Forever Together (Forever Love #2) (16 page)

BOOK: Forever Together (Forever Love #2)
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Either way, by the end of tonight Cindy will be in my arms, with or without a dick. Preferably with one because let’s face it, I ain’t made for the life of Caitlin Jenner.

Cindy gets to the bottom step and is face to face with me. My hands are shielding big boy Brady downstairs as it ain’t the place or the time for him to be making an appearance.

"Hi." The soft smile on her face has downstairs going even harder if that’s possible and my heart doing a Metallica beat in my chest.

"Hello there beautiful." I cock a half a smile.

I decide to do the gentlemanly thing which I’m sure happened in some movie, and stick my arm out. She’s a lady and deserves to be treated like one. Damn, I don’t think I've ever treated Cindy like a lady. Sure I've opened her door and pulled her chair out but I gotta be honest, I've always thought of Cindy as in the bag. The way she looks at my arm as if it’s the strangest fucking thing she’s ever seen has me feeling all kinds of shit. No wonder she left my ass.

When she does finally wrap her arm around mine, my whole body buzzes. Totally not helping the downstairs situation I got going on.

"You look beautiful sweetie." Deena says, offering her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Now that we've all come to see Cindy coming down the stairs like a bride, can we get this show on the road people. Damn you'd think this was a wedding not a barbecue." Luke says, tapping on his watch.

He might be an ass but he’s kinda got a point. Cindy is a bit like a bride in her white dress, though it’s way too short for my liking. Damn she sure would make one hell of a wife. Whereas before, that thought had a cold sweat breaking out and me looking at ways to fake my own death, now I’m filled with the pussiest feeling ever. Excitement. Obviously I need to get laid. Six months without sex is causing my dick to shrivel up and turning me into a woman. Like I said, I ain’t made to be Caitlin Jenner.

"Well, we better get going then." I turn to Cindy. "You ready Cinders?"

"Uh huh." She nods, the hottest smile on her face.

"Ok, ok." Deena claps and everyone apart from Cindy and me get in a line. Even Brian does but he's in some kinda headlock with Bailey so he hasn’t got a choice. "Rule number one, don’t leave Bailey alone. If you can’t see Bailey, look for her. Rule number two, don’t embarrass us. This is a nice house we're going to so there will be no breaking wind in front of anyone. You'll just have to hold it in. Rule number three, boys - if you need to pee you'll have to use the toilet. You cannot pee in the hedge at somebody else’s house. Are we all understood?"

"Jesus Mom we're not Neanderthals." Aiden rolls his eyes.

Cindy and me are just standing there and watching some kinda army drill going on like, what the fuck?

"Cinders?" I whisper, looking at her Mom like she’s got ET inside or some shit.

"I have no idea."

"I SAID ARE WE ALL UNDERSTOOD?" I jump out of my fucking skin.

"Yes Mom." Four people grumble, looking bored as hell.

"Yes Deena." Jim the sorry sap answers.

"Well, good." She claps her hands together. "We better get going then. Can’t keep Rachel and Bob waiting."

Jim opens the front door and everyone fucking marches out.

"Sorry about that kids." Deena turns just before getting outside. "Too many ruined parties for me not to come up with som
ort of
plan." With those last words, she storms outta the door and starts spouting off instructions as to who’s going in what car.

"Clever woman." I nod.

"Crazy woman." Cindy groans. She’s probably right. I'd give my left arm to see her shouting off those orders in the middle of this elitist barbecue though. Bob will have a coronary. Fucking brilliant!

"Come on, Cinders." I pat her arm that’s entwined with mine. "Let gets to this shindig before all the decent food’s gone."

I’m lying. I just feel nervous as fuck on my own with her. Especially when she’s dressed like that. We both know there is no decent food at this shitfest. When I go to a barbecue I wanna be eating burgers and hotdogs, not volauvents and quiche. Quiche! Who the fuck eats quiche anyway?

I got an iron grip on Cindy’s arm as I lead her outta the house. No way in hell am I letting her go. For once she isn’t fighting me or running away though and I'm taking any shit that I can get and I’m gonna be grateful for it.

Pulling her along with me, I notice Brian’s little face pleading with me on Bailey’s lap in Deena’s car. He knows the deal, I got my own stubborn Martin woman to deal with. I ain’t got time to be helping him out of his messes. If he wasn’t so damn cute he wouldn’t have Bailey fawning all over him. Plus, that little girl is scary as hell. I ain’t taking her on.

