Forged in Steele (26 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Forged in Steele
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“Maren is pregnant and she’ll be having our child in about five months time.”

Never one to mince words, that much was certain.

Maren braced herself for the reaction. It was actually quite comical. No one was staring at her in the least. Every eye was on Steele, and the expressions were priceless. She wished she had a camera to record the reactions.

Then the silence was broken as everyone began talking at once. Beside them, Sam looked stupefied. It was obvious he wanted to say something to Steele, whether it was to congratulate him or something else, but his eyes were blank and his lips stayed parted as he stared at both Maren and Steele.

And then Steele’s team pushed to the front and surrounded her and Steele. P.J. was the first to hug Maren. The rest of the team fist-bumped with Steele and made several cracks about Daddy Steele and raising little kick-ass ninjas. P.J. offered sniper lessons while Baker and Renshaw argued over who best would teach the baby about explosives.

“Not trying to be rude, Baker, but um, I’m thinking you aren’t the best instructor for anything having to do with explosives,” Maren said dubiously.

The team cracked up and immediately started giving Baker shit about getting too close to the explosives.

“This is going to change things,” Cole said, drawing his words out. He’d said it in a quieter tone so it didn’t carry to the others, but his team heard and acknowledged it with grim nods of their heads.

“It does change things,” Steele said. “I’m not going to discuss it right here and now, though. I’d like to have you all out to the house tomorrow where we can talk without thirty other people present.”

They all acknowledged his declaration with a nod and then moved back so the others could swarm in with their well-wishes.

Maren hadn’t yet met the two newest members of KGI, and she was delighted that P.J. was no longer the only female member of the organization.

Skylar was more bubbly and outgoing than P.J., and she had an infectious smile that immediately put people at ease. Edge was her polar opposite. Big—like
big—and stony looking. Quiet and definitely reserved. He wasn’t bad looking at all. If you went for the strong, silent type, then this guy would be right up your alley.

He was dark. Dark eyes, dark hair, dark expression. Very somber. While Skylar was a lot lighter. Blond-haired, blue-eyed with paler skin that looked only barely kissed by the sun. And she had a lot of blond hair. It looked to be naturally curly but not too kinky. It fell in soft waves and layers over her shoulders and down her back.

The two introduced themselves and informed Maren that they’d heard a lot about her. She was immediately at ease with Skylar but wasn’t sure about Edge until he very gently took her hand and then leaned in to kiss one cheek and then the other in greeting. For some reason, the gesture moved her and emotion knotted her throat.

Rio and Grace were the last to offer their congratulations and hugs, and by the time they made it to where Maren and Steele stood, she was sagging from standing so long and smiling and talking to people.

“Thanks again for facilitating my return to civilization, Rio,” Maren said after he and Grace had given her hugs.

Rio smiled, his arm looped around Grace’s waist. “You’re welcome, Doc. Anytime. You’ve saved our asses enough times.”

“Maren, you haven’t met Elizabeth yet.” Grace turned and motioned to the girl who was now sitting next to Rusty, staring down and smiling at one of the babies. “Elizabeth, I want you to meet Dr. Scofield, honey. Come see.”

“I’ve heard so much about her,” Maren said softly. “I hope she’s doing okay now.”

Rio’s gaze followed his adopted daughter all the way over, and Maren could see the fierce protective light in his eyes as well as the warmth and love for both his daughter and his wife.

Soon this would all be hers too. She’d watched Sam and Sophie with Charlotte. Now Ethan and Rachel with the babies. And finally Rio and Grace with Elizabeth. It was beautiful to see the love that shone like a beacon in their every look and touch. She craved the same.

Her hand went to her belly and then Steele’s hand crept over hers, giving it a little squeeze as if to tell her he understood the direction of her thoughts.

“She’s doing wonderfully,” Grace said, a note of pride in her voice. “She’s had some bad days, don’t get me wrong. But Rio and I love her and she loves us. Honey, this is Dr. Scofield, a very good friend of ours.”

Elizabeth smiled shyly at Maren and extended her hand. Maren took it, smiling back at the girl.

“I’m very happy to meet you, Elizabeth.”

“Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you too.”

“Congratulations, man,” Rio said in a sincere voice. “Maren is a terrific woman. You’re lucky to have her.”

