Read Forever in Blue Jeans Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

Forever in Blue Jeans (12 page)

BOOK: Forever in Blue Jeans
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Blue looked up and put her fork down. His look was shuttered, and she only detected mild interest on the surface. She'd bet her eye teeth that more than mild interest simmered below.


He took the cups out of the microwave and brought them back to the table. He sat down again. "Only with belts?"

"No." She took a sip of her now warmed coffee.

He nodded, but didn't ask her to elaborate. "Other interests?"


"Such as?"

How much did she dare tell him? How much could he take before it really freaked him out to know that she had tried it all? "Bondage, blindfolds, sex in public."

an exhibitionist."

"I guess you could say that. If nothing else gave that away, the pictures should have. I've never been shy, not like Rosie. Maybe that's why we clicked. We were just different enough but also just alike enough to feel comfortable with each other."

"Different how? Why is she shy?"

Blue finished off the last bite of her slice of quiche and slid her plate away. She contemplated not telling him, but she figured that eventually he'd find out anyway from Decker.

"She was always afraid of people finding out that she was kinky. Spanking is almost like a drug for her, and she never wanted anyone around here to learn of her need. When she met your friend, she couldn't hide it anymore, at least not from him. I think he had her pegged from the start."

"I don't see how. You can't always look at someone and know if they do or don't have a bit of kink in their blood."

She shrugged. "Oh I don't know. I think kink recognizes kink sometimes."

Cort stared at her for a long moment before finally saying, "Maybe it does."

“What about you?”

“Me, what?”

“Interest in kink?” She wanted to know if her suspicions were right. He'd held her down, using the power of his body to render her immobile every time he got inside her in Savannah, but there'd been no spanking or tying up. He'd given her power over his body, too, letting her explore and touch and enter him at her leisure.

“It's fun. I don't need it. I like it sometimes, but not like Decker or Buck. They thrive on the control and I'm guessing Rosie and Caroline need that from them. I prefer more equal ground.

Give and take in different ways.” Blue nodded but didn't comment further. She'd been both right and wrong about his interest in kink. “Do you? Need it like Rosie? I mean, you do have the tattoo of a belt and you did say you enjoyed fetish clubs and bondage.”

“No. I like a lot of things, enjoy a lot of things. There are sensations that are nice to experience once in a while. I don't like to get into any one particular thing for too long. I'll get restless.”

“I can see that, but what about the way we were together?”

“You mean rough and frenzied and barely stopped long enough to breathe?”

Cort laughed. “Yeah.”

“I could get used to that,” she offered, her voice soft, her eyes unblinking as she stared straight into his.

Another companionable silence fell between them as they cleared the table and did the dishes. She washed, and Cort dried, even though she told him more than once he didn't have to.

Her words were met with an "I know" and a scowl.

"What did you think of my quiche?"

"Was good. I honestly don't think I'd ever had one."

"Would you again?"

"If you made it."

Damn, the man knew just what to say sometimes. His eyes were soft as was the look on his face and she ached when she looked at him. She tried not to, tried to keep her emotions way under control, tried to keep her libido the same way, but he was making it hard. Him helping out, asking questions, talking to her only made her hunger greater.

She needed some air. "What do you say we go sit out on the porch when the dishes are done? I love sitting outside when it's raining."


"What do you want from me?" He really hadn't meant to ask the question, not like that at least. One minute he was comfortable and at ease with her, and the next he was out his element and awkward with her. The back and forth was giving him whiplash and it sucked.

She slid him a sidelong glance. "Want from you? Nothing you don't already want to give."

Great. A riddle. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You want me. I want you too. No promises."

"I don't think that's all you want."

"No? You don't think I can satisfy myself with sex with you? You think I'll overstep and fall in love?"

Her voice was light, there was a smile on her face, and teasing in her eyes, but Cort's heart stopped just the same. No, he wasn't thinking she would overstep and fall in love. He was thinking he would. Hell, he was thinking he already had.

Blue got to him, right in the center of his chest and all the way down to his balls. He should have left right after breakfast, put some distance between them, but as it was, they were sitting on her front porch. The rain still fell, and there didn't seem to be an end in sight. The lack of civilization was like they'd stepped back in time, a million miles away from everyone and everything.

He turned his head. Blue was rocking slowly in the chair beside him with her eyes closed.

There was a small smile on her lips, and he wanted to lean over, kiss her, touch her. "Blue." He whispered her name so softly he wasn't sure she'd hear him, but she had. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

Lust radiated from the liquid brown orbs. His gazed traveled down her body, taking in each compact inch, each soft curve before traveling back up.

This woman got to him on a level he hadn't even known existed inside him anymore. When he'd fallen in love with Alicia, he'd given her everything: his heart, his soul, and when she left, he could have sworn part of him left with her. Then he met Blue, and it was a different kind of love, a different kind of feeling, but no less intense. He'd not craved the touch, the feel of a woman so much since her, until now, until Blue was dropped back into his life.

"When will Neil come back?"

"I don't know, but as long as it's raining, he won't."

"And how long did you say it was supposed to rain?"

"Through the night."

"I want to stay."


"In your bed."


Cort stood. "Starting now."

She stared at him, and he could see the questions, the concerns, but whatever she saw in his eyes must have helped because she stood too and led the way into the house.

Then she began stripping.

Chapter Six

Her feet were already bare so her lounge pants didn't have anything to catch on as they pooled at her feet. She stepped out of them, and when he looked down, he saw a scrap of pink lace in the middle of the cotton fabric.

