Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3 (14 page)

BOOK: Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3
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“Kiss my grits, you spoiled brat,” Abby shot back before marching up the stairs and getting into Jamal’s face, which wasn’t hard to do since he was about Abby’s height. “Someone needs to teach you manners.”

“Abigail,” Ahmed warned his daughter.

Jamal sneered at Abby. “Ahmed, take your daughter and punish her for disrespecting her prince.”

Zain shot his hand out and grabbed Ahmed’s shoulder. “Jamal,” Zain said with barely restrained anger. “Go inside. Get dressed. We need to have a talk with your father.”

“I’ll have her whipped for this disrespect,” Jamal spat as he reached back and slapped Abby across her cheek. Abby’s head snapped to the side, a small trickle of blood fell from her lip.

Zain and Nabi clutched Ahmed as he charged toward the stairs. The roar of anger sent chills down Zain’s back. Zain dug in his heels, but Ahmed still dragged both him and Nabi until Abby held up a single hand to her father, stopping him in his tracks.

“You think of touching me again and I’ll make sure you’ll never have children,” Abby threatened as everyone’s eyes traveled down to see the knife resting on Jamal’s royal jewels. “Now, be a man and listen to the truth. You are whining like a child having a tantrum. And if you can’t tell, everyone here is busy trying to make the world a better place. We don’t have time to wipe your nose. So how about you make your own damn breakfast, learn to be a damn leader, and while we’re at it, learn to treat women better, asshole.”

“You wouldn’t be so brave without that knife, you weak woman,” Jamal spat. Zain would have rolled his eyes if he weren’t so busy keeping Ahmed from regicide.

Abby shrugged her shoulders and tossed her knife into the ground, the blade buried in the ground at Ahmed’s feet. Then in a flash, she grabbed a handful of his chest hair and got in his face. Jamal let out a high-pitched wail as Abby shoved him to the ground.

“Are you sure weak is the right word? I’m pretty sure you’re the one who just screamed like a little girl. Now grow the hell up,” Abby said to Jamal as he crumpled to the ground with his hands covering his chest as he cried. “Now, grow a pair and learn to respect women, do right by your people, and cease your petulant whining,
Your Highness
.” Abby marched down the stairs, picked up her knife, and took her dad’s hand.

She leaned on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on her dad’s cheek. “Don’t worry, Daddy. I've got this. However, I think I may have to renounce my Rahmi citizenship. Good thing I’m a dual citizen, huh?”

Zain and Nabi tentatively released their white-knuckled hold on Ahmed who shifted his gaze from Jamal sitting on the porch rubbing his chest to his daughter. “After what I’m going to tell his father, you won’t be alone. Come on. Let’s go tell your mom that you made a prince cry. She’ll be so proud.”

Zain stepped back as Ahmed slung his arm over his daughter’s shoulder and kissed the top of her head. It was his turn now to have a few words with his cousin. Zain walked up the stairs, grabbed Jamal by the back of the neck, and pulled him upright.

“That bitch assaulted me! I’ll have her hung outside the palace!”

“Jamal, I’ll do something far worse than rip out some chest hair if you don’t shut up right now. Now get into the damn car.” Zain shoved him into the car and slammed the door. “Veronica, get my suit and one of Jamal’s. Bring them to my father’s office. We’ll call you when we’re ready for them. Thank you.”

“Any time.” Veronica grinned. “Scream like a girl,” she snorted.

Zain looked up to see Ahmed on the phone. All of a sudden, his voice raised and Abby looked at her father as if the world revolved around him. “And you tell that disgrace of a son if he so much as looks at my daughter the wrong way, I will introduce him to a level of pain he never knew existed.” Ahmed continued to walk away and Zain didn’t get to hear the rest of the conversation between Ahmed and the king.

Zain got into his car and held up his hand the second he heard Jamal open his mouth. “Not. A. Single. Word.”

In a matter of minutes, he had dragged Jamal into his father’s office. Mo was already on a video call with the king, and it didn’t appear to be going well. It certainly wouldn’t go well when Jamal was tossed in front of the camera with angry red marks on his chest where a missing piece of black-matted hair used to be.

“Father. I want them all arrested!” Jamal yelled when he saw his father.

“Shut up, Jamal,” his father said tightly. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

“His friend assaulted me! A Rahmi citizen attacked a prince!” Jamal accused.

“I said shut up!” the king bellowed. Jamal froze in mid-rant. “Ahmed called just now.”