Maren’s face immediately flamed at the assumption Rio had made. He acted as though Maren and Steele were a slam-dunk. A thing. An item. Practically

She sneaked a peek up at Steele to gauge his reaction, but all he did was tighten his grasp around her waist, anchoring her more firmly underneath his shoulder, and then he said, “I am very lucky. I was afraid I’d never get her back. You can be certain I’m not letting her out of my sight again.”

She had no doubt he did it for her. He didn’t at all look comfortable with saying what he’d said. But he also sounded sincere. Uncomfortable but sincere. Her heart melted a little more over the idea that he gave her what he thought she needed when he’d rather cut out his tongue than talk about anything remotely personal in front of others.

Sophie leaned in, putting her hand on Maren’s arm. “We women are going to steal Maren for a bit, Steele. I’ll have her back before we eat.”

Steele reluctantly lowered his arm, freeing her from his hold. He let his hand slide down her arm until it got to her hand. He caught it and squeezed a moment before letting her completely loose.

She sent him a smile she hoped contained all the love that she’d witnessed in
gaze earlier. And judging by the way he looked at her now, she must have been successful.



between you and Maren?” Sam asked bluntly.

Steele turned toward Sam’s voice, his brows furrowed at the forcefulness of Sam’s question. Then he gazed around to see if others were close enough to hear. He and Sam were off the deck, down the steps and on the lesser patio that was between the dock and the main deck, where the others were still eating and talking.

“I think it’s obvious what’s between us,” Steele said in a dry voice.

Sam pursed his lips and glanced up to where Maren was surrounded by the Kelly women, laughing and having a good time.

“Maren is a very good friend of mine. I cherish her friendship a lot. She’s one of the dearest friends I have. It goes way beyond a professional relationship. She’s like a sister to me without all the pesky qualities of a real sister.”

The corner of Steele’s mouth quirked up. “You warning me off your ‘sister’?”

Sam shook his head. “No, but I don’t want her hurt either. She’s a good woman, Steele. The best. She’s helped a lot of people.”

“What exactly is it you think I’m going to do to her?” Steele asked in exasperation.

He didn’t want to be having this conversation. Period. Maren was his business. His relationship with Maren was his business. Their child was definitely his business. And none of those were anyone else’s concern but his. He didn’t give a damn what Sam considered her. She was his. Whatever Sam had felt like doing for her in the past, he could just drop it now, because Steele was taking over.

“Look, you’re a hard-ass. Everyone knows that. You know what the others call you. While I don’t agree that you’re some emotionless machine, you’re a nightmare to most women because you’re so tight-lipped all the time and women like men to talk to them.”

Steele nearly laughed at the visible shudder that rolled over Sam’s shoulders.

“Maren is . . . special. I just hope you realize what you’ve got, Steele. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, make sure you do before it’s too late. Take it from someone who damn near waited too long.”

Steele glanced up the walkway to see Garrett and Donovan approaching. He hadn’t planned to get into this with them today, but the opportunity had presented itself and it would save him a trip back over.

As soon as Garrett and Donovan got close enough, Steele took a step back so they could take part in the conversation.

“I’m off the books for a while,” Steele said.

Sam didn’t react. He didn’t seem surprised. “Okay. How long are we talking about here?”

There was caution in his tone, and maybe he worried that Steele would go completely off his rails and walk away now that he had Maren and a child on the way.

“I can’t answer that,” Steele said honestly. “My first priority has to be Maren’s and my child’s safety.”

Garrett nodded. “I get that.”

Donovan nodded too.

“Not fair to my team to take the downtime with me,” Steele said. “They need the action. The longer we’re down, the rustier and more complacent we get. Plus they don’t get paid when we’re not in action.”

Sam lifted an eyebrow in surprise. “You telling us to take your team? That’s not something I ever expected from you.”

Steele ran a hand through his hair. “Look. For a long time my team has been my life. KGI has been my life. They’ve gotten a hundred and ten percent of my loyalty. Maren gets that from me now. She deserves it. Our child deserves it. Not saying I won’t be back. But we have a lot to work out. And that’s why I want to talk to you all. First, I need to be out of action for a while. I don’t trust Caldwell not to make a grab for her.”

