Forged in Steele (19 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Forged in Steele
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She nodded against his back and he relaxed, but he still had a tight grip on his gun as he scanned the area, staring intently into the darkness.

She wanted to ask him who the hell was coming for her, and if he trusted them to get her out of the country or where they were taking her for that matter, but he’d been very exacting in his requirements of her, and as he’d mentioned, she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. She’d sort out the details, hopefully when she was miles away from Kosovo and Tristan Caldwell.



gathered with his and Rio’s teams a quarter mile from the appointed rendezvous point. It still chapped Steele’s ass to let Rio go retrieve Maren alone. He didn’t trust this Hancock guy, especially when it was clear he had his own agenda and he’d do whatever necessary to achieve his goal.

Hancock had already proven in the past that nothing came between him and the successful completion of his mission. He wasn’t above using any means necessary and he didn’t care who got hurt in the process.

Which made it highly suspect that he was handing over Maren out of the goodness of his heart and because Tristan was close to making a move on Maren.

“Are you sure you can trust this guy?” Steele demanded.

Rio shook his head. “I don’t believe I’ve ever said I trust Hancock. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. But I don’t see that we have a choice here. If we want Maren back, we have to play it by his rules. He’s very exacting and he’d absolutely back out and take Maren with him if I don’t do this his way.”

“I don’t like you going in alone,” Steele said stubbornly. “You have no idea what he has with him or if this is just a way to fuck with you and KGI. How the hell do we even know if he has Maren?”

Rio sighed. “Look, I don’t like it any better than you do. I’d much rather be at home in bed with my wife than out here in Bumfuck, Kosovo, on some wild-goose chase led by a former teammate who damn near got Grace killed the last time we crossed paths. But if he does have Maren and if he’s willing to hand her over, then I have no choice but to do what he said and come alone. You and my team will be close by. If things go south, you can be there quickly.”

Steele stood down. He didn’t like it. But he couldn’t risk Hancock backing out and Maren ending back up in Caldwell’s hands, or even worse, at Titan’s mercy. She wouldn’t survive a minute with Titan. They’d dispose of her because she’d be a hindrance to them and any objective they were trying to accomplish.

“Okay, but if you’re not back in twenty minutes, we’re coming in,” Steele said grudgingly. “Get in, get Maren and get the hell back out.”

“Watch your six,” Terrence said to his team leader.

“I will,” Rio said in a low voice.

Steele eyed P.J. and Cole. “Wouldn’t hurt for you to sneak in and hang back so you can line up Hancock in your sights. If things go south, cover Rio and Maren and make damn sure neither of them go down.”

“I’ll go with you,” Diego said grimly. “My sniper skills are a bit rusty, but I can still shoot a fly off a horse’s ass at three hundred yards.”

“Then let’s get into position,” P.J. said sharply. “It’s almost go time.”

Rio slung his rifle over his shoulder and then shoved a clip into his pistol. “I’m out. I’ll be back with Maren in twenty and then we need to load and go.”

Steele watched as the other team leader disappeared through the trees. It took everything he had not to fall in behind Rio and take his six whether he wanted it or not. Only the thought of the possible repercussions Maren would suffer held him back. Still, the next twenty minutes were going to be the longest of his goddamn life as he waited to see if she made it back with Rio.

If Hancock had fucked them over and led them on some damn goose chase, he was going to make it his personal mission to take Hancock and Titan down for good.

* * *

felt Armand stiffen, and he quickly drew his other weapon, holding both in front of him. Someone was coming. Every muscle in his body was coiled tight, ready to strike. She drew in her breath and tried to calm her respirations. Keeping her movements as slight as possible, she peeked around Armand’s massive body, straining to see through the cloak of night.

A moment later, a lone figure appeared and halted several yards from where Armand stood in front of her. Her gaze was glued on the man. Was this her rescuer? The person Armand was handing her off to? And if so, why was he holding him at gunpoint? For that matter, she now could see that the other man had his gun up and pointing in Armand’s direction as well.