“Don’t believe a word he said. That bitch threatened to cut off my balls,” Jamal protested.

“Oh, I didn’t talk to Ahmed first. He called your mother. She said Abby should have cut them off since no son of hers should ever hit a woman. By the time I got to the phone, your mother was about to board a plane to drag you back here where she could beat you herself! You’ve been married a year. How are you still alive acting like this? Mohtadi warned me not to coddle you, but your mother and I were so excited to have had you. Now your actions show me the error in my ways. You have two days to learn everything you can at the hands of your Uncle Mohtadi. When you return, if your attitude has not been corrected, then so help me, I will fly Ahmed over and let him beat some sense into you.” The king took a deep breath as Jamal looked from his own father to Zain’s. Both wore the same very unhappy expression.

“Mohtadi, if you don’t mind, can I have a private word with my son?”

Mo bowed his head. “Of course, brother.”

Zain and his father left the room. They didn’t say anything until the door was shut, and then there was the sound of raised voices coming from inside.

“What a mess,” Mo said as he shook his head. “Not that I blame Abby, but did she have to challenge him right then?”

“It’s my fault. I kept her out all last night. She’s tired and hungry. And you know how she hates whining. She saw everyone taking a tongue-lashing from Jamal and not being able to defend themselves. Her righteous side couldn’t take it. She just happened to get to him before I could. At that point, I had to hold on to Ahmed or risk becoming next in line for the Rahmi crown—something I don’t want.”

“You did the right thing. We all know Abby can handle herself, but it’s shocking just the same. She should never have to be afraid to speak her mind at her own home.” Mo let out a sigh. “I see Veronica has your suit. Go change and grab a quick bite to eat. Then meet me back here, and we can have our meeting sans Jamal.”



Mila practically skipped during the walk to the café. People smiled at her and she smiled back. She was even starting to learn some of their names. Since she wasn’t going to have time for breakfast, she’d grabbed a muffin at the B&B. She just wanted to get the farm tour over with. She couldn’t wait to see Zain again.

“Do you need a ride, Ms. Thiessen?” asked a young woman with shoulder-length honey-brown hair and eyes that would have been hazel had the outer ring been brown. Instead the centers of her eyes were a muted green, while the outer ring was cloud-gray.

“I do. And I’ll take it since you’re not Kale.”

Mila opened the door and hopped into the old pickup truck with a rifle hanging in the back window above a pink monogram. The young woman slid easily into the truck and started it up.

“So, how do you know who I am?” Mila asked.

The woman shrugged her spaghetti-strapped shoulder. “Everyone knows who you are. You’re the woman Zain spent the night with last night. The first that we’ve ever heard of, in fact. Usually he goes out of Keeneston for that sort of thing. I don’t see why, though. We all know he has sex. It’s not like he’s a twenty-nine-year-old virgin,” she snorted.

Mila’s smile froze. “You’re telling me everyone knows Zain spent the night with me?” she stuttered. “Damn texting tree, isn’t it?”

“What do you expect when Zain’s caught at the bottom of the tree by Miss Lily. He tried to show her the so-called squirrel he was saving, and she sees a pair of red panties. That’s too good not to text out.”

Mila had two choices: she could cry or she could laugh. She chose to laugh.

“Good, you have a sense of humor,” the young woman said with a smile on her pink lips. “Everyone said how much they like you. I’m glad I can add my name on to the list. I’m Greer Parker, by the way. You’ve already met my older brothers, Ryan and Jackson.”

Mila nodded. “I should have put it together with the eyes.”

“Yeah, they were freaky when I was younger. They were silver like Jackson’s and emerald green. Now that I’m older they’ve calmed down a bit, so it’s not as embarrassing.”

“Don’t be embarrassed. They’re beautiful. So, what are the chances my boss won’t find out about Zain spending the night with me?”

Greer shrugged. “It should be pretty good. We usually don’t say anything to outsiders.”

Mila cringed at the word
. She was one. She wasn’t part of this tight community. She wasn’t royal. She wasn’t . . .

“Stop. I can see the wheels spinning. You’re not an outsider,” Greer said kindly.

“Of course I am.”

“Nah, not when you love one of our own. That automatically makes you part of our group. You do love Zain, right? I mean, I’m twenty-one. I’m not naïve enough to think just because you have sex with someone means you’re in love with him, but you two just seem to be beyond that stage. Don’t tell my brothers I said that about casual sex, okay?”

