Forever Cowboy (Montana Brides Book 5) (20 page)

BOOK: Forever Cowboy (Montana Brides Book 5)
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“It’s not the baby is it?”

“It’s always the baby.” Gracie rubbed the side of her tummy. “I feel like all the energy has been sucked out of me and left me feeling strange.”

“Do you want me to drive you home?”

“I’ll be fine.” She slowly walked to the top of the stairs and smiled. “I’ll call you when I get to the ranch.”

“Make sure you do. And thanks, Gracie. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“You’re welcome. Now I’m going to ask a favor. Would you walk down the stairs with me?”

Emily’s gaze dropped to Gracie’s baby.

“I’m fine. Just tired. If I trip over the feet I can’t see, Trent wouldn’t be impressed.”

“He wouldn’t be the only one,” Emily said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home? It’s no bother.”

Gracie shook her head. “Stop worrying. If you need help with anything else, give me a call in the morning.”

They made it down the stairs and Gracie looked around the room. “The boutique’s lovely. And that being said, I really need to go.” She gave Nicky and Emily a quick hug and left.

Nicky stared at the closed door. “Do you think Gracie should be driving?”

“No, but she wouldn’t let me help. If we haven’t heard from her in half an hour, I’ll give her a call.” Emily picked up her keys, wallet and cell phone. “We can wait at Angel Wings Café. Tess made raspberry ripple cheesecake last night.”

“Say no more.” Nicky followed Emily out of the front door. “Gracie’s right. The boutique is lovely.”

And as she locked the door, Emily couldn’t have agreed more.

Emily glanced down at her cell phone. “We’ve been here for forty-five minutes and Grace hasn’t called.”

“Maybe she stopped by the supermarket,” Nicky said.

Emily shook her head. “She would have let me know if she wasn’t going straight home. I’m going to call her.”

“She won’t like it. She’ll think we’re checking up on her.”

“We are.” Emily opened the contact list on her cell phone and scrolled through the names. “She’ll have to get used to it for another couple of weeks.”

She put the phone to her ear and listened to Gracie’s answer phone message. “Hi, Gracie, it’s Emily. Call me when you get this message.”

She hung up and looked at Nicky. “I’m calling Trent.”

“Are you sure you’re not over-reacting? Why don’t we wait another ten minutes, then call him?”

“If something happened on the way back to the ranch, he’d want to know.”

“She’s fifteen minutes late. The traffic could have been bad.”

“It’s Wednesday afternoon. We don’t get grid lock.”

Nicky looked out of the café window, then back at Emily. “You’re right. If Gracie’s already home it doesn’t matter. Give Trent a call. Have you got his cell phone number?”

Emily went to her contact list again. “Gracie used Trent’s phone the other day to call me.” She tapped the number and waited. “He’s out of range.”

Nicky grabbed her wallet and car keys off the table. “Let’s go.”


“To find Gracie. We’ll drive out to the ranch and hopefully she’ll be home before we get there.”

Emily tried not to worry. Tried not to think of all of the things that could have happened. Fifteen minutes wasn’t a long time, but it could be a lifetime if something had gone wrong.

“Have you rung Trent’s number again?” Nicky asked.

“I’ve tried Trent and Gracie. I even rung their land line, but Mrs. Davies isn’t answering either.”

“I think she’s gone on vacation to her daughter’s place. Keep looking along the road. If she’s pulled over somewhere I don’t want to miss her.”

Emily put her cell phone away. If Gracie had stopped somewhere it would be easy to see her. The road was as straight as a bean pole, stretching into the distance for as far as her eyes could see.

“What’s that up ahead?” Nicky pointed to a blue smudge in the distance.

Emily peered through the windshield. “I didn’t see whose vehicle she brought into town. If she drove hers, then we’ve found her.” Her heart rate accelerated at the same time Nicky’s foot connected with the gas pedal.

“She wouldn’t have stopped out here if there wasn’t a problem. I hope she hasn’t gone into labor.”

“It’s her first baby. Most women take ages to give birth.” At least that’s what Emily had read in Gracie’s parenting magazines.

“Most women aren’t five-foot-one. Oh my God, it is Gracie.”

“Where is she?”

