Forever and a Day (43 page)

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Authors: Alexis Konsantino

BOOK: Forever and a Day
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He sighed with guilt. He wondered if it was because Halo was sleeping wrapped around him or that he enjoyed it immensely. The feeling he felt he could only describe as magical.


Evie always slept as if she was on guard. There was no touching her, even when she was sound asleep. Sometimes he would play a little game: he would stretch his foot out and touch her leg. Sure as hell, even in a deep sleep she would edge away. It was a good way to get most of their queen sized bed to himself. What he really had wished for all the years with Evie, was what was going on here—right this moment with Halo Raines. It was so not fair and he knew he was enjoying this way too much. He slowly and quietly extricated himself from her embrace.


She was so out of it, she did not even twitch or respond to being moved. He sat there for a several moments watching her. Shaking his head at himself, he inched his way out of the tent then stood up and stretched in the warm late morning sun. He glanced around, and the sight before him struck him as idyllic.


The island was beautiful. Idyllic, indeed he decided. He looked northwest once again and still saw no evidence of a fire in the direction of the other island. Thinking about a fire, he went to the fire pit, tossed in some wood along with some kindling, and dried grasses. Soon he had a nice little fire was going then set out for the loo.


Coming back, he poked his head in the tent and saw that Halo had not moved from where he left her. He checked their supplies: food was good for several days or more, and water was fine for now. He looked up at the nearest coconut tree and saw it was full, another good sign.


He sat down and decided that the first order after taking care of Halo would be to set up a rainwater collection system. He had the one from the raft, but needed more. He looked to the dense foliage behind the camp and saw several broad leafed trees, “That’ll do nicely.” He muttered.


Next would be to use the fishing lines and tackle provided by the raft’s emergency gear. What would work better, he thought, would be a fish trap. That way he could leave trapped fish alive in the traps until he needed them. He made a mental note on what he would need.


He began digging in the food bag, found some Japanese branded ramen cups, and decided this would be breakfast for him and Halo.


Grabbing a rainwater bottle he opened it and made sure it was completely topped off, then he gingerly set it in the flames to heat. Opening a packet of jerky, he pulled out several pieces, cut them up and placed them in a bowl. Digging in the bag further, he found a box of individual instant Starbucks coffee packets and readied one for them to share.


It took several minutes for the water bottle to heat up. Using a stick, he pulled it out of the fire to cool. Using a dishcloth as protection from the heat, he opened the bottle and poured hot water into two of the ramen cups, then the rest went into a bowl for the coffee. When the ramen was ready, he placed everything on a tray and headed into the tent.


“Halo!” He said rubbing her gently. Her beautiful blue eyes slowly came open and she gave him a smile.


“Good morning.” She whispered.


Her smile was infectious and he grinned back, “How are you feeling?”


“A little better… back is still achy. Wait! Is that coffee?” She whispered with her eyes opening wide.


“It is. I made ramen for breakfast. You need the carbs and for added protein, some beef jerky. Ok?”


“You are the one doing the cooking… no complaints.” She whispered, still smiling.


“Are you always this happy when you wake up?” He laughed and watched her shrug at him, “Can I help you eat? Or are you stronger?”


Halo tried to sit up and she shook her head, “Wow. So weak… if you don’t mind?” She asked shyly.


“No worries!” He smiled and helped prop her up against her suitcase. He held the bowl with coffee first to her lips, “I added powdered flavored creamer.”


“Mmm.” She moaned as the hot coffee filled her mouth, “So good.”


After her sips of coffee, Xander fed her all of her breakfast. Then she watched him eat as a hundred questions filled her mind to ask him. She held back and let him finish his food in peace before asking him her request, “I hate to ask…”


“Loo time?” He smiled.


“Yeah… I’m so sorry. Not the way I want you to picture or remember me…” She whispered looking down at her hands.


Xander had the urge to reach out and hold her, but stayed put. “Halo, you never need to worry about that. Even when you were deathly sick, you still looked gorgeous. I really don’t get how, but it is what it is. You will always be beautiful to me.” Oh shit, he thought as he failed to catch the last of his words.


“I will?” She asked looking up with her eyes at him.


“Yes.” He felt his ears get hot, “Uh let me clear this away and I’ll come and get you.” He saw her nod at him and he left the tent with the tray. Soon he was back and kneeling in front of her, he took her up in his arms and carried her out of the tent.


“So pretty out here.” She whispered, “Sun is going to kill my skin though…”


“I can help you with your sunscreen and I saw some hats in your bag.” He offered as he carried her across the white sand.


“Would you? Thank you.” She squinted in the bright sunlight, “You see my sunglasses too?”


“Yes. Sorry once again. I don’t like looking in women’s purses, but I needed to know what we have.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll just go through… your stuff later… we’ll be even!” She giggled.


“Deal.” He smiled, “Ok. Here we are. How do you want to proceed?”


“Same as yesterday… I guess.” She thought she could get her panties down by herself, but she liked his hands on her skin so she deferred.