Mila laughed. She had spent some time with Jackson. While he was incredibly nice, he didn’t appear to be the kind to accept the news of his sister having any kind of sex life. “I promise. I won’t say anything. And yes, I love him. I just need to keep it quiet until this job is done. Two more days. What can happen in two days, right?”

Mila took a deep breath as they pulled up to the main house. The chancellor and his assistant were already waiting. Mila thanked Greer and made a move to get out, but Greer stopped her. “Let me see your phone.”

Mila handed it to her and Greer typed away on her phone until a text appeared on Mila’s. Greer smiled and handed it to Mila. “See, you’re one of us now. Have a great day.”

Greer drove off and Mila looked down at her phone. She had been added to the Keeneston text tree. If the chancellor hadn’t been standing right there, she would have cried.

Guten Morgen
,” the chancellor greeted.

“Good morning!” Mila happily called out as she walked over to them. Today was going to be the best day of her life. “Are you looking forward to the tour?”

“Very much. Ah, here comes our tour guide.”

Mila turned and saw a blaze of mahogany hair driving an extended golf cart. The woman pulled to a stop in front of them and smiled brilliantly at the chancellor. At least, that’s what Mila thought she did. Her lips were so plump she couldn’t pull them all the way back to be able to expose her teeth. But then the woman turned to Mila and narrowed her eyes.

“Hi. I’m your hostess for this morning, Nikki Canter.”

Mila thought for a moment. That name sounded familiar. Where had she heard it?
Oh no
. She was the president of the Belles and the one Abby and Jackson had warned was after Zain. Great.

“Why don’t you sit up here with me, sir.” Nikki patted the spot on the bench next to her. Mila didn’t think the chancellor noticed, though. His eyes hadn’t moved from the ample display of overinflated breasts. With that much saline in there, it would be like the Hoover Dam breaking if one of those sprung a leak. “Your assistant and your secretary can sit in the back.”

Mila climbed in the second row and took her seat directly behind the chancellor so she could interpret everything Nikki was saying. They drove through the farm and stopped at various barns to see specific horses. It really was fascinating, and as much as Mila hated to admit it, Nikki was a great guide.

At last they made their way back to the main house. Mila breathed a sigh of relief. As Jackson said, they’d avoided an international disaster. Speaking of Jackson, he and Dylan were standing out front talking when the group arrived at the house. They saw Mila in the approaching group and Jackson sent her a smile. Dylan nodded his head.

As they stopped, Nikki’s head swiveled as if possessed to catch Mila mid-wave. “Seriously? What are you, some German strumpet? First Zain and now you have Jackson and Dylan eating out of your hand! I mean, we all know you put out for Zain, but are you putting out for the entire town of Keeneston?” Nikki followed it up with a very suggestive thrust of her hips and a gesture with her hands that had the chancellor blushing.

“Nikki!” Dylan snapped. Nikki and Mila both jumped. Even the chancellor stopped in his tracks. By the firm press of his lips, he had figured out enough of what Nikki was saying and wasn’t happy about it.

“What? We all know Zain won’t marry her. He needs a good woman used to leading philanthropies, who knows his farm, and understands his life to be his wife. Certainly not someone sleeping with half the town.”

“You’re a cold bitch, Nikki,” Jackson said, his eyes flaring silver steel.

Nikki smiled cunningly. “That didn’t stop you from wanting a little piece of Nikki.”

“That was when you were younger and less . . . fake. I certainly liked you a lot better then than I do now,” Jackson said with a hardness to his voice that let Mila see him now for the man he was—a rescuer. He held out his hand to Mila and she took it.

“Ms. Thiessen, I need a word in private,” the chancellor ordered as he walked by, expecting her to follow.

Nikki smiled victoriously. “Aww, I don’t speak German, but it sounds like you’re in trouble.”

“Stuff it, Nikki. That is if you can find your mouth under those over-injected lips,” Dylan threatened softly.

Nikki just shrugged as the insult rolled off her. “You wouldn’t believe what I can do with my mouth. Stop by and find out. But you’d better hurry before Zain and I get together. And I do believe he will have an opening for the girlfriend position in a matter of minutes.”

Jackson put his arm over Mila’s shoulder. She knew he could feel her shaking. Instead, he just shook his head and turned Mila toward the house. “Forget her. Zain cares for you. We all know that. I’ll be right outside the door. Just call if you need me.”

Mila looked up and saw that they were in front of the sitting room reserved for the German chancellor. His assistant was sitting outside in the hall, looking irritated that he wasn’t inside to see the fireworks. With a deep breath, Mila walked into face the chancellor.


