”

“We are not defined by where we are from.” He continued his work on my shoulders.

“Should we be defined by where we are going?”

“I prefer to view people by what they hope to achieve, and who they hope to achieve it with.”

“Sounds reasonable.” I moaned again. I hadn’t realized how uptight I was.

“I could listen to you make those noises all night.”

“I could enjoy you doing that all night.”

“And I would, except there are other things I want to do with you.” He ran his lips over my neck.

“Could you put this down?” I held out my wine glass.

He took it and placed it on the table. “Where were we?” He ran his lips down my neck again.

“Right here.” I closed my eyes and focused on the feel of his warm lips on my skin. I relaxed back into him.

“May I make you more comfortable?”

“Yes.” I knew exactly what he was asking, so I wasn’t surprised when he started undoing the laces on the dress. “But if you really take that off, I expect you to keep me warm.”

“Do you want me to take it off?” He hesitated with his hands inside the back of the dress.


He laughed with his lips pressed against the back of my neck. “Desperately? Then I wouldn’t want to leave you waiting.” He slipped the sleeves off my arms, and the dress fell down to my waist.

“Take off your shirt too,” I ordered without turning around. “I want to feel my skin against yours.”

“Demanding are you?”

“I am desperate after all.”

He pushed me forward slightly, and when he settled me back against him, his chest was bare.

“May I remove this too?” He slipped his finger underneath the clasp of my bra.

I glanced up at the open roof.

“No one can see us if that is what concerns you. We are alone.”

“Then yes.”

As soon as the words left my lips, he unclasped the bra and slipped it off. He dropped it on top of his discarded shirt.

“I did promise to keep you warm.” He pulled the blanket up over my chest.

“One thing first.” I stood, letting the dress fall down completely.

His eyes widened, watching my every move.

I slipped back down against him and replaced the blanket.

“I never knew such beauty could exist.” He cupped my breasts from behind. “So perfectly sculpted.”

“My body is far from perfect.”

“Let me be the judge of that.” He released one of my breasts and let his hand slide down over my stomach. He stopped right at my panties.

“I can really be me with you.”

“Are you usually someone different?” he teased.

I turned in his arms and moved on to his lap so I was straddling him. The blanket fell off in the process, but I didn’t mind the cool breeze. Being so close to him warmed me.

He rested his hands on my hips. “I cannot decide where my hands fit best on you. They seem to like being everywhere.”

“I like being touched by you everywhere.”

“Yet there are still so many places left for me to touch.”

“You did say I would be yours tonight.”

“I did, and I meant that.” His eyes heated. “This is where I spend most nights, but I also have a bed inside if you prefer.”

“This spot is your real bed. I want it to be here.”

“I was hoping you would say that.” He leaned forward and took my breast in his mouth.

I closed my eyes and got lost in the sensation.

In a flash he had me down on my back, and he hovered over me. “I need to worship every inch of you. I do not deserve you, but I won’t let that stop me. I swear to give you pleasure above all else, but I need to know the full truth. This is not your first time?”

“No.” I sighed. “Not that any of the others are worth remembering.”

He seemed to like my answer. “I will make sure you quickly forget them.” He stood and slipped out of his pants. I was once again looking at his inhumanely beautiful body. I reached up to run my hand over the muscular planes of his chest. He slowly eased my panties down and looked at me like he was looking at a priceless piece of art. I had never felt so wanted in my entire life.

“I’m ready for you to make me forget.”

He sat down beside me and ran his hands up and down my body. “I need to memorize every inch. To learn every spot, and to be able to see them all when I close my eyes.”

“I should feel exposed right now, but I like it. And I cannot believe I admitted that out loud.”

“Why is that bad to admit? You are supposed to like me looking at you. I enjoy you looking at me. Your eyes feel like a caress.”

“So do yours.”

“My eyes wish to see nothing else but you. My hands wish to touch nothing else. You are all I want to see and feel. To experience.”

I felt tears welling in my eyes. There was such emotion in his words.

“I warned you that I would never let you go once I had you, but that was not the full truth. I already knew I could never let you go. I could not let you walk out the door right now, but I still swear I would never touch you without you wanting it.”

“I want it. I want all of you.”

He moved his hand lower, gently separating my legs.

I closed my eyes, ready for the pleasure I knew was coming.

I moaned as his fingers entered.

“Sweet, Ainsley,” he whispered with his lips right beside my ear. “My sweet Ainsley.”

I felt him shift beside me, but I could not keep track of his movements with the intensity of the pleasure he was making me feel. I kept my eyes firmly shut.

The pleasure ended for one short second, but before I could protest he thrust into me.

My eyes flew open, and I cried out in surprise and slight pain as he pushed inside of me. It had been months since I had been with anyone.

“Are you hurt?” He froze.

“No.” I reached up and wrapped my arms around to his back. “I need this. I need you.”

He started to move again, his movement careful and gentle at first before he started to speed up and push in further until the entire length of him was inside of me.

I moaned, overwhelmed by his size, and the feeling of completeness that engulfed me as he sped up.

“Ainsley,” he breathed my name, before kissing my neck.

I grabbed onto his neck and pulled him down on top of me. I wanted to feel his weight.

He relented for a moment before pulling up my legs to give himself even more access. I wrapped my legs around him, eager to feel all of him over and over.

My breathing picked up, and the pleasure intensified. He pushed me over the edge before he shuddered.

He relaxed on top of me, both of us sweaty. I looked up at the star filled sky. “Perfect.”

“I agree, you are perfect.” He kissed my neck again.

“Tonight is.”

He rolled off me, but pulled me tight against him. “Every night can be this perfect. It will be.”

“Every night?”

“Every night,” he repeated his words. “Every night should be as intense as this.”

“One day you will tire of it.”

“Never.” He leaned up on his elbow. “And I will not allow you to tire of me.”

“Give me a repeat of tonight every night, and I can assure you that will not be a problem.”

“What about a repeat of it right now?” He quirked an eyebrow.

“Yes, please.”

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