She felt his hands come under the blanket and brush over her hips and slid them down as she leaned against him. She could feel the rapid beat of his heart against her chest. God, his hands felt good...


“Ok?” He asked and she gave him a nod as he set her on the seat and covered her. He held on to her and began whistling ‘Never on Sunday’ as loud as he could. Once again, he felt her relax in his grip on her upper arm. Then she began to tense up and he waited for her to speak.


“All done.” She whispered hoarsely. She saw his free hand come back to her holding two opened moist towelettes, “Thanks…”


Xander kicked sand into the hole then turned around and with a nervous smile asked, “Uh, panties?”


“Yes please.” She felt his hands tremble as he brought them up, “Thank you. I’d like to change them later?” She asked in a soft whisper in his ear.


“Oh… ok.” He replied and made sure her blanket was secured around her then scooped her up into his arms.


Halo rested her head next to his neck on their trip back, she could smell salt, sweat and smoke, her belly began to warm as she continued to inhale his scent.


“You think you can handle more fire cupping when we get back?”


“Oh, of course.” She replied thinking of his hands on her again.


“Cool. Afterwards I need to scout around and get the rainwater collectors set up. Will you be ok if I am gone for an hour or so?”


“I’m exhausted from just eating and going potty. I just want to sleep…” She whispered in his ear.


“You need your rest. I don’t hear you coughing as much…”


“I still feel like my lungs are heavy, but I think your cupping is helping.”


“I hope so, it’s all I got but you do sound better, that’s for sure.” He said with relief in his voice.


Halo reminded herself how fortunate she was to have him here taking care of her. She felt like she could trust him with anything, which was beyond rare for her. She smiled and enjoyed the ride back to camp. A warm feeling filled her heart, it felt good… it would be nice if they had some time together… at least for little while yet, she thought. She hoped with all her heart, JJ and the others were alive and rescued. She said a silent prayer then pushed the thoughts of JJ away for now, as it began to make her tear up.


“Here you go.” Xander said, and set her down in the tent, “I’ll go get the cups ready?”


“Of course.” She whispered to him. She watched him leave and she tried to brush her fingers through her hair but her arms felt like lead weights. She sighed and prayed she looked ok. Xander came into the tent with a stick topped with one of her cotton balls. She watched as he busily got his things ready, “Ok, to lay you on your front?”


“Ok.” She smiled and she felt his strong hands help her turn to her belly. He gently pulled down the blanket to her waist, “If you need, go ahead and undo my bra…” She heard a slight intake of his breath.


“Uh… it would make it a bit easier.”


She felt his hand tremble but in one smooth move, he had her bra snap undone and she felt him gently lay the straps to her side. She heard him wet his hands with her baby oil and he began to rub it into her back.


My God his hands felt amazing, she thought with her insides going all warm. She let out a sigh when his hands went to her aching lower back.


“Too hard?” He asked.


“Uh… it feels good… where my back hurts.” She felt his fingers rub gently right over where she had strained her muscles, “Oh, yes.” Escaped her lips.


“I feel it, you have quite a bit of tension in there. I—I uh can… never mind.” He said trailing off.


This piqued her curiosity, “No, it’s ok. What?” She whispered.


He paused for a moment, “Well I can do what is called acupressure…”


“Oh, yes I’ve had that done.” She whispered hopefully.


“Uh, well what I do… it’s a little different.” He mumbled under his breath.


“How?” She asked.


“I was wondering how to explain it. What I learned is called Kiatsu. Kind of like Reiki. It is like acupressure but with Ki or Chi as you may know it. It’s how we helped people with illnesses and injuries. It’s quite amazing…”


“Oh, I know a little about Chi, why don’t you want to try it? Is it me?”


“Uh… kinda. Not in a bad way…”


“Xander, you got me confused. Please try… if you think it will help.”


“Well… ok. I’ll just keep it under a few minutes.” He paused, “If it feels weird or too hot, let me know and I’ll stop.”


“Of course, silly.” She whispered.


She felt his palms lightly pass over her injured back. Then she heard him start to breathe in deep rhythmic breaths. She felt herself wanting to breathe along with him, but her lungs would not allow it. Then his fingers began gently pressing down above where her back hurt. The pressure was constant and timed—then suddenly she felt a rush of little tingles shoot through her. Her breath caught and she did her best to stay still. The tingles soon were accompanied by a wafting feeling of warmth… it was odd but it felt so good.


She felt him work around her injured back down to the top of her panties and that is where his fingers stopped. She willed him to go lower as the warmth began spreading down from her belly… she felt his fingers come away and then he started ever so gently pressing directly where it hurt with a thumb from each hand. The feeling was different now, she could feel the muscle getting really warm under his thumbs. The warmth in her belly was still there, but it was now more subdued.


She wished he would do this to her all day… then a thought snuck into her conscious: if he can make me feel like this, what would sex be like? Her eyes opened wide at the thought and then his fingers came away from her.


“You ok?” He asked quietly.


“Um… yes, very. That was amazing, Mr. Mystery man. Thank you…”

“So you were fine with it? You didn’t feel weird or anything?” He asked uncertainly.

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