Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) (11 page)

Read Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) Online

Authors: Marie Dominique

Tags: #erotica, #tattoo, #ruth cardello, #melody anne, #fighter romance, #fighter erotic romance, #tattoo bad boy

BOOK: Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)
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James, he was just
messing about, go easy on him,’ Alexia said but he didn’t answer

Ben got to James and looked at
him like he was going to cry. James started laughing ‘Gotcha! Had
you going then didn’t I?’

James that was mean!’
Alexia said ‘The poor boy thought you were going to go mad at

Sorry son, I was just
trying to have a laugh,’ James said as he hugged him.

It’s ok dad, I won’t to
do it again,’ he said as he jumped out the pool. The rest of the
afternoon was spent with them having a splashing competition
followed by a BBQ.


As they sat on the grass to eat
their food, Sarah and Alexia noticed they had a missed call from
the same number just as the same number rang Tracy’s phone,
‘Hello......Yes this is Tracy speaking...’ She listened to the
person on the end and then gasped and covered her mouth with her
hand, ‘Ok we’ll be there right away,’ she said hanging up, ‘Oh god
Alexia that was the police, the dance studio has been set on fire,
we need to go now!’ They all ran round like headless chickens,
getting in the cars and rushing to the studio. As soon as they
pulled up the girls jumped out the car and ran towards the building
but the police stopped them. ‘That’s our building, I’m the owner,’
Alexia said with tears running down her face.

I’m sorry but I can’t let
you through, it’s too dangerous. I will get the officer in charge
to come over to you.’

She nodded at him and then felt
James’ arms go around her and she fell into full blown sobs, ‘It’s
going to be ok baby, I promise.’

How can you say that
James? It’s all gone.’

It can be replaced....I
will get on to it first thing in the morning.’ He pulled back from
her and kissed her, ‘Come on, let’s go find the officer in

She nodded again at him and they
went and spoke to the officer, who told them they thought it was
arson and asked if they knew anyone who would do something like
this. They told them that about James’ recent divorce from Rachel
and the damage to the car. After putting Ben and Amber to bed James
and Alexia cuddled up on the sofa with a glass of wine. ‘Are you ok
baby? James asked her.

Umm I am now we are
home,’ she replied as she moved her head to look up at

Umm I know what you mean,
it’s been one hell of a day. I hope to god they catch that psycho
cow before she does anything else.’

You know I hate her so
much and I want nothing more than to beat the crap out of her but I
kind of feel sorry for her.’

What!’ James said looking
confused, ‘How the hell can you feel sorry for her?’

Because I understand why
she’s doing it, she has loved you for as long as I have and I come
back into your life and snatch you straight from her. She’s hurt
and she wants nothing more than to hurt me back. I know how she’s
feeling because god knows that is how I felt when I caught you two,
god I really wanted to beat the living crap out of her.’ She
instantly sees guilt across James’ face so she moves so she’s
looking at him, ‘Look I’m not saying I will ever forgive her and
I’m still very tempted to run her over if I ever see her in the
street, I’m just saying I understand her wanting to take everything
from me.’ James ran his hand down her face and pulled her in for a
kiss. As he pulled away he rested his forehead against hers, ‘I’m
so sorry I hurt you, I honestly never meant to but I can’t change
the past, all I can do is make it up to you. But I really hate that
I can’t do anything to stop her from hurting you.’

Well let’s hope the
police get her soon, there’s enough evidence pointing to her. Now
go back to the bit where you said you can make it up to me because
even though we’ve had a god awful day, I’m now feeling very horny,
can you help with that?’ she said with a smirk.

James looked at her with a
straight face for a few seconds then stood up quickly, picking her
up to and taking her to bed where he could spend the night making
it up to her.


The next morning James was up
early and straight on the phone making the necessary arrangements
for the dance studio whilst Alexia was still in bed. The children
have stayed at Tony’s for the night so they wouldn’t get too
wrapped up in what happened and get scared. When he’d finished he
went back to bed and gave Alexia the best wake up call she had ever

Well good morning to you
too,’ she said breathlessly and smiled at him. James chuckled,
‘Good morning baby, everything is sorted for the dance studio,’ he
said as he rolled onto his side and pulled her in for a

Thank you,’ she said
looking at him, ‘I wish you didn’t have to go to LA next week now
but I suppose I’ll have Tracy and Sarah here and Dad of course.’ He
nodded and sighed, ‘I know how you feel baby but I need to go. When
I get back we can look into me retiring.’

You really want to do
that? Retire? But you enjoy it.’

Yeah I do but you and the
kids are more important and after yesterday, if something happened
to either you or the ki.....’ She put her finger on his lips to
stop him from saying anymore, ‘ssshhhh, it won’t baby, please don’t
think like that.’

I can’t help it,’ he
shrugged, ‘after your car and studio, it’s set me on

She kissed him and they made
love again.


The morning after James left for
LA Alexia pulled up on the drive from taking the children to school
and noticed the front door was slightly ajar. But as she had left
her keys in the door the day before she thought she’d just
forgotten to close it, then remembered it was Ben who was the last
one out and he’s forever forgetting to close the door behind him.
As she walked into the house she looked round and nothing seemed
out of place so carried on with sorting the laundry out and went
out to hang it on the line. As she walked back in, she headed into
the kitchen to start cleaning and tidying up when she heard a loud
bang from James’ office, making her jump out of her skin. She
slowly opened the door and cautiously poked her head around the
door, someone grabbed her by the hair and dragged her in.
‘AAAARRRGGGHHH,’ she screamed as she was thrown to the floor, the
next thing she felt was a pain shooting through her ribs, legs and
head as she realises somebody was kicking her.
‘Please...stop....please,’ she cried, screaming out in pain. A fist
connects with her cheekbone and she felt the crack, she groaned as
her world darkened. When she came round she slowly opened her eyes
and after a few seconds she managed to focus on the person in the
room, ‘Rachel?’ she whispered

Well hello there Alexia,’
she says through gritted teeth, ‘Thought you were never going to
come round, I’ve been waiting two hours,’ she sat on James’s chair
with her feet on his desk. Alexia looked around and saw that she
had trashed the place... emptying all the filling cabinets, smashed
his computer, ripped all the photos of her and the kids and sprayed
graffiti on the walls.

