Forever After (5 page)

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Authors: Miranda Evans

BOOK: Forever After
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“That sounds great. I wish I could make it, but I guess I'll have to take a rain check. Have a drink for me, though.”


“Yeah, you got it. And hey, if you finish early, just go ahead and meet us up at the bar anyway. We're going to be at Hobbie's.”




“Yeah, you know the place?”


“Yeah, I've been there a couple times.”


“Well great, then you know where it is. We're going to head out early though. It can be hard to get a good seat and it seems like every time we go there, we always run into the same girl. She takes our usual spot and just hits on all the guys in sight. Her name's Krysta or something.”


“Wow, she sounds like a real B.”


“You can say that again. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, eh? I'm going to head out.”


“Okay, bye Cheryl.”


And with that Cheryl left. Not long after, other employees started to pack up and leave for the day. Leah sat patiently, pretending to be backed up with work. In truth, she actually was a little behind. She couldn't help it; all she could think about was Brian. And as some of the older and less mobile employees took their sweet time getting up and out of the bank, Leah began to get more and more impatient: Another trait that was very unlike her.


Finally, the bank was cleared out. Leah was the only one still working, sitting at her cubicle. By this time she had actually finished her work. Now she was playing the waiting game. She looked over at Brian's big, heavy office door but it didn't budge. Had he already left without her seeing him go? Was she just sitting here wasting her time? Perhaps he forgot what he had told her and now she was just lazing about here like a fool. These things course through our heads when we're unsure of our feelings about somebody and Leah was no different. Ten minutes passed by, which felt like an eternity to Leah, and still he hadn't come out of his office, if he was even still in there.


As Leah sighed and started to collect her belongings, she heard a creak. It was the oak door and as it opened, she could see Brian walking out and scanning the horizon of the cubicles. He looked as if he had used the shower in his office to clean up at the end of the day. His beautiful coat and shirt were gone and replaced by a white tank top. Leah saw that his body was even more impressive without the trappings of the business suit that he was forced to wear for his work. The tank top straps looked paltry and small over his big, broad shoulders. His arms looked like they were sculpted by Michelangelo: The ropy, sinewy muscles looked like they could carry her across any threshold in the world and still have plenty of strength to hold her down and make passionate love to her. His hair was also unkempt, as if he had just gotten out of the shower. There was no holding gel in the hair. It looked wild and untamed like a young mustang in the American Southwest. But it didn't make him look any less regal. On the contrary, it made him seem more fiery and provocative.


After seeing that the place was virtually empty, he finally landed his eyes on Leah, looking meek and shy in her cubicle. The big, vast, expansive bank was bereft of a soul except for the two of them. To Leah, it felt as if the office was the universe and they were the only two people in it. She mused that, if it were actually true, it would truly be a blessing.


They locked eyes and just stared at each other for a moment. Brian flashed his beautiful, perfect smile and began to walk over to her. But this time, Leah wasn't nervous or scared or intimidated. That part of her life was over. She was still excited, of course; her heart was still racing and it felt like it was going to explode through her rib cage. Her veins still pumped ice water and her throat and mouth still felt as dry as the Sahara. But this time, something was different. These physical reactions weren't coming out of a place of fear. She wasn't afraid or reticent. Her pulse was pounding through pure, raw, unadulterated passion. She wanted Brian to come toward her. And so he did. He came closer and closer, and as he grew larger in her view, she saw how truly attractive he was. He wasn't just a handsome man. He was a handsome man who wanted her to experience all the majesty that the human body is capable of. He was the man to do it, too, and he was coming closer, and closer.........


Chapter 8



Before Brian made it all the way to her cubicle, Leah had a brief moment to think about all that had happened that day. Earlier, before she had gone into work, Brian had been a man who she was attracted to and who was very kind and generous to her. She would have said that she admired his character more than his person, despite the fact that he was handsome and rich. But that was before the event in his office. After that, Leah could never go back to the way she was. Not completely. And how cruel and crushing it was when Cheryl had interrupted them with the worst-timed door knocking in human history.


But that didn't matter now. There was no Cheryl, there was no Crystal. It was just Leah and Brian. And after what seemed like forever, he was standing there right in front of her. She rose up slowly and stood face to face with him. Her lip was quivering – she couldn't help it.


“Hi Leah, I'm sorry I took so long.” said Brian. “I was tied up with the Dover account. I'll probably have to go out there this week.”


“Oh, it's okay. I had some catching up to do with work anyway. I mean, I finished all my....”


But before she could finish, Brian wrapped his hands around her waist and brought her in for a passionate kiss. This time Leah wasn't just a recipient. She kissed him back, hard. And what's more, she responded by putting her arms around him and caressing his muscular, sculpted back. Brian smiled.


“My lady is already learning.” he said. And then he lifted her with ease and set her on her desk. The phone and some papers slid off and he joined her atop the desk, ripping her shirt off and crawling on top of her. Leah's supple breasts heaved with her breath as he kissed her collarbone, slowly moving down to her soft, fleshy orbs. He began to kiss them and Leah marveled at how much more intense this experience was than when he was rubbing her nipples with her fingers, which itself was incredibly sensual. Brian's tongue felt heavenly as the wet warmth slapped against her erect nipples. As he took a nipple in his mouth, he began to stroke her other breast, and then switched so that Leah could feel the invigorating throb of pressure in each nipple.