Nicky pulled in behind the truck, spitting gravel everywhere as the tires dug into the side of the road. “She’s inside the cab. Let’s go.”

They flung their seat belts off and ran toward Gracie. She was sitting in the driver’s seat, gripping the steering wheel.

Nicky opened the door and gave Gracie a hug. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head. Tears fell down her face. “It’s the baby. My cell phone’s dead and I didn’t know what to do.”

“I’ll call an ambulance.” Emily rushed back to the truck and grabbed her cell phone. Within minutes she’d contacted the emergency services. She tried Trent’s number again, but he still wasn’t answering. She tried one more person.

“Alex, it’s Emily.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Gracie’s gone into labor. We’re on the side of the road about half way between Bozeman and her ranch. I can’t get hold of Trent.”

“Have you called the paramedics?”

“They’re on their way.”

She could hear Alex take a deep breath. “I’ll find Trent. When the paramedics arrive, go with them to the hospital and I’ll meet you there. Is anyone with you?”

“Nicky.” Gracie started to whimper, a low keening sound that made Emily’s heart go into overdrive. “I’ve got to go.” She ended the call and raced back to Gracie.

Nicky was standing beside the truck, rubbing Gracie’s shoulders. “Breathe. That’s it. In and out, in and out.” Nicky dropped her voice to a low murmur, slowly repeating her words until Gracie’s body relaxed.

“The paramedics are about fifteen minutes away. Alex is going to find Trent.”

Gracie nodded. She kept breathing slowly, following Nicky’s lead.

Emily opened the back of the truck and found a blanket tucked under the front passenger seat. She grabbed the first aid kit as well, just in case there was something in there that would help.

“I’m scared,” Gracie whispered. “I didn’t know what to do. I was waiting for someone to drive past. I thought it was safer to pull over.” More tears fell down her face.

Nicky reached across and wiped them away. “You did the right thing.”

“Trent’s going to be really annoyed. He told me not to go too far from the ranch.”

“And when have you ever listened to your husband?” Nicky asked.

A smile tugged at the corner of Gracie’s mouth. “Not often enough.”

Emily sat in the passenger seat beside Gracie. “Are you cold?”

“A little bit.”

She opened the blanket and wrapped it around Gracie’s shoulders. “Everything will be all right. Nicky’s had a baby. She knows what to do.”

Nicky’s gaze shot to Emily.

Emily ignored her sister. Considering Nicky had screamed through her entire labor, she wasn’t the most inspirational role model that Gracie could have had. But Gracie didn’t know what had happened and they were in a desperate situation. The little white lie was enough to take Gracie’s mind off her own troubles and gave her a few minutes peace.

Emily looked across at Nicky. “Do you remember when Christopher was born?”

“Hard to forget. We’d been at mom and dad’s ranch. I thought I had indigestion from the barbecue.”

Gracie pushed the blanket away and grabbed hold of the steering wheel. “Here comes another one.”

“Breathe through it,” Nicky murmured. “You’re doing great. Nice and slow, that’s it.”

Gracie took deep, slow breaths, concentrating on the sound of Nicky’s voice.

When the last contraction had passed, Emily looked at her watch. “The ambulance won’t be far away. I’ll go back to your truck, Nicky, and put the emergency lights on.”

“Good idea. There’s a bottle of fresh water between the seats. Could you bring that back with you as well?”

As she walked toward Nicky’s truck, Emily stared down the highway. It seemed like they’d been waiting a lot longer than the ten minutes that had passed. She just hoped the ambulance got here before Gracie’s baby did. Her cell phone rung and she answered the call.

“It’s me,” Alex said. “How’s Gracie?”

“She’s doing okay. We’re still waiting for the ambulance. Did you get hold of Trent?”

“I’ve rung his neighbor. He’s heading across to the ranch to look for him. I called mom and dad. They’re going to meet us at the hospital. How are you?”

Emily looked down the highway. “I’ll be better when the ambulance arrives.”

“If you need anything, call me.”

“Thanks.” She expected him to hang up, but he didn’t.

“I know this probably isn’t the right time, but I wanted to tell you that…”

A flash of light caught Emily’s attention. “I can see the ambulance. I’ve got to go.” She ended the call and ran back to Gracie and Nicky. “The ambulance is coming.”