“I hear you,” Garrett muttered.

“Second thing is, we have a hell of a lot to figure out. Maren had a practice in Costa Rica. No way in hell I want her going back there or anywhere for a long damn time. But that’s not fair to her. I can’t make that decision for her, no matter how much I’d like to.”

“Smart man,” Sam said, amusement sparking in his eyes.

“I’d like to get her something here so she can stay with me and I can keep an eye on her and our child. KGI could use a doctor, no doubt. But she could also open a practice in this area, at least until our child is old enough for it to be a consideration to go back into the field if that’s what will make Maren happy.”

Donovan cupped his chin and rubbed thoughtfully. “It’s not a bad idea. Doc Campbell has been making noises about retiring. I think he would have done it already if he had a replacement lined up. Maren is a hands-on doctor and Doc Campbell still makes house calls, which is unheard of in this day and age. He’d want someone like him because it worries him what his patients will do when he retires. He’d like Maren a lot and she’d be perfect to replace him.”

Excitement simmered in Steele’s mind. He didn’t want to seem too eager, but he’d do damn near anything to make Maren happy here. With him. Not thousands of miles away.

He never wanted to hold her back, but he was scared shitless over the idea of her being someplace like where she’d been, alone and defenseless. Their child just as vulnerable. Not that she’d be alone. Because if she did insist on going off, he’d damn well pack up and go with her. But it wasn’t his first choice. Not yet.

There’d be plenty of time down the road for them to go wherever the hell she wanted. He didn’t have roots in any one place. He’d made Tennessee his home out of necessity, not because he had ties here.

“It’s worth it to see if she’d think about it,” Steele said. “I’ll bring it up when I get a chance.”

Then he glanced at Sam. “You okay with me taking leave? I can’t even tell you how long. Definitely until the baby is born. Maybe longer if Caldwell is still a threat. If you can’t hold my job that long, I understand.”

Sam held up his hand, his brows drawn together and his lips flat with annoyance. “Your job will be here when you get back. For now, Donovan can take over your team. He’s worked with them more than Garrett or I, so he’d be the logical choice to assume the team leadership role. Van? You got a problem with that?”

“Guess not, since you just volunteered me,” Donovan said dryly.

“They won’t like it,” Garrett interjected. “They aren’t used to following anyone’s orders except yours.”

“They’ll understand,” Steele said. “They’ll do it for me.”

Sam nodded. “You going to tell them?”

“Tomorrow. I invited them to my place. After that, they’re yours, Van.”

“Okay. I’ll give them a shout-out and do a meet-up here at the compound in a few days. They need the time off for now.”

“Yeah, they do,” Steele said. “We all do.”

“The baby,” Sam began. Then he broke off and said, “I shouldn’t ask. It’s none of my business. I just . . .”

“It’s mine,” Steele said in a low voice, correctly guessing where Sam was going with his question.

Garrett and Donovan both looked relieved.

“We thought maybe you stepped up to save Maren from going through everyone knowing Caldwell abused her and got her pregnant,” Donovan said.

“The baby is mine. She was pregnant before Caldwell kidnapped her.”

Sam wasn’t able to hide his surprise at that revelation, but Garrett and Donovan didn’t react.

“Congratulations then,” Sam finally said, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. “I guess we’ll get to give you shit for the next while. I figured you’d be the last to fall of any of us. And here Van is going to outlast us all.”

“Footloose and fancy free,” Donovan said smugly. “The rest of you are pussy whipped.”

“And proud of it,” Garrett cut in before Donovan could continue.

“Besides, you all got all the good ones,” Donovan said with a dramatic sigh.

“This is true,” Sam agreed.

“Although if Maren is the highly intelligent woman I know her to be, she’d do a lot better with me,” Donovan said. “We have a lot in common. We could play doctor together.”

“Only if you want your balls removed without the benefit of anesthesia,” Steele growled.

Sam and Garrett burst into laughter.

“Man, when he falls, he falls hard,” Sam said shaking his head. “I thought Rio was bad, but Steele makes him look like a guppy swimming around in the ocean.”

“Can we dispense with discussing my personal life and get back to the pertinent matter here? Such as my leave of absence and my team being headed by nerd boy now?”