"Poor Brian." Cindy laughs, which is music to my ears.

"Ah, he can handle her." I shrug.

"You do realize he's a dog." I come to a stop at Cindy’s words. Looks like we gotta get one thing straight.

"Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Brian isn’t a dog." I cock an eye brow while hers go the opposite way into a frown. I sigh, looks like I gotta spell this out. "That little guy there is like ten months old, you ever seen a baby at that age? They can’t walk, they can’t talk, they use diapers and shit. Hell, they're still practically attached to the tit. Now look at Brian, he’s the same age."

Cindy’s lips are pursed so tight I’m about to tell her how every other fucker thinks that it’s funny as hell. I’m just thinking how perfect she is when she blows the biggest raspberry. Spit flies all over my face and the loudest laughter I've ever fucking heard sounds out through the Martin’s front yard. Damn, she’s even slapping her knee now as she holds her stomach.

"Oh my God you had me for a minute there." She wheezes. "How the hell did you keep a straight face Brady?"

"It’s not that funny." I grumble.

"Oh thank you, I was actually feeling really nervous but that’s totally broken the ice."

"Yeah." I say unenthusiastically. "You know me, I’m all for breaking the ice."

I totally wasn’t joking but no way am I gonna admit it. I have to be honest though, hearing Cindy’s laugh makes it all worth it. It sends shivers down my spine and I don’t care how pansy ass that sounds.

Taking Cindy by the arm again, I lead her round to the passenger side of my truck and open the door. I look at the high seat and then her legs.

"Don’t even think about it."

"Huh?" I'm still staring at her legs.

"I can get up on my own. I don’t need lifting."

"Really?" I gotta see this. I wave to the door. "Be my guest."

"I can so do it."

"I'm sure you can."

She nods her head a few times and I cross my arms. As much as I'd like to wrap my hands around her waist and lift her up, hopefully with her ass brushing
me, I gotta see her attempt this. Her top teeth are biting into her bottom lip and I suppress a groan.

I start to doubt this idea since she might fall and hurt herself, especially in those heels. Damn, those shoes should never see outside of the bedroom. Before I can stop her though, she takes three steps back before shooting off.

I’d like to say I know what’s happening but I’m too busy staring at her legs which are waving in the air, her dress riding up her thighs as she scrambles into the seat. Her grunts are turning me on and the whole pants situation is just getting fucking worse. Damn me and my big mouth.

It’s only when I see a peep of white lace when the dress has ridden up enough that I put my foot down. She’s still not in the seat, instead half in, half out the truck, hanging on for dear life. I do what I've been dying to do and grasp her waist, her dress practically at her hip and some sexy as fuck white lace boy shorts showing off to the world. I look around to make sure no asshole's looking and push her the rest of the way in.

"Fuck!" I've been fucking unmanned! A gold heel’s attacked my fucking ball sack. What the fuck! "Holy shit... That fucking... hurts." I can’t breathe, I’m dying. I’m gonna die holding my meat and veg. I lean against the truck and slide down, gasping in breaths because those evil fuck me shoes have knocked it right outta me. That’s the last damn time I try to act a gentleman, next time she can get her own ass in.

"Brady! are you ok?"

"Uh huh." It comes out in a sing
but I don’t care. I've just had a vasectomy with a shoe. I ain’t got time to be worrying about sounding like a woman.

"Are you sure?" I open my eyes which are clenched shut to see Cindy sticking her head out and looking at me all concerned and shit.

"Do I look sure, Cinders? Your fucking shoes are trying to kill me. They’re fucking trying to chop my balls off." Why the fuck do shoes that look so damn good wanna ruin my life? 

"Brady, should I get some ice?"

"Fuck don’t you dare blame me when I can’t give you no kids. Call an ambulance, call a doctor!" Cindy’s legs swing over the sides. "Don’t you dare get out of that truck Cinders! I had to sacrifice my fucking nuts to get you in there, now you can stay in there."

There’s a full on pity party going on here right now.

"Everything alright kids?" Cindy’s Dad calls out, jogging over. Thank fucking God! He'll understand. He's a guy so he'll know what to do. "Brady why are you on the floor?"

"I'm dying." I wheeze out. "Cindy are you fucking laughing?"

Cindy’s sitting there, her legs swinging and her hand to her mouth fucking laughing! Laughing at my pain! The fuck did I ever do to her?