Gracie leaned her head back against the headrest and sighed. “Thank God.”

“You can say that again,” Nicky said. “I thought we’d have to deliver this baby in the back of the truck.”

The ambulance stopped in front of Gracie’s truck. The paramedic grabbed a bag and headed across to them. “I hear you ladies have a baby on the way?”

Nicky pointed toward Gracie. “The contractions are about five minutes apart.”

“Let’s get you out of the vehicle and into the back of the ambulance.” He helped Gracie out of the truck. “How far along are you?”

“Thirty-eight weeks. I saw a specialist at the hospital yesterday. She was worried that the baby might be too big. She wanted me to think about a cesarean.”

Emily froze, Nicky gasped and the poor paramedic nearly tripped over his feet.

He looked over his shoulder. “Can one of you ladies come in the truck with me? We’re heading into Bozeman now.”

Emily took the blanket out of Nicky’s hands. “You go with Gracie. I’ll lock up here and follow the ambulance in your truck.”

“Take these.” Nicky threw two sets of keys at Emily and helped the paramedic guide Gracie onto one of the stretchers. “Can you let mom know what’s happening? I was going to pick Christopher up at four o’clock from their house.”

“No problem.”

The back doors of the ambulance closed, and the driver ran to his seat. Emily jogged back to Nicky’s truck and picked up her phone. “Hi, mom. It’s me…”

Emily couldn’t remember much of the drive into Bozeman. She’d put the truck into gear and followed the flashing lights. It wasn’t until she was about to run a second red light that she decided tailgating an ambulance wasn’t a good idea. She slowed down, put a little distance between the two vehicles and kept driving.

Alex met her at the hospital entrance. “They’ve taken Gracie into surgery.”

“Is she okay?”

“The specialist reviewed her notes. She’s having a cesarean.” He held her hand, walking quickly into the hospital. “We can wait outside the delivery ward.”

Emily was glad of the warmth of Alex’s hand wrapped around hers. She was glad he’d met her at the hospital. Glad that he’d been here for his sister when she’d arrived.

They followed a red line painted on the wall, went up another floor and finally found the delivery ward. The room they entered was bright and colorful and empty.

“Where’s Nicky?” Emily asked.

“She’s staying with Gracie until Trent arrives. His neighbor found him and he’s driving into town now.”

“How was Gracie when she arrived?”

“Worried. I think she’ll feel better when she sees Trent.”

Emily sat down on one of the big red sofas lining the walls. “Did they say how long she’ll be in the operating room?”

Alex shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. As long as she’s okay I guess it doesn’t matter.”

He sat down beside her. Emily picked up his hand and held on tight. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve been better. Gracie’s such a small thing and the baby is huge. I’m just glad you decided to look for her. I don’t want to think about what could have happened if she’d stayed where she was.”

Neither did Emily, especially when her contractions had been five minutes apart and no one was on the road. She watched a nurse wheel a woman past the doorway. Somewhere else, a tray crashed to the ground. “I feel terrible.”


“Gracie shouldn’t have been helping us. She looked tired when she arrived this morning, but she said she was okay.”

“Everything will work out fine. Besides, you know my sister. There’s no way she would have left you and Nicky to clean the boutique on your own.”


They sat in silence, waiting for Alex’s family to arrive, listening to the noise of a busy ward.

Alex let go of her hand and took his hat off. “I spoke with my dad yesterday.”

Emily stared at his fingers, gripping his hat like a howling nor’wester was about to tear through the waiting room. “Nicky’s office looks amazing. You and your dad did a great job.”

“Thanks.” He stared down at the floor.

“Have you got the office furniture on the back of your truck?”

“Not anymore. I’ll go back later and collect everything.”

“That’s good.” Alex had something more than his sister or their remodeling project on his mind. He looked so distracted that Emily started to worry about what else was happening. “Is everything okay?”

He sighed and put his hat on the seat beside him. “I’ve been thinking about the rodeo.”

Emily tried to sound enthusiastic, she really did. But all she could imagine was Alex gone, traveling around the country for months on end. Further away from her than he’d ever been. “Did you register for the Livingston Roundup?”

BOOK: Forever Cowboy (Montana Brides Book 5)
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