Whoever it was, it was readily apparent that Armand didn’t trust him and the other guy didn’t trust Armand. Great. Just what she needed was to be rescued by an unreliable savior.

“Hancock, I’m here. Where’s Maren?”

She knew that voice. Her eyes widened. Oh my God, it was Rio! Elation swept through her. Her knees sagged and she grabbed on to Armand to keep from dropping to the ground. She was so ecstatic that tears flooded her eyes. KGI had come for her. She’d known Armand knew of her connection to KGI, but never had she dreamed that he’d actually contact them or that he would arrange for them to come for her. But however he’d gotten it done, she was so grateful she could kiss him! Was it possible that Armand was one of the good guys after all?

“She’s here,” Armand replied.

Wait. Rio had called him Hancock. Like he knew him. What was going on? But then she didn’t care who Armand/Hancock really was as long as she was leaving with Rio.

She was giddy with relief and excitement. She wanted to jump out and throw herself at Rio, but she remembered Armand’s terse order that she wasn’t to make a sound or move. But it was hard when freedom was just a few short yards away.

“Where?” Rio asked tersely.

“Behind me.”

“I want to see her. And do it slowly and keep your hands where I can see them.”

“One would think given the favor I’m doing you that you’d be a little less demanding,” Armand drawled.

He sounded arrogant and utterly confident. He’d gone from somewhat quiet and reassuring to a methodical, cold-blooded-killer-sounding dude. She just wanted away from Armand/Hancock, Tristan Caldwell and Kosovo just as soon as possible.

“Maren, step from behind me and show Rio where you are,” Hancock ordered. “Keep to my side and don’t move any farther.”

Maren hastily stepped out, positioning herself beside Hancock as he’d told her. She glanced eagerly in Rio’s direction but saw he was still completely focused on Hancock. Probably a good idea since Hancock had two guns pointed at Rio.

“Maren, are you all right, sweetheart?” Rio called.

She glanced up at Hancock, remembering his order for her to remain silent.

“Tell him,” Hancock said shortly.

“I’m fine, Rio,” she called back softly, her voice wavering.

“How’s this going down, Hancock?” Rio asked, still holding his own guns on Hancock.

“She’s yours,” Hancock stated. “I’m checking out. Stay out of my way and forget about Tristan Caldwell. He’s mine.”

“That’s fine by us,” Rio said flatly. “Maren, come here. Walk slow and get behind me. Understand?”

Instead of answering, she took off at a rapid clip, measuring each step as she went. When she reached Rio, she nearly wilted on the spot, but she got behind him just as he’d told her. The two men continued their staredown, never once lowering their guns.

“After Farnsworth, we were even,” Hancock said. “Now you owe me and don’t think I won’t collect.”

“I wouldn’t ever think otherwise,” Rio said dryly.

“Stay out of trouble, Maren,” Hancock said, and then he turned and melted back into the trees, leaving Rio and Maren alone.

“Oh God,” she whispered, her knees trembling as reaction set in.

Rio turned and grasped her arm, looking closely at her. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m fine. Really. Can we just get out of here?”

“Steele is waiting with his team and the rest of mine,” Rio said. “Let’s go. The sooner we get the hell out of here, the better.”

Her pulse sped up again at the mention of Steele. Shit, but this wasn’t the way she intended him to find out about her pregnancy. She’d rather give him this kind of news in private. Preferably after the furor of her rescue had died down and she could collect her thoughts.

“Do you need help?” Rio asked.

“No, I can make it. How far is it?”

“Just a quarter mile.”

She blew out her breath in relief and started forward at a fast clip. She wouldn’t rest easy until she was well away from Hancock
Tristan Caldwell.

Rio took her hand and squeezed reassuringly. Grateful for the contact, she squeezed back.

“Thank you for coming for me,” she whispered.

“Anytime, sweetheart. Are you sure you’re okay? That bastard didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“N-no. I’m good. Really. I’ll be even better when we get home.”

“We’ll get you there,” Rio said in a resolute tone.