Donovan snorted. “At least they’ll finally be handled with intelligence. Maybe by the time you decide to come back, they’ll have decided they like me better. I won’t get them shot as many times as you do.”

Steele scowled while Garrett and Sam laughed this time.

“In light of what we know now, I’m thinking he got them shot on purpose so he’d have an excuse to visit Maren,” Garrett said in a sly voice.

“Fuck you,” Steele muttered.

He glanced back up the walkway to see Maren standing against the wooden rail of the deck, her side turned in his direction so she could look over occasionally. As soon as he looked her way, it was as if she sensed his gaze and she turned, smiling when she saw him watching her.

“If we’re done here,” Steele murmured.

The others traced the direction of his stare and then chuckled.

“Yeah, we’re done,” Sam said. “Not like we’d have your attention any longer anyway.”

Steele made his way up the steps, ignoring everyone else. His focus was on Maren and in getting back to her. It seemed like they’d been apart for hours when in fact it hadn’t been over thirty minutes. But he itched to be close to her. He liked her next to him, where he could touch her or even just see her right there at his side.

Uncaring of who was with her or what they’d think, he moved in behind her and then stepped to her side, wrapped his arm around her waist and slid his hand into her opposing jeans pocket.

She fit him perfectly. Like she was made just for him. Her head came to right underneath his chin, providing a perfect resting place when he wanted to hug her.

He wasn’t a hugger. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d hugged anyone. A few of the Kelly women had experienced mad hugging spells, usually after being rescued or scared out of their minds, and he’d been the recipient of more than one of those, but he hadn’t hugged anyone himself since before his parents died.

With Maren, he just loved touching her. And it wasn’t just sexual. He liked being close to her, having her in his space, occupying his mind. He liked holding her and hugging her. The night before, when they’d watched a movie with her in his lap and eventually falling asleep on him, had been one of the best nights of his life.

If he had any choice in the matter, they’d still be on his couch, snuggled up like two bugs in a rug, and fuck the outside world.

And damn. Speaking of outside world.

He lowered his head to Maren’s ear. “Gotta go talk to Sam about your parents. I forgot to ask him about the jet. You going to be okay here for a minute?”

She turned and shot him a dazzling smile that nearly made his knees give out. “I’m fine, Steele. Go do your thing with Sam.”

She glanced down at her cup and then around as if looking for something.

“What you need?”

“Oh nothing. It’s all right. I was going to get something else to drink.”

He snagged her cup. “Be right back. You want lemonade again or tea?”

She sent him a soft smile that made his heartbeat accelerate.

“Lemonade is good.”

He waded through the crowd of people and noticed Sean and Rusty standing over to one side. Predictably, Rusty was wearing a frown—it was her usual expression when she spent any time around Sean—and Sean looked annoyed and impatient. Again, no surprise there. He’d be more shocked if the two ever had a conversation that didn’t rapidly deteriorate into an argument of some kind.

After filling Maren’s cup with ice and lemonade, he turned and sought her out again. She was back by Rachel, holding one of the babies while she and Rachel spoke. He took a moment to savor the image of her holding the child, and he pretended that it was their baby she cradled in her arms.

The picture was so powerful that it slammed into him, momentarily weakening him. He was flooded by a wave of love, an emotion he hadn’t felt in so very long. With it came memories, the pain of losing people he’d loved more than anything. And he was paralyzed with fear over the idea of ever losing Maren.

Losing his family had brought him low as a child, an event that had taken him years to recover from. But losing Maren or their child would utterly destroy him. There would be no recovering from that kind of loss. It hurt to even think about it.

Was this what the Kellys and even Rio went through every time they left on a mission? The knowledge that their good-bye to their wives might be the last time they saw them and that they might not come back this time? Did they lie awake at night considering all the enemies they’d made over the years and worry that at some point someone would seek revenge and hit KGI where it would hurt the most? Through their wives and children?

He closed his eyes and balled his fingers into tight fists. Fuck it all. If this was what being in love was like, he didn’t want it. How the fuck was he supposed to exist day to day? How was he supposed to breathe when fear made it impossible? He’d never been afraid of anything in his adult life. He performed his job by rote. Mechanically. Just like the machine he was accused of being.

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