"I'm sorry. You're just being so dramatic."

"Dramatic? My balls are dying here. Jim, you need to call 911."

"Let me get this straight son. You've taken a hit to the… erm… crown jewels?"

I nod, the sweat running down my

"Oh Dad, come on, it can’t be that bad." Cindy’s comment gets her two dirty looks.

"Come on Brady, let’s get you up off the ground. Walk it off." He grabs my arms and pulls me while I grab at the car. It’s getting a little better but I still feel like I’m gonna fucking cry. "Trust me, this has happened more than a few times. When you have kids you'll know. Whether it’s a soccer being kicked at you, a frisbee being thrown at you or a damn child wanting to play wrestle."

"I think kids are off the table."

"Have a little walk, it'll help. You feeling better?"

"A little."

"Men! No wonder you can’t give birth; you probably wouldn’t cope with it."

"Cindy Martin, hush. Ignore her son, they don’t understand." No truer words have ever been spoken.

"Thanks Jim, I think I’m good now." I blow out a breath. I still feel like my dicks gonna be outta commission for a while but at least I can breathe now.

"No worries son. Just rest. I better get back to Deena, we'll go ahead. Can you drive?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks."

He walks off, leaving me and a very amused Cindy behind.

"You're a mean woman." I point at her, stretching my back at the same time. "Laughing at my injuries like that."

"I’m sorry. Are you ok?"

"Why? You gonna kiss it better?" I smirk earning me an
eye roll. "Hey, you can’t blame a guy for trying." I shrug.

I don’t miss the small smile on her face as she slams the door. What can I say? Even at the worst of times I’ve got charm.

Chapter 12


I felt like Cinderella, however stupid that might sound. The moment I saw Brady waiting at the bottom of the stairs, surrounded by my family in his smart white button up shirt I know for a fact he wouldn’t usually be caught dead in, and black slacks that I just knew would show off his butt, I felt like a princess.

It wasn’t the brand new dress I was wearing even though it made me feel amazing. It wasn’t even the beautiful gold shoes Liv had given me out of her extensive collection. No, it was the way Brady looked at me as if I was the center of his universe.

No matter how much Brady could hurt me. No matter how he could break my heart into a million little pieces, he was also the only person in the world who could make me feel as good, as special as I did right then. Nobody can make me feel as desirable with just a look, as smart with just a word or as perfect with just a touch as he can.

I guess that’s why my mind is in so much turmoil. Because there’s no way in hell I'll ever find what I have with Brady again. I know for a fact that I won’t be one of those people who get a little older and suddenly decide that what they had was puppy love. This is the real deal. If I could only get over my fear of being hurt again, I would go full throttle into it, give it my all and see what happens. That’s for the girls who know what they want and have a go get ‘em attitude though, not me.

"Whatcha sighing about Cinders?" The small hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"Uh, what?"

"You're sighing." He answers, lifting the fog away.

"No I'm not." I rush out, completely on edge. This is how it’s been all day. Every time I start to think, Brady comes near me and muddles all my thoughts up. "Do you know where my parents have gone?" I ask with a frown, just to change the subject.

"Uh huh." He nods to something behind me and I turn around. This time I don’t need to hide that I sigh.

There's my Mom, standing with a glass of champagne in each hand, talking the ear off a waiter.

"You think she'll ever get invited to one of these again if she throws up on one of the waiters?"

"If she's lucky she won’t. It’s like the fucking Royal wedding. Who the fuck has violins at a damn barbecue anyway?"

Obviously Brady’s still pissed about the string quartet on the patio by the house. He’s been mumbling about them since we got here, talking about their so-called “penguin suits” and “snobby ass smiles”. I mean, what is a snobby smile? Is it even a real thing?

"The music’s pretty nice." I shrug.

"It’s a stick and a string rubbing together. Hardly fucking rocket science." He scoffs, necking another glass of champagne. "And the pool is gone!"

"It’s not gone, it’s covered." Yeah, that’s another sore point. I think Brady was planning on throwing his stepdad in it since he cursed a blue streak on seeing it was covered in some kind of glass dance floor, the rippling water underneath still visible though and it looks amazing.

That’s another thing my Mom was fascinated by. I almost thought she was gonna get down on her hands and knees and inspect it. I don’t think she considers Luke’s fish tank wall as impressive now.

