Forever Yours (#4) (3 page)

Read Forever Yours (#4) Online

Authors: Deila Longford

BOOK: Forever Yours (#4)
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“What if you were right? What if I can’t cope with being a vampire?” Dalton
pulls my head away from his chest and he grabs onto my face.

“I was wrong. I didn’t want you to change, and I said those things to scare you.
But Rose, you’re stronger than I could have ever imagined. You fed on a boy
and it was your first feed. But you managed to pull yourself away from him.
You could have hurt him, killed him in fact. But you didn’t, you fought your
hunger and I have never seen any new vampire do that before. You amaze me,
when I first turned I was a maniac. I killed and I couldn’t control myself. But
you’re different; you’re the one in control, not your hunger.” I force myself to
smile at him, and then I reach out and grab my phone. I scan my contacts again,
and this time I push send. I can feel my frozen heart racing in my icy chest, as I
wait for an answer. The phone rings, and then I hear my uncle’s husky voice.

He says in a firm tone –wow he’s loud. I part lips as I get ready to


I say. My voice is shallow and I don’t think that my uncle has heard my
words. I clear my throat and as I begin to speak again, my uncle speaks first.
“Rose is that you?
” His voice is broken and desperate. I can tell that he is
worried and annoyed. I need to reassure him that I am fine.


“Yes, it’s me. I’m sorry that I didn’t call earlier.”

“Where are you?”
My uncle says in an icy tone. Dalton’s eyes dart to mine and
he urges me to speak. I clear my dry, thirsty throat for the millionth time, and I
bring myself to talk.

“I’m with Dalton. I won’t be coming home tonight.”

“Now wait a minute young lady!”
My uncle screams down the phone at me. I
flinch and pull the phone away from my ear. I don’t know if it’s my vampire
hearing, or the fact that my uncle is crazy mad right now, but I can’t listen to his
voice. His words are deafening and they have vibrated through me. His tone
was icy, and I can feel my anger and desire for blood rising. My eyes are
stinging, and I have realized that they only sting, when they flash red. My hands
start to shake and I feel like snapping the phone in half. But I remember
Dalton’s advice, and I breathe through my burning rage. I take several deep
breaths and the stinging in my eyes disappears. I feel Dalton’s hand grazing my
lower back, and I flash him a thankful smile. I pull my phone back to my ear,
and I force myself to lie –again.

“Uncle George I know that you might not feel … comfortable about me staying
with Dalton. But I can assure you that he is the perfect gentleman. He never
does anything out of place and I … love him. I won’t be coming home for a few
days. I have time off work, and I want to spend that time with Dalton. We have
made plans for the next few days, and I don’t want you to worry about me. I’ll
call you again soon, goodbye.”
I hang up before my uncle has time to shout at
me. I throw my phone down onto the bed in anger. Dalton tries to soothe me.
He lightly caresses my shoulder with his hand as I try to choke back my tears.

“Relax baby you did a good job. Your Uncle can’t see you like this. At least not
until you’re fully in control of your bloodlust. Speaking of blood, are you
hungry?” I swirl my tongue in my dry mouth, it feels like it could crack from
my hunger.

“I’m starved!” I say in a dry voice. Dalton smiles at me and he takes my hand as
he jumps off the bed. We fly across the room and through the open the door. We
glide along the hallway, and we step out into the murky night of Portland.
Dalton walks me towards his car, but I am confused when he doesn’t stop at the
Porsche. Instead, he continues to rapidly walk across the driveway in the
direction of the forest. I look back at the car as I wonder why he is taking me
into the woods. He senses that I am confused, so he tries to fill me in.

“It’s better if we walk to town. I want to show you the perks of being a
vampire.” I smile at him and I am excited. I am not even sure that I am
supposed to feel this way, but being a vampire has made me feel things that I
never did before. My true emotions are on show, and I love that Dalton is here
to help me adjust to my new life. I was really worried that he would hate me for
what I did. But he has surprised me, he hasn’t screamed, or gotten mad at me.
Instead, he has been there to help me through the change. I am confident that
with him by my side, I will excel as a vampire.