Zain thanked Veronica for his suit. She looked nervously at the office door when Jamal flung it open and stomped into the hallway. Zain took one look at the vicious expression on Jamal’s face and took the other suit from Veronica. “I’ll give it to him. You can head back to your office and get everything ready for the panels today. Thank you, Veronica,” Zain said softly as she handed him Jamal’s suit.

Zain took a calming breath and turned to his pouting cousin. “Here’s your suit. Take a moment to gather yourself and change. I know you’re angry right now, but we are family and we will always support each other.”

Jamal didn’t look like he believed him. Instead his face flushed a deeper red. “Stop lying. I’m so sick of you—the golden boy. The one who will save Rahmi’s future with some international laboratory. The one who has beer with the masses. Yeah, I know all about that. The one my father tells me to be more like. The one the citizens want as king. No. Don’t deny it. You’ve seen the polls. Well, I’ll show you. And I’ll show the people, and I’ll show my father. I will be the greatest king Rahmi has ever seen. And you will be nothing.”

“I hope so,” Zain said quietly.

“I know so. And you can forget about that stupid lab. I’m going to be the one to save Rahmi. Not you,” Jamal snatched the black suit from Zain’s hands and stormed back into the office. The sound of the door slamming echoed up the hallway.

How was it still morning and he was already exhausted? He needed to get cleaned up and meet with his father if he was going to see Mila before the conferences started. She was the only bright spot on the day so far.

“Kareem,” Zain called out when he saw his assistant heading his way.

“Yes, sir?” Kareem was straightening the tie to his black suit. He had probably just changed as well after the morning’s spectacle.

“I need to meet with King Omar of Tahjad today. Things got a little heated when I talked to him last night. Can you set up lunch with him? And call your father. See if there’re any bargaining chips I can use to get Tahjad to agree to stop the piracy.”

“Right away,” Kareem said, giving a slight bow of his head before pulling out his cell phone and hurrying away.

“Not the best start to the day, huh?” Matt Walz, the Kentucky state trooper asked as he met up with Zain at his office door along with Deacon.

Zain pushed open the door to the office that connected to his father’s. He went inside with Matt and Deacon following him. “You all want some breakfast?”

“No thanks. I’m just here for my shift to guard your scrawny ass. Although, from what Miss Lily said, someone doesn’t find it scrawny,” Deacan teased.

“I especially like the rescued squirrel part. Where is the critter?” Matt asked as he looked around the office.

“Wyatt is working on him back at my house. And someone needs to take away Miss Lily’s phone. Do you know she tweeted out a picture of my ass dangling from the tree this morning?” Zain told them as he picked up the phone and quickly asked the kitchen to deliver some breakfast.

Matt snickered. “Prince saves Squirrel. I saw it. At least she didn’t mention Mila in the public post. Last time I looked, it had close to ten thousand retweets.”

“Just what I need today,” Zain complained as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“Whoa, I don’t need to see that scrawny ass the twitter universe is enjoying right now. I’ll be outside the door. Shout if you need anything,” Deacon said in mock horror and hurried from the room.

“What about you?” Zain asked.

“I don’t particularly want to see your ass either. Mila, on the other hand—”

“I meant, what do you need, Matt?”

“I wanted to let you know there will be an increased trooper presence on the grounds today. Ahmed called us in after your car accident, and he decided to up the patrols of the boundary fence lines. I’ll be checking on them and reporting back here, so I’ll be in and out all day. Text if you need anything. Also, the guys are meeting at the café around eight tonight after things shut down if you want to join us,” Matt told him as he placed his hat on his head.

“Great. Thank you. And I’ll try to meet up with you all if things calm down enough here,” Zain said, kicking off his shoes.

Matt closed the door after him, and Zain kicked off his pants before turning to the far end of the room. He headed over to the window and looked out the back part of the farm. The rain had cleared and the sun was out. The green grass was an emerald carpet over the rolling hills lined with black fences for as far as he could see. The gardens in the back overlooked the pastures, and Zain took a moment to refocus on the day.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The feel of the metal gun muzzle to the back of his neck caught him by surprise. But by the rate the day was going it shouldn’t have.

“You think you can do anything you like? Well, you can’t,” the disguised voice stated in accented English. Zain went to turn around but the gun pressed harder against his neck.

“Well, you’re the one who has a gun on a man in his skivvies, so why don’t you tell me what it is you want,” Zain said as calmly as he could. He was not having a good day.

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