* * *

paced in agitation, checking his watch. Rio had been gone only a few minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. He’d heard no rifle fire. All was quiet. The rest of Rio’s team stood facing the direction Rio had gone, tense and prepared to go in. Dolphin, Renshaw and Baker stood with Steele, tense and ill at ease. It chafed them every bit as much as it did Steele to be sidelined. Especially on a goddamn mission that was his.

Maren was his.

He didn’t know when the hell he’d started thinking that way, but in the last weeks of exhausting every possible avenue to find her, he’d began to think of her as his. They’d had sex. Really good sex, and sex didn’t equal possession, but they’d forged something between them that far surpassed just a physical relationship. No way in hell he was letting her out of his sight again.

A sound alerted them all. They straightened and went rigid, their guns brought up and trained in the direction of the sound. A few moments later, Rio burst into the clearing, Maren’s hand held tightly in his.

All the breath left Steele in a rush that momentarily weakened him. She was there. Safe and alive.

Her gaze rapidly scanned the area and when her gaze lighted on him, her entire face radiated relief. To his surprise, she launched herself at him, running straight into his arms. He caught her against him, holding her tightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.

“Thank God, you’re safe,” he breathed next to her ear.

“Thank you,” she choked out. “Thank you for coming for me. Oh my God, I’m so happy to see all of you.”

“There was never any question of us coming for you, Maren. I would have never stopped searching.”

She felt alive and soft and so infinitely precious in his arms. She buried her face in his neck, and he felt the warm slide of her tears against his skin. His grip tightened and her body molded itself to his much harder frame.

For the longest moment he simply held her, his relief at having her safe in his arms overwhelming. He felt unhinged. Shaky and emotional, two things that he never experienced on a mission. God, he couldn’t even form the words to ask her all he wanted to ask.

He tipped her face up, his fingers gentle underneath her chin. “Are you all right? What did he do to you, Maren?”

She stared fearfully up at him, her eyes stricken. “Please, not here,” she whispered. “Not now. It can wait. Please, not in front of the others.”

He collected himself and eased her away from him but kept her close, tucked against his side as he turned his attention to Rio.

“What’s the deal?” he asked, his thoughts still firmly occupied with the woman he held to his side.

He wanted to know everything. He feared the look in Maren’s eyes, how stricken she looked and how afraid she was. But she was right. It didn’t need to be aired in front of the others, but the fact that she was so desperate not to reveal anything made his gut tighten with god-awful fear for what she’d endured.

His hand shook at her side, and his entire arm quivered as he anchored it around her. He hadn’t realized just how scared he was until now. Relief that she was here and seemingly okay, even if she’d endured the unimaginable at that bastard’s hands, was rendering him incapable of even the simplest thought process. He had to get his shit together and be strong for Maren and for whatever discoveries lay ahead.

“No deal,” Rio said shortly. “Let’s move out. Hancock handed her over. Wants us to lay off Caldwell until he brings him down. I have no idea why he’s waiting, but he must be tracking something big Caldwell is working on. I told him we didn’t give a shit about Caldwell. We just wanted Maren back.”

Steele nodded, though he couldn’t make any guarantees about dropping the pursuit of Caldwell until he knew exactly what the asshole had made Maren suffer. Later, when he and Maren were alone, he’d find out exactly what he needed to know.

P.J., Cole and Diego appeared a moment later and immediately sought Maren out.

“Glad to have you back with us, Dr. Scofield,” Cole said when his gaze found her.

Maren smiled faintly. “It’s good to be back. But if y’all don’t mind, I’d rather get the hell out of here.”

“That gets a hooyah from me,” Dolphin said.

The others muttered their agreement.

P.J. walked up to Maren and put her hand on Maren’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

Maren pulled away from Steele long enough to enfold P.J. in a huge hug. P.J. looked surprised, but her hug was just as fierce as Maren’s. P.J. caught Steele’s eye over Maren’s shoulder as she hugged the other woman, and she lifted an eyebrow in question. Steele gave a short negative motion with his head to tell P.J. he didn’t yet know what had gone on while Maren had been held prisoner.

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