He began to start moving his head down, kissing her stomach and navel as he went along. Leah responded by rubbing on her own breasts, which caused Brian to smile. “Yes, that's the way,” he said. “I want you to feel incredible, Leah. You deserve it.”


With that, he slid down her pants and panties. Leah was lying stark naked on her desk – the desk that had only been hers for a couple weeks. Brian pulled her legs up so that her feet rested on the end of the desk and began to kiss around her vulva. Already it was swelled with blood and ready for action. But still, despite the obvious visual signs, Leah shivered and was afraid. Brian, always one step ahead of her, knew that she was uncomfortable.


“Leah, what's wrong?”


“Oh it's's just that I'm.....not used to this sort of thing.”


“Oral sex?”


“Well, yes. I mean I'm familiar with it but I've never been overly comfortable with the idea.”


“That's because you've never had anybody who dedicated themselves to your pleasure. Now, relax.”


As he said this, he spread her labia and moved his face forward so that Leah could feel his warm, soothing breath on her pink, velvety flesh. Her fears and nervousness seemed to vanish in the way of his presence. Without even realizing it, she moved her hands down to his head and began to grab tufts of his rich, luxuriant hair. Then it happened. Brian's kisses moved closer and closer to her clitoris and Leah closed her eyes as the entire world melted away. It was as if an invisible narcotic fog slowly wafted all the way up, through her vagina into every muscle, nerve ending and sinew in her body. Her brain began to unleash dopamine throughout her system at the same time that her pussy started to slowly soak the desk under her.


She looked down and saw his peaceful green eyes. They connected with hers and there was a split-second of a moment where the two felt an immaculate bond of pure, raw, visceral human togetherness. Leah had never felt anything close to this sensation and it was almost too much for her. As he increased the pressure of his tongue on her clit, he slid his fingers inside her. Leah reeled and tried to squirm out of it. But Brian held her there, keeping her steady so that every ounce of his master plan could come to fruition within her untainted, perfect vulva.


Leah began to moan and tried to stifle it. She put her hand to her mouth, squeaking out a little chirp of glee. But Brian reached up with his other arm and took her hands, bringing them back down to her breasts. She began to stroke her nipples and within seconds she started to feel a sensation that was more intense, more visceral, than anything she had ever felt.


The warm, pleasurable, sensual feeling that she was already experiencing at Brian's skilled hands was incredible enough. But now this physical rumbling that was gradually building up inside her was trembling toward a boiling point. As shivers coursed through Leah's body, she spasmed out moans of sheer rapture, curling her toes and using her thigh muscles to wrap Brian's head close, her hands now pushing his face deeper and deeper into her pussy. And then, finally, the explosion. The fireworks show inside her brain had saved its best for last and her screams of angelic splendor echoed throughout the empty bank office. So this was an orgasm. This magical, almost storybook feeling of wonder. How had she never experienced this up until now? It seemed like minutes went by in that small blink of an eye – that second of pure viscera stretched out like a seismic storm that immediately washed away an entire life of sexual inadequacy.


Leah unleashed a torrent of pleasure onto Brian's waiting face, her thighs a vice grip that clamped him to her, begging him never to part from that spot. As he rose, Leah could see the glistening strands of womanhood that still connected him to her quivering, exhausted pussy. It was at this moment that she saw him for what he truly was: The first man who ever dedicated himself to giving her pleasure, seeing to her needs first. Her breath was heavy and her body was spent. She laid her head back down, too tired to move. Brian crawled back on top of her and kissed her mouth. She could still taste herself on his tongue and lips. It was slightly sweet and she surprised herself at the way she greedily kissed him, sharing her fluid with him, doing anything to further this connection, this kinship she felt with him. He looked lovingly into her eyes.


“Was this the first orgasm you've ever had?”


She couldn't even speak. She just nodded while gazing longingly into his eyes. Brian responded with a warm, gentle laugh.


“Well, I won't take you any further today. I don't think you can quite handle it yet.”


Chapter 9



The rest of the night was a strange, beautiful blur. Leah had gotten dressed quietly, sharing meaningful glances with Brian. As they walked out together, he embraced her and they kissed in the parking lot, the dark night illuminated by the street lights.


“So do you have any plans for tonight?” he asked.


“Well, I told Crystal that I'd hang out with her for a bit.”


“Ah, I see. Well, it can't be helped. Still, I'd like you to call me before you go to bed, if you'd like.”


“Of course. And....thank you.”


“No need to thank me. Thank you for sharing that incredible body with me. I can still taste you on my tongue.”


This caused Leah to swell up with passion again, but she stilled herself and kissed him once more, then got into her car and drove home. When she went to sleep that night, she was still thinking about the magical experience, and for a few moments she considered masturbating. But she stopped herself. It simply would have paled in comparison to the way he made her feel that evening, and she would be left wanting.


The following day, she paid a call on Crystal as she had promised. Crystal was at her apartment, playing music and already a bit tipsy. Leah walked in and immediately Crystal noticed something was different about her.


“There's something that has changed about you,” she said, “but I can't quite put my finger on it.”


“I just got a good night's sleep is all, I think” replied Leah.

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