Brady’s Mom definitely deserves props for pulling this off though. I don’t think I've ever been
or even seen a barbecue as fancy as this one. Actually, I’m not entirely sure this even classes as a barbecue. It’s definitely not like the ones I went to growing up.

Hell, the ones my parents had usually consisted of my Dad wearing a tatty old apron and standing by the grill half the day waving a spatula about. Of course everyone usually got a half burnt, half undercooked hotdog thrown at them which was quickly thrown over the neighbor’s yard when nobody was looking. 

This is on a whole other planet compared to that though. There's no hotdogs being thrown at us, instead, there are waiters waving trays in front of people’s faces.

"You know, if we get the hell out of here now we could make it to Savannah in time for the show to start. We might even get a good spot." Brady looks at me hopeful
and I roll my eyes
in return

As good an idea as that sounds, I’m already confused enough without being trapped in a car for an hour with no escape from my biggest threat. Yep, I've been swinging between thinking of Brady as some knight in shining armor coming to rescue me from my tower AKA Bailey's bunk bed, and a devil that’s gonna steal the rest of my heart and then abandon it. Like I said, I’m confused.

"What about my family? We couldn’t just leave them."

"They'll be fine. Hell, your Mom is already ten sheets to the wind, I doubt she'll even notice."

"You’re terrible." I shake my head.

"You know damn well you love it."

I don’t answer him, not that there is an answer to that. What do I say really? "Oh Brady I really do love you but you’re gonna screw me over again so I’d prefer it if you kept your comments to yourself." No, avoidance is my best bet
the moment.

"Oh shit." I hear Brady mumble. What the hell’s wrong with him?

I turn just in time to see the very beautiful Rachel Cooper making a beeline towards us. Ah, I almost forgot the strained relationship between Brady and his Mom. To be honest, I'd have thought the ice would have thawed a little by now seeing as he's older but as I've said before, Brady doesn’t forget.

Her light blond hair falls just past her shoulders, sleek, straight and impossibly shiny. I wonder what hair products she uses. Whatever they are, I obviously need them in my life, judging by the state of my already slightly frizzed hair compared to her silky tresses.

She looks as immaculate as always in the powder blue sheath dress, her only accessory being the huge sparkling diamond solitaire on her ring finger. She may be getting nearer but I would probably be able to see that rock from miles away. It catches the light every so often, letting off a star like glint. If jewelry was my thing, I'd probably be salivating but there’s only one thing in the world other than my Mom's apple pie and the hunk of muscle sitting next to me that could get me in such a tizzy. Just on that thought, my eyes drift down to her feet encased in a pair of Louis Vuitton eyeline pumps. Yep, now I’m drooling.

"Whatcha looking at Cinders?" I feel a nudge in my side and shake the envy away.

"Shoes." I sigh and I catch the roll of Brady’s eyes from the corner of mine.

"Cindy dear!" I jump out my seat and smile widely at the matching one on her face, all white straight teeth showing off.

"Mrs. Cooper." I smile, sticking my cheek out for the inevitable air kiss.

"Now, since when is it Mrs. Cooper? You know to call me Rachel honey." It was a worry but I figured now Brady and I weren’t together it wouldn’t be right to greet her so personally. She's still my elder after all and I was brought up with manners. "It’s so good to see you dear. I haven’t seen you since Thanksgiving and that was what? Eight? Nine months ago?"

"Thank you, and I know. You're looking lovely. I love your shoes." Oh how I love her shoes.

"I knew you would. I know how you love your shoes."

"How is that every-fucking-body knows about this shoe thing but me?" I hear Brady mumble behind me. 

I ignore him, not offended in the slightest that after being together years, Brady didn’t know my weakness for pretty shoes. After all, shoes weren’t really a subject we spent hours discussing.

"You've done a great job today." I gesture around me. "It’s really beautiful out here."

"Oh, that’s what party planners are for. Are your parents here? I haven’t seen them for so long. I saw your sister; Avery is it? I almost thought it was you for a second, you look so alike."

"I’m pretty sure my Mom is raving over your decorations. She's got a thing for luxury." I roll my own eyes now.

"Haven’t we all? I'll keep an eye out, I’m sure I'll come across them eventually, there are so many people here. Well I better get to mingling. Hopefully we'll get to have a proper chat later." She affectionately pats my arm and goes to turn away before halting. "Maybe the next time we see each other my son will have finally put a ring on your finger." She raises an eyebrow towards Brady before shooting me a wink
tottering away.