What do you want Rachel?
Why are you doing this to me?’

Oh please, are you really
that stupid!’ Rachel said with a slight chuckle.


Ermmmmm,’ she said
sarcastically, ‘I had my husband, my house, my life! Everything was
just perfect before you came back and then James dropped me like a
stone. Do you have any idea how much I really want to fucking hurt
you or even better kill you, you stupid fucking whore.’

Rachel, he divorced you
because he doesn’t love you, he never has. For god sake you slept
in separate bedrooms. How’s that my fault?’

Because it was you!, It
was always you that he loved!’ she stood up and kicked Alexia in
the face again, ‘BITCH!’ she shouted as she pointed the gun at her

Oh fuck! A gun! Oh no no no
please god no! Please someone save me, please please please”
Alexia thought to herself as she was frozen in
place staring at the gun
as Rachel
continued, ‘And now after nine years he thinks he can take
everything away from me because he tricked me into signing a
pre-nup....I don’t think so .....He’s going down hard Alexia and so
are you!’

Rachel, please don’t, I
have two children.’

fucking children!
I should have his children not you, I was his wife!’ She watched as
Alexia started crying, ‘AAAwwww the poor little baby. You’re not
even feeling anywhere near as much pain as I do but this may just

RACHEL NO!’ she cried out
and then she started screaming as Rachel fired the gun and her
whole world went black once again.


James is sat in his room in New
York wishing he had Alexia, Ben and Amber with him. He still had to
pinch himself sometimes to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming having
Alexia back and being a dad. He loved them so much, they were his
life. He really didn’t want to leave them after everything that had
happened with Rachel and he knew he wasn’t going to relax until he
got home to them. He picked up his phone to ring Alexia knowing she
would be back from dropping the kids off at school but there was no
answer. After several attempts he started to panic, he’d been
calling Alexia for the last half an hour but there no reply from
her phone, the house phone or his text messages. So he called Tracy
to see if she has seen or heard from her.

Tracy had just finished making a
drink for her and Sarah when she answered her phone, ‘Hello.’

Hi Tracy.’

Hi James, how’s it

Erm...I’m not sure at the
moment, is Alexia with you? I’ve been trying to call her and she’s
not answering.’

No she said she was going
home to sort the laundry out and have a quick tidy up before she
was coming to join me and Sarah for coffee. Want us to run round
and check?’

Yeah please, it maybe
nothing, she might have the vacuum on or just gone shopping and
forgot to take her phone, she’s been really forgetful

Oh no she’s not pregnant
again is she?’ she laughed. ‘We’ll go round now and I’ll give you a
ring back.’

Thanks Tracy,’ he said
and thought about what Tracy said,
“Alexia pregnant? Again? Really? Well she could be we
weren’t always careful at the beginning when the mood took
He smiled as he remembered taking
her on his desk and the time the children nearly caught

Tracy wondered out to the garden
where Sarah was, ‘Hey Sarah, that was James, he can’t get hold of
Alexia so I said we’d pop round to check on her.’

That man worries too
much, but it’s really sweet actually,’ Sarah grinned. ‘Well we best
go see what she’s up to,’ she jumped up and helped Tracy lock

When they pulled up they saw
Alexia’s car, ‘Well she’s here. I bet she’s left her phone in the
car again the silly doughnut,’ Sarah joked but as they got out they
heard a loud bang that made them panic.

What the fuck was that?’
Tracy said looking at Sarah with worry etched on her face, and then
they heard Alexia scream which instantly made their blood run cold
and run towards the door.

ALEXIA!!!!!’ They were
shouting and screaming as they ran inside into James’ office and
stopped when they saw Rachel with the gun, Alexia on the floor
screaming and blood everywhere. Tracy, without thinking, ran toward
Rachel and grabbed her. She tackled her to the floor whilst Sarah
dragged Alexia out into the front room, grabbing the house phone as
well and called for an ambulance. She heard Rachel shouting at
Tracy, ‘OOOOOouuch, get off me you bitch!’

I don’t fucking think so
Rachel, You are not getting away with this,’ Tracy shouted back as
she continued to fight with her, trying to get the gun, both of
them had their hands on it trying to aim it at each

999 what’s the emergency

I need an
friend...she’s been shot and she’s bleeding badly and unconscious.
I need the police to...the armed person is still in the house,’
Just as she finished the sentence two more shots were fired, ‘OH MY
GOD! TRACY!!! Come quickly….please hurry!’ she screamed. The person
speaking to Sarah reassured her that the police were on their

As she waited for the ambulance
and police, she tried to stem the flow of blood and keep Alexia
warm. When the office door opened she froze. Tracy dragged herself
out holding her hip where Rachel had shot her.

She’s gone,’ Tracy
whispered. Within a split second the house was eerily quiet. Sarah
looked towards Tracy and noticed the amount of blood everywhere,
all over the floor from where she had dragged Alexia from the
office to the front room, it had even gone up the walls as well.
She can only imagine the amount in the office but she wasn’t about
to go find out.

Sarah heard the ambulance and
police pull up and ran to the door ‘Please my friend’s are in
there, they have both been shot.....the armed person is in the
office but she’s dead,’ Sarah told them with panic in her voice.
The police went in first to check the area was clear before they
allowed the ambulance staff to go in.

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