We reach the trees and my new ears adjust to the sounds of the woods. I can
hear birds and squirrels as they climb the trees. I can see for miles and
everything is in HD. My senses are tingling and my body is urging me to lunge
into the air, and to be as free as the birds. The leaves are crisp, and I adore the
sound as Dalton’s footsteps press into them. He intertwines his fingers into
mine, and he locks his eyes on mine. He smiles a wicked smile at me, and he
softly licks his lips. I can feel my legs urging me run, but I hold back as I wait
for Dalton’s approval.

“Are you ready to be a vampire?” Dalton says as he stares down at me from his
6’2” stature. I feel dwarfed by him, and I look up into his burning red stare.
“I was born ready!” I say rather smugly. Dalton laughs and then he nods at me,
signalling me that he is ready to run. I straighten my face and I focus my vision
across the dark forest. I squeeze Dalton’s hand to alert him that I am ready.
Then like magic, my legs break free and we are running –more like flying
through the woods. Everything at the sides of us is a blur, but straight ahead is
clearer than crystal. We speed through the trees and in a matter of moments, we
are in Portland. The streets are quite busy for this time of night. The bars are
still open, and there are floods of people making their way home after a night
out. Dalton walks me closer to the people, and we are nearing the entrance of
the bar. A man in his twenties falls out of the doorway and he lands face-first
onto the street. He is moaning and laughing at the same time and when he pulls
himself off the ground, I feel my burning hunger rising to my surface. The
man’s eyebrow has a small gash, and trickles of his blood are making its way
down his face. I can feel my pulse racing and my eyes begin to sting. I lunge
forward, but Dalton grabs onto me before I reach the guy. He shakes me and he
pulls me into an alleyway at the side of the bar. He pushes me against the cold
wall, and he grabs onto my face. He looks disappointed with me and I feel
awful. If he hadn’t of pulled me back, then God only knows what I would have
done. I shake myself –
control yourself Rose.

“Rose you can’t do that. You were lucky that those guys were drunk, and that
they didn’t seem to notice what you tried to do. If they weren’t, you would have
exposed us. I can’t make you control yourself, only you can do that.” I sigh and
I apologise.

“I’m sorry. He was just so … tempting. I could smell his blood. I would have
hurt him, if you hadn’t of pulled me away.” Dalton presses his lips together and
he loosens his grip on my face. He grabs onto my hand and he leads me back
towards the street. The crowd has gone and now the street is quite. Dalton
pushes open the door of the bar and he pushes me inside. The bar is busy and
the sound of Mumford and Sons is playing loudly in the background. People are
dancing, laughing and having a good time. I scan the faces of the crowded bar,
and I smile when I see Ryan talking with some girl. My heart starts to race and I
grip Dalton’s hand. He leads me to the bar and he sits me down onto a stool. He
slaps the wooden bar surface and the barmaid quickly rushes over to us.

“Two scotch on the rocks and keep them coming.” Dalton says in fluid tone.
The slim, dark haired barmaid smiles at Dalton as she quickly fixes us our
drinks. Dalton grabs a glass and he slides the other one towards me. He downs
the drink and he urges me to do the same. “Drink, it will help with the
cravings.” I reach out and I lift the glass. I part my lips and I pour the drink
down my throat. The strong alcohol burns, but Dalton was right, the dryness in
my throat isn’t quite so prominent as before. I slam the glass down onto the bar
surface, and the barmaid rushes over and pours us another drink. I down the
second scotch, and then the third, and the fourth. Dalton laughs at my drinking
and then he leans in towards me. He lightly pushes my hair away from my face
and he whispers. “Who would like to drink?” I feel awful and my frozen heart
begins to pound –I don’t want to hurt anyone. My eyes begin to sting and I
breathe in and out, trying to hide my desire. Dalton pats my cheek and his eyes
are filled with compassion. I smile at him and I scan the crowd, looking for my
prey. I see a few girls dancing and having fun, I shake my head they don’t look
appetising. I focus my eyes on the back, and I see a handsome young guy sitting
alone. He looks miserable as he stares out at the dance floor. My lips shake at
the sight of him and I fix my eyes on Dalton. He laughs at me and he squeezes
my arm. “You’re going with the boy?” I feel awkward –have I upset him by
selecting a male to feed on? I remember my hatred and fear that he would feed
on other girls; does he feel the same way about me feeding on other guys?

“Does it bother you? If it does then I can find someone else.” Dalton smiles and
he pushes me off the bar stool.