I’m not experienced with relationships. Brady's been my one and only. I mean, I fell in the pool in the eighth grade and Andy Matthews stole a kiss while giving me mouth to mouth but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count as a commitment or anything. Still, even with my limited knowledge on what the protocol is after a break up, it seems kinda strange that Brady’s mom would be mentioning an engagement.

Before I can think about it too deeply, my eyes are drawn to the dark haired little girl rushing towards us, her tear stained face red and blotchy. Her eyes, completely panic stricken
are focused on us and I push forward towards her, the look in her eyes tells me this isn’t the usual Bailey drama.

"Bailey?" I squat on reaching her, pushing the wisps of dark hair stuck to her wet face behind her ears. "What’s up?"

"Hey kiddo, you ok?" I hear Brady’s deep voice rumble behind me.

"I-I’m sorry." Her little face crumples up and she throws herself at me, burying her face in my neck and sobbing.

I turn slightly to face Brady. I have no idea what to do. I run my hands over her hair in attempt to soothe her, faintly hearing the sound of metal hitting glass in the background. The tinkling is the only sound, the murmurs of conversation dying down. For a minute, I think that they’re all focused on me and Bailey. The sound of Bob's voice puts my mind at rest though.

"Hello, everyone, I’m so happy that you were able to make our annual fourth of July barbecue..."

Loud cheering erupts but I zone that and Bob's speech out, solely focused on my heartbroken baby sister. Brady squats down next to us, concern etching his features and puts a hand on the small of my back.              

"Damn what’s up with her?" He looks completely freaked out. I glance around me hoping to catch sight of someone from my family just so I don’t have to deal with this. Looks like I’m on my own with this, apart from Brady of course.

"Bailey, Bailey you need to tell us what's wrong." I push her slightly away, holding onto her shoulders.

"B-Brian." She squeals, her entire face scrunching up.

"What’s up with Brian?" Brady asks, before looking around him. "Wait, where the fuck is he?"

"Y-you said a bad word!" She points at him and he falls back slightly to avoid the finger jabbing at him. Looks like big tough Brady's scared of a six-year-old.

"Ok, Bailey, Brady’s sorry. Now what were you saying about Brian?" I grab her hand and push it down in front of her while she practically shoots fire from her dark eyes.

"He ran away!" her bottom lip quivers and her hands fidget in front of her.

I panic a little, imagining a tiny thing like Brian lost in the crowd of people with their high heels and expensive dress shoes. He'll be flattened in minutes!

"Ah, I wouldn’t worry about it kiddo. It’s a big yard and Brian can’t get out. We'll go look for him, yeah?" I look at Brady in confusion. His voice is completely calm, his usual
tic persona
is nowhere in sight. I’m a bag of nerves, imagining all kinds of scenarios involving a lost little Brian. The way he looks at Bailey though, as if he’s telling he with his eyes that everything’s going to be ok, well that just about melts my ovaries. This is a whole other side of Brady and I definitely like it. "He's probably eating cake under a table somewhere. Greedy basta-"

"You see? It’s not that bad, you'll find him." I interrupt, saving Brady from another poke.

Bailey nods her head looking around while quietly sniffling. I watch her face to see if she’s really ok and notice the exact moment her eyes completely light up, widening impossibly.

"BRIAN!" She screams and even though I saw her open her mouth and should have expected it, I still jump. She shoots a finger out and points towards the patio.

Both Brady and I crane our necks to see where she's pointing to. My eyes zone in on the small little ball of fluff sniffing the floor with the leather leash dragging behind him. he’s at the front edge of the gathered crowd but nobody seems to notice him. Bob stands just feet away, completely oblivious and still talking about stuff I have no clue about.

Before I even realize it, Bailey zooms past me, her long black hair whipping me in the face as she races towards Brian who's trotting his way towards Bob, his nose still attached to the floor.

I look at Brady in relief, those few moments of panic long gone. I was beginning to think I'd somehow have to find Brady a new dog if we never found him. 

"Oh fuck." Brady snickers. "Things are about to get a hell of a lot more fucking interesting at this party."

I frown and turn to see what’s amusing him. Holy crap! My eyes widen and I suck in a breath. Brian’s right by Bobs leg now with one of his back legs cocked up. It definitely doesn’t take a genius to see what’s gonna happen next. The crowd starts to murmur and quietly laugh while a clueless Bob carries on speaking.

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