His gaze found hers again and she was looking over her shoulder in his direction. She smiled and pulled her shirt off over her head, letting it drop from her fingers. His breath caught at the sight of the corset ink.

He wasn't an expert in tattoos by any stretch. He didn't even have one, but his best friend had a boatload of them. Blue's, though, the belt on her thigh, the tree on her ankle, both of those were simple. The corset, with its intricate swirl designs made to look like velvet, was unlike any piece of art he'd ever seen and that's exactly what it was. Art.


He centered on her face again. She was naked now, still looking over her shoulder at him.

Neither had moved and though the space separating them was no more than a few feet, he was scared as hell to cross to her. Once he touched her, there would be no going back. He wouldn't be able to stop and he wouldn't want to. "Your turn," she whispered.

He blinked. "Huh?"

"You're overdressed."

She turned to face him fully, and his mouth went desert dry. There was soft roundness to her belly, and her waist was so defined that it dipped in, then down. Her hips flared, and his fingers remembered how perfect she'd fit his palm. And her breasts... Holy Hell, her breasts. Only they were more than breasts. They were tits, hooters, honkers, and every other dirty term he'd ever heard a pair called. They were made to be suckled, licked, bound, and clamped. They were made to be squeezed, teased, fondled, and fucked. They were made for his hands, his mouth, his cock.

They were made for him.

He could see why she would be proud to be photographed, to have the. She had a body every man and likely every woman fantasized about, even if they were dumbass enough not to admit it. Her long, black curls only added to the look of lush sensuality and blatant sexual confidence.

Where his mouth had gone dry moments ago, it now watered with anticipation. His shirt was off over his head, and his jeans quickly followed suit down his legs, and then it was her turn to stare, to give him the same open look of lust and hunger he'd given her.

She took measured steps toward him, her eyes flashing hot and urgent. She raised her gaze no higher than his groin and the longer she stared at his cock, the harder he became. His balls tightened between his legs and he struggled to stay upright.

"Touch me," he groaned. He didn't know where the words had come from. He'd been content to let her look her fill, or so he thought.

She reached out with her hand and let her fingertips slide gently over the head of his penis.

She dragged them up his stomach to his chest, then back down again.

"Have you ever spent an afternoon making love while it's raining outside?" she inquired with a hushed voice.

"I've never spent an afternoon making love, rain or shine."

"We're about to change that."

Yes, they were, and he hoped like hell he didn't live to regret it.

Her hand drifted up the underside of his shaft, palm flat, short nails grazing. Lifting her gaze to his, their eyes locked as she dropped to her knees. She crowded him back against the front door until he was leaning against it, his palms braced flat.

He wasn't sure what would happen once her mouth actually touched him. It was very likely he'd explode immediately and embarrass himself.

She started slow with just a whisper of breath against the base of his cock. Then the tip of her tongue teased the vein running along the length of him, and searched for a distraction. He looked across the room, but there were pictures of her. He looked down at the floor, but she was there, the pinkness of her tongue, torturing. He closed his eyes, but all he could see was her nakedness, her-come-and get me smile.

There was no escaping her, the power she had over him.

Her knees touched the insides of his feet as she spread her legs, settling herself. She placed her hands over his against the door and used nothing but her mouth to own him.

Her hair brushed against his inner thighs as she worked her head between them, lapping at his balls, which he didn't think could fill any further or ache any more, but she managed to make both happen. First one was sucked in between her teeth, and she tugged a groan out of him. Then the other was given the same treatment; he groaned again, but louder, longer. Back and forth, one by one, she sucked on his sac until he thought his knees would give way.

"Blue, please..." He didn't look down at her because he would explode.

And she pleased all right, sucking kisses along the pulled tight skin of his dick up to the crown. Wrapping her lips around it, she kissed, suckled, nibbled, and drove him mad. She held his hands and used her knees and thighs to leverage herself up, then down again as she kissed her way back to his balls.


Cort didn't know what he was pleading for--whether it was for her to finish him off or for her to keep tormenting him. Either way, he was good, better than good. He sighed when she wrapped her lips around the head again and moaned when she took the rest of him too.

His cock teased the back of her throat, her hair teased his stomach, her nipples teased his legs. The more she worked her mouth on him, the more her own arousal filled the air around them. He could smell it rising from her and could just imagine how wet she was. And where he'd never given much thought to what drove his other lovers to such states, he wanted to know what did it for Blue. Was it sucking cock? Was it being on her knees? Was it him?

He wanted to work one of his hands free from hers but didn't. He wanted to grasp her curls in his fingers and fuck her mouth until he filled her belly with his come but didn't. She held him captive and helpless with just the slightest pressure on his body. He'd never let a woman have that kind of power over him, to just take what she wanted. He couldn't help it with Blue. It was the most natural thing with her. The things she made him feel gave her just enough leverage to bend him, to make him desire to let go of the barriers that kept him from letting her in.

He gave in to the ministrations of her mouth, gave in to the lust that had been riding him since he saw her yesterday. He gave in to her, let her have him whatever way she wanted him.

And he was going to enjoy the ride if it killed him.

When her teeth grazed his shaft, he thought it just might. His hips jerked forward, pushing him farther, deeper into her throat.

She let loose a strangled laugh, and he settled back against the door. Long, slow licks followed suit, soft gentle pulls on his skin.

Her teeth grazed him again, and again his hips shot forward. She held his hands tight against the wood at his back and bobbed her head up and down. The sucking sounds that came from her, the drool he could see from one corner of her mouth...

BOOK: Forever in Blue Jeans
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