“It does bother me.” He says as he leaps from the bar stool. He wraps his arms
around my waist and he pulls me close. His lips briefly collide with mine, and
then he tortures me by pulling them away. “It bothers me, but I am not gonna
stop you.” His lips move onto mine again, and he kisses me for a few seconds
and then he pulls away again. “I love you Rose,” I smile at him and I leap into
his arms. I squeeze him tight, whilst I whisper how I feel.

“I love you too.” Dalton kisses my forehead and he pushes me away from him.
He grabs onto my arms and he stares deep into my eyes.

“Go on, and remember you don’t want to hurt him. You’re the one in control
not your hunger.” I nod and then I break free from Dalton. I make my way
through the sea of people, and I scan the room to look for Ryan. I see that he is
standing in the back with the same girl he was talking to. But he’s not talking
with her anymore, he is kissing her instead. I reach the young guys table, and I
pull my hair across both sides of my face in a flirty manner. The guy’s eyes
widen at my appearance, and he quickly introduces himself.
“Hey I’m Jake.” He says as he holds his hand out for me to shake it. I smile at
him and I grab onto his hand.

“I’m Rose, do you mind if I take a seat?” I say trying to maintain as much
humanity as possible. He reaches out and slides the empty chair out from the
table. He signals for me sit and I take his invitation. “So what’s a gorgeous guy
like you, doing sitting alone?” The guy blushes and he leans forward and rests
his elbows onto the table. He smiles at me and he locks his dark eyes on mine.

“I was waiting for you.” He says smugly. I feel my lips begin to shake as I catch
a glimpse of his neck. There is a bulging vein showing through his dark skin
and my cold heart begins to race. I urge myself to stay calm and to focus on the
guy’s face and not his tempting neck.

“Do you wanna dance?” I say smiling and twirling my hair in front of him. He
nods and he jumps out of his seat. I slowly climb out of the chair and grab his
hand and lead him onto the dance floor. He pulls me close to him and I wrap my
arms around his neck. The music is fast, and I can hear his heart beating fast as
he tries to keep up with the beat. I move closer to him and I stand on my tiptoes. I feel his heart pumping blood to his veins, my eyes focus on his neck. I
lean in and I place my lips onto his neck. He gently moans at my touch and he
continues to dance. I increase my grip on his shoulders and I pull myself closer
to him. My lips part and my eyes sting and then I sink my teeth into his neck. I
suck on his skin and his blood floats down my throat. I draw more blood, I can
hear his thoughts. He isn’t scared of me, he loves the pleasure and he doesn’t
want me to stop. He moans as his hands slip onto my waist. I feel him slipping
into a pleasurable daze. I force myself to stop my feed, and I pull my teeth out
of his neck. His head falls onto my shoulder, and I gently slap him to wake up.
His eyes jolt open at my force-full touch and he focuses on my face. He looks
confused, but his heart rate is steady –he isn’t scared of me. He lightly grazes
my cheek, and I scan the crowd making sure that no one saw what I just did. I
smile when I realise that everyone is too drunk to even see us. I force myself to
focus back on the guy. I unbutton the collar of his shirt, and I flick it up around
his wounds. I clasp his face in my hands and I stare deep into his eyes.

“Thank you,” he looks confused but he is still enduring the pleasure of my feed.
I let go of him and I run through the crowd in search of Dalton. I see that he is
still sitting at the bar, and as I walk towards him, I feel a hand on my back. I
spin around and Ryan is standing in front of me. He is drunk, and I can smell
the beer and cigarettes oozing from his breath. He narrows his eyes at me, as he
tries to find his footing. He stumbles and crashes into me. I steady him and he
rests his head onto my shoulder. I lightly pat his head and then my world
collapses, when he whispers.

“I saw what you did!”

My skin is on fire, and I can’t think straight –did Ryan just say what I thought
he did? I pull him away from me, and he stumbles to the ground. I bend down
and I try to hide my strength as I help him to his feet. I walk him over to a quiet
table, and I sit him down. I take the seat opposite him and I make a darting look
towards the bar. I see that Dalton is minding his own business, as he sips on yet
another drink. I tear my eyes away from him, and I focus on Ryan. His head is
rested on the surface of the table, and I can hear that he is heavy breathing. I
adjust myself in the seat; I lean over and place my hand onto his arm. His head
lunges off the table and he shivers from my touch. My frozen heart starts to
pound